HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-04-13, Page 6PAGE SIX Lutheran Ladies To Cater For Banquet On Tuesday, April 5, the St. Peter's Lutheran Ladies Aid held their monthly meeting, with 25 members and pastor present, The meeting opened by singing "In the Cross of Christ I Glory." Psalm 130 was read responsively, follow- ed with a prayer by the pastor. An- other hymn, "Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain," was sung. Rev. Fischer continued his top- ic. on literary, taken mainly from the little service book. He explain- ed the meaning of "The Holy Coin- munion," the "Introit" and the "Gloria Patri." The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and the trea- surer gave her report. Different items of business were discussed. Donations and membership fees amounting to $52, were sent to the Womens' Auxiliary of Waterloo University. The ladies were also asked to cater to another banquet which is coming up in May. with 'lives power take -off — 8 forward speeds The new bigger -275 Diesel is packed with prac- tical aids to better farming—including constant - running `live' power take -off -8 forward speeds— exclusive IH differential lock—reversible 3 -point hitch —fully adjustable swinging drawbar—weight trans- fer and depth control—completely independent `live' hydraulic system and full comfort control that takes the fatigue out of driving! Chances are this is the tractor you've been waiting for — let us show you point -by -point, feature -by - feature why the B-275 is powered right, equipped right and priced right for you now. Here's plus power, and bonus economy for every farm. *A more powerful running -mate for the famous International B-250 DIESEL V. L. BECKER AND SON PHONE 60W — DASHWOOD — ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS ST. JOSEPH and CAL. FRED WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1960 DUCHARME, Corresooncient . On Tuesday last Mr. and Mrs, Percy Bedard, of the Drysdale dis- trict, motored to Clinton where the latter had a minor operation in Clinton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jeffrey and daughter, Elaine, and Mr, and Mrs. Dominique Jeffrey and daughter motored to London on Thursday last, where a check-up was given their daughters from long standing ailments. Pleasing to say they are much improved, and hope they will continue so. Mr. and lVirs. Roy Aldrus and two daughters, Detroit, spent Sun- day last with Mr. and Mrs. Avila Ducharme and family of the Blue - Water south. COMMENTS A ,,avn�,rra� Starting first that hobby 45 years ago, which finally from it he created a profitable business and at times it was necessary for him to have help to meet with the demand. During those many years on the road Mr. Sopha had made many friends throughout the town- ships and in this county of Hur- on. On Sunday next, Easter Sunday, April 17, will again remind us of one among the most religious and mysterious feasts of the year, that of a risen Christ. This feast dates back to the year of 34 A.D. and on or about April 7, and people all claim re- spect that day. From it many take a spiritual lesson which they con- vey to others who are in need. All nationalities and creeds will re- joice and sing words of praise on Easter morning. Many will ask forgiveness for deeds and acts com- mitted against their fellow men. Those who rule or are in the highest bracket in life, if neces-_ sary, should turn a leaf for the betterment of their own lives and far the welfare of others under their ruling. A VISIT Recently yours truly was greet- ed with the visit of Adolph So- pha, of this highway, known by a large district as the veteran fish man. Mr. Sopha has been a long time buyer and seller of fish on the road and also in larger lots. O'Brien s Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 — Zurich Here and there he met with na- tives •of this parish, and descen- dants of the early pioneers who had shifted away to better their standards of living while others retiring in towns free from all care and responsibility. In those years gone by there was much fish caught at St. Jos- eph, and along the lake, and bought at a low price as the fish market at that time was not open to fishermen as today. Only a cer- tain fish, could find an outlet and that at a low price. Therefore fish peddlers also had to sell at a low price. The veter- an fish man informs us that he followed practically the same route but with some extension as the business increased, selling in villages, towns and along the country to farmers and others. When he took up fish peddling 45 years ago, then in his teen years, he had a well-trained steed hit- ched to a light wagon, making two or sometimes three trips a week of fifty or sixty miles each trip. This bay mare had never shown signs of clacking to per- form and give her master ser- vice. As the years passed by the horse drawn vehicle was put aside and replaced by auto and so it was with Mr. Sopha and from the fas- ter speeds was always able to meet appointments in his fish delivery. He handles all kinds of fish and always ready to guarantee the fish to his customers. Like others, he is a licensed salesman. Mr. and Mrs. Sopha reside en this Blue Water Highway a short distance north of St. Joseph and anyone wanting a delicious feast of fish contact the home and ser- vice will be given. et tW Ifs FREE with purchase of ONE GALLON or more PITTSBURG PAINTS at TOP PRICES PAID FOR . • CREAM • EGGS POULTRY Give Us A Cal!! IE 'S PRODUCE Phone 101 — Zurich GINGERICWS SALES & SERVICE LTD. ZURICH SEAFORTH BE SURE AND VISIT 'THE "HOME SHOW" FOR YOUR "POLY" PAIL szeogzimminatzatosamagommozzamazEmuizmoszisa WE SPECIALIZE IN SUNDAY DINNERS 4.00 to 7.30 p.m. DINING ROOM CLOSED EVERY TUESDAY EVENING Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 ZURICH You Are a Stranger But Once" BUY ALL YOUR SEED REQUIRE- MENTS FROM A RELIABLE — DEALER — — WE HAVE THE NEW — HARDI-GREEN MIXTURES CLIMAX TIMOTHY, VERNAL ALFALFA, ELNAR ALFALFA ENGLISH RED CLOVER LONG-TERM MIXTURES — AND — HAY -PASTURE MIXTURES — FOR — Your Best Grass Seed Buys — CALL AT — Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" PHONE 72 — — — ZURICH NEZIETEMZUBSZEZEMEEEIMMITEratiM 1VLcKINL:EY'S FARM AND HATCHERY LTD. R.R. 1, ZURICH, Ph. I-lensals 697r3 ...... oarm ......... nnolloommervimummansimm AUTHORIZED ar fir`•:: f:, DEALER Were you afraid your furnace wouldn't make it to the end of the winter? Such heating can be costly, troublesome ... and even dangerous! Call for PREF IS*iCTI If your furnace is o.k. we'll tell you. If it needs attention before another heating season our charges are reasonable. If you plan on replacing your fur- nace we'll help you choose the ANTHES furnace best suited to your heating needs. And remember LOW DOWN PAYMENTS, EASY TERMS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL ! 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT — ON— ANTHES IMPERIAL ]FU'`, MACES OIL BURNERS ONE WEEK ONLY SPECIAL DISCOUNT — ON — 3 -Piece Bathroom Sets Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware Phone 63 --- Zurich