HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-03-16, Page 6PAGE SIX Service Clubs Begin Easter Seal Campaign For Crippled 'Children Thursday, March 17th, marks the day when thousands of Rotar- ians, Lions, Kiwanians, Kinsmen and other service clubs mail their Easter Seals to every one in On- tario asking for help in their crip- pled children's work. The 14,191 crippled children in the province, living on farms or in city homes or in remote northern hamlets know that the 1960 East- er Seal Campaign means hope. To them the Easter Seals bring treat- ment and training, a possibility of independence and a relief from the physical handicaps that birth, illness or accident have left them. Last year the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, whose only an- nual appeal for funds is made in i' EDNESDA'S';. MARCH 16, 190 the Easter Seal Campaign by 222 service clubs, carried out its big- gest program in all its history. This year, the more than' 114,000 youngsters who are listed on the Society's rolls as "active" cases will have increased because On- tario's swiftly growing population means hundreds of new cases each year. The provincial objective of this year's Easter Seal Campaign, March 17th to April 17th is $850,000. The organization that cares for this number of children is ama- zingly small. A tightly knit office staff at head -quarters in Toronto, a score of highly trained nurses, a core of volunteer doctors and an army of public spirited citizens who give freely of their time. The result is a volume of service out of all proportion to the money spent in the work. This work takes several forms. There is nursing service, made SEE THE ATTRCATIVE COLOURS IN SHORT. AND. LONG. SLEEVES . . DRIP-DRY BROADCLOTH, TERYLENE, CREPES, DACRONS SIZES 12 to 44 — F ROM $2.98 TO $5,95 Hardings 1005 Pure Virgin Nordic Wool FOR NEW GRAPH -STYLE KNITTING PATTERNS ASSORTED COLOURS ONLY $1.00 — 4 OZ. SKEIN GASCHO PHONE 59 so ZURICH up of 25 graduate nurses, each of whom has taken a special past graduate course in orthapaedic nursing which qualifies them as, orthopaediq consultants. These nurses visit the homes of handi- capped children, teach 'the parents. how to administer therapy treat- ment or direct a child to medical attention. The nurse's function is specific divisions of the province ranges from the Lakehead to Eastern On- tario. Available for their use are qualified therapists whose value is indicated by the fact that the Ontario Government requested the assistance of two during a polio epidemic some years ago and which assistance was provided by the Society at no cost to the pro- vince of patients. Five summer camps this year will give a three week holiday to more than 1,200 children who would otherwise have no such holi- day because of their inability to at- tend conventional camps. This is the biggest crippled children's camping program of any single po- litical area in the world and its importance is that it more than gives a holiday, but teaches chil- dren who are often embarrassed by handicaps to care for them- selves and get along with other youngsters. Clinics for examination of chil- dren in areas far from major hos- pital centres are also organized and attended by two medical spe- cialists from Toronto, ' Hamilton, Ottawa and elsewhere giving their experienced advice. If children need hospitalization this is pro- vided on special advice and local doctors co-operate providing treat- ment at home. With the opening of the 14th Annual Easter Seal Campaign to- day there will be thousands of ser- vice club men and women working for a better future for Timmy and all his pals. 1111..1•11•411Mear. fsgoarteisso Let Us Give Your Hair Phone 223 ZURICH NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 1•11001M11•141 Informatiori r Voters VOTING DAY — TUESDAY, MARCH 29 Polling Subdivisions of Village North of 84 Highway of Village South of 84 Highway Polls Are Located At The Township Hall No. 1. All No. 2. All Both Hours of Voting — 8 A.M. To 7 P.M. Here are samples of three ballots: Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house licence for con- sumption on licensed premises to which men only are admitted? Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a dining lounge licence for consumption with meals on licensed premises? YES 'X NO 'YES X NO NO Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises? YES X NO Each of the Three Separate Ballots should be marked with a plain X beside the YES as shown above to permit the operation of a licensed hotel in Zurich. Zurich Citizens Legal Control Con i. tee Hensall 'Kinettes Hold ,Vice -President's Night At Mickle Home (By our Hensall correspondent) Vice president's night was ob- served at the Hensall Kinettes meeting last Tuesday night, for which Mrs. Wm. Mickle was hos- tess at her home. Mrs. Ross Jinks chaired the meeting. Fine Mistress for the evening was Mrs. Jim Clark, and the Ki- nette song was led by Mrs. Harold Bonthron. Plans were completed for the annual visit to the shut-ins on Sunday, March 20, when over 40 sick and shut-ins in Seaforth, Clinton, Exeter hospitals, County Home, Clinton, Queensway Nurs- ing Home, Hensall, and shut-ins hit the village will be visited. Each will receive a potted plant. An invitation was received to at- tend the Cancer meeting at Exe- ter on March 21. Mrs. George Beer won the raffle brought by Mrs. Mickle. 0 Presbyterian Ladies Ian Hensall Hold Joint Meeting In Church (By our Hensall correspondent) The Women's Missionary So- ciety and Ladies Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church met in the church schoolroom on Thursday, March 10., for their March meet- ing. President of the W.M.S., Mrs. Earl Campbell, took the chair, with the theme, "Christian Responsi- bility". ,Sacred passages were read by Mrs. S. Dougall, and prayer of- fered by Mrs. A. Hogarth. Chap- ter three of the "Study Book on Africa" was reviewed by Mrs. S. Dougall. Mrs. E. Munn and Mrs. M. Dougall rendered a piano duet. Exeter and District Cancer Meetings Mon., Mar. 21, 8 p.m. Hospital Auxiliary Room Guest Speaker — Tom Squires mgr., Hotel London, and London Cancer Campaign Chairman. Wed., Mar., 30, 3 p.m. James St. United Church Exeter, Ontario Guest Speaker Mrs. Nell Thomson, London Cancer Clinic Everyone Welcome! O'Brien's Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 — Zurich A brief meeting of the Ladies Aid followed. Mrs, Munn reported three quilts completed, and the la- dies will cater to the Rebekah Banquet on April 6. 0 Letters To Editor Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario, Dear Herb: Enclosed is a mon- ey order for $2.50. Please renew our subscription for another year. We enjoy your paper very .much. Thank You! Mr. and Mrs. Leo Overholt, 579 Rosedale Ave., March7, 1960 London, Ont. Zurich Citizens News,. Zurich, Ontario Dear Sir: Enclosed is my cheque for $3,50,. in renewal of my subscription to the Citizens News. Congratulations on your acquires ing the ownership of this fine pa- per, which we look forward to perusing each week. The photographs are particu- larly good, as well as the many news items. It is like a letter from home. Best wishes for your continued success in the coming year. Yours truly Clara • C. Todd, 804 Lennox Ave., Detroit 15, Mich„ March 10, 1960. TIEMAN'S HARDWARE i Plumbing • Heating SALES and SERVICE • Oil (Burner Service a Electrical' Work FURNITURE, COAL and CEMENT PHONE 8 ® DASHWOOD 17-tfb DAILY SERVICE London and Toronto TO ZURICH DISTRICT Hog Assembly in Zurich—TUESDAY & THURSDAY Hog Assembly in Hensall (at Sales Barn)—TUESDAY CEMENT & ROAD GRAVEL, FILL & TOP SOIL AGENTS FOR PARISIAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS RUSTON TRANSPORT PHONE 186 ZURICH HENSALL PHONE 88r7, KIRKTON RUSSELDALE J WE SPECIALIZE IN SUNDAY DINNERS 4.00 to 7.30 p.m. DINING ROOM CLOSED EVERY TUESDAY EVENING Dominion Hotel PHONE 70 ZURICH "You Are a Stranger But Once°' of le SUPER KE TONE AND KEM OGL,O BUY NOW AT THESE SPECIAL LOW PRICES!! SUPER KEM-TONE $225 Reg. Price $2.65 quart ONLY $2.79 79c KEM-GLO Reg. Price $3.35 quart ONLY HALF PINTS—Reg. $1.05 ONLY AVAILABLE IN ANY COLOUR YOU DESIRE WE ARE ALSO CLEARING OUR ENTIRE STOCK OE I.V. PAINTS — AT WHOLE SALE PRICES Act Fast! Rader & Mittelholtz Hardware Phone 63 — Zurich Zurich