HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-04-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1960 Hydro Rates For Summer Cottages Will Be Higher Summer cottage customers ser- ved by the Ontario Hydro will re- ceive notice this week of a new rate schedule to apply in 1960. In announcing the new schedule, Hydro Chairman, James S. Dunc- an, said that all summer cottage customers will be billed $22.22 for this month for the annual fixed charge for both two and three wire services. For the two-thirds of summer cottage customers w1 o have three -wire service, this amount is unchanged from previ- ous years, but represents an in- crease of $5 for customers with two -wire service. By taking advan- tage of the prompt payment dis- count the service charge can be reduced to $20, Accounts for kilowatt-hours used by bath two and three -wire ser- SEE THE NEW hor Washers AT GINGERICH'S FIFTH ANNUAL HOME IMPROVE V1ENT SHOW COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL 21 and 22 • SEE THE NEW THOR WITH THE EXCLUSIVE FILTERINZE Also On Display —AT THE— . HOME SHOW SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! With Every Washer Or Dryer — Absolutely FREE Hamper Of Soap FREE! FREE! FREE! GINGERICH'S Sales And Service Ltd. vice customers will be based on the following rates: 4,5 cents a kilowatt-hour for the first 225 kilo- watt-hours used annually, 2.6 cents a kilowatt-hour for the next block of 675 kilowatt-hours, and 1.5 cents a kilowatt-hour for all additional electricity used. Under the new schedule, a minimum con- sumption charge of $22.22 will ap- ply, subject to the 10 per cent prompt payment discount. Thus with the fixed charge, and the new minimum consumption charge, all summer cottages will pay an annual rninimtun of $44.44, which can be ruced to $40 by ap- plying the discount. This repre- sents no increase in the cost of electricity for summer cottages, who use more than 690 kilowatt- hours a year. Mr. Duncan said the charges— first since 1953—'were a result of higher costs of providing service to summer cottages. Because these customers have a low klowatt-hour consumption over a short season, he explained, revenues from sum- mer cottages had been falling short of the actual cost of providing ser- vice. 0 Increased Yields On Hay Crops Are Possible; D. of A. Yields of hay crops can be sig- nificantly increased by adding phosphorous and potassium to the preceding grain crops, says Dr. B. J. Finn, Soil Research Institute, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Phosphorous showed an average increase of 901 pounds of fieldcur- ed hay per acre and was most ef- fective on heavier texture soils. Potassium gave 170 pounds more per acre and was effective on all soils except clay foams. Nitrogen brought an average decrease in the yield of first year hay of 273 pounds of field -cured hay per acre. The farmer interested in grain alone should apply nitrogen, phos- phorous and potassium but when using the grain crop as a nurse crop for a legume hay seeding, the nitrogen content in the fer- tilizer mixture should be decreas- ed. Over a period of 13 years 29 hay tests were made in soil' types in the Ottawa district, varying from sand to clay loam. Barnyard manure is ordinarily used on crop land but is valuable also on hay. Hay is the cheapest source of feed nutrients for livestock and more and better hay can be pro- duced from grass and legume crops that have been properly fer- tilized in the non -growing season. 0 The original name of the R.C.- M.P. .C:M.P. was the North West Mounted Rifles, but as the U.S, thought that implied an army along their bor- der the name was changed to North West Mounted Police. SEE THE NEW FABULOUS 400 Line of TAPPAN RANGES AT THE HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW • [i�..'1/...'%H 6ti:aa� A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL CONTRACTORS TO SEE THE NEW BUILT-IN MODELS GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE LTD. ZURICH — -- -- -- -- .-- SRAF'ORT% Good Breakfasts Are Advised By Home Economists You may just wonder how a good breakfast, calories and all, can help in reducing a diet. Actually, though, the explanation is very simple, according to the Home Ec- onomics Service of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Hunger is related to the level or amount of sugar in the blood. After the all night fast, the blood sugar is down and if you go with- out breakfast it becomes much. lower for the entire day than it otherwise would be. You just can't catch up with it and all during the day you get hungrier between meals than when breakfast is eat- en and the blood sugar level thereby raised, Whether conscious- ly or otherwise, low level blood sugar makes you crave food. So more ealorie-packed snacks are ea- ten between meals, These in-be- tween snacks, unfortunately, are usually high in sweets and star- ches — empty calories. Weight -watchers who eat a good breakfast and lunch are much more apt to be able to resist be- tween -meal snacks. Remember that a sundae can have more cal- ories than a breakfast of whole grain cereal and milk, a slice off' whole wheat toasted and an egg. (Juice -providing Vitamin C magi be included with breakfast or sav- ed aved for between meals.) Calories from too many starchy snacks have an unhappy way of settling on hips and waistlines for a lifetime. 0 HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SUBSCRIPTION COLOUR MIXING MACHINE — Jim Durand, left, colour consultant of Canadian Pittsburgh In- dustries, is shown here explaining the operation of the new Pittsburgh Paints Maestro Colour Mix- ing Machine to Gerald Gingerieh, proprietor of Gingerich's Sales and Service Ltd. This revolu- tionary machine was recently purchased by Gingerich's to assist the customers with their painting problems. and it will be demonstrated at the Fifth Annual Home Improvement Show on Thursday and Friday. ANEW LOW, LOW PRICE! ... "1110100111.111.111111, Famous Come in today and see a revolutionary demon- stration of the fastest freezing action known. In just 2 minutes you can actually feel the difference and see how Revco keeps foods fresher, keeps operating costs lower. FREEZE Drop In To The HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW AND PLACE YOUR BID ON A REVCO FREEZER It Will Be Sold To The Highest Bidder You save when you buy it! Now you can own a freezer with Revco superior design and performance for the lowest cost per cubic foot! You save when you own it! The exclusive Revco all -aluminum liner with aluminum tubing bonded to it saves you up to 39% on electricity. Plenty of room to freeze and store. BE SURE TO ATTEND THE — HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOW COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL 21 and 22 (Afternoon and Evening) GINGERICH'S SALES AND SERVICE LTD. •