HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-06-16, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1960 PERS Sunday visitors \rich their moth er, Mrs, Theresa Hartman. were Mr, and Mrs. Louis Farwell an family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Hartman and family; Mr. and Mrs Victor Hartman and family; 141 and Mrs. Greg Fleming and fa ily, Crediton; Michael Hartman Toronto; and Miss Yvonne Denom- me, Bluewater Highway. Jerome Geoffrey, Arthur Miller, George Suplat, Ronald and Larry Bedard motored to Detroit over the week end to attend the gra- duation of Thomas Bedard from Sacred Heart High School at Rose- ville, Michigan. Mr. Albon Smith, of Brownvale Alberta, is visiting with reatives and friends for a time before re- turning home. It is 11 years since he visited these parts, and he no- tices quite a change, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mittelhoitz were: Mr, Albon Smith, Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Mittelholtz and fa- mily, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mittelholtz, Exeter, Mrs, Charles Hagen and Mary, London. Mr. and Mrs, John Glavin and family, Clandeboye, Mr. and Mrs, Hubert McKeever and family, Mt, Carmel, and Mrs. John Glavin, Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCann. NALS - Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Vickers, of Drumhiller, Alberta, were visitors d with relatives and friends in the dl Zurich and Dashwood districts last . week. r Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oxland, and nn family, Kitchener, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Miss Meda Surerus and Miss Jean McKaig, Toronto were vi- sitors with relatives and friends in Zurich over the week end. Miss Marlene Wagner, Kitch- ener, and Orval Ullerick, London, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Len Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hess and family, Scarborough, spent the week end in Zurich at the home of the former's mother, Mrs, Mary Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut spent the week end in Birming- ham, Michigan, with the tatter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Gru- nau. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel spent the week end in Brantford, visiting with their daughter, Di- anne. Harold Thiel is confined to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, with a dislocated disc in the ver- tebrae, which occurred while wor- king at Dashwood. He was atten- ded by Dr. Gulens. Miss Erla Hay, London, spent .the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hay, Ronnie Hartman spent a few days with his grandmother in Zur- ich, Rev. W. P. Fischer and Mr. George Deichert attended the an- nual Lutheran Synod meeting in Kitchener last week. 14Iiss Joyce Bierling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bierling, Zurich, appeared on the television program, "Romper Rooin" at Lon- don cast week. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hay were: Miss Kay Hay, Exeter, Mrs. James Howe and Bobbie, London, G. M, MacDonald, Winnipeg, and D. A. MacDonald, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. James Hackett, of St, Catherines, were week end vi- sitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinback. Their two chidren, Linda and Douglas, who had been visiting in Zurich re- turned home with them. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and son, Cyril. were last Thursday night visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Aus- tin Hartman in Goderich. They al- so called on. Mr. Oscar Ducharme, who is convalescing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Bedard. e Brownie Revel Held At Cedargrove Park Sunny skies favoured First Zur- ich Brownie Pack in tis role as host to the Annual District Brow- nie Revel which was held at Cedar - brook Park on Saturday after- noon. The First and Second Packs from Exeter and First Hensall Pack attended. In recognition of the presence of Division Commissioner, Miss L, Siegner, the Brown Owls, Tawny Owls, and Brownies raised the Grand Howl. After opening cere- monies, Brown Owl Gaseho and Tawny Owl O'Brien magiced the Brownies into four Indian tribes, complete with featured headbands, A treasure hunt followed. Story time was conducted by Tawny Owl Cook, of Hensall, when she related an Indian legend. Game Time saw participation by all, with each Pack responsible for conducting one game. A picnic lunch was enjoyed by s; ty-seven Brownies and eight leaders. A cold drink was supplied. by the Zurich Local Association. A spontaneous sing -song, fol- lowed by "God Save the Queen" and Brownie Taps, brought the Re- vel to a close around the huge Toadstool. Miss Siegner thanked the host ' pack and Leaders and announced next year's Revel will be held at Hensall. Sincere thanks to Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch for the use of the lovely park, from the First Zurich Brownie Pack. .a•axsV.^ as.: -. amu:^.0 i f f 0 Buy Aim Some For Father's Day I f SPORT SHIRTS, wide asst, Si .69 UP FOR SUMMER WEAR MEN'S SHORTS, S -M -L, ONLY $3.25 COTTON — BROADCLOTH COOL SUMMER MA AS, $2.98 UP TES - TIES - TIES SEE OUR WIDE ASSORTMENT FROM $1.00 UP Belts — Socks --- Sweaters Buy "Dad" A Gift He Will Appreciate -- FROM --- GASCHO BROS. PHONE 59 r ...., ., ....._. r ....- ZUR,ICH HAWKINS ROM St. Peter's Cathedral, Lon- don, was the setting on Sat- urday, June 4, at 10.00 a.m:; when Letitia Marie Ducharme, Zurich, and Harvey Stuart Hawkins, London, exchanged marriage vows before Rev. Father D. J. McMaster, The bride is the daughter of Mr. William Ducharme, and the late Mrs. Ducharme, Zur- ich, and the groom is the son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Fre- derich Hawkins, London. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father, and was lovely in a floor length gown of chantilly lace and nylon tul- le over slipper satin. The fit- ted bodice of chantilly lace was beautifully embroidered at the Sabrina neckline with irridescent sequins and seed pearls, The bouffant skirt of nylon tulle featured a wide overlay of chantilly lace in diamond design all around. The jewelled tiara held the French illusion veil with it's chantilly Mace motifs, studded with sequins and seed pearls. The bride was carrying a bou- quet of red roses. Bridal attendants were Miss Joan Lane, as matron of hon- our, ancl Miss Pierette Fillion, as bridesmaid. They both wore identical dresses, ballerina length net over taffeta in col- ours of pink and blue in or- der of appearance, both car - TOP PRICES PAID FOR . CREAM ® EGGS ® POULTRY Give Us A Call! GTE's PR Via. r4 UCE Phone 101 — Zurich DUCHARME rying bouquets of pink carna- tions. Mr. Adrian Ducharme, bro- ther of the bride, was grooms- man and Mr. Andrew Du- aharme, brother of the bride, ushered. For a wedding trip to Que- bec City, the bride chose as her travelling costuine, a black and white checked suit with white accessories and a cor- sage of white carnations. The couple will reside in London. 0 Summer Services Will Be Held At Drive -In Theatre A meeting was held at the Dash- wood E.U.B. Church on Tuesday, June 14, with ministers and lay- men from various churches at- tending. The purpose of the meet- ing was to form an organization for, the holding of auunmer even- ing Gospel services, to be head at the Grand Bend Drive -In Theatre. T. Harry Hoffman, the man who started the movement, was ap- pointed the director. Committees were appointed as follows: plan- ning committee, T. Harry Hoff- man, as convener, Rev. A. E. Hol- ley, Rev. A. M. Amacher, Alex Hamilton, and Edgar Cudinore. The equipment committee is composed of Karl Guenther, Alvin Finkbeiner, Don Jolly, and Carl Oestreicher. Members of the pu- blicity committee are: Dr. R. S. Hiltz, Robert Southcott, Herb Turkheim, Rev. A. M. Schlenker, and one representative from the Church of God; Grand Bend. Dr. R. S. Hiltz was appointed Secretary. The first service will be held on Sunday evening, July 10, at 8.30 p.m. The speaker will be Cha- plain Jim Keyes, of Transport for Christ. This will, be an inter -denomina- tional venture. Services will be held from July 10 until August 28. It is hoped that all the churches of the surrounding dis- trict will get behind this venture in faith. Grand Opening KOSY KORNER RESTAURANT "Eat And Enjoy Full Course Meals At The Kozy Korner, in .Hensall" Take Out Orders A.ls-. Accepted SATURDAY SPECIAL, JUNE 18 HAMBURGERS -- Only 15c (With The Works) FREE BOTTLE OF PEPSI TO EACH CUSTOMER DROP IN AND SEE US ! KOSY KORNER RESTAURANT Alice Lockie and Beatrice Forrester, Props. HENSALL -- ONTARIO Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor—A. MARTIN SUNDAY, JUNE 19- 10 a.m. — Sunday School 11 a.im. — Worship Service WEDNESDAY, JUNE 82— E3.30 p.m. — Prayer Fellowship You Are Welcome ! Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger, Zurich, wish to announce the en- gagement of their eldest daugh- ter, Elaine Elizabeth, to Mr. Ed- ward Albert Deichert, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deich- ert, Zurich. The wedding will take place Judy 9, at 2 p.m. in the Zur- ich Evangelical United Brethren Church. 24,x Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wagner, Zurich, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Helen Marlene, to Mr. Orval Howard Ul- lerick, London, son of Mr. Ed- ward Ullerick, and the ;late Mrs, Ulleriek. The wedding will take place July 9, 1960, at 2 p.m. at St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Zurich. Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, B.A., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch. Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 19- 10 .am. — Father's Day Service 11 a.nl. — Sunday School 2.30 p.m. — Decoration Day Ser- vice at the Bronson Line E.U. B, Cemetery. Salvation Army, of London, will be in charge. We Welcome All To Worship With Us! St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. W. P. Fischer, B.A., Pastor Mrs. J. Turkheim, Organist SUNDAY, JUNE 19- 10 a.m. -- Worship Service (Holy Communion) 11 a.m.—Sunday School YOU ARE WELCOME PROFESSION OR POSSESSION'? Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten vir- gins which took their lamps and, went forth to meet the bride- groom. And five of them were wise and five of them were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them; but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. And at midnight there was a cry made, "Behold the bridegroom cometh: go yet out to meet him." Then all the vir- gins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said un- to the wise, Give use of your oil; for your lamps are gone out. But the wise answered saying, "Not so, lest there not be enough for us and you: but go rather to thein that sell, and buy for yourselves -And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came: and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage; and the door was shut, Afterward came also the other virgins, saying "Lord, Lord open to us." But he answered and said, "Verily I say unto you I know you not." Watch therefore for ye know neither the day, nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh. Matt. 25: 1-13. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE riMMMEINZINfiarglah Sale We request our customers to order their berries now and be assured of a supply of fine fruit at the right time. Our prices will NOT be above those of last year. F. W. ANDREWS Phone HU 2-3462 Clinton 24 to 6,b Superior Food Market WEEK a END SPECIALS EATS SMOKED Picnic Hams Pork Loin Chops UOFFMAN'S Sumer Sausage FRUITS -R, Canteloupes SUNKIST Oranges Green Peppers — 43c lb — 69 VEGET.;a,LES each --19c 2 doz. -- 85c 2 for 19c AGENTS FOR Mid Town Cleaners