HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-03-16, Page 7'WEDNESDAY, 1WAR,C,.XI 16, 1960 OBITUARY • EDITH MOUSSEAU Mrs, Edith Mousseau, 83, died last Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Melvin Smith, Bronson Line, Hay township. She was the former Edith Allen, wife of the late Alexander Mous- seau. Formerly Mrs. Mousseau was a resident of Zurich. She is survived by two sons, Herbert, of Zurich, and Elzar A., of Kippen; a daughter, Mrs. Mel- vin (Amanda) Smith, of Hay town- ship; two brothers, Edward Al- len, of Denfield, and Dolph, of Ma - George It. Hardman ,Attending At .MILT OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich — 130-J Individual sseax I£ Attention Experience Miracle Mon. March 21 10 a.m. - 8.00p.m, You Haw Would You Like To Walk In Comfort? ean, you know, with MIRACLE FOOT AID. Mr. Hardman's complete knowledge of Miracle Foot Aid's ability to help your foot or associated problem should lead ;you .confidently to see him next Monday. Your future comfort may well date from that day! ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS nitoulin Island, and three sisters, Mrs. Curtis Gratton, Mrs. Hum- phrey Webb, and Mrs. Dorothy Webb, all of Grand. Bend. The body rested at the Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich, for the fu- neral service at 2 p.m. Burial was made in the Evangelical cemetery, Bronson Line. Rev, A. M. Amacher and Rev. Boden'ham officiated. 0— YOUR LIVESTOCK( needs lots of water So DO YOU! Drop In And Discuss Your PUMP PROBLEMS With Us We can give you PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE BLUEWATER BAYFIELD (By Mrs. Russell Grainger) Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner cal- led on Mrs. George Campbell on Sunday. Mr. George Campbell is still a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, but is corning along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and Gail visited Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tur- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner, Debbie and Stewart, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Turner's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stew- art, in Clinton. JUST ARRIVED CARLOAD OF NO. 4 COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW! Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMITHING" PHONE 72 — — — ZURICH WE'RE CELEBRA *kilt WITH Ble R. Zurich School Teacher Speaks To Members Of Hensall Inktitute A member of the Zurich Public School staff, R. H. Latimer, spoke on citizenship and education when he addressed a meeting of Hensail Women's Institute held in the Le- gion Hall. Mr, Latimer referred to the ur- gent need for a civil defense pro - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner called on their uncle, George Campbell, in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold White and three children, Darcy, Saskatche- wan, are spending some time with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Cleave. 0 New Highway . Maps Show Several Changes In County Markings Several changes designed to help the highway traveller have been introduced in the 1960 On- tario Official Road map which has just come off the presses. The map is revised every year, of course, to show new highways, new highways under construction, any changes in highway numbers and some additional place names. However, the newest feature of the 1960 map is that all county and district names and bound- aries are shown. The names have been placed in a curve to make them stand out as much as pos- sible and the boundaries are em- phasized by white shading. The Department of Highways places signs where county boun- daries intersect highways. With the county boundaries shown on the niap it will be possible for drivers to use them as reference points when travelling. The new map is available at any of the department's .18 district of- fices throughout the province, De- partment of Travel and Publicity tourist reception centres, or in writing from the Highways De- partment of Travel and Publicity, Toronto, gram to deal with any disaster, either in peace or in war. He also drew a number of cartoons to illustrate his talk. The speaker was introduced by Mrs, Robert El- gie and thanked by Mrs. W. O. Goodwin. Eighteen pupils of grades 5 and 6 at Hensall Public School took part in a verse speaking competi- tion, Winners were: 1. Grant Jones; 2. Cheryl Little and Rickey Buchanan (tied); 3. Bruce Forrest. Others taking part in the com- petition were Grant Walker, Ruth Smale, Joyce Flyn, Peter Bisback, Billy Soldan, Heather Reid, Be- van Bonthron, Wendy Moir, Dianne Koehler, George Taylor, Clark Forrest, Paul Drysdale, Barbara Schwalm, Danny Kipfer. DASHWOOD and DISTRICT Ladies' Aid Meeting — The regular meeting of Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held on Wednesday, March 9, following the Lenten Service. The Topic was the Lenten Me- ditation. "Hour of Lament" with a filmstrip, "The Last Journey to Jerusalem." Mrs. Milfred Merner presided for the business. Several quilts were made during February. A letter was read from the L.W.M.L. president, stating that completion of several projects planned for 1959. Twelve Bibles with pictures were ordered to be sold. The meet- ing closed with the Lord's Prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maine and girls, of Kitchener, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Latta and son and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wei - berg, of Kitchener, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Irwin, of Hamilton, were week end visitors here. M . and Mrs. Erwin Rader ac- companied by Mr. L. H. Rader and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader motored to Waterloo on Sunday, to visit Mrs. L. H. Rader, who is a patient in the Kitchener -Water- loo Hospital. HEINZ SPAGHETTI 15 OZ. TINS 2 . FOR . 29c Libby's Deep Brown Beans 15 OZ. VEGETARIAN 2. FOR 35c GEM MARGARINE 4 LBS. FOR 95c Crown Brand Corn Syrup 2 LB. TINS — 29c Success Hvy. Duty Paste Wax 1 LB. 'TIN 59c White Toilet Tissues 6 Rolls — 49c NOW mia0 s1 — ••••• -.. SAVINGS FOR YOU 1 Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 16 OZ. JAR — 39c Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon 1/2 Lb. TINS — 2 . FOR $ 1.00 JAVEX 32 Oz. Jar — 2. For .49c Lucky Dollar Peanut Butter 16 OZ, JAR -- 35c KINGSDALE COOKIES 3 PKGS. — 87c Golden Ripe Bananas 2 LBS. FOR 29c — ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL — THREE IRISH LINEN TEA TOWELS — ONLY 89c With Every $3.00 Order! Lucky Dollar Food Market TOP PRICES PAID FOR . • CREAM • EGGS • POULTRY Give Us A Call! 03 1EWS PRODUCE Phone 101 — Zurich NO aotia�T� NO Penalties Top .bloodlines from U.S. raised, selected and hat- ched in Canada.Bred-to- • lay chicks from famed STONE'S DEMLERCHIX- TRUE-LINES Now yours arid guaranteed by Roy FARMS LIMITED ATWOO•.Od TM O lterature and Pikes on Request. PACE SEVEN Judges were Mrs, Laird Mickle,. Miss M. Ellis and Mrs, George Armstrong. Margaret Elgie entertained with a piano solo and Joan Sinclair with a voeal solo. During the business session, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, Mrs, N. E. Cook and Mrs. Armstrong were appointed to the nominating com- mittee. A donation was voted to the Hensel'. Legion branch. Members answered roll call with "Something a child has taught me." Program conveners were Mrs. Elgie and Mrs, Sherritt and hos- tesses were Mrs. M. Drysdale and Ws. W. R. Stephenson. Refreshments were served by Mrs. R. J. Paterson, Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs. M. Hedden and Mrs. E. Shepherd. Baked Fresh Daily Throughout The Lenten Season PKG. OF 9 38c TASTY -NU BAKERY PHONE 100 — ZURICH "THE HOME OF "TASTY -NU" BREAD" BODY WORK GENERAL REPAIRS To AH Makes Of CARS, TRUCKS, and TRACTORS ARC and ACETYLENE WELDING DEM DINE AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 38 — ZURICH We Carry A Complete Range INLAID LINOLEUM 2 YARDS WIDE GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUMS 2, 3 and 4 yards wide ARMSTRONG'S QUAKER LINOLEUM 2, 3 and 4 yards wide Hall Runners — Counter Topping LINOLEUM and VINYL FLOOR TILES Stair Carpet, Broad Loom, Rubber Matting SEE THE SAMPLES OF ROYAL-TEX —Tweed Carpeting NOW IN STOCK: VISCOSE RUGS 9'x12' and 9'x6' Westlake Furniture PHONE 89.1 ZURICH