HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-02-03, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PERSONALS Mrs. Albert Bedard is a patient in South Huron Hospital Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. James Parkins and family were Sunday visitors with relatives in London. Mrs. Clare Geiger, Mrs, Earl 'Yung'blut and Mrs. Newell Geiger :motored to London on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elligsen, Mitchell, spent Friday in town 'visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brisson and family, St. Thomas,., were weekend visitors with relatives in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and daughter, Dianne, London, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Datars. Mrs. George Grunau has return- .. ed to her home in Birmingham, Michigan, after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut. Edward Deichert, Sarnia, was a weekend visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Eichler, New Hamburg, and Mrs. Susie Wegenast, Stratford, were recent visitors with George Deichert. Miss Marlene Wagner, Kitchen- er, was a weekend visitor at the' home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Len Wagner. Mr. andMrs. ArnoldMeyer, Pleasant, Michigan, were weekend visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. NETE'S FLOWERS Phone 130 -- Zurich Flowers beautifully arranged for Weddings, Funerals, Etc. At Prices Everyone can afford "Flowers Wired Anywhere" THIEL'S Superior Foods Week -end Specials MAPLE LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON 2 tins -- $1.00 SAVE 18c „•.-w� GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 2 lbs. for 45c SAVE 13c TIDE KING SIZE PKG. $1.19 SAVE 30c Miss Susie Bedard, Detroit, was a weekend visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Bedard. Mrs, Margaret Hooper, London, spent a few days this past week at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. Hey, in Zurich. John Gillman has returned to his home in Zurich, after under- going eye surgery at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gingerich and daughter left on Tuesday for Florida, where they will spend the next three months. Mrs. Clara Oestreicher, Wind- sor, is spending a wek with her sister, Mr% John Brown, in Zur- ich. Mr, and Mrs. Matthew Duch- arrne have taken up residence in the apartment adjacent to Tas- ty -Nu Bakery, where Mr. Duch- arme is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scotch - mer, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ren- ner, and David, Bayfield, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien and Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Brien were weekend visitors in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien. While there they also attended the Saturday night NHL game be- tween Toronto and New York. Mrs. Clara Watling is staying with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Weido, af- ter being a patient in Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital, for nine mon- ths. Dr. F. H. Schnell has returned to his home in Neepawa, Manitoba, , after spending the past several weeks in Zurich with Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kalbfleisch, and Mrs. Anna Hurlbut. Misses Jean Denomme, Erla Hay, Wanda Lawrence, Cecilia Denomme, Ruth Weido and Mar- ton Yunghlut, all of London, spent the weekend at their homes in Zurich. Hot Homemade Soup Makes Ideal Dish For Cold, Wintry Weather The "Do It Yourself" Era In- cludes Easy -To -Use Evaporated Milk. Nothing could be finer than a soup in winter weather .... es- pecially one of the hot and hearty varieties we're suggesting today. All three are "do-it-yourself" soups . . . one, a homemade split pea soup, the other two, hearty chowders, including franks and limas in combination and tuna fish end cream style corn to- gether. But, praise be, in this era of "do-it-yourself," there are plenty of shortcuts to hasten the making of soups and chowders along ... such as a can of cream soup for the base, frozen or canned vegetables to cut down cooking time and a new way to cook dried vegetables in a hurry. And it's as simple as can be to use the evaporated milk called for in • so many recipes. This con- centrated dairy food, such a boon to the modern homemaker, plays a mighty important role in main dishes, desserts, soups, sauces, salads and salad dressing. Get in on the trend of the times and try these homemade soups, hot and hearty! HOMEMADE SPLIT PEA SOUP TEMPT DOG FOOD 3 tins for 25c• Meat Specials 'SMOKED PICNIC HAMS 39c Ib. HOFFMANS BOLOGNA — 29c lb.. FRESH GROUND HAMBURG 2 lbs. 79c FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES At Reasonable Prices ememponamormimmoursomanomommmemmomoinrsimene FROOZEN FOODS OF ALL KINDS (Makes 10 Servings) 1% cups split peas 4% cups water 1% teaspoons salt 3. pound salt pork, cut in 1/4" cubes % cup diced onion V2 cup grated carrot 1 large can evaporated milk ys teaspoon cayenne Celebrate Birthdays A happy occasion took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch on Sunday, when Mrs. Oesch's mother, Mrs. C. Minke, and her twin sister, Mrs. Robert Lipskie, Desboro, celbrated their 80th birthday. Other visitors present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Karn and Mrs. William Minke, all of Desboro. Correction In last week's paper we had a note that Miss Dorothy Gascho is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. This should have read a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. We are sorry for the error. SKATING PARTY All members of the Scouts, Cubs, Brownies and Guides are in- vited to attend a skating party at the arena next Wednesday night, at 7 pm., sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary. All children are to bring a box lunch along, and also ten cents for refreshment. 0 DASHWOOD and DISTRICT Ross Love Heads (MRS. I. H. RADER Correspondent) Mrs. Bertha Hayter, Harry Hay- ter, and Mr. and Mrs. James Hay- ter and family, attended the fun- eral of Mrs. Le Grande Wright, in Detroit, last week. She was the former Pearl Hayter, of Greenway. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jin Beavis and Barbara in De- troit, and relatives in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill, on Sunday. Russel Rothaermel Russel Rothaermel, 69, of San Diego, California, passed away on Thursday, January 28. He was a native of Dashwood. He is survived by one son, Jam- es, of San Diego; one daughter, (Mae) Mrs. George Kennedy, of Port Huron; one sister, Mrs. Cath- erine Hedden, of Hensen. Service and burial were in San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Genttner and family, spent the weekend in Detroit, with Mr an.d Mrs. George Maier. I Let Us Give Your Hairl NEW BEAU Phone 223 ZURICH NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE dash of nutmeg Wash peas. Add water and salt. Boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and let peas soak for 1 hour, Do not change water. Bring to a boil and then continue to simmer until peas are tender, about 30 to 40 minutes. Meanwhile, saute salt pork and onions together. When onions become transparent, add this mixture, including fat drip- pings, to simmering pea soup. When peas are tender, add evap- orated milk, cayenne and nutmeg. Reheat. FRANK -N -LIMA CHOWDER (Makes 10 Servings) 1 (10 oz.) package frozen lima beans 1 (10 oz.) can cream of celery soup 4 frankfurters, sliced 1 (20 oz.) can tomatoes 13s. cups diced Canadian processed cheese % teaspoon garlic salt % teaspoon pepper % teaspoon dry mustard % teaspoon monosodium gluta- mate (optional) cup evaporated milk 1 tablespoon catsup Cook limas according to direc- tions on package. Drain. Add soup and remaining ingredients. Cook over low heat until cheese melts and soup is very hot. Season ac- cording to taste before serving. ' TUNA -CORN CHOWDER (Makes 10 Servings) 2 (7% oz.) cans tuna fish 4 medium onions, sliced 5 medium potatoes, peeled, diced 2 teaspoons salt % 'teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons lemon juice 4 cups water 2 large cans evaporated milk. 1 (20 oz.) can cream style corn % teaspoon celery salt Drain oil from tuna into large saucepan or Dutch oven. Separ- ate tuna into large chunks. Saute onion in the oil under tender. Add potatoes, salt, pepper, lemon juice and water. Cook, covered for 20 minutes or until potatoes are ten- der. Add evaporated milk, corn, celery salt and tuna. Heat thor- oughly. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1960 Church Directory Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor—A. MARTIN Services Wednesday, February 3- 8,00 p.m.—Prayer Fellowship Sunday, February 7— 7.30 a.m.—The Mennonite Hour CHML. 10.00 a.m.—The Worship Service 11.00 a,m,—The Sunday School Your Are Invited Kippen Annual (By our Hensel). Correspondent) The congregation was well re- presented at the annual meeting of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, on Monday, January 25, with supper served by the manag- ers. Ross Love was chairman for the evening, and Mrs. Emmerson Kyle secretary for the meeting. Raised for :all purposes was $4,233. Elected to board of stewards were Ralph Turner, Tom Consitt, Ken McLellan and Wayne Mc- Bride. Ross Love was appointed rep- resentative to the Presbytery. , 0 Letters To The Editor Herb Turkheim, Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario, Dear Herb: Enclosed is a money order for $2.50, for another year's subscrip- tion for the Zurich Citizens News. Congratulations Herb, for the fine paper you are putting out. Yours truly, MRS. EILEEN BRUNSKILL RR 2, Belmont, Ontario February 1, 1960. Zurich Citizens News. Zurich, Ont. Dear Herb: Would you please renew a sub- scription to the Zurich Citizens News for Mr. E. M. Dagg, as well as one for myself. You will find enclosed a money order for the above subscriptions. We enjoy the paper very much, particularly all photos, and I wish you continued success in this new year. Yours sincerely, MARILYN MePHERSON R.R. 2, Wingham, Ont. January 26, 1960 Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario, Dear Herb: Enclosed please find a money order to renew our subscription to the fine paper, of which I am hap py to hear you are now the proud owner. Congratulations! Sincerely yours, REV. O. WINTi it, Toronto, Ontario. Woodstock Pastor Speaks To Luther League On Sunday evening the Luther League invited the congregation of St. Peter's Lutheran Church to hear the guest speaker, Rev. Lange, the minister of Bethany Lutheran Church in Woodstock. The evening was opened with a hymn. Psalms and a Scripture were read by Louis Willert. Pastor Lange spoke on "Foreign Mis- sions", a subject which is very dear to his heart. The offering was taken and the service was closed with a prayer by Rev. Fischer and a hymn. After the service the Luther League had a short meeting. At this meeting the lunch committee for the skating party was picked. It was also decided to hold the skating party on February 10. Mr. Herb Turkheim, Editor, Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario, Dear Sir: I am enclosing a money order for $2,50 to renew my subscrip- tion for another year. Best wishes for success in your new venture as owner of the Cit- izens News. Yours sincerely, A. P. ROWE Bolton, Ontario January 26, 1960. Counter Check Books on Sale at Citizens News Bible For Today President Carlos P. Garcia of the Philippines has endorsed the campaign of the Bible House there to distribute 120,000 copies of the "Sermon on the Mount". "I have always maintained," said Presi- dent Garcia, "that whatever in- stitution man may build for his political, social and economic ad- vancement, these cannot long en- dure if they are not founded upon the rock of moral practices and upright living," adding, "the Word of God should be the nation's chief guide." This campaign is part of a cru- sade for higher morality in public office which is being sponsored by the International Leadership Groups in the Philippines, Suggested Bible readings: Sunday Thessa 2: 1-20 Monday Luke 7: 18-35 Tuesday Luke 7: 36-50 Wednesday Luke 8: 1-18 Thursday Luke 8: 19-39 Friday I Cor. 1: 26 - 2: 13 Saturday Acts 18: 1-22 0 Girl Guide News (By Sue Anne Coxon) The Girl Guides started their meeting by forming the horseshoe formation. They thenwent to their patrol corners and the new guides were asked to write down what they were supposed to have in their pockets at all times. They were also tested on knots. Next they had a few games which were conducted by Miss Mary El- len Thiel. Miss Elizabeth Johnston led the guides in campfire. They clos- ed their meeting with Taps. 1111111011.11111111.11111.111111111111. HALF-PRICE SALE Community Silver Plate Two Favourite Patterns EVENING STAR and BALAD 52 -piece Service for 8 Reg. Price—$99.60 11/2 Price Sale Only 49.80 ALL OPEN STOCK PIECES ALSO HALF PRICE Your Table Will Look Smart With A Fine Set of SILVERWARE See Our Window Display Illuminated Every. ,Evening HESS, The Jeweller ZURICH Emmanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church Rev. A. M. AMACHER, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch. Organist Thursday, February 4— 8.00 p.m,—WSWS and Ladies' Aid Meeting. Sunday, February 7- 10.00 a.m.—World Service Day in charge of WSWS. 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School — taught by the Young People. Evening service withdrawn in fav- our of Youth Service at James Street United Church, Exeter. We Welcome All To Worship With Us St. Peter's Lutheran Church Zurich Rev. W. P. FISCHER, B.A., Pastor Mrs. J. Turkheim, Organist SERVICES Sunday, February 7- 10.00 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School WE WELCOME YOU 1 Being "In Christ" beans .. . FAITH in Him. We are in Christ when we put our faith in Him, when we welcome . Him to live out His life in ours, when we share with Him every bit of ourselves. LOVE for Him. We are in Christ when we love Him. Know- ing that He loved us and gave himself for us (Gal. 2 : 20) we respond by loving Him who first loved us. (I John 4 : 19) 0BE D I E N C E to Him. We are in Christ when we want what He wants, when we make His goals our .goals. We live to keep His commandments. The person who keeps Christ's commandments is in Him (I John 3: 24). SUFFERING with Him. We are in Christ when we share His suffering, death, and resurrection. For Christ this meant physical death and resurrection. For us it means dying to the life of sin, rising to newness of life, and suf- fering for His sake. ZURICH MENNONITE EVANGELISM COMMITTEE You'll Enjoy MIRACLE FOOT MD The pleasant, efficient way to foot health . . and to solve associated leg and body problems. Man to see SERVING SINCE 1929 . . MONDAY oIndividu- ally Fitted Serviced iracle AT MILT OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich Phone 130-.1 Don't Neglect Your Feet 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. 1;_ j't'e bakery fresh! Our Weekend Special: OLD FASHIONED KAFFEE KUCHEN (Coffee Cake) With Delicious Sugar Topping Only 25c each Ilivortenrentranamentseareenmerwreammeavreempleastlevemieelerrirtratteletelleetiftclaell Tasty -Nu Bakery Phone 100 —' Zurich Home of the Famous "TASTY -NU BREAD•: r,t