HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-04-06, Page 1cH
Juveniles Win
Come From Behind To Win
Series In Three Straight
The Zurich Lions Juveniles captured !the Ali -Ontario Juvenile D
championship last Friday night when they edged Plattsville 6-5 in the
fourth game of their best -of -five final series. After losing the first
game of the series, the locals came back strong to take the laurels in
three straight. The game was played in the Exeter Arena.
Immediately following the game,
the team was presented with the
OMHA Trophy, by Stan Stokes,
London, district representative for
the Association. Team Captain
Wayne Willert accepted the trophy
on behalf of the Zurich Club.
Winning the championship marks
the second time in three years that
the same group of boys have won
an Ontario title. In 1957 they won
the All -Ontario Bantam D title.
Bob Johnston and Gerard Over-
holt each scored twice, and Wayne
Willert and Earl Wagner once to
lead the locals to the victory be-
fore 650 excited fans.
After having Plattsville grab an
early lead in the game, the locals
carne back strong in the last half
of the second and again in the
third period, to squeeze out the
The visitors scored early in the
game, at the .22 second mark in
the first. Early in the second Bob
Johnston tied the score, but two
quick goals by Cressman and Gra-
ham shot Plattsville right back
into a 3-1 lead.
The smartest goal of the game
was scored by Earl Wagner;at the
10.17 mark in the second period.
Earl grabbed the puck in his own
end, worked his way out past cen-
tre ice, circled around the de€enee-
man and then pulled the goaltend-
er out of position to flip the puck
in the empty net. This goal proved
to be the turning point in the
game, as less than a minute later
Gerard Overholt tied the score for
the locals. Bob Johnston scored
his second goal of the game at
15,40 to give Zurich a 4-3 lead at
the end of the middle session.
The locals lead was short-lived,
however, as Cressman tied the
score for Plattsville early in the
third period. At this point Willert
and Overholt each scored for the
locals before the final tally for the
visitors came at the 17.50 mark.
The game ended in a wild scram-
ble for the puck around the Zur-
ich goal, with Plattsville threaten-
ing to tie the score.
A total of 19 penalties were
handed out in the contest, with 13
going to Plattsville and six to Zur-
Upon the team's arrival back in
Zurich after the game, they were
given a royal reception when they
were met at the edge of town by
the fire truck and driven around
the village on the back, with the
siren blaring. A brief ceremony
followed in the Community Cen-
tre, when all the players were cal-
led upon to say a few words.
Zurich won the third game in
the series last Wednesday night in
Ayr, with an impressive 4-2 win.
Bob Johnston scored two goals in
this game, with Gewit,gye
and WaYherWiililert each potting
g one
The locals held a commanding
4-0 lead until late in the third
period, when Plattsville banged in
two quick goals within two min-
$2.50 Per Year -5 Cents Per Copy
II -Ontario "D" Title
Hay Council Lets
Gravel Contract
A contract for crushing and
hauling 16,000 cubic yards of gra-
vel]) on the roads in Hay Township
was awarded to Robert Jennison,
Grand Bend. The price of the con-
tract is $1.05 per cubic yard, made
up of 33 cents for crushing and
72 cents for hauling.
Holding their regular meeting
on Monday afternoon, the coun-
cil of Hay Township authorized
a grant of $20 to the Dashwood.
Public Library. Another grant of
$35 was made to the South Huron
Agricultural Society, for the an-
nual Hensall Spring Fair.
First Aid Course
In Mennonite Church
The Mennonite Central Commit-
tee has made arrangements for
the holding of a St. John's Am-
bulance first aid training course
'in the basement of the Zurich
Mennonite Church. The first ses-
sion, will be held this Monday
night, April 11.
There are still vacancies for a
number of interested persons and
anyone who would like to attend
the six-week course is asked to
contact Rev. Albert Martin as soon
as possible.
Work To Start Shortly On
Bank of Montreal Renovation
Work to extend and renovate
the Bank of Montreal's Zurich
branch will be started shortly, ac-
cording to John E. Bannister, the
Mr. Bannister announced the
award of the contract for the work
to the Toten Construction Compa-
ny of London and said the project
is scheduled for completion at
the end of July.
Plans call for the construction
of an extension at the rear of the
building which will house a new
steel -and -reinforced -concrete vault
measuring some 220 square feet.
Improved facilities will include
a new streamlined counter line
nth tile:-telle lie igite 'her
low bronze and glass screens.
There is .a single wicket at pre-
sent. For the convenience of safe-
ty -deposit -box customers, private
coupon booths will be installed.
close to the new vault.
Designed by London architects,
Riddle, Connor and Associates, the
alterations will include complete
redecoration of the office, and in-
stallation, of new fluorescent
lights, colorful rubber tile flooring,
oak woodwork, new aluminum -and -
glass doors and heating plant.
The Zurich Branch of the Bank
of Montreal was established in Fe-
bruary, 1908. It was originally an
office of Molson's Bank, which la-
ter merged with the Bank of
The branch was first located in
premises on Victoria street for -
Bank. In 1910, the bank moved to
the Bank of Montreal's present lo-
cation at north-west corner of
Main Street and Goshen Road. It
is this office which will now be ex-
tended and modernized.
Lions Club Hears Details
Of New Amplifying System
Deputy -district Governor of Li-
ons, Harvey McDermitt, Howick,
was the guest speaker at the Mon-
day night dinner meeting of the
Zurich Lions Club held at the Do-
minion Hotel. He reviewed the
work carried out by the Zurich
Club over the past year, praising
the members for the fine job they
have done.
The speaker stressed the impor-
tances of having activities carried
out by the Club at all times. He
also told of the plans for the TB
Clinic which is to be held in July
and August. Mr. McDermitt is the
president of the Huron County
TB Association.
The guest was introduced by
Lion Bob McKinley and thanked
by Lion Russell Grainger.
Two members of the Exeter
Lions Club were guests at the
meeting, Lions Tom, MacMillan
and Jack Smith. Mr. MacMil-
lan explained the details of the
project all the Clubs in Huron
County are being asked to carry
out, in the installation of an amp-
lifying system in the new County
Home at Clinton.
Total cost of the system is esti-
mated to be $4,300., which
amounts to the equivalent of $10.
per member throughout Huron
County. Each club is being asked
to donate an amount equal to the
number of members they have. A
,deeasion„as,to-whether the...Zurich,.
Club would participate was' left to
the board of directors.
Bob McKinley gave a report to
the Club on the Juvenile hockey
team which was sponsored during
the past season by the Lions, and
ONTARIO CHAMPS! ! This group of happy fel-
lows won the OMIIA Juvenile D title last Friday
night, when they defeated Plattsville in the fourth
game of the best -of -five series. Front row, left to
right, Dennis Amacher, Bob Johnston, Wayne Willert,
Earl Wagner, Ron Deichert; middle row, left to right,
Bob McKinley, manager; Joe Corriveau, Don John-
son, Bill Wagner, Gerard Overholt, Don O'Brien,
4.• ;1
poach; back row, left to right, Danny Moore, score-
keeper; John Masse, Larry Bedard, Murray Beli, Al-
lan Thiel, Earl Yungblut, trainer. Left 'inset is Paul
Weido, (Citizens News Photo)
which won the. All -Ontario cham-
pionship. It was decided that the
boys on the team should be hon-
oured in any way the hockey com-
mittee would see fit.
Lion Jack Bannister spoke
briefly on the Cancer blitz, which
members of the Club are to carry
out on Monday, April 18.
A special committee has been
formed in the Club to arrange a
suitable program to celebrate the
15th Anniversary of the Zurich
Lions Club. The Club was char-
tered 15 years ago this May.
Pictured above is the offi-
cial crest of the village of
Zurich, which was recently de-
signed by R. 11. Latimer, in-
dustrial arts teacher at the
Zurich School.
The waves at the top of the
crest represents Lake Huron
to the west of Zurich; and the
wide strip of space below the
waves is the Bluewater High-
way. The centre of the pic-
ture shows the rich agricul-
tural areas surrounding the
village of Zurich, while the
tree and the log below repre-
sents industry.
Village Council Sets
Season for D.S.T.
Various Grants Made
The Zurich village council, holding
their regular meeting on Tuesday
night, adopted a resolution setting
April 2)4 to October 30 as the pe-
riod when Daylight Saving Time
would be in effect although the
council were opposed to the idea of
having such a lengthy season of
Daylight Saving Time, they felt
they had no choice but to fall in
line with other municipalities a-
In other business the council de-
cided to see the county engineer
in regards to the section of the
county road in the north section
of the village. At the present time
the road is in a deplorable condi-
tion, and is definitely in need of
A grant of $15 was authorized to
the South Huron Agricultural So-
ciety, for the Hensall Spring Fair.
A membership fee of $20 was or-
dered to be paid in the Municipal
Officer's Association.
Local Residents
Receive Citizenship
Papers at Goderich
Fifty-seven persons from many
European countries received Ca-
nadian citizenship papers in an im-
pressive ceremony Thursday at
the Huron County Court HOLM.
Judge Frank Fingland spoke to
them and presented certificates.
Following the ceremony the new
Canadians and many friends were
entertained by the Imperial Or-
der Daughters of the Empire, in
the Canadian Legion Hall, Goder-
Among those receiving papers
from this district were: Andrew
and Hendrika Hummel, R.R. 1,
Zurich; Marinus and Joanna Ver-
munt, R.R. 2, Zurich; and Fred-
erick and Erna Schroeder, Dash-