HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-04-13, Page 3WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1960 ZURICH C' IIZE s NEW: BLAKE (Correspondent, - Mrs, Amos Gingerich) Mr, and Mrs, Amos Gingerich entertained some ladies on Tues- day afternoon and evening to a mat hooking bee. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ginger - Sunday ,guests with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth, Gingerich and daughters were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gingerich and family, and Mr. and Mrs. William Steckle and son. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Zehr, Kit - Nothing Covers Like a Spray The new Myers Mighty Mite tractor sprayer attachment provides excellent spray coverage for general spraying requirements. With pressures from 30 to 300 pounds and a pump capacity of 13 GPM, it's ideal for spraying pas- tures and grain fields. Can spray both sides or one side only for fence rows or rights of way. The Mighty Mite is easy to attach to a tractor and lust as easy to detach. Let us demonstrate it for you today. POWER SP:.yERS THE F. E. MYERS & BRO. CO. Ashland, Ohio Ct:,N,.::.1,'•K.,::L:<w+�.,�u... F Wif �:Mn,x'.'.^:r y.iY LEONARD SARARAS Phone 77r1 , Zurich S;. chener, were Sunday guests with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Erb and family. Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Blosser and family, Japan Missionaries on furlough, were visiting in the community over the week end, al- so attending services in both Men- nonite churches. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Gingerich, ac- companied by Mrs, Amos Ginger- ich, spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Oluf Pederson at Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber and Dianna, Kippen, accompanied by Mrs. Lizzie Oeseh, and Mrs. Gus- tav Bohn, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penhale and son at Bayfield. a Zone Commander Visits Hensall Legion Ladies (By our Hensel]. correspondent) Mrs. Mary McCann, Gorrie, Zone Commander for C.I., paid her official visit to the Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary, last Tues- day evening, speaking on Legion service work. It was reported to the meeting that $362.30, had been collected by members for the Red Cross at their recent canvass. Plans were made to send two teams from the Auxiliary to the alley bowling tournament at Walkerton on April 27. A donation was voted. to the Clinton Auxiliary to help pay for the screen for the County Home, Clinton. Sugar and Spice (Continued from Page Two) pot of soup always simmering, and gave it body and flavour. In the depths of the depression, my mo- ther invented a new kind of hash, a popular dish in those days. She replaced the meat in the hash with skins of baked potatoes, put through the grinder. It looked like real hash, was filling, and with a liberal sloshing of homemade chili sauce, was palatable. * * * Those were the days when you went to the butcher and asked if he had any bones for the dog. He gave you some good, meaty bones, for nothing but an ironic smile, and you took them home and made soup out of them. Now, of course, you ask the butcher for a soupbone and he gives you some dogbones and charges you for them. That's progress. Birthday gifts will be sent to two adopted veterans at Westmin- ster Hospital this month. In charge of the project are Mrs. Leonard Noakes and Mrs. D. B. Havens. Members will attend the birthday party of Seaforth Auxiliary on April 20. Thank you notes were read from sick members and re- ports submitted. President, Mrs. Gordon Munn, who chaired the meeting, presen- ted a gift to Mrs. McCann. Mrs. Jack Drysdale won the mystery prize. Bingo was enjoyed in charge of Mrs. Howard Smale and Mrs. John Skea. Dads are learning fast ab lout 1.7 net cost life insures Arithmetic can be fun, especially if it saves you money. If you do a little arithmetic with your Mutual Life of Canada lean, you'll find it can save you a great deal of money. The sav- ing axises from the big dividends you get from The Mutual. The cost of your life insurance depends on dividends you receive. c to The Mutual Life Assurance Com- pany of Canada has an outstanding dividend record. Contact your nearest Mutual Life representative to learn what Mutual's dividends can do for you in providing the better buy in life insurance. Or write our Head Office at Waterloo, Ontario, for complete information. Leadership ...through an outstanding dividend record j ALEX J. MASSE, Zurich, Ontario Phone: 93 r 7, Zurich r 'y r Ate,, /4 A /4 * * * You should hear my smart-alec kids when I tell them things like that. "But that was in the Bad Old Days, Dad. Have another piece of chicken," they taunt. * * However, let's get to the point. There must be thousands of peo- ple who abhor waste as much as I do. People eating in restaurants consume only about half their meal. The rest goes into the gar- bage, and then to the pig farmer. * * * I suggest that when we are eat- ing ating out, we carry with us a pliable container, with hot and cold com- partments. These could be draped over the backs of our chairs like saddlebags. Ladies could have theirs covered with mink, if they wished. At the end of the meal, everything we had paid for but 'hadn't eaten, from soup to sher- bert, would be dumped into the saddlebags, which would then be strapped on under our coats. * * * We might slosh and gurgle a bit when we walked, .but it wouldput an end to waste, legalize my so- cial vice, and we'd have a whale of a time going through our gar- bage when we got home. PAGE THRHIN Hensall Sale Prices Hensall Sale prices were steady with a good demand. Choice steers, $22.30 to $23.10 Good steers, 21.50 to 22.20 Medium steers, 19.50 to 21,30 Choice heifers, 21.00 to 21.80 Good heifers, 20.00 to 20.50 Medium heifers, 18.50 to 19.50 Good 'choice cows, 15.50 to 16,80 Good cows, 14.50 to 15.25 Medium cows, 11.50 to 13.50 Light cows, 17,00 to 18.80 Bulls, 16.50 to 18.30 Choice stockers, 21.50 to 23.50 Medium stockers, 19.50 to 21.20 Choice veal offered, 30.50 to 33.50 Medium veal, 24.50 to 28.50 Bob calves, 7.50 to 32.00 Farm calves, 35.00 to 68.00 Weanling pigs, 6.50 to 9.50 Chunks, 9.75 to 13.50 Feeders, 14.00 to 17.50 Boars, 29.50 to 55,50 Sold were: 808 cattle, 122 calves, 580 pigs. TIEMAN'S HARDWARE DRAIN TILE AND SEPTIC TANKS SOLD & INSTALLED WATER LINES - FOUNDATIONS - BULLDOZING - LAWN ROLLING - CALL - OB ROWCLIFFE PHONE 678R31 - HENSALL We...YMIh IMMO ."rµzRiy Nf lNf. dEllECCO WITHOUT PENALTY PAYMENT NEW METHOD of choosing the finest blood lines -such as Stone's, Demlerchix,True- Lines, bought outright by ROE- raised, selected, hatched and handed to you proven. ELIMINATE PENALTIES ELIMINATE DICKERING Get the best from ROE FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO WRITE FOR PRICE LIST TODAY! b Plumbing • Heatin! SALES and SERVICE $ OH Burner Service ® Electrical Work FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 m® DASHWOOD It CAN Be Licked With YOUR Help Zurich Campaign HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVAS MONDAY NIGHT Aprii 18 By Members of the Zurich Lions Club 17-tfb 1 WHEN THE CANVASSER CALLS FIGHT CANCER IN HURON "'SW 11EL Now Is The Time To Plan Your Spring ° � i�taa u SS pr Ing Seeding P rogr a Quality and service are the most impor- tant commodities of your local Co-op. That is why it pays to see your Co-op first. Your local Co-op has a complete inven- tory of - CO-OP FREE-FLOWING FERTILIZER All recommended analyses 4; Semi-granular texture Backed by Guarantee of Quality Cer- with Pride CO-OP SEED • Grasses, Clovers, Pasture Mixtures Sow with Confidence, Harvest cides CO-OP CHEMICALS Seed treatments, Insecticides, Fungi- tificate Weed and Grass Killers Buy Quality ti'itly Co p Hensall District Co-operative Inc. Hensall .. ZURICH W Rrucefield