HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-02-03, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH 2c iz€n6. NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING at ZURICH, ONT., for the Village of Zurich, Hay Township, and the Southern Part of Stanley Township, in Huron Y Count . HERB TURKHEIM RARAnt Manager HOUN Editor and Publisher PRINTED BY CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, CLINTON, ONT. Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member ;• ;:;v;;.. Member: CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance, in Canada; $3.50 in United States and Foreign; single copies, 5 cents. ONTARIO WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1960 SNOW TAKEN CARE OF DESP ITE the heavy snowfall of the past several weeks, the village streets have been kept remarkably free of excess snow. The council of the newly incorporated village should be com- mended for the fine job they have done so far this winter in re- gard to snow removal. Every morning, bright and early, there has been a snowplow making the rounds throughout Zurich. The snow in front of the business places has been removed after each heavy fall. Better service could not be asked for. Whether all this care we are receiving is a result of the recent incorporation of Zurich as a village, we do not know. However, if this is the type of service we will receive through the incorporation, we certainly appreciate it. Keep up the good work! ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS 40 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY, 1920 The Seaforth School is being closed down on account of the Spanish influenza, The Hall Dent factory is shut down for one week. On Tuesday evening a well -at- tended meeting was held in the Maple leaf club -rooms, and the Zurich Athletic Association was born. The following were elected as officers: president, J. Preeter; vice-president, T. L. Wurm; sec- retary - treasurer, A. F. Hess; board of directors, C. Fritz, Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, L. W:' Hoffman, A. Melick, E. Oesch, W. F. Braun, E. Weido, W. G. Hess and Clarence Hoffifan. • H. Howald and F. C. Kalbfleisch were appointed as trustees of the real estate. THE RESILIENT RETAILER CONSIDER the resilience of the independent merchant. Every year and all the time he appears to be threatened in his very existence, the forces of competition being as they are, but some- how or other he always survives, perhaps not as an individual, but certainly as a group. The mail order business was going to put him out. The parcel post hit him below the belt. A bit earlier cash- and-carry stores seemed to deprive him of the items with longer profit and left him to deliver the potatoes and flour, which don't give enough margin to pay the rent. Perhaps he doesn't make a great contribution to the tax revenues pouring in to Ottawa. Perhaps he cannot afford to have a proper set of books. But he survives. According to the 1951 census there were 143,000 independent stores in Canada, and obviously these are not all in the rural areas because there aren't that many rural areas. Some of them are in the cities. Most of them. In any city neighborhood there will be found a retail store every block or two; at least these can be seen in areas built up before there were restrictions on retail establishments in residential areas. There was a time when the rich person in the community was the merchant. It wasn't easy for his customers to go to the next town to shop and the merchant had a monopoly of credit, he provided deliveries, often he lent on mortgage, was able to spend the winters in the south, and often visited the old land in the summer. His costs were low, his margins were wide and his profits very good on a relatively small volume. The family store is one that is difficult for the bailiff to enter. The family may consist only of a man and wife, but sometimes includes a number of children. In the old days a merchant without children could hire schoolboys out of hours, but that is considered sinful nowadays and there are laws against it, unless the lad is fourteen plus. Very small stores perform a service. They usually are open when other larger stores are closed, and have been known to sell a loaf of bread or a quart of milk out the back door on a Sunday. The proprietors usually live on the premises and the store is a social centre not only for themselves, but for many of their customers. These people will be around and doing business whether or not the supermarkets and shopping centres continue to flourish. (THE PRINTED WORD) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3;. 19601 mechanic of the fire truck; and C. L. Smith as caretaker of the water supply. Carl Burn, a commercial trav- eller who is working in the Sim- coe district, spent the weekend 'With his parents at the Evangeli- cal parsonage. Addison Tiernan, Dashwood, made a business trip to Toronto one day last week. Mrs. Peter Brenneman spent Monday at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs, Amos Gascho, on the Bronson Line. A number of cases of mumps have recently been reported in the village. Miss Ada Wurm, Detroit, called on relatives' here for a few days last week. Last Saturday was probably the coldest we have had in some time, when the mercury dropped to 16 degrees below zero. Mr. Hunsberger, of New Ham- burg, is conducting singing school meetings this week in the Mennon- ite Church, in Zurich. Menno Steckle, of the Bronson Line, in Stanley township, recen- tly purchased a fat .pig from hits. neighbour, W. J. Tough, that tip- ped the scales at 844 pounds. Several people from Dashwood attended the UFO Oyster Supper in Grand Bend last Friday even- ing. 25 YEARS AGO 15 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY, 1945 Miss Leona Fischer, Dashwood, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Charles Thiel, in Zurich, this week. Miss Florence Haberer, who is attending Westervelt School in London, and Who has been at the home of her parents for a few weeks,_ has returned to the city and 'resumed her studies. Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Coxon at- tended the big Veterinarian Con- vention held in the Royal York Hotel in Toronto last week. The bingo put on by the Lions Club last Thursday evening was a decided success, with the proceeds being nearly a hundred dollars. Duglas Robinson, Stanley Town- ship, takes occasional trips to Lon- don, where he is taking special treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Becker, Dashwood, attended the wedding of his brother in Kitchener last week. At last the long -hoped for wish has become a reality, and the Kalbfleisch mills are back in the new building with a good supply of machines capable of doing mostly all kinds of work. It is almost a year since the old mill was des- troyed by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme, of the Bluewater highway, have received a telegram from their son, Cpl. H. C. Ducharme, that he has arrived safely at his destin- ation. -NOTICE--- Notice is Hereby Given that the ANNUAL MEETING of the Kay Township .Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH on Monday, February 8, 1960 To receive the annual report; to elect three directors for a three-year term. The retiring directors, all of whom are• eligible for re-election are: Albert Keys„ Reinhold Miller and Max Turnbull. HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY EZRA WEBB REGINALD G. BLACK President Secretary FEBRUARY, 1935 A delegation from South Huron headed by Dr. H. Taylor and Reu- ben Goetz, Dashwood, and Jellies Morley, Exeter, appeared before the County Council with a petition bearing thousands of names, ask- ing that the council approach the government with a view to tai 1g over the road between Hay and Stephen township, joining High- way 4 and the Bluewater highway, as a provincial highway. Milton Oesch was a recent vis- itor with friends in Desboro. The treasurer's books of Hay township have been audited by the auditors, Jacob Haberer and Geor- ge Deichert. .At the recent organization meet- ing of the Zurich police village trustees, R. F. Stade • was elected as supervising trustee, and the two members are Oscar Klapp and Henry Eickmeier. Henry Stein- bach was named as street commis- sioner; Herb Mousseau as motor HUCKLEBERRY POINT At- the beginning of this century some farm land on Hamilton Bay was called Huckleberry Point. This land became the site of part of The Steel Company of Canada, Limited. Instead of farm land supporting a few families there is now at Huckleberry Point Canada's largest steel- making plant employing 11,000 of the Company's 16,000 employees. This year Stelco marks its 50th year of sup- plying steel for Canadians. What happened at Huckleberry Point has happened in hundreds of towns and cities across the country. Canadian manufacturing now employs nearly 1,400,000 persons. These turn out the materials for a growing economy while their families provide markets for the products of Canadian farms, forests and mines. THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO Canadian -made steel from Canadian -owned plants 60/111 AMM® 10 YEARS AGO Business and Professional Directory AUCTIONEERS DENTISTS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service that Satisfies" Phone 119 Dashwood INSURANCE For Safety EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About AH Insurances—Call BERT KLOPP Phone 93r1 or 220 Zurich Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION FEBRUARY, 1950 Albert 3. Kalbfleisch is progres- sing very favourably in the Clin- ton hospital, following his oper- ation on Monday. The Post Office has been mov- ed to the Schillbe block, where much has been done to make it v� modern office for a place the size of Zurich. Last Friday night a crowd of about 600 witnessed a fast and furious hockey game between tw( old rivals, Zurich and Dashwood. The locals won by a 5-3 score, with the scorers being: Stade (1), Charlton (1), Gignac (1), and Quesnel (2) . Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hartman, bridal couple, returned to their home in Windsor on Monday. Thomas Meyers and Charles Minshall, motored to. Port Col- borne on Sunday, where they visi- ted with Mrs. Meyers, who recen- tly underwent surgery at Toronto General Hospital. Miss Doris Jeffrey, Detroit, spent Sunday in Beaverton with her mother and other members of the family. Harold Coleman, of the Babylon Line, in Stanley Township, under- went an operation in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital. A bus load of men from Dash- wood Men's Club, went to Kitch- ener on Wednesday. and toured the Schneider meat packing plant. Letter to the Ed itor The Editor, Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario, Dear Sir: From reports received from. Postmasters in all parts of Canada it is quite evident that once again the public has responded gener- ously to the Post Office Depart- ment's request to "Mail Early for Christmas." Postmasters have mentioned, in particular, the pub- lic service rendered by newspapers in stressing the need for co-opera- tion in mailing early to avoid dis- appointment during the festive season. The co-operation of the Press and public, coupled with particu- larly good weather over the great- er part of Canada, made possible a successful handling of a record volume of Christmas mail by post- al staffs. On behalf of the Canadian Pos- tal Service, I wish to thank the newspapers of Canada most sin- cerely for bringing to the attent- ion of their readers the impor't'an- ce of mailing early at Christmas. Yours sincerely, G. A. 13OYLF, Deputy Postanaster General. HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES 51/2% — 1 to 5 years J. W. HABERER Authorized Representative Phone 161 -- Zurich LEGAL W. G. Cochrane, B.A. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons EXETER PHONE 14 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTEWS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon EXETER Phone 4 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exetel Closed Wednesday Afternoon Phone Exeter 36 DR. J. W. CORBETI' L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 273 — Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons DOCTORS -� Dr. A. W. KLAHSEN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE HOURS: 2 p.m. -5 p.m. Monday -Saturday Except Wednesday 7 p.m. -9 p.m. Monday and Friday Evenings ZURICkI Phone 51 G, A. WEBB, D.C.* *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. and Thurs. Evenings, 7-:1 For Appointment -- Phone 606 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE Phone 89J or 89W ZURICH HOFFMAN'S Funeral & Ambulance Service OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulances located at Dashwood Phone 70w Grand Bend—Phone 20w Attendants Holders of St. John's Ambulance Certificates OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH: Daily except Monday Phone 791 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Wednesday: 9 a.m. to 12 noon. CLINTON: Monday Only Phone HU 2-7010 Thursday evening by appointment See The NEW .. . MASON RISCII PIANO w Give Your Family a Lifetime of FINE MUSIC Westlake Furniture Phone 89J — Zurich