HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-04-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS WEDNESDAY, .APRIL 6, 1960 SLUEWATER and BAYFIELD NEWS Mrs. Russell Grainger, Correspondent A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Turner, Bayfield, when friends and neighbours gathered to honotu Mr, and Mrs. John Tur- ner, on the occasion of their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner were invited for dinner, with their son and family, and the rest came la- ter to surprize the guests of hon- our. Games and cards were enjoyed with high prizes going to Mrs, Walter Westlake and Mr. Fred Turner; low prizes going to Mrs. Milton Pollock and Mr, Peter Du- charme. Mrs. Fraser Stirling won the prize for the most lone hands and Mr. Wilfred Tuner the prize for a guessing contest. Robert Turner, eldest son of the guest of honour, presented his par- ents with a platform rocker on behalf of their family, Mrs. Walter Westlake present- ed a lamp on behalf of the friends and neighbours. Both Mr. and Mrs. Turner ex- pressed their thanks in a few well; chosen words. A beautifully decorated wed- ding cake graced the table and a delicious lunch was served by members of the family. The living rooms were decorat- ed with pink and white streamers for the occasion. William Turner returned to his home in Windsor on Saturday af- ter being with his sister, Mrs. George Campbell, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Stratford, spent several days with Mrs. George Campbell and return- ed to their home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elder, Strat- ford, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. George Campbell. Mrs. Carl Barber and Wayne, Hamilton, are spending some time with her mother, Mrs. George Campbell. Wilfred Turner, Aylmer, spent the week end with his wife and family at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Turner. Mrs. Sarah Carnie spent Thurs- day with his sister, Mrs. Jane Haugh, at the home of her daugh- ter-in-law, Mrs. Mary Haugh, Brucefield; the occasion being Mrs. Jane Haugh's birthday, Pre- sent also were their brother, Ro- bert Allen and Mrs. Allen, and a nephew, George Hess and Mrs. Hess. Miss Joyce Greer, Goderieh, was a Sunday visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greer. WEEKEND SPECIALS White Swan Toilet Tissue 4 for 49c Giant Tide 81c Maple Leaf Fancy Sockeye Salmon 2 for $1.00 Carnation Milk, 16 oz. Tins . 7 for $1.00 Sunblest Cut Green Beans 4 for 45c Dutch Sets Are Now Available, Along With All Your Garden Requirements Lucky Dollar Food Market CLARENCE GASCHO—Proprietor s z — TEN-DOWN0 — Q A z cal z 0 Q z z O Q a z z z 0 n z raAz 0 Mr. and Mrs. ,Christian Gingerich Honored On 60TH Anniversary The family of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gingerich, Zurich, gathered at their parents home on Sunday to honour them on their 60th Wed- ding Anniversary. A delicious din- ner was served to mark the occa- sion, with the table beautifully 'de- corated with flowers and a three- tier wedding cake. The bridal couple of 60 years ago were presented with gifts, cards, and flowers. Mrs. Gingerich was the former Annie Beachler, a daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Menno Beachler. The couple were married in a little church on the Goshen Line south, where the Mennonite Ce- metery is now situated. After the wedding ceremony 60 years ago, a delicious meal was served at the bride's home, when about 60 guests were present. After their marriage the couple took up farming one and a half miles north of Blake, where Mr. Gingerich was born. Ephraim Gingerich now resides on the same farm. Twelve years ago the happy couple moved to Zurich. Mr. Jake Gingerich, of Albany, New York, is the only living at- tendant of Mr. and Mrs. Ginger- ich. He is now 88 years old. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gingerich wish them much health and happiness in the years ahead. I Approval For Liquor Vote In Hensall Given By Council Hensall Council, meeting in ses- sion Monday night, accepted a re. quest from the Business Men's As- sociation to apply to the Liquor Control Board of Ontario to sub- mit a vote of qualified electors. on the following questions;: Cock- tail Bars, Dining Lounge License, Men's and Ladie's Beverage rooms, for the village. It is expected both "wet" and "dry" factions in Hensall would shortly be forming to lobby for or against the liquor outlets in the town. Council also offered to enter in- to an agreement with Stanley Township for fire protection, and said they would provide the ser- vices of the town's volunteer bri- gade for a retaining fee of $125 a year plus $50 for the first hour of fire fighting and $25 for subse- quent hourse or fractions thereof. Daylight Saving Time was set to begin April 24, at 1 a.m., and end on October 30, at 1 a.m. Council arranged to meet with the council of Usborne Township with regards to the use of Hensall dump. A grant of $225 was given the recreation committee. A deputa- tion from the north portion of the village was present with a com- plaint of flooding. Council agreed to have the cause investigated. OPENING FOR THE SEASON THURSDAY, APRIL 14 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON, ONTARIO NORMIIMIEMNIMA — TEN -DOWN -- TEN -DOWN — TEN -DOWN — TEN -DOWN TEN -DOWN 1 Organize 4-H Calf Club In Zurich Next Tuesday Night Plans have been made to organ- ize a 4-H Calf Club in Zurich, on Thursday, April 14, in the Town- ship Hall, at 8.30 p.m. All child- ren who might be the least bit interested in becoming a member of a 4-H club are urged to attend this meeting. Last year the Club in Zurich became more active than in past years and it is hoped that still more enthusiasm will be shown this year. An increase in the num- ber of members in each club is being asked for, with the hope for at least 15 in Zurich. Any boy or girl who will be 12 years old by May 1, 1950, and who will not have reached her 21st birthday by November 1, 1960, may join a 4-11 Club. Members are urged to bring along any neigh- bouring boy or girl who they feel may be interested in becoming a member. Films or demonstrations will be presented at the meeting to intro- duce the 4-H members to the 1960 program, and all the 4-11 mater- ial, such as record books and man- uals will be distributed. Executive for the year will also be chosen. a HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ST® JOSEPH and DRYSDALE LAL. FRED DUCHARME, Correspondent. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Denomme, Kitchener, and son, were week end visitors with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte. They also called on other relatives in the surrounding district. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Masse and family, London, were Sunday last visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard, on this highway. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander De- nomme, Kitchener, were Sunday last visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- mand Denomme and other mem- bers of the family on the Blue - water north. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Bedard, London, were Sunday last visi- tors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme and fam- ily of the 15th concession. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pullon, Exe- ter, spent a long week end in their summer cottage along the lake south of St. Joseph. SOLD HOUSE Mrs. Sarah Jeffrey, who has sold her house to the Department of Highways, has now disposed of her lot to Mr. William Proudfoot, To- ronto. 'The idea was for a roadway for Mr. Proudfoot to enter on his lake side farm. By the deal Mrs. Jeffrey pur- Year Make Down Monthly 59 CHEV BEL AIR, radio, automatic DODGE MAYFAIR SEDAN ONE OWNER CARS 58 LIKE NEW $239 $ 79 229 78 BUICK LeSabre HARDTOP, all power 349 110 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF SEDAN 239 '79 PONTIAC STATION WAGON 295 93 PONTIAC Parisienne Hardtop, radio $249 NASH METRO HARDTOP, radio 119 Meteor Customline, radio 199 57 METEOR CUSTOMLINE "300" $85 42 69 $179 $62 56 FORD FAIRLANE, V-8, automatic, radio ...$159 $52 ALL G U A R A N T E E 13 55 A-1 C N D 1 T 1 U N BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN (Minister's) 139 PONTIAC STARCHIEF HARDTOP 179 AUSTIN A50, overdrive, radio CHEVROLET TWO -DOOR FORD CONVERTIBLE, automatic BUICK TWO -DOOR, two-tone MERCURY HARDTOP, radio, automatic .... 179 BUICK ROADMASTER Convertible, power 239 119 129 195 179 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN HARDTOP $139 OLDS "88" Sedan, hydromatic, radio 89 FORD TWO -DOOR 99 CHEV "150" Sedan, Only 37,000 Miles 119 FORD SEDAN, automatic 119 OLDS "98" CONVERTIBLE, Power 189 48 62 41 45 69 62 62 79 $48 39 36 39 39 65 UDofthe JACK'S BEST BUY 1955 PONTIAC Pathfinder Sedan deluxe, radio, darkgreen Low Price of Just $795:00 — TRUCKS - - OVER 15 — All Makes, Models And Years — TRUCKS chased lots from Mr. Proudfoot iaa St. Joseph, where she will have a new home erected. The work will be constructed by the Jef- frey contractors, and will start in the near future. We have the most modern. in Frames Broken Lenses Duplicated Also Several Styles in. Children's Frames at Mnch Below City Prices Albert Hess Jeweller and Opticia>rY THIS WEEK'S SALES 3 Cars 4 Cars 6 Cars '1 Car 3 Cars 4 Cars 8 Cars In London In Clinton In Goderich in Grand Bend In Seaforth In Wingham In Zurich and Exeter 'stance — To Is No Barrier — Pearson's Customers" Year Make 54 53 EASY TO OWN ANS Down Monthly FORD STATION WAGON, radio $119 BUICK HARDTOP, radio 109 PONTIAC COUPE, powerglide 109 OLDS "88" radio, automatic 109 METEOR "NIAGARA", radio 91 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE, radio $ 69 PONTIAC PATHFINDER SEDAN 79 HUDSON HORNET, radio 69 BUICK SEDAN, Only 41,000 miles 99 FORD CUSTOMLINE Two -Door 89 52 FORD SEDAN, radio $ 39 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Pearson Motors 49 $41 39 39 39 41 $30 34 30 41 37 $25 29 0 z td. PONTIAC — BUICK — VAUXHALL -- GMC TRUCKS and BEDFORD VANS ZURICH Huron — TEN -DOWN -- TEN -DOWN -- TEN -DOWN County's Largest Car Dealer TEN -DOWN TEN -DOWN 0 z EXETER TEN -DOWN - TEN -DOWN —