HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-02-10, Page 7WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1960 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN United Church Missionary Group To Visit Zurich ,(By our Uensall Correspondent) The monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was held in the schoolroom of the Un- ited Church on Thursday, Febru- ary 4. Mrs. Elva Coates' group w'as in charge of the worship fstt" ice, tak- en by Mrs. T. J. Sherri'tt Mts. A, Clark, Mrs. Frank Harburn, Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, Mrs. C. Winlaw •and Mrs. W. H. Weekes, Mrs. Or- NETE'S FLOWERS Phone 130 — Zurich 'Flowers beautifully arranged for Weddings, Funerals, Etc. At Prices Everyone can afford "Flowers Wired Anywhere" ville Jones rendered a pleasing solo. Mrs. James McAllister pre- sented the topic on "Africa" and Mrs, Winlaw gave a reading on Valentine and its origin. The new president, Mrs. E. Rowe, took the chair for the busi- ness. Mrs. R. J. Paterson was pre- sented with a pin and life mem- bership, embership, the address being read by Mrs. E. Sproat. Mrs. George Arm- strong, retiring president, was presented with a gift by Miss M. Ellis, in recognition of her valued services. An invitation was accepted to visit the Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Monday, February 15. Miss Ellis was appointed a rep- resentative to the M and M, to form a group, and Mrs. Rowe ap- pointed a representative to the official board. World Day of Pray- er will be observed in the United Church on March 4. The annual birthday party, date was set for April 22. Mrs. W. R. Stephenson submitted temperance notes. 3911111 Driving BODY WORK • GENERAL REPAIRS To All Makes Of CARS, TRUCKS, and TRACTORS ARC and ACETYLENE WELDING DESJARDINE AUTO SUPPLY PHONE 38 — ZURICH ?lass TB Survey Planned In Huron Seaforth Lawyer Heads Committee A mass TB survey hi Huron County is being organized by the Huron County Tuberculosis Assoc- iation, of which Harvey McDer- mitt, Fordwich, is president, Head- ing the survey committee will be a young Seaforth lawyer, 'Donald Stewart, who will appoint various Huron County citizens to his com- mittee. The survey is to run from July 19 to August 6. Legion Ladies To Hold Blood Donor Clinic In Hensall (By our Hensall Correspondent) Meeting in the Legion Hall *last Tuesday evening, for their Febru- ary meeting, presided over by president Mrs. Gordon Munn, the Legion Ladies Auxiliary laid plans to hold another blood donor clinic for the Red Cross, the date to be announced in, the near future. They will also sponsor a draw. on a suit and pair of blankets, . to• be drawn for at Easter, and hold a Valentine tea and bake sale on Saturday, February 13. Committees appointed w e r e: sick, Mrs. Leonard, Noakes and Mrs. Leona Parke; bingo, Mrs. Bob Sangster and Mrs. E. Shad dick; kitchen, to look after sup- plies etc., Mrs. Byran Kyle and Mrs. Mary Bisback;gift, Mi. E. Davis and Mrs. William Smale. Auditors are Mrs. Ron Mock • and Mrs. Jim Taylor. Mrs. D. B. Mavens won the mys- tery prize and bingo was played. SHUR GAIN SELECTED - GRANULATED FERTILIZERSfo6O are 'way ahead! HERE'S WHY..• PRODUCED IN MODERN PLANTS with the finest automated - equipment to assure adequate SHUR-GAIN supply. CONTINUOUS RIGID QUALITY CONTROLS every 3 minutes a sample of SHUR-GAIN is drawn for laboratory analyses. s ADVANCED RESEARCH is a continuing program in SHUR-GAIN "labs" and fields. OVER 50 YEARS OF KNOW HOW SHUR-GAIN is backed by experience, unmatched by any other Canadian fertilizer manufacturer. CASH DISCOUNTS throughout February, $1.50 per ton early delivery discounts are yours for the taking ... with additional discounts for prompt payment ... discounts can total • as high as $5.50 per ton on some analyses. When you take advantage of early delivery Sn JR -GAIN discounts, there's no need to worry, about caking or hardening in storage. SHUR-GAIN Selected -Granulated Fertilizer with its controlled low -moisture content, and granuled texture retains smooth flowing consistency through prolonged storage. Sflun-GAIN guarantees perfect drillabil•ity, greater availability of phosphorus and almost complete freedom from dust. SHUR-GAIN proven for Canadian conditions The Fined Fertilizers ForeYour� Good pEarth • s. CANADA ♦�PACKERS LIMITED 0 WELLAND ° TORONTO ® CNATNAM The last such survey in this county was held four years ago. Dr. W. D. S. Jamieson, Toronto, of the division of TB prevention for the Ontario Department of Health, attended a meeting of the 'directors last Tuesday night in the council chamber, Clinton. Tubeigaina Test Following his ,xalk on the use of the tuberculin test, the 11 direc- tors unanimous%?y voted in favour of the use of this test in the mass survey, The tuberculin injection is giv- en at.. the first clinic, and 'then, between 48 and 96. hours later, the test is checked at a second clinic. If the test reads positive, an X-ray picture is taken there and then. This type of clinic takes in ev- ery age. However, Dr. Jamieson emphasized that all people over 40 should have a chest X-ray at the second clinic, not only to de- tect possible TB, but also in case of cancer or irregularity in the heart. Receipts Lower Mrs. J. B. Russell, Seaforth, ex- ecutive secretary, reported ;the Christmas seal sale receipts to date as $11,763, compared with $12,191 last. year. Attending ,Tuesday night's meet- ing • were president McDermitt; Mrs. Russell; Judge. Frank Fing- land, Clinton, honorary president; Harold C. Lawson, honorary sec- retary; Dr. R. M. Aldis, Goderich, director of the ' Huron County Health Unit; Don Stewart; Russell Knight, Brussels; Mrs. Kenneth McRae, Clinton; Dr. J. C. Ross, Goderich; Elmer Bell, QC, Exeter; and Elgin McKinley, Zurich. New Members Are Received Into Amber Rebekahs (By our Hensall Correspondent) Mrs. Glenn Bell, Noble Grand, presided for the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge hell last Wednes- day evening, with a large number present. Vice Grand, Mrs. E. Chipchase, reported for the visit- ing committee and cards sent out. Thank you cards were read from several members and D.D.P. Mrs. Harold Parker expressed thanks for cards sent her while ill. A reply was received from Pride of Huron Lodge,' Exeter, accepting the invitation to be guests of their lodge on Wednesday, February 17, when they observe their 11th birthday celebration. Three new members were re- ceived into membership, namely, Mrs. Jim Sangster, Mrs. Ed. Cor- bett and Mrs. Jack Corbett. The degree was presented by the af- ficersand members, under direc- tion of degree captain, Mrs. Leona Parke, with Mrs. Archie McGregor as Inside Guardian, Miss M. Ellis acting as Noble Grand, and Miss Mabel Whiteman as Vice Grand. Brother Lindsay Eyre congratu- lated the captain and member of the degree team and welcomed the new members. The N.G. expres- sed her thanks to all the members who assisted, and the D.D.P. Mrs. Parker, thanked Mrs. Parke for co-operation, after which -Mrs. Parke spoke .briefly and thanked the officers and members for their support. Mrs. McGregor •moved'• a vote of thanks to .the pianist, Mrs. Wil- liam Fuss, and soloist, Mrs. Wil- liam Brotivii. Gifts were present- ed to Mrs. Parke and .Mrs. Fuss, by Jr, P.N.G. Mrs. Inez McEwen, and Mrs. William Caldwell, R.S.N.G. Groups were formed for a soc- ial hour in the lower hall and luncheon served, convened by Mrs. E. Shaddick, assisted 'by 14rs. J. Flynn, Mrs. Fuss and Mrs. Stew- art Blackwell. m-o-m•w•w-�-s-A•�'-° When In Zurich GETYOUR HAIR CUT AT EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP Open Thursday an d sat�+ay-�-sNights -+a•,-s, BLAKE (Carresponsient, Mfrs. A Mos 0114 x100 Mrs. William Steckie and sot accompanied by Mrs. Roy Scotch - mer, Mrs. John Watson, and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, spent Friday with Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich a n d daughters, quilting. Mrs. Peter Gingerich, accompan- ied by Mrs. Amos Gingerich, spent Thursday with Mrs. Merino Steck- le and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ginger- ich and family, spent Thursday with the latters parents, at Barden. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gingerich and family spent the weekend' at Preston, with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Steckle and daughters, accompanied by Mrs. Peter Gingerich, spent•Friday with the former's daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Aden Martin, sand family, Gowanstown, and Mr. and Mrs. Abner Weber and family, at Wal- lenstein. • Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich spent Saturday at New Hamburg, and were storm -stayed at Seaforth Saturday night, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boshart and family, and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau, at Kippen, until roads were opened. Miss Norma Jean Gingerich spent Friday night with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gin- gerich. Let Us Give Your Hair a ••rsx NEW .:_,...< BEAUTY Phone 223 ZURICH NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE TOP PRICES PAID FOR . . . • CREAM • EGGS • POULTRY Give Us A Call! O'B!IEN'S PRODUCE Phone 101 — Zurich J Everyone Reads The Classifieds YOUR JOB more eggs per dollar OUR JOB CHICKS brad to lay more High production cannot 'be promised into chicks. d't must be built in. SAIF ROE CHICKS— and get the right ones every time. Famous STONE'S, DEMLERCHIX, TRUE -LINES, .ROE RED and SUSSEX CROSSES. Famed "HY-LAY" blood lines available and pro- ven at ROE FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO No blgb re franchise payments NOTICE — RE: NIGHT PARKING VILLAGE OF ZURICH It is illegal to park any vehicle on the streets of Zurich from 2 a.m. to 7 a.m., from now until the end of March. Any cars left on the street will be towed away, at the owner's expense. This is necessary to allow the streets to be cleared of snow. Corporation of the Village of Zurich LLOYD O'BRIEN MILFRED SCHILBE Reeve Rood Superintendent 6-7-b most reliable machine on the farm PIONEER PIONEER I595° WITH 11•INCH ATTACHMENTS PI600ER 19950 WITH 111•1NCH ATTACHMENTS chain saw 10% DOWN EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Sold By RADER and MITTELHOITZ Phone 63 --- Zurich