HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-02-17, Page 5WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1960 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE VOUIL FIND IT IN iNE WANT ADS!",e, ' CLASSII+IED RATES: 25 words or less, 50c the first week, 35c for repeat advertisements. Lar- ger advs.: 2c a word the first week, then 1�43c for repeats. Cards of Thanks, In Memor- iamss, Engagements, same as above, Births, Marriages and Deaths, No charge. FOR SALE• :HOLSTEIN BULL CALF -suitable for vealing. Apply to Wes MC - Bride, RR 1, Varna, phone Hen- sall 687r21. 7-p TWO YOUNG, WHITE-FACED -•calves, for quick sale. Apply to John Groot, phone 94r7, Zurich. 7-p 'CASE COMBINE With air-cooled motor, in good working condition, Complete with all attachments. Apply to Andrew Rau, phone 98- r18, Zurich. 7-8p SPECIAL SALE — 20% off all makes of 'electric shavers — Ph ilishave, :Sunbeam, Remington, Replacement parts for all makes .at Hess the jeweller, Zurich, 7-b BUILDING 14'X18', FRAME con- struction of 2x4, with tongue and groove siding, covered with clap- board. Suitable for brooder house or could be converted into a two - .ear garage. Only $65. Apply to Norman Gascho, phone 61, Zurich. 7p 1.950 TWO -TON Chevrolet, in good condition. Apply to Blake Repair Shop, phone 79r12, Zurich. 2x SMITH -CORONA Portable Type- writers and Victor adding machin- , Les, priced reasonable. Zurich Citi- ; tens News, phone 133, Zurich. 3x-tfb TWO TRACTOR TIRES — 12 x 26, complete with rims, tubes and fluid. Fair condition. Apply to ,Avila Ducharme, phone 77 r 2, Zu2- iidti. 6-7-8-b COUNTER -CHECK BOOKS, prin- ted or plain; adding machine rolls; rubber stamps and stamp pads; magic markers. Call at Citizens ' News office, 3x-tfb !BECAUSE OF THE FINE res- ponse to our film developing ad- vertisement we are now offering a FREE enlargement from your favorite negative. Just enclose ,a negative along with your next :roll ,of film. Film developed and 8 double size, 50 cents; 12 double size, 70 cents. Jiffy Photo, Clin- ton. 49-50-1-2-b REGISTERED GERMAN SHEP- herd, black and silver; one year old, Phone Exeter 378j1. 7p !Storey and a half frame dwelling house -- Brucefield — Please contact: ERNEST TALBOT, RR 3, Kippen or MRS. 'CHESTER NEIL, RR 3, Kippen FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE GEORGE WHITE FARM Mach- inery, Ebersal hay and grain Ele- vators, Rotary Hog Feeders. Ap- ply to Amos Gingerich, Blake, phone Zurich 79r12. 30-tfx MINNEAPOLIS Farm Machinery, Twin Drulic Manure Loaders, Firestone tires. See us for a bet- ter deal. Emmerson Erb, phone 96r12, Zurich. 28-tfb MISCELLANEOUS CATTLE SPRAYING—For Lice; anybody wishing cattle sprayed for lice, contact Bill Watson, phone Dashwood, 37 r 19. 50-tfb FIL1'J± R QUEEN SALES AND service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, RR 1, Zurich. Phone Henson 696r2. 18-20-22-24tfb DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY Service, Call Earl Oesoh's Barber Shop. Pick-up and delivery every Monday and Thursday. Brady Cleaners and Launeleteria Ltd., Exeter. 22-tftb SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspools, etc., leaned. Prompt service and rea- onable rates. Del's Sewage Dis- iosal Service, call Del Schwart- entruber, phone 26 r 17, Dash- vood. 34tfb WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" RT1FICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE Farmer Owned and Controlled all us between: 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. Week Days and 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday Evenings — at Clinton Zenith 9-5650 DON'T WASTE GRAIN MIX IT! THE omstttt� FEED IT! SHUR - GAIN WAY BALANCE YOUR GRAIN WITH: SHUR-GAIN CONCENTRATES Me Ge DEITZ and SO YOUR BALANCED FEEDING HEADQUARTERS PHONE 154 ZURICH Special ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS with Self -Storing Screens Only $17.95 DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent). weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Miss Ell'e'n Gilbert, Stratford, spent a -few days with Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Burmeister last week. Flowers were placed in Zion Lutheran Church Sunday by the children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kraft, who cel- ebrated their 43rd wedding an- niversary on February 14. Mrs. Howard Klumpp attend- ed the annual Children's Aid meeting at Goderich, last Wed- nesday. Entertains Sunday School Class Billie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman, underwent an appendicitis operation last Friday evening. He had played on the hockey team the previous night. He is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kimpel and girls, Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mrs. Mary Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Emil. Becker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Latta and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wei- berg, Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weiberg, Kitchener, were CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Dorothy C. Johnston wish to thank their friends and neighbours for the floral tributes and acts of kind- ness. Special thanks to the Rev. W. P. Fisher, the Ladies Aid, the Choir, the pall -bearers, Westlake funeral home, and those who as - sited in any way. 7-b FLOOR SANDING, PROMPT and efficient service; or rent our sanders and do it yourself. This is the time of year to have your floors refinished. Charles H. Thiel, phone 140, Zurich. 14 -tib GARDEN TRACTOR. Hoes between plants mord rows, Including strawberries. Ell - Minato; hand hoeing. Standard in six9. Also tills. Nothing else like it. Potent No. 9742840. Can be seen at any place displaying the above Auto hoe sign. Na one will call on you. Get a FREE discount catalog direct From AUTO HOS, WAREHOUSE 578 D E PERE, WIS. AUTOMOTIVE Glass — Steering — Body Repairs Lubrication, etc. For Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE Phone 320, No. 8 Highway, Goderich 37tfb WANTED TO BUY PRIVATE COLLECTOR is inter- ested in old letters, coins, and paper money, prior to 1950. Write Box 184, Zurich Citizens News. 7-8-9-b HELP WANTED IN ZURICH and surrounding area, mature person to make insurance reports, in spare time. Experience not necessary, car essential. Good renumeration. Address replies to: Postal Station "K", Box 191, Tor- onto 12, Ontario. 7b Auction Sale To be held at the Farm, Lot 14, Con. 2, Stanley Township, 11/4 miles west of Brucefield, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd. At 1:30 p.m. Consisting of45 Head of Registered and Grade Holstein. Cows and Heifers, fresh and due to freshen February and March. Several Durham and Hereford Heifers, due sale time. Also a number of Jerseys and Young Calves. Cattle are Vaccinated and of Good quality. TERMS — Cash. D'Arcy Rathwell and Sons, Proprietors. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Carl Oestricher recently en- tertained his Sunday School Class of young people in his home. Din- ner and progressive games were enjoyed. Surprise Birthday Party Urban Pfile was pleasantly surprised Saturday evening, Feb- ruary 13, when Mrs. Pfile enter- tained about 40 relatives and fr- iends at a surprise birthday party in honour of his 6Qth birthday. Crokinole was played. Winners were: Delbert Geiger and Laird Jacobe, Shirley McClinchey and Philip Rader. Mr. Pfile was re- cipient of many gifts for which he thanked all. Lunch, with birth- day cake was enjoyed. Lodies Aid .Meeting The regular meeting of Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid was held last Wednesday. Pastor K.. L. Zorn had as his topic, "Bringing Christ to the home". It was de- cided ti have the Epiphany family night, which had been cancelled due to inclement weather, on February 28. Closing Devotions conducted by group 1, with Mrs. Lorne Gent- tner, was a candleight service with the theme "The Light of the world." W.S.W.S. Meeting The E.Y.F. was in. charge of the program for the W.S.W.S. meeting of the E. U. B. church. The topic was on Africa, Stan- ley Hoist gave the call to wor- ship and Gary Eagleson read the scripture: Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson and some of the girls gave a skit Bonnie McCrae, Norma Weigard, Nancy Willert, Sharon Gibbings and Martha Lou Fisher sang a hymn. Stanley Haist and Douglas Gibbings gave a map demonstra- tion of Mission Stations. Jim Rad- er reviewed the study book. The program closed with. an African hymn. Mrs, Letta Taylor, vice-presi- dent, presided for the business. The W.S.W.S. convention is to be held in Dashwood on April 27 and 28. A film meeting is planned for February 24. Mr. Gibbings presided for the election of a new president, and Mrs. Charles Snell was elected Mrs. Sid Baker was elected Mis- sionary Education Convener. Dashwood Ice Carnival The Annual Ice Carnival, spon- sored by Dashwood Men's Club, was highly attended and the ice was good in spite of the mild night. Over 200 crowded into the Lutheran Church shed, which COUNTY OF HURON HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TENDERS Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 5.00 p.m: on Tuesday, March 8th, 1960 for the following: 4 - / Ton Pickups 2 - 25,000 GVW Trucks with Dump Body Woven Wire Fence and Steel Posts Cedar ,Fence Posts Gasoline and Diesel' Fuel Oil Tires and Tubes Specifications and tender forms are available at the office of the undersigned, Lowest or any tender not necessaries accepted. 3. W. Britnell County Engineer Court Helm" Goderieh, Ontario ST. JOSEPH-- IDRYSDALE (By A. Fred Ducharme) On Friday last a few cars motored on the laneways leading towards the lake, but so far it has not been determined if they were owners of the cottages, camp- ers, or just some one travelling in that direction. We are glad to report that those who were stricken with sick- ness during the past weeks are again on the mend, and with a little more time we hope to see them again in their natural good health. Mrs. Michael Masse and child- ren, London, spent the past week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Leon Bedard, on this highway. Besides being company she also cared for Mrs. Bedard, who had been sick previously. Late Fred Regier From this parish on Saturday last many parishioners attended the funeral of the late Fred Reg- ier, which took place at St. Boni- face Church, Zurich. Mr. Regier was a highly res- pected citizen in the Zurich and surrounding district. He was also a devoted member of his church. in all we can say that with his nice personality he had created in life many friends, who showed to him their respect on his inter - serves as the community rink. Prizewinners, as judged by Fred Newton and Bill Sturdevant, of Grand Bend, were: youngest skat- er, Sally Ann Webb; oldest couple on skates, Mrs. Ken McCrae and Clayton Pfile; largest family on skates, Ervin Reder family and Leonard Schink family. Pre-school, boys comic, Ricky Hayter, Paul Stamison, Brad Klumpp; girls comic, Deanne Mil- ler, Francis Becker; fancy, Sally Webb, Dianne Miller; boys race, Bert Klumpp. Twelve and under, girls fancy, Janet Miller and Joan Becker, Lynda Kraft; girls comic, Bonnie McCrae, Kathy Schroeder; boys comic, Michael Tiernan, John Hayter; best dressed couple, Judy Kraft and Margaret Merner; Di- anne Weber and ,Tim Hoffman; boys fancy, Edward Restemayer, David Nelson. Twelve to eighteen; best dres- sed couple, Ann Marie Kraft and Ruth Salmon, Iris Becker and Jo- anne Martene; best clown, Jimmy Wiegand, Stephen Kirk; musical chairs, Peter Kraft, Larry Mason, Bill Schade, Keith Miller; girls Margaret Merner and Ann Hayter. The committee in charge was; Wally Becker, chairman, Russell Hoperoft, Bob Hayter, Glen Webb, Roy Morenz, Irvine Devine, Sid Baker, Jack Gaiser, Harry Hoff- man, and Wally Wein. At The Library Nine O'Clook Gun This is the romantic story of the city of Vancouver, and of Neil McKay, who saw it grow from a clearing in the forest to the third largest city in Canada. This and many more inter- esting books like it are avail- able now at the Zurich Public Library. Membership fee is only one dollar per year. meat day, with the church well- filled with members of different creeds. The late deceased had suffered much from his accident, bearing it well and with patience. We of- fer our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family in their hours of trial. Bad Storm Visitors from distant points who undertook to spend the weekend with relatives and friends in the country found themselves embar- assed on Sunday last on their re- turn trip. High winds were almost shoving cars out of control, and at times ears stood at a stand- still due to the poor visibility from the blinding snow. It was the worst storm of the winter. Oh well! Articles appeared in the papers as usual about the pre- diction of the groundhog and what is in store for 'us for the next six weeks, so with all of that in mind motorists can take a trip and guide themselves accordingly. CARD PARTY IN THE Town Hall, Zurich ON Saturday, February 20 8:30 p.m. Admission: — 50c. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED! Sponsored by the C. W. L. of ST. BONIFACE CHURCH - Zurich 101. PLAY "Swept Clean Off Her Feet" Will be Presented in the TOWN HALL, Zurich ON Friday, February 19 At 8 p.m. SILVER COLLECTION Presented by the LAKEVIEW LITERARY SOCIETY EVERYBODY WELCOME More Pigs to Pork FASTER with ... co-op PIG PRE STARTER , , the feed that helps you market ALL your pigs It's good business to start creep -feeding Co-op Pig Pre - Starter when your little pigs are seven to 10 days old. By doing this, and making sure that there is always plenty of fresh water available, here are some of the advantages you can expect: 4 heavier pigs at eight weeks Lower growing costs • Sows in better condition while nursing 0 More pigs saved for market Less trouble with baby pig diseases, especially scours • More uniform pigs USE COOP FEEDS Hensall District Cooperative Inc. Hensall •- ZURICH Brucefield