HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-04-06, Page 6PAGE SIX April and May Right Time For Treating Warbles; Dept. Advice In the spring, when lumps start appearing on the backs of cattle, you can be pretty sure the warble grubs are the cause. The early grubs usually start boring through the skin early in April, and la- ter grubs repeat this process on into May. What happens if the grubs es- cape? They will develop into flies that will terrify the cattle through- out the summer months, result- ing in a decline in beef or milk production. These flies also lay eggs on the cattle, the eggs ROE TAKES THE guesswork out of CHICK buying at less cost TO YOU ROE FARMS now bring in top blood' lines fromU.S.A.,such as STONE'S, DEMLERCHIX, TRUE -LINES. Prove them under Canadian condi- tions and offer you a selection of the best. NO PENALTY PAYMENTS Be safe, sure with ROE CROSSES at big savings Write for literature and prices rtoE FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO hatch into larvae which enter the skin, develop into grubs, and start the cycle all over again. This life cycle can be interrupt- ed if treatment is applied after the grub has made a hole in the back of the animal but before it has cone out. Warble fly powder, mixed with water according to di- rections, will kill the grubs if it is applied by a stiff brush or as a spray. In either case, however, the scabs which tend to form over the openings in the skin must be removed, or the mixture will not pass through the holes in the skin and come in contact with the grubs. ZURICI3 CITIZENS NEvvs Huron Member Happy With Repeal's Better Conditions Since the content of his re- marks have to do with the situa- tion in Huron and Perth Counties with regard to the vote last No- vember which requested repeal of the Canada Temperance Act, the address given by Charles S. Mac - Naughton, MLA for Huron County is of interest. We quote it from Hansard, March 17: In Ontario the period April 10 to 18 is usually the most suitable time for carrying out control of warble grubs. However, another treatment must be applied 3 or 4 weeks later, and if grubs continue to appear (as they do in some years), athird applied weeks eafternt l the second. Some 285 townships in Ontario operate under the provisions of the Warble Fly Control Act, dis- closes W. P. Watson, Ontario Live- stock Commissioner. This means that in these townships all cattle with warble grubs must be treated by either brush or spray method. Cattle owners who fail to carry out this requirement are liable to pro- secution. Those in doubt about any feature of the program should con- tact the clerk of the township or the township inspector. Tractor Operators Improve Record "The official Opposition had ex- pressed the view that the control features of our legislation should be revized, and I hardly think they can deny this. I was about to describe an event that took place in two rather re- presentative jurisdictions of this province on November 30. I am making reference to the counties of Huron and Perth — the people — voted overwhelmingly in favour of the existing Ontario laws and regulations by voting for the re- vocation of the Canada Temper - The number of tractor operators responsible for accidents involving farm tractors on Ontario roads dropped from 74 in 1957 to 57 in 1959. Parr Line Forum Ends Season With Banquest In Zurich The annual banquet of Parr Line Farm Forum was held in the Hay Township Hall, Zurich, last Friday evening, April 1. Eleven families partook of the dinner. .Progressive euchre followed. Mrs, Keith Love was high lady; Mrs. Stewart Blackwell, consolation; John Soldan was high in the gen- tlemen; and Ivan Reichert took the consolation. Keith Love was unanimously re- turned as president. Mrs. John Soldan will be secretary -treasurer. Mr. John Soldan announced there would be a Spring Rally at the South Huron District High, Exeter, within the next two weeks. Details of the program are now under way. But accidents are still hap- pening! Your tractor might be involved hi one! CIA's Farm Family Protection Plan could help you pay the costs of damage done TO and BY your tractor! For Full Details, Call BERT KLOPP R.R. 3, ZURICH PHONE 93r1 Co -Operators Insurance Association ance Act. With a brief interrup- tion, The Canada Temperance Act had been in effect in these areas for a matter of approximately some 70 to 80 years, or probably more. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1960 basic area of enforcement was concerned with the legal sale of alcohol in any form. There were no effective restrictions prohibit- ing importation into these counties, and absolutely no restriction to prevent consumption anywhere by anyone. Minors, when they obtain- ed it, could drink it with immu- nity and did just that. The Act, which was originally known as The Scott Act, was sus- pended for a short period in fa- vour of The Ontario Temperance Act, which completely forbids the sale of liquor, and this was the only basis upon which The Cana- da Temperance Act or The Scott Act, •as it was then known, could be suspended only in favour of a more restrictive Act. However, Mr. Chairman, in 1934, or thereabouts, the then Liberal government of the day decided their regulations superseded the federal law, and it was again sus- pended until 1946, at which time the Privy Council of England, in one of their last decisions, sus- tained The Canada Temperance Act. This Act remained in effect until January 15, 1960, at which time it was revoked by Royal pro- clamation. 4211111111111.111101111.1111111111, ApriI YOUR LIVESTOCK needs lots of water SO DO YOU! IS NATIONAL PUMP MONTH DROP IN AND ASK US FOR IDEAS ABOUT YOUR WATER SYSTEM WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY DURING APRIL BUY NOW AT SPECIAL PRICES Watch For Our Annual — Home Improvement Show Community Centre, Zurich April 21 BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER PO PO 22 Gingericn�SSales &Service Limited Also, may I point out to Hon. members that, under The Canada Temperance Act, about the only O'Brien's Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 -- Zurich FOR REPAIR — BUILDING CEMENT WORK Foundations Sidewalks Cement Floors Power Trowelling — Our Specialty M. Sauder and Son OPOMMOIONOOPM CEMENT CONTRACTOR Phone 233 — Zurich THE BRIGHTEST STAR IN COOKING'WARE Ga laxY by IIIIIIIu"PREPO,d FULLY GUARANTEED DOUBLE BOILER 2 pt -6.95 4 pt -7.95 6 cup --4.50 9 cup -5.50 TEAPOT SKILLET 9"--5.50 410'-6.50 5 pt -7.95 8 pt -7.95 TEA KETTLE 2 pt --4.50 6 pt -^-6.50 4 pt -5.50 apt -4.50 SAUCEPAN. * New beauty in your kitchen * Designed for faster cooking * New labour-saving design * Designed for lifetime service and they chose the legal control provisions of our provincial laws, May I add in closing, Mr. Chair- man, that since revocation was proclaimed by the federal author- ity, we have had an opportunity, to witness a different picture en- tirely. This prompts me to say In all too many circumstances, constituted authority had little or no means of enforcing any type of control whatever, to the point where, in many, situations, these jurisdictions provided almost com- plete immunity to those who inva- ded the areas for the sole pur- pose of unmo[iested consumption and the many evils attendant up- on such lack of control. The electors of Huron, given the opportunity, chose the legal control of our sound Ontario laws by a vote of 12,157 to 7,391. Out of 24 polls represented by corpor- ate municipalities, towns and townships, 18 recorded to be rid of The Canada Temperance Act. * New cool sure -grip handles STRONG - YET SO LIGHT Made from ALUMINUM for faster cooking with no hot spots that the people of Huron and Perth recognized—since the vote and more particularly since the revocation of the former legisla- tion—that our provincial laws in this respect, while they probably are not perfect, are much more to be desired than any form of le- gislation which would tend to re- duce their effectiveness. Now, Mr. Chairman, it is my contention, and my sincere belief, that this is a problem which has only been scratched at, the sur- face of it has only been scratched. It is a social problem and it has been a problem for decades—cen- turies, if you wish. Meanwhile, Mr. Chairman, may I say only that, until we find some- thing better in an intelligent, de- termined effort for improvement, let us have no relaxation of the present controls as they exist in this province today. Let me emphasize this once more—these jurisdictions had ex- perienced for too long, a situation almost out of control, if you wish, Rader & MittelhOltz Hardware Phone 63 -- Zurich morosuormummuummommumuurromorrarmoommumorrormormrrommun DAILY SERVICE London and Toronto TO ZURICH DISTRICT Hog Assembly in Zurich—TUESDAY & THURSDAY Hog Assembly in Henson (at Saks Barn)—TUESDAY CEMENT & ROAD GRAVEL, FILL & TOP SOIL AGENTS FOR PARISIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS RUSTON TRANSPORT PHONE 186 ZURICH HENSALL PHONE 88r7, KIRKTON RUSSELDALE WE SPECIALIZE IN SUNDAY DINNERS 4.00 to 7.30 p.m. DINING ROOM CLOSED EVERY TUESDAY EVENING Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 ZURICH "You Are a Stranger But Once" 1 BUY ALL YOUR SEED REQUIRE- MENTS FROM A RELIABLE — DEALER — — WE HAVE THE NEW – HARDI-GREEN MIXTURES CLIMAX TIMOTHY, VERNAL ALFALFA, ELNAR ALFALFA ENGLISH RED CLOVER LONG-TERM MIXTURES — AND – HAY -PASTURE MIXTURES — FOR — Your Best Grass Seed Buys — CALL AT — Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING— TINSMITHING" PIE IONS 72 — ZURICH