HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-06-23, Page 3THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1960 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THREE. -AT- THIEL'S SUPE E IOR FOD MA';KET OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Friday & Saturday Evenings Tin 10 p.m. PHONE 140 ZURICH YORK GOLDEN DEW � V AN CAMP STOKELY'S Kam Luncheon Margarine Meat Beans With Pork Tomato Juice 5 lbs. �- $1.00 4 tins for $1 �00 7 tins $1.00 3 tins $1.00 BUY NOW! KLEENEX -m Reg. or Chubby, G b:xes MAPLE LEAF LEAF STOKELY'S Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon 2 tins --$1.Q0 Pineapple -- -- Grapefruit 3 -- 48 oz. tins $1 21141101111111, WHITE SWAN AYLMER 3-16oz. 'ars ®$1 Toilet Tissue 8 lige® rolls -- $1 Tomato or Vege- table Soups 8 tins -- $LOO SWIFTS Tempt g Food 13 tins -$1.00 WESTON'S COOKIES Pound Assorted 3 bs®-® 1 0 ELLMARR eanut Butter 16 oz. Tars 3 for $1.00 Cigarettes VMS ALL POPULAR BRANDS _ 20's .- 3 pkgs. $1.00 fi ELECTRIC LIGHT ULBS, 25-40-6 ORANGE JUICE, 6 oz. erns, 2 for 35c FRENCH FRIES, 9 oz. pkg. 2 for 35c Lemonade, Tip Top, 6 oz tin -2 for 25c SCIINEIDEPR'OS PURE RK SAUSAGE, 2 Ibs. — 89c SCEIINENT INIDRER'S KDLESS BACON, Ib. — 49c MINCED HAM, Ib. - 59c CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS, Ib -- 59c W E tt, 5 for mPICI $1 Looks Mier. TU' BANANAS Loose Pack 3 Ibs. 29c Sunkist ORANGES, 3 dozen -- 79c LEMONS -- 6 for 25c BONELESS -- TENDER Sugar and Spice (Continued from Page Two) With no visible decrease in sta- mina. He has the world by the tail, a car on a down payment, a girl in every resort town, noth- ing in the bank, and little more in his head, aside from a pretty good opinion of himself. Summertime was made for him. * * Let's take a look at the same operator 15, years later. What? It can't be! Not that flabby, worn - looking remnant coming home from work on a summer evening with his shirt all stuck to him, and the martyr's expression. Watch him as he picks up the tricycle from the front -walk, surveys the lawn dejectedly, goes into the house and heads straight for the refrigerator. It's the same guy all right. Only now he's in what is known as "the prime of life." * * v He's at the age when he's "get- ting established." This means he's working himself silly at the office or the factory, so he can keep up the payments on the house, so he can come home and acquire him- self a coronary cutting the lawn. He has children, a mortgage, and six payments to go on his car. His wife doesn't appreciate him. At his age, it doesn't matter whether it's summer or winter. * * * When a man gets into the 60's, summer should be a time of peace and leisure pleasure. By that time he should be able to take plenty of holidays, go fishing when he feels the urge, or just sit on the porch and rock, if that's his pleasure. Over the years, he has learned how to handle his wife and his life, or should have. His children. are grown up and moved away. So what does he get? Grandchildren. Hordes of them, It's too hot in the city for the poor little things, so their mzunmy bring them up to visit granny and grandad. For the whole, horrible summer, they ru- in his siesta, trompie his flower beds, wreek his power mower, and make him drive them out for a swim, on days when the sun would stun an ox. * Yes, summer is all things to all men, depending on their age. For the women, of course, it's differ- ent. They love summer. Whether they're 3 or 83, they go around with prfictically nothing on. They cut the cooking to soup and peanut butter sandwiches. And they have rests in the cool of the house dur- ing the afternoon, so they'll be fresh when Dad comes home and they're ready to be taken for a swim or a picnic. u.- Hensall Salic Prices Choice steers, $23 to $24.40; good steers, 22 to 22.50; medium, 20.50 to 21.50; choice heifers, 20.50 to 21.50; good heifers, 19.50 to 20; medium heifers, 18.50 to 19.25; good choice cows, 16 to 17.50; good cows, 14.75 to 15.50; medium, 12.50 to 14.25; bulls; 17 to 17.50; choice veal, 29.50 to 32.50; med- ium, 23 to 28.50; choice stockers, 21.50 to 24; medium, 19.50 to 22.30; bob calves, 12.50 to 35; farm calves, 35 to 71.50; weanling pigs, 10.25 to 11.50; chunks; 12.50 to 15.50; feeders, 16.25 to 22.50; boars, 28 to 34; sows, 56 to 83. DRAIN TILE AND SEPTIC TANKS SOLD & INSTALLED WATER LINES — FOUNDATIONS — BULLDOZING — LAWN ROLLING — CALL — BOB ROWCLIFFE PHONE 678R31 — HENSALL 111110111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION CALF FED ON PURINA CHOWS —BY— JIM HOFFMAN It takes a good calf, good feed and a good feeder to make a champion. Congratulations to Jimmy Hoffman who fed and raised the above champion calf in the Hensall Calf Club. Champions eau only be, claimed by a few. Purina is proud that both Grand Champion calves in the above club were fed Purina Steer Fatena, proof without doubt that Purina produces the necessary TOP FINISH and BIG DAILY GAINS at LOW COST. CANN'S MILL LTD. EXETER NDN N NM%