HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-06-02, Page 8PAGE EIGIT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1960 DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RARER, Correspondent) Miss Marlene and George Kel- ler accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lee Learn and Freddie, Exeter, to Pembroke last week end, where they visited with Mr, and Mrs. Max Learn and family. Mrs. Robert Annan and Larry, of Pickering, returned home with her husband Sunday, after spend- ing a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Miller. Mr. and Mrs. George Fulcher and children, of Capreol, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Genttner and fa- mily. G.N.O. CLUB The final meeting for this sea- son of the G.N.O. Club was held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Roy Morenz. Prizes were awarded to: Mrs. Jiin Hayter, high score; Mrs. Bob Hayter, second; CLINTON SPRING IR SATUYr JUNE 11 Western Ontario's Largest Livestock Exhibit GRAND PARADE AT 1 P.M. Official Opening By T. R. Hilliard Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture Judging Of All Light and Heavy Horses Dairy Beef and Market Cattle — Sheep and Swine JOTES BROS. SHOWS — AFTERNOON and EVENING EVENING HORSE SHOW JUDGING OF ALL TEAMS AND LIGHT HORSES IN HARNESS — 7 P.M. GRANDSTAND VARIETY SHOW 8.30 P.M. LLOYD WRIGHT, C.F.P.L. - T.V. — MASTER OF CEREMONIES SW'i'ek.M,� Ali'+tl. VEMEMBEEEMEREMMECNEEMZMIMEMLL( YAN VttI'W't't&pV ,,.N, N .fn;.Vt-:,Ln., .6%/1 NIMMIZMIIMEMEW „...* 57 PONT/AC PATHFINDER SEDAN air conditioned heater. Crocus Yellow and ebony black, — $169 DOWN — —$59AMONTH and Mrs. Lorne Genttner, high score of the year. Mrs. Bruce Seebach of Hanover, spent last week with her mother, Mrs, Cora Gaiser, while her hus- band attended the E.U.B. Church Conference at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kretzman and son, Detroit, were week end visi- Steckle Girl Is Honoured At Pre -Nuptial Events Miss Marilyn Joy Steckle, whose wedding to William J. Taylor, will take place on Saturday, June 4, at St, Andrews United Church, Bay- field, had been honoured at sev- eral pre -nuptial events. The bride - elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Steckle, Bayfield, and her fiancee is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Belmont. Hos- tesses honoring the bride -elect have been ladies of St. Andrews United Church, Bayfield; Mrs. Em- merson Kyle, Kippen; Mrs. Er- nest McClinchey, Varna; and Lon- don Life Insurance Co., London. Mrs. Steckle entertained at a trousseau tea at her home on Wed- nesday June' 1, in honour of her daughter. Receiving guests with the hostess and bride -elect was the mother of the groom -elect, Mrs. John Taylor. Pouring tea from an attractive decorated table covered with a cut work linen cloth, by yellow tapers in silver candelabra, were: Mrs. Earl Gingerich, Zur- ich; Mrs, Wilmer McClinchey, Var- na; Mrs. Emmerson Kyle, Mrs. Wilmer Reid, Kippen; Mrs. Lee McConnell, Varna; Mrs. Beatrice Taylor, Clinton; Mrs. Ernest Mc- Clinchey, Varna; Mrs. Gilbert Tay- lor. London. Displaying gifts and trousseau, Mrs. Don Kyle, Zurich; Miss Mari- lyn Taylor, Belmont: Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, Kippen; and Miss Elaine Grainger, Goderich. Miss Wendy Greer, Bayfield, at- tended the register. tors with Mrs. Cora Gaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Rad,r and family visited with Mr. ,and Mrs. Robert Knight and Robert, London, on Sunday, also visiting Mr. Well - wood Gill, Grand Bend, who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, due to an accident.. INFANT BAPTIZED Cynthia Lee, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Becker, was baptized in Zion Lutheran Church, by Rev. K, L, Zorn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kraft were sponsors. Mr. Erwin Rader, accompanied by two Zurich district men, made a business trip to Batavia, New York, this week. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Stelck attend- ed the wedding of their grand- daughter, Miss Patricia Stelck, who was married to Mr. Ray Wil- liams, in Christ Church of the Dis- ciples, London, on Saturday, May 21, at 2 p.an. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liams will reside in Toronto. 0 GOSHE NORTH BRIDAL SHOWER A shower for Merle Armstrong was held in Goshen United Church, on Tuesday evening, May ,24, with an attendance of over 130. Merle was seated in a decorated archway for the presentation ad- dress, which was read by Mrs. Wilmer McClinchey. Mrs. Orval McClinchey held a doll, made from kitchen gadgets, while she read the poem, "A Practical Bride." Donna Hayter, Ruth McClinchey and Mrs. Lloyd Cooper assisted Merle in opening her many gifts. Preceding t h e presentation there was a short program, which included a play, called "Planning a Program for Merle's Shower," with Mrs. Elmer Hayter, Mrs. Clare McBride, Mrs. James Keys and Mrs. Bob McKinley taking part. A duet, "How Great Thou Art" by Mrs. Glenn Webb and daugh- ter, Ann; a reading, "Should a Man Tell His Son -in -Law," by Larry McKinley; a quartette by Mary Boyce, Bonnie Pollock, Em- ma Oesch and Jane Hamilton ac- companied by June Bender; a duet by Gwendolyn and Robert Mc - ,;e ,.,....: 4•s,.tRnN'sv * ,;e E.IJ.. Conference Held Last Week In Crediton (Continued From Page One) men and Pastors participated. On Saturday, Mrs. F. M. Feist presented the work of the Wo- men's Society of World Service; Mr. Lorne Weber, the work of the E.U.B. Men, and Howard Zur- brigg, of the Conference Youth Fellowship. Saturday evening was Church Vocations Night. Rev, M. E. Reuber was the Chairman. Dr. P. H. Eller spoke on "The Call to Discipline," and "The Discipline of the Call," was presented by the Bishop. Bride; a reading by Joan McCly- mont, and a duet by Marjorie Turner and Ann Stephenson roun- ded out the program. TROUSSEAU TEA On Saturday; Mrs. Allan Arm- strong entertained at a trousseau tea, for Merle, assisted by Mrs. Harold Stanberry. There were three changes in pastoral assignments. Rev, W. A. Durst is now stationed to Morris- ton,. Douglas Pletsch, to Port El- gin, and Ronald Amy, to Selkirk. Rev. A. S. Caughell took a super- , annuate relationship. An inspiring ordination service was held on Sunday morning when two youg men were ordained to the office of itinerant elder in the Christian ministry. They were Rev. John R. Culp, of Wallace, and Rev. T. M. Losch, of North East Hope. Six young men received their licence to preach, Ronald Amy, Grant Bomberger, Donald Pletsch, Douglas Pletsch, Ronald Saylor, and Howard Zurbrigg. The Bishop preached an impressive sermon on the subject, "Men of Fire." The afternoon service was un- der the chairmanship of Rev. W. F. Krotz. Dr. R. M. Holdeman spoke on "The sense of mission and evangelism in the church." Rev. J. V. Dahms was chairman far the evening service. Dr. P. H. Mil - house preached the sermon During the Conference, the fol- lowing choirs sang, Crediton, Zur- ich, Dashwood, Stratford and Se- bringville. WEEK END SPECIALS YORK FANCY CREAM CORN, 2 - 20 oz. tins - 37c: GEM MARGA" INE, 4 lbs. -- 89c NATIONAL TEA BAGS -- 39c MUEEETS 2 pkgs. -- 35c CARROTS 2 pkgs. -- 23c CHOCOLATE MILKO box -- 43c Licky lu O i l r F f ■ 14 t C,H41Ta""a. CLARENCE GASCHO—Proprietor .w�1k,v,u•-.sa't,t,q..14YA, !•....„aa.,C.0.rt-l..ei.,'Iii,l nf+�lt>W� ek. .n... 4!a s * 56 .UICK SPECIAL TWO -DOOR HARDTOP dynaflow, sonomatic radio — $139 DOWN - - $48 A MONTH - a Use 56 FORD FAIRLAIIE STATION WAGON Fordomatic transmission — $129 DOWN - - $43 A M•NTH — * 56 CHEV Two -Door air conditioned heater, economy six engine — $99 DOWN - - $41 A MONTH — CHECK THESE ADVANTAGES ® Just Ten Per Cent Down On 'Any' Car O Up To Thirty -Six Months To Pay • No Red Tape — No Credit Restrictions • No Chattel Mortgages— No Co -Signers • Over 100 Used, 75 New Cars To Choose From rs $;;r I. * 58 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE FOUR -DOOR automatic drive, custom radio, finished in anniversary gold metallic — $ 1,475 * 59 UICK LE SABRE CONVERTIBLE All power equipment, automatic radio, automatic drive Ermine White — red leather interior New $5,500 — Now Cut To $3,475 * 59 BUICK ELECT': A "225" FOUR- OOR All power equipment — autronic eye — ebony black New $7,100 — Now — $3,950 PEARSON MOTORS PONTIAC -- BUICK -- VAUXHALL -LTD. - GMC TRUCKS -- BEDFORD VANS ZURICH THE CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY EXETER