HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-04-13, Page 7WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1960 ZURICH crriZENS NEWS Disti'ict Womeiu.'s Institute Meetings ZURICH W. I, The annual meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Amacher, on Tues- day, March 29; with 14 members and eight visitors present. Mrs, Paul Corriveau was chair- man for the program. The meet- ing opened with the Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and the Lord's Prayer. A sing song was held with Mrs, Amacher pianist for the meeting; "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton"; The Institute Rally Song and "Fairest Lord Jesus" were sung by all. DAILY SERVICE London and Toronto TO ZURICH DISTRICT Hog Assembly in Zurich—TUESDAY & THURSDAY Hog Assembly in Henson (at Sales Barn)—TUESDAY CEMENT & ROAD GRAVEL FILL & TOP SOIL AGENTS FOR PARISIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS RU TON T*:NS' 0 'T PHONE 186 ZURICH HENSALL PHONE 88r7, KIRKTON RUSSELDALE N V1 T.V. AND RADIO PM SE VICE — AND — ANTENNA SERVICE CALL — GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE LTD. PHONE 34 — ZURICH — AGENT FOR — SCOTT RADIO & T.V. SERVICE GUARANTEED SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF RADIO AND TV PHONE 250 — SEAFORTH 15,16,b. .✓ Mrs. William Hay gave an East- er reading, "And Yet He Caine"; Mrs. Beatrice Hess sang a solo, "Take My Hand and Trust in Thee." Mrs, Norma Siebert gave a very educational talk on the country of Lebanon. Gwen Hay favoured with two selections on her piano accor- dian. Mr. Latimer, teacher of manual training at Zurich school, gave an informative tally on "Civil De- fence." He stated that every per- son should have some training and knowledge in civil defence so that they could beof real help in times of tornadoes, fires, floods and atomic attacks, instead of get- ting panicky and hysterical. Mrs. Rose, vice-president, was in charge of the business meet- ing. The election of officers re- sulted as follows: president, Mrs. Leonard Erb; vice-president, Mrs. Delbert Geiger; secretary, Mrs. Harold Thiel; assistant secretary, Mrs. Amacher; treasurer, Mrs. Newell Geiger; district director, Mrs. Jack Bannister and Mrs. Le - rine Rose. Mrs. Beatrice Hess favoured with a piano solo, "Gloaming" and a tasty lunch was served by the committee of Mrs. Amacher, Mrs. William Hay and Mrs. Paul Cor- riveau. seated the nominating .committee's report. Mrs. Leonard Schenk presided for the business and Mrs, Glenn Webb for the program, Roll call was answered with "A Canadian manufactured article and where made," and members enjoyed a sing -song. Mrs. Emil Becker commented on the motto, "Industry keeps the bo- dy healthy, the mind clear, the heart whole and the purse full." Mrs. Cul Oestrich gave a reading and Mrs. V. L. Becker conducted a contest. DASHWOOD W. L Mrs. Leonard Schenk was re- elected president of Dashwood. Women's Institute when the annu- al meeting was held. Other officers: Past president, Mrs. Arnold Kuntz; vice-president, Mrs. Ervin Rader and Mrs. Ar- nold Kuntz; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Charles •Snell; assistant, Mrs. Milfred Merner;district director, Mrs. Arnold Kuntz; alternate, Mrs. Carl Oestreicher; public relations officer, Mrs. Ervin Rader; branch directors, Mrs. Ernest Koehler, Mrs. A. V. Tieman and Mrs. Emil Becker. Standing committee conveners are Mrs. Harold Rader, Mrs. Ken McCrae, Mrs. Wallace Becker and Mrs. Glenn Webb; pianist, Mrs. Ken McCrae; auditors, Mrs. Ervin Schade and Mrs. Eben Weigand. District director, Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, presided for the election and Mrs. Ernest Koehler pre - "I'VE STILL GOT THE FIRST DOLLAR EVER, EARNED • ^fir„:r:.... Top marks for Johnnie. He's a mighty smart newsboy. Not only has he learned the value of earning his own way, but he's also learned the importance of keeping a part of what he earns — in his savings account at "My Bank". People are going to have to look out for — not look after — this young man. First thing you know, he'll own the paper. Youngsters like Johnnie are among our most important customers. How about starting your children off with a B of M Saving Account of their own? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • fl • • • • 0 Fort MY MONEY. ��'�""S re• MY milli iv TO 2 MILLION CANADIANS Mentars v.; .e BANK. oF MONTREAL malas 9e/at 2a44...9e4J az.aapeep WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 18 1 SOUTH HURON W. I. (By our Hensall correspondent) The spring executive meeting of .South Huron Womens Institute was held in the Hensall Town Hall last Tuesday afternoon, with the district president, Mrs. John McLean, presiding. Eight branch- es were represented. Plans were laid for the District Annual to be held at Elimville United Church on May 12, when Mrs. Wales, Komoka, will be guest speaker. The nominating committee, com- prised of branch presidents, brought in the new slate of offi- cers to be presented at the district annual. A motion was passed to exhibit millinery, lamp shades, and oil paintings at the district annu- al. The Institute scholarship was discussed at length. Mrs. J. M. Southcott, Exeter, public relations for the district was appointed a delegate to the offi- cers conference at Guelph, on May 5 and 6. Mrs, Harry Strang acted as secretary for the meeting, KIPPEN W. I. (By our Hensel correspondent) Mrs. Robert Kinsman was hos- tess at her home on Tuesday for a social evening, when the losing side of the attendance contest re- cently concluded by members of Kippen East Womens Institute en- tertained the winners to a pot- luck dinner and an evening of de- lightful entertainment. Included in the recreation period was a contest, "A pack of fun", and winners of court whist were, Friday And Saturday April 15 and 16 "Bambi" (Colour) Disney Productions TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY FIRST SHOW AT DUSK CHOOSE T11E ILIGIIT BItth to fit your market �. `-,! LIGHT BREEDS such as Stone's, Demlerchix, True - Lines — AII high producing Ieghorns from famed U.S. blood fines. HEAVY BREEDS—Roe Red X Sussex and Sussex X Red Crosses for larger dual pur- pose birds with remarkable egg records of large eggs. NEW CONCEPT IN CHICK RUTINROE FARMS buys the finest I.T.S. Blood lines outright and offers yon-. •a wide choice of the beat —to fit your gob. NO PENALTY FAYMENT Rojj FA MS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO Write for prices Wm!. PAGE SEVEN Mrs. Ross Chapman, Mrs. Bruce McGregor, Mrs. R. Gemmel, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. Bob Bell won the prize for having a birthday nearest that date; lucky chair winners, Mrs. Gemmel and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; having the most pieces of jewel- lery on her costume, Mrs. Camp- bell Eyre; largest family, Mrs. A. Finlayson; youngest member, Mrs. Kinsman. Captains of the winning side was Mrs. Campbell Eyre; losing, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot, for` .. � F �nI �� r r.� �I ` . • Kik ID BODY WORK • GENERAL REPAIRS To All Makes Of CARS, TRUCKS, and TRACTORS ARC cold ,k•CETYLENE WELDING DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 38 — ZURICH ANIONISEMEIMINEIMEMAIMMEIIMMEROMMEM Gingerich's SALES AND SERVICE LIMITED CORDIALLY INVITE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS To Attend Our Fifth Annual Home Impr vernent Thursday, Friday, April 21, 22 — AT THE — ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE DEMONSTRATIONS — ENTERTAINMENT — TREATS LUCKY DRAWS SEE NEXT WEEK'S PAPER FOR FULL DETAILS PLAN NOW TO ATTEND ENEEMIMININERBIEREMEMM Whaler your budget You don't have to settle for less than the comfort of a SIMMONS mattress BEAUTYREST . $94.50 DEEPSLEEP . . . 74.50 SLUMBER KING . 59,50 SLEEPY KNIGHT . 49.50 CHARM REST OR ROSEMARY . 39.95 See your SIMMONS family of mattresses on display at estlak PIIONE 89J Furniture ZURICH