HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-04-13, Page 4PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1950 Stephen Township Restricts Building Stephen township council, which met last Monday, gave final read- ing to a by-law prohibiting the erection of any building on the BROWNIES Drive -In Theatre Clinton Thursday, April 14, Only "Fire Down Below" Colour — Cinemascope Rita Hayworth, Robert Mitchum One Cartoon Friday Only, April 15 — Double Feature — "Pirates of Tripoli" Colour Paul Henseid, Patricia Medina "Seminole Uprising" Colour George Montgomery, Karen Booth One Cartoon Saturday Only, April 16 Double Feature "Beyond Mombassa" Cornel Wilde, Donna Reed "Man In The Saddle" Randolph Scott, Jane Leslie One Cartoon Sunday Midnight and Monday April 17 and 18 "The Violent Men" Colour — Cinemascope Glenn Ford, Barbara Stanwyck One "Stooge" Comedy One Cartoon Tuesday and Wednesday April 19 and 20 "The Key" (Adult Entertainment) William Holden. Sylvia Loren One Cartoon Two Shows Nightly—Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk Admission 65c — Children Under 12 in Cars Free! JACK !~ U O Lla a, 411111111111111 PEARSON flooded lands of the Ausable. Alex Chesney, weed inspector, was present and outlined the new amendments to the weed act. A grant of $30 was given to the Hensall spring fair. A request for some tile drain- age was granted by the council. A motion was passed to remove the west half of lot 3, concession 14, from the assessment roll as this property has been taken over by the township. Robert Jennison was awarded a contract to draw 10,000 yards of gravel for township roads at $1,02 a yard. 0 Hensall Dispenses With Rec. Director The parks board at Hensall has decided to dispense with the ser- vices of the present arena mana- ger, R. G. "Scotty" Hume. Reason given was that of incomplete plans for next season's operation of the arena. Under an agreement between the parks board and the recrea- tion committee, Mr. Hume has looked after the arena in winter, and in summer carried out work with the sports program. The Hensall committee doubts that they can justify the expense of a full time recreational direc- tor, 0 Mrs. Gordon Love Mrs. Gordon Love passed away at her late residence in Hensall, on Monday, April 11, in her 69th year. The former Maud Mary Stelek, she was born in Hillsb een, residing there all her life until ta- king up residence in Hensall with her husband and daughter, Doro- thy, three years ago. She was a member of the Hen- sall United Church. Surviving are her husband; one son, Clarence, Wetaskiwin, Alberta; two daugh- ters, Mrs. Robert (Elen) Graham, Weston; and Dorothy, at home. The body is resting at the Bon- thron funeral home, Hensall, for service on Thursday, April 14, at 2 p.m., with Rev. Currie Winlaw officiating. Interment will be made in Bairds Cemetery. 1. Quick Canadian Quiz In what city and what year was the first Canadian post of- fice established? 2. In 1959 was Canadian retail - spending greater or less than in 1958? 3. Ten years ago federal govern- ment spending was $3 billion. What is the estimated total for the present year? 4. Of all items measured by the NOTICE RE: MILK DELIVERY Due To The Recent Restrictions On The Use Of United States Coins, We Can No Longer Accept American Silver At Par If You Plan On Using American Silver In Your Milk Bottles, Please Add 2 Cents To Each Quarter, And 1 Cent To Each Dime Or Nickel RICH DAIRY DRAIN TENDERS Township of Hay Separate, sealed tenders plainly marked, will be received by the undersigned Municipal Clerk until 6.00 P.M., April 30th, 1960, for the construction of the following Municipal Drains according to the En- gineer's Report. • NO. 1 — THE DECHER MUNICIPAL DRAIN NO. 2 — THE MUNN MUNICIPAL DRAIN These two drains consist of both tile and open drain, catch ba- sins and CMP. Plans and specifications may be seen and tender forms obtained at the offices of the undersigned or a complete set of plans and specifications may be obtained from the Engineer and enclosing a deposit of $5.00 (Deposit not refundable). A marked cheque made payable to the Treasurer of the Township of Hay for 10% of the bid must accompany each tender. Contractor to place the order for the tile and invoiced to Hay Township. Work to be completed by May 20th, 1960 or earlier, weather permitting. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. C. P. Corbett, P. Eng., H. W. Erokenshire, Clerk, Consulting Engineer and Surveyor, Twp. of Hay, Zurich, Ont. Box 75, Lucan, Ont. • -ImmismiTHE CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY HEAR YE FEAR YE ! HEAR YE! official Consumer Price Index, which has shown the least in- crease since 1949 — food, clo- thing, shelter, household op- eration, other commodities and services? 5. What is the most recent esti- mate of Canada's population? ANSWERS: 5. At January 1, 1960, 17,678,000. 3. For the year ending March 31, 1961, estimated spending is $6,330,168,920. 1 In Halifax, in 1755,, 4. Clothing, an in- crease of less than 10 per cent. 2. In 1959 retail spending increased by $704 million over 1958, to a to- tal of $16,149 million, Heinz Baby FOODS — 10 Oz. Tins ... $1.00 Culverhouse Choice Cream Corn — 2 Tins 35c Hawe's Floor Gloss, 20 % Extra — ONLY 49c Heinz TOMATO SOUP — 3 Tins 35c Lux Toilet SOAP — 8c Off 6 Bars 49c Libby's Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 Oz. Tin . 25c Supreme Sweet Mixed Pickles 16 Oz. Jar . 23c Kraft DINNER 2 Pkgs. 31c — FRESH FRUIT — FRESH FRUIT — BANNANAS 2 Lbs. For 29c Juicy Pink GRAPEFRUIT 5 For 33c Frozen ORANGE JUICE 4 For 79c SPECIAL — SPECIAL — SPECIAL — SPECIAL — — PLASTIC LAUNDRY BASKETS — O LY 99c WITH A $3.00 ORDER Lucky collar Fo d arkt CLARENCE GASCHO—Proprietor :, 1 JACK PEARSON oz 0 a By Public Acclamation, Jack Pearson Has been crowned "THE CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY." Last year Pearson Motors in Zurich and Exeter sold more cars than any other dealer in Huron County! ! THERE MUST BE A REASON! ! You are cordially invited to stop in and find out why for yourself! See These Coronation 1959 CHEVROLET BEL -AIR Sedan finished in dusk plum, six cylinder, cus- tom radio, automatic — FULL PRICE — $2195! $219 DOWN — $75 A MONTH 1958 EDSEL DELUXE SEDAN finished in gleaming turquoise, with hard- top, chrome package, automatic, radio, whitewalls, low mileage, full General Mo- 4 tors Warranty FULL PRICE — $1650 $165 DOWN — $58 PER MONTH 4 1957 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE i equipped with Blauplunkt radio, real lea- ther interior, finished in black duco $119 DOWN — $45 A MONTH JACK PEARSON THE 1956 f3UICK SPECIAL SEDAN in gleaming sherwood green, whitewalls, General Motors 60 Day Goodwill Warranty FULL PRICE—$1295 — $129 DOWN - - $45 A MONTH —� 2t.—ana—•••—••• r r ea 1955 PONTIAC Pathfinder Deluxe —Sedan— finished in highland green metal - ie, custom radio, beautifully up- holstered FULL PRICE $795 — $79 DOWN - -$34AMONTH — Specials • 1954 CHEVROLET Deluxe 2 -Door, in maroon and white fin- ish, mechanically perfect ONLY $495! — $49 DOWN - - $25 A MONTH — 1953 DODGE 'REGENT equipped with custom radio, overdrive, finished in medium blue — JUST — $395 - - $39 DOWN - - $21 A MONTH — 1957 FORD 3/ TON TRUCK nine -foot pick-up box, excellent tires, economy six cylinder motor pickups, stakes, hoists — ONLY $1175 — VOISIENIMMERINIENINEMPREMI TWELVE OTHER — TRUCKS — PEARSON MOTO LTD. PONTIAC — BUICK — VAUXHALL — GMC TRUCKS ZURICH THE CAR KING OF CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY HURON and BEDFORD VANS COUNTY S po 0 EXETER JACK PEARSON