HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-04-20, Page 3WEDNESDAY, APRII, 20, 1960 no ZURICH CITIZEN$ NEWS ::IlCd`;Flu DRAIN TENDERS Township of Hay Separate, sealed tenders plainly marked, will be received by the undersigned Municipal Clerk until 6.00 P.M., April 30th, 1960, for the construction of the following Municipal Drains according to the En- gineer's Report. NO. 1 — THE DECHER MUNICIPAL DRAIN NO. 2 — THE MUNN MUNICIPAL DRAIN These two drains consist of both tile and open drain, catch ham sins and CMP. Plans and specifications may be seen and tender forms obtained at the offices of the undersigned or a complete set of plans and specifications may be obtained from the Engineer and enclosing a deposit of $5.00 (Deposit not refundable). A marked cheque made payable to the Treasurer of the Township of Hay for 10% of the bid must accompany each tender. Contractor to place the order for the tile and invoiced to Hay Township. Work to be completed by May 20th, 1960 or earlier, weather permitting. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. C. P, Corbett, P. Eng., II. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Consulting Engineer and Surveyor, Twp. of Hay, Zurich, Ont. Box 75, Lucan, Ont. illeXententalereeeMaraeer DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (Intended for last week) Dashwood Merry Maids The fourth meeting of Dashwood DRAIN TILE AND SEPTIC TANKS SOLD & INSTALLED WATER LINES — FOCTNDATIONS — BULLDOZING — LAWN ROLLING — CALL - BOB ROWCLIFFE PHONE 678R31 — IIENSALL 4-11 Merry Maids was held on Monday at the home of the lead- er, Mrs. Sid Baker, with five girls and two leaders present. Miss Bette Tillman, Huron county home economist, from Cornwall were special guests. The leaders demonstrated the making of beef stew and the mem- bers made dumplings. These were eaten for lunch. The various cuts of beef were reviewed. Notes were given on: 'How much meat to buy"; "The number of ways that meat can be stored." Home assignment is to find two simple meat recipes where the meat is cooked by moist heat me- thods and find two recipes where dry heat methods are used. Add to recipe file and indicate meth- od used. The next meeting will be at the home of the assistant deader, Mrs. Gordon Bender on Monday, April 18. Ladies' Aid The W.S.W.S. meeting of the Evangelical UB church. was held on Friday evening with the Spirit- ual life group in charge and Mrs. Jessie Rader chairlady, May meeting will be a mother and daughter banquet. PAGE THREE When in Zurich GET YOUR HAIR C.UT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday and Saturday Nights TIEMAN'S HARDWARE • Oil Burner • Plumbing • Heotinp' SALES and SERVICE Service Electrical Work FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 — DASHWOOD TODAY, MORE THAN 51/2 MILLION RESIDENTS OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ARE COVERED BY ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE THIS MEANS THAT 935 OF THE POPULATION NOW HAVE MAXIMUM PROTECTION AGAINST THE COST OF NECESSARY HOSPITAL CARt 4,200,000 ONTARIO RESIDENTS, IN GROUPS, are now in- sured ... 26,000 business firms and other organizations are co-operating to make these benefits available to their em- ployees and members. 1,200,000 RESIDENTS, NOT IN GROUPS, are insured through premiums paid directly to the Commission. 100,000 MUNICIPAL WELFARE RECIPIENTS are also covered for hospital care. $158,000,000 WAS PAID IN 1959, through the Commission, for standard ward hospital care received by insured residents. EVERY MONTH LAST YEAR, MORE THAN 80,000 PATIENTS received hospital benefits under their Ontario Hospital Insur- ance Certificates. These benefits covered cases ranging from minor emergency treatments to long-term illnesses costing several thousands of dollars. 8,000 ONTARIO RESIDENTS RECEIVED BENEFITS for hospi- tal care while outside the Province. MORE HOSPITAL BEDS IN ONTARIO Communities, hospitals and the Commission are working together, assisted by Provincial and Federal grants, to meet the need for more hospital accommodation in a growing Ontario. In 1959, 2,000 new beds were added; accommoda- tion for 3,000 beds was under construction and facilities for 3,500 more beds were in advanced planning stages. WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN TO YOU? It means many things. But, to you as an insured person, prob- ably the most important is the fact that hospital expense is no longer an obstacle when your doctor recommends hospital care for you or your dependants. This means greater peace of mind for all concerned. HERE'S WHAT TO DO IF YOU CHANGE YOUR JOB ... Be sure to get your Certificate of Payment (Form 104) from the firm you are leaving. Follow the simple instructions on the back. IF YOU GET MARRIED... Family Hospital Insurance premi- ums are required. Be sure you are both protected. Tell your em- ployer or collector right away. If you pay direct ... tell the Commission. IF YOU ARE NOW NINETEEN ... This means you are no longer in- sured under your parent's Hospi- tal Insurance Certificate. When you become 19, separate premi- ums are required. Application forms are available at hospitals, most banks and any office of the Commission. IF YOU CHANGE ADDRESS— If DDRESS...If you pay through a group, no ac- tion is necessary. If you pay on a direct basis, tell the Commission immediately. IF YOU GO TO HOSPITAL;;: Make sure you take your Hospital Insurance Certificate or, at least, the Certificate number. To avoid confusion jot the number down now, where it can easily be found when needed. IF YOU NEED EMERGENCY CARE... Remember — Emergency Out- patient hospital care is insured only if received within 24 hours following an accident. AND REMEMBER ... Always pay premiums when due. Don't take chances. Prompt pay- ment of Hospital Insurance pre- miums safeguards your future protection. It may be a blessing to you some day. READ YOUR HOSPITAL INSURANCE "GUIDE" — an interesting little folder which gives you the answers. Copies are available from insured groups, all hospitals, most banks, or any office of the Commission. IF YOU ARE NOT INSURED YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS Application forms are available at hospitals and most bunks or any office of the Commission ... Firms having 6 to 14 persons on the payroll may elect to form groups. Obtain details from the Commission. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEIRVIE ESGOMMIiiSION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO