HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-02-17, Page 1ZURIC NO. 7—FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1960 BAKING SALE. The Evangelical Youth Fellowship sponsored a baking sale in the Town Hall last Saturday afternoon, and a number of pretty girls were selling delicious Valentine cakes. Shown here with some of the tasty baking are, left to right, Catherine Rader, Catherine Thiel, Norma Geiger and Helen Grainger. They report the sale as being very successful. .Citizens News Photo) Grand Bend Plans For Bathhouse On Beach To 'Attract Visitors Meeting last Tuesday night Grand Bend council authorized a Sarnia architect to prepare plans for a bathhouse for the resort beach. Reeve James Dalton said council hoped to provide attract- ive facilities for summer visitors who flock to Grand Bend by the thousands. Cost, however, will be an important consideration, he said. The reeve indicated the build- ing will be erected on the beach, south of the main road. The project has been discussed for a nurnber of years but was delayed with the hope of sec- uring provincial aid. Appoint New Foreman Former councillor Wellwood Gill has been appointed road fore- man of the village, succeeding Charles Reeves whose resignation takes effect March 31. Mr. Gill also succeeds Alwyn Dayman as building and ' sani- tary inspector. His salary will be $2,500 a year. Three other applications were considered for the position. Earl Thompson, representing Grand Bend Legion, requested Abel Schilbe Abel Schilbe passed away in Kitehener on Monday,: February 8, in his 93rd year. His wife, the former Mary Kalbfleisch, pre -de- ceased him 37 years ago. He was a faithful member of St. John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo, and served on the ch- urch council and various organi- zations for many years. Surviving are four daughters, council to consider rebating a portion of the taxes on the Leg- ion Hall. Council said it would investigate the proposal and make a decision at its next meeting. The property committee was instructed to obtain prices and particulars in regard to repair of the chimney at the municipal hall, William Sturdevant, water com- mittee cairman, reported that test drilling had been temporarily delayed until permission had been received from Beach of Pines protective association to proceed with the work. At a previous meeting, council gave authority to the Internation- al Water Supply Co. to continue tests to a total cost of $.1,500. This amount had been approved by provincial authorities. Chamber of Commerce Decides To Prepare Brochure About Village of Zurich The Zurich and District Cham- ber of Commerce are planning on preparing a brochure of Zurich,. which they intend distributing in an effort to encourage new in- dustry to locate here. At the reg- ular meeting of the Chamber last St. Boniface C.W.L. Plan Card Parties In Near Future The Catholic Women's League of St. Boniface ""R.C. Church held their regular meeting in the Town Hall last Tuesday night. lbue to the stormy weather only 17 members were present. Mrs. Jack Pearson, the president, was in the chair for the.business session. Plans were made at the meet- ing to hold several card parties in the near future, the first one be- ing this Saturday evening. A liol9 hour will be held on April 26. Winners of the public speakiiig contest from St. Boniface School° will speak at the March meeting. Thursday night, Albert J. Kalb- fleisch and Ralph Latimer were appointed to gather the neces- sary information needed for a bro- chure, and to proceed with the project. At the meeting Ralph Latimer and Jack Pearson were appointed to act as representatives of the Chamber on a planning board, which is to be formed in Zurich in the near future. Dr. Garnet Leitch was accepted as a new member of the organ- ization, and will be inducted at the next regular dinner meeting, to be held on March 10. A delegation of officials from Zurich and Henson will be going to Toronto on March 10, to in- terview the Minister of Highways, in an effort to try and convince him to retain No. 84 Highway as a provincial road. Arrangements for the delegation to interview the Minister have been made by C, S. MaeNaughton, MPP, who will also accompany the delegates. President of the Chamber of Commerce, Charles Thiel, was in Charge of the :meeting, with about members present. Mrs. Esther Treusch, Waterloo; Mrs. Henry (Laura) McKee, Pres- cott; Mrs. Helena Dietrich and Mrs. Norman , Wei and both of Weigand, Kitchener. The funeral service was conduc- ted at the Ratz-Bechtel funeral home, Kitchener) on Wednesday, February 10, with interment in Mount Hope Cemetery. Rev. C. S. Robert officiated. Press Trouble Causes Slight Delay In Paper This Week The first week of printing the Citizens News in Zurich did net prove too successful, as the saaliscribers will realize by hav- ingv their paper arrive a day later than usual. All the type for this week's edition was set in the plant here in Zurich, but when it ueune to running the pages through the press a bit of dif- ficulty was encountered. 5. 4s a result of our not be- ing'able to make the press work satisfactory, we found it necess- aryto take the pages to the plant of the Clinton News Rec- ord to be printed. .large amount of news also had to be omitted this week. We ,hope, with all going well, that; next week's edition will reach you on time, including any news which may have been left 'out this week. $2.50 Per Year -5 Cents Per Copy Annual Valentine Carnival Draws Large Crowd Last Saturday Night A crowd of over 200 attended the annual Valentine .Carnival in the Community Centre, Zurich, this past Saturday night. Judges for the various events were Mrs. Beatrice Hess and Mrs. W. B. !toxon. Prizes were awarded as follows: boys comic, under 8, Mark Bed- ard, Gary Hess; girls comic, under 8, Cheryl Clausius, Christine Hab- erer; boys comic, under 12, Wayne and Bryan Decker, Gordon Heir - ling; girls comic, under 12, Shir- HONOURS IN SINGING Word has been -received from the Toronto Conservatory of Mus- ic that Miss Cheryl Stade, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stade has passed her Grade six singing with honours. A soprano, Cheryl is an active member of the Junior Choir of the Lutheran Church in Zurich. Rev: W. P. Fischer Speaks To Lions About Province of Nova Scotia Rev. 1.. P. Fischer, pastor of St. Peter's. Lutheran Church, Zurich, was the, guest speaker at the din— ner ';meeting of the Zurich Lions Club on' Monday night. He show- ed +a .number of slides and spoke briefly 3n conditions in Nova Scot- ia. ova., Scotia . is a fascinating ee.,- said the pastor, "and v �:.a �. colurEul •iaackgrountl., Elie people are proud of their 'country and their flag," he went on to say. Rev. Fischer explained that the 640,000 people in the province live chiefly from fishing, lumbering, agriculture and mining. The land is poor to work for farming, he added. There are also a number H. Glenn Hays, Q.C., Now Serving As Cheif Magistrate Of Huron County Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays QC, Goderich, was appointed as magistrate of Huron County last Friday. The announcement was made at Queen's Park, Toronto. In becoming county magistrate Mr. Hays will be following in the steps of his great-grandfather. The late Robert Hays was one of Huron County's first magistr- ates, during a pioneer era: Mr. Hays, 45, takes office on February 16. Charles MacNaughton, Conser- vative member for Huron said it is expected the new magistrate wilt be appointed judge of the ju- venile court in the county within a week or ten days. He succeeds the late Magistrate Dudley Holm- es. Born and educated at Seaforth, the magistrate was a member of the law firm of McConnell and Hays, from the time he was called to the bar in 1938, until shortly BEST DOG ON LEASH, Miss Joan Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott, itlt 1, Zurich, had the best decorated dog on leash at the Valentine Carnival on Saturday night. after appointment as crown attor- ney, in 1948. He served in the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, enlisting in 1942, and came up through the ranks to a commission. In 1945 he was ap- pointed to the joint Naval -Civil Service post of representative on the Dependents Allowance Board. He is a former president of the Huron County Tuberculosis As- sociation, and of the Goderich Hor- ticultural Society. He is a mem- ber of the board of Knox Presby- terian Church, in Goderich. He married the former Roberta Johnston, and has two children, eight-year-old. Sarah, and three- year-old Roberta. 0 Baptist Church In Bayfield Shows An Interesting Report Although only four years old, the Bayfield Baptist Church man- aged to pay off its mortgage and purchase a pastor's residence in the village during 1959, it was re- ported at the annual meeting. Also purchased was land adjacent to the church, for parking. Elected to office were: Deacon board, Arthur Bell, Bruce Perry, Eric Cleave, Archie Mustard, O. Fangrad, M. Riordan, Goderich and Mr. Mousseau; board of man- agement, Clifford Talbot, M. Swit- zer, Mr, Doney, A, Fangrad, Mr. Pearson and Mr. Christian; mis- sionary board, Rev. I. Bodenham, Mrs. Bodenham, Mr. and M"rs. Elzar Mousseau, Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Christian, Hensel", Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell, Crediton, Mrs. F. Gunning, Exeter, Mrs. Postans, Mrs. R. Kerr, Mr, and Mrs. 11, Smith, Exeter and Mrs. Archie Mustard, Blake; clerk, K. K. Christian; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Westlake; auditor, Mrs. McFadden; re-elected Sunday School superintendent, Bruce Per- ry, Exeter; organist, Louise Pal - bot, Bayfield; chairman of ushers, Archie Mustard. of oxen still used in the province. "However," the speaker went on to say, "the people are industrious and home -loving." The minister spent several years serving six churches. in Nova Scotia before coming to Zurich. Lion Ed. Datars introduced the guest, and Lion Ferd Haberer thanked him. Six:,"rneinbers of `-,the•;aLayfielc3.. Lions Club were guests at the. meeting, and claimed the "Trave- lling Lion", which had been bro- ught home from Lucknow by members of the Zurich club sev- eral months ago. The presentation of the Lion was made by acting president Alvin Walper, to Lion Elgin Porter, of the Bayfield Club. John MacDonald, of the Grand Bend Club, was also .a guest at the meeting. ley Flaxbard, Shirley Weido; boys fancy, under 10, David Siebert, Aubrey Bedard; girls fancy, under 10, Donna Schilbe, Carol Johnston; boys fancy, under 14, Michael Be- dard, Randy Bedard; girls fancy, under 14, Mary Bannister, Ruth Ann Flaxbard; ladies comic, Mrs. D. Hulbert, Mrs. Arnold Merner; gents fancy, Louis Willert; young- est skater on the ice, Billy Gren- ier; oldest skater on the ice, Leon- ard 1Vlerner; largest family on sk- ates, Alphonse Grenier; best dec- orated dog on leash, Joan Elliott; best comic couple, Mrs. Ted Stein - back and Mrs. Arnold Merner; Sharon Clausius and Sandra Webb. In a special class, sponsored by the Zurich Citizens News, Mary Bannister was picked as the "Queen of the Carnival". Mary is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bannister, Zurich. She was dressed in a beautiful white gown with a white fur cap. Following the judging of the various classes a broomball game was played between Zurich and Dashwood, which resulted in a 3-1 victory for the visitors. The carnival was sponsored by the Community Centre Board. 0 Lions Juveniles Play Howick Club; Second Game Here Friday Word has just been received that the Zurich Lions Juveniles will meet the Howick Lions Juv- eniles in a two -out -of -three ser- ies " in the semi-final round of 'the WOA.A, piaydowas. The first game is being play- ed in Belmore tonight, Wednes- day, with the second game sched- uled for Zurich on Friday night. Location of the third game, if necessary, has not been set. The winner of this series will meet the winner of a Tara -Lions Head series, which has Lions Head leading at present. Game time ' here on Friday night is set for 8.30 p.m. QUEEN OF THE CARNIVAL, Pretty Mary Bannister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bannister, Zurich, was chosen "Queen of the Carnival" at the annual Valentine Carnival in Zurich last Saturday night. (Citizens News Photo)