HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-02-03, Page 1No. 5—First With The Local News ZURICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Possibility Of Evening Show At Hensall Spring Fair Is Discussed The South Huron Agricultural Society, sponsors of the Hensall Spring Fair, are seriously consid- ering changing their annual show from ark afternoon performance to an evening performance. This decision was discussed at the annual meeting held in Hen- sall on Saturday afternoon. A committee is to bring in a report of the advisability of making the change, at a later date. June 10 was set as the date for the stag- ing of the Annual Show. Earl Dick was re-elected to his third term as president. Jim Doig, Seaforth, and Otto Willert, Dash- wood, were named vice-presidents. Secretary Jim McGregor an- nounced his resibnation, and it was decided to advertise for a succes- sor. Directors and committees were appointed as follows; Directors, Hay Township—Wil- liam Decker, V. L. Becker; Tuck- ersmith, Stan Jackson, Jim Doig; Usborne, Saar Dougall, William Lamport; Hibbert, Jack Kinsman, Earl Dick; Stanley, Harvey Tay - Inquest Monday For Traffic Victim An inquest into the traffic death of 11 -year-old Annette Masse, who was killed when she stepped off a school bus on January 13, will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich, on Monday, February 8, at 2 p.m. Meanwhile a charge of careless driving has been laid against Ro- bert Carrick, Goderich, driver of the car wihich fatally injured the girl as she was preparing to cross the road at her home. Provincial Police Constable Cecil Gibbons, Exeter, who is in charge of the investigation, said Mr. Car- rick will not appear in court on the charge until after the inquest has been held. lor, Bert McBride; . Stephen, Otto Willert, Russell Brown; Hensall, Lorne Hay, Norman Jones, George Armstrong. Committees: Horses, Bill Decker; cattle, Jim Doig; machinery, Verne Alderdice; gate, Norman Jones; entertainment, Russell Brown; calf club, Jim McGregor. Classified Ads Bring Results A classified want -ad in the Zurich Citizens News is sure to bring results, says Earl Gingerich, RR 3, Zurich. Last week Mr. Gingerich ad- vertised a house for sale in the classified section. Immediately he had a number of buyers in- terested in purchasing his property. Several days later Mr. Gin- erich advised the Citizens News that he had sold his house, to one of the prospects. The buyer of the property is James Masse, R R2, Zurich, who intends moving to Zurich sometirne in the near future. 0 Insurance Meeting Location Changed • The annual meeting of the Hay Township Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held this corning Monday, February 8, at the Community Centre, Zurich. Originally the meeting was sched- ti'led to be held in the Township Hall, but due to an inquest being there the same day, the location had to be changed. According to secretary -manag- er Reg. Black, this past year has been one of the most successful of the company for some time. Annual. Meeting Of Lutheran Church Draws Record Crowd Last Tuesday The weather was very kind on Tuesday, January 26, and the con- gregation of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, came out in full force for a dinner fellowship and stayed for the annual meeting af- terwards. An unexpected crowd of 171 sat down to beautifully set tables and a delicious dinner pro- vided by the Ladies' Aid, and 138 members stayed for the business meeting afterwards. The dinner was presided over under the chairmanship of Fred J. Haberer, Jr. Ferd Haberer said grace. The Junior Choir, directed by Ron Hemrich, and accompan- ied by MTs. Fred Haberer, sang some enjoyable numbers. It was their first opportunity, said the director, to sing other than sacred numbers. Mrs. Ray Fischer gave a hurnourous reading called "Dor- othy Entertains the Minister," and Ivan Youngblut thanked the ladies for the fine dinner they had One o the highlights of the ev- erting was a colorful printed bro- chure, depicting the needs of the congregation for the coming year in four phases prepared and pres- ented by the stewardship com- mittee, consisting of Reg Black, Herb Klapp, Milfred Schilbe and Harold Stade. Reg Black gave a fine talk in connection with it. The dinner part of the evening closed with a sing song, accompan- ied by Mrs, Paul Fischer. The business of the annual meeting, presided aver by -the pas- tor, Rev. Paul Fischer, began with a Scripture reading and prayer. The many reports of the officers and committees were briefly and effectively given. The treasurer reported a balance in the bank of over $900. Although in apportion, ed benevolence for Synod and the Church United, the congregation fell 20 percent short, the Lutheran World Action quota was paid ov- er 150 percent. The Sunday School superinten- dent, Ed. Datars, pointed out some very important facts and needs concerning the Sunday School. He said that he hoped someone would answer the call to Lead an Adult discussion class, and urged par- ents to show an interest by seeing that their children attended regi- lady."' He especially urged the young people to take part in their class, which is now taught by the pastor. He also pointed out the need for better facilities in the Sunday School. Albert J. Kalbfleisch, chairman of it h e anniversary committee brought to the attention of the congregation the forthcoming 100- th Anniversary, and pointed out ways in which all can assist the committee in planning and prepar- ing for this great milestone in his- tory. He urged that they use it as an opportunity to build for the future as well. The property committee, repre- sented by Albert Deichert, repor- ted that based on good advice they were assured that the church shed is in excellent condition, and holds good possibilities for Christian Educational and Recreational fac- ilities, although a thorough study must first be made as to the needs of the congregation. Victor Dinnin gave an informa- tive report on behalf of the Ev- angelism .Committee, consisting of Mrs. E. V. Deters, Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner, Mrs. Harold Thiel, Fred V. Haberer and Judy Moore The chairman and committee are to be highly .commended for their work in connection with a congre- gational self -study. During the election of officers, the following results were report- ed: Herb Klapp and Reginald Black were elected as delegates to synod, and Bertram Kropp as the alternate; Whitney Broken shire was elected delegate to the Stratford conference; auditors for the coming year, as in the past, will be Ted Steinbach and Henry Eickmeier. The following motions were passed: That a new mimeograph- ing machine be purchased for the parish; that the constitution of the congregation be studied and any recommended changes presen- ted at next year's annual meet- ing; and that a committee be set up to study the needs for Christ- ian Educational facilities and the possible cost of using the church shed to supply them. A motion was also carried that the list of names of members of the congre- gation, (without contributions) be printed in the next. annual State- ment. $2.50 Per Year -5 Cents Per Copp, Citizens News Receives Award Word has just been received that the Zurich Citizens News has placed third among news- papers entered in the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Competi- tion, for the paper showing t h e greatest improvement during the past year. The award will be presented at the annual OWNA conven- tion in Hamilton this Friday. George Ellis, publisher of the .��Goderich Signal Star, is presi- "dent of the OWNA this year. -- n Unique Farm Forum The Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher for their regular meet- ing on Monday evening, February 1. Leonard Merner led the discus- sions, substituting for Clare Geig-` er, who was unaible to be present. The questions under discussion were as follows: 1. Do you think that more con-, modity groups in Canada should', adopt national advertising pro=d grams or should they devote their resourses to finding out what the consumer prefers? 2. Should we have a national food advertising program embrac- ing all commodities to increase the farmer's share of the consum- er's dollar? 3. In what other way could we increase the consumption of your products? The answers were: 1. More commodity gr o u p s should advertise but we should use some of our resourses to find .what the .c onsumer- prefers aide, use our influence to make these products available to him. 2. A national food advertising program might help to increase the sale of certain products, bet we were not too sure if it would increase the farmer's share of the consumers dollar. For instance, we might increase the sale of eggs, but the price spread between the producer and consumer might remain at from 15 to 20 cents or more per dozen. 3. We might increase the con- sumption by informing the public what the food value of a certain product is compared to a substi- tue which is often .imported; for instance butter vs. margarine, or apples vs. oranges, or chocolate milk vs. soft drinks. The next meeting will be herd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Merner, with Carl. Oestreicher as discussion leader ,on Monday, February 8. The subject will be "Family Farm—can it survive." Township Council Calls Tenders For Warble Fly Work • At their regular meeting on Monday afternoon, the members of the Hay Township council decided to call tenders for the supply of warbicide powder, to be used this year in connection with the War- ble Fly Spray. Also being called for are appli- cations for an inspector to super- vise the work of spraying the cat- tle. A third part of the tender call, asks for applications for the actual spraying of the cattle. Pric- es tendered for are to state price per head, and also the hourly rate wanted. Ih further business the council set the rate of pay for road super- intendent James Masse, at $1.10 per hour, retroactive to January 1, 1960. A grant of $25 was made to the Huron. Crop and Soil Im- provement Association. The clerk -treasurer, H. W. Bro- kenshire, was instructed to make rservations in Toronto, for dele- gates to attend the Good Roads Convention. V. L. Becker Re-elected President Of Zurich Agricultural Society V. L. Becker, reeve of Hay Township, was re-elected as presi- dent of the Zurich Agricultural Society, following the annual meeting in the township hall last Wednesday night. Mrs. Marge Schilbe was again appointed as secretary -treasurer of the organ- ization. Other officers for the coming year are: first vice-president, Bert McBride; second vice-president, Leroy Thiel; and directors Arnold Merner, Otto Willert, Herb Turk- heim, Ed Schroeder, Mrs. Eliza- beth lizabeth Mack, Mrs. Anne Flaxbard, Bert Klopp, Carl Decker, and Joe Hoffman. Two new directors elect- ed this year are Carl Decker and Joe Hoffman, replacing two relire ing men, Clifford Pepper and Carl Willert. Honorary directors of the agri- cultural society are: Ted Stein- bach, William Davidson, Elmore Klapp, Wiliam Decker, Fred J. Haberer Sr., and Clifford Pepper. Associate directors for 1960 are: Bill. Baechler, Clare Deichert, Leonard Merner, Leeland Willert, Gordon Block, Mrs. Harold Thiel, Zurich Lions Hear Outstanding Address From Exeter Clergyman Rev. Bren De Vries, Exeter, was the guest speaker at the dinner meeting of the Zurich Lions Club on Monday night, at which time he told of some of his hair-raising experiences in the Netherlands after the Germans took over in 1940 during the war. "Holland was a very prosperous %country until 1940," said the min - WERE SORRY Several real good pictures were scheduled to appear in this weeks' issue of the Citizens News, but, somehow the delivery of our pl- astics' from the London Free Press went astray and they did not ar- rive in time for publication. We will try and use these pic- tures in next weeks' issue. 0 Turnout Asked To Library Annual The annual meeting of the Zur- ich Public Library will be held on Thursday, February 4, in the Town Hall, commencing at eight "o'clock. All members and others interested are urged to attend. A nomination committee will bring in a slate of officers for the year 1960. Re -organization of the library is very important. BLUEWATER and BAYFIELD NEWS (Mrs. Russel Grainger, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hudie, Clin- ton, called on their aunt, Miss Rose Snowden, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gemeinhardt,. Bayfield. Mrs. Jane Haugh, has returned to Brucefield, after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Sarah Carnie, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corriveau, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jeffrey, were Sun- day- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharme. We are glad to report that- Mr. Ducharme is im- proving nicely. . We are sorry to report that Mit"? Henry Rau, has been a patient in Goderich Hospital, since last Tues- day, and Bert Dunn, Jr., a patient in Clinton Hospital since last Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger, Phyllis,. Cathryn a n d Jimmie, spent Sunday in Sir.^athroy, with Mrs. J. Downie. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot Jr., and family, London, were weekend visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot, Sr. Misses Kathleen and Louise Tal- bot, Kitchener, were with their parents for the weekend, also. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Reardon and Ricky, Goderich, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Talbot, Sr. Miss Joyce Greer, Goderich, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Greer. Michael Greer, spent the week- end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Westlake. Quite a number from this vic- inity attended the Youth For Christ Skating Party and program held at the Hensall arena, last Saturday night. Bayfield Cemetery Annual The annual meeting of the Bay- field Cemetery Company, was held o nJanuary 15, 1960, at the home of the secretary -treasurer, E. A. Westlake. J. B. Rathwell was appointed as ohairmair, and E. A Westlake as secretary for the meeting. The auditors report as presen- ted by Leslie Elliott and R. Roy Fitzsimons, was read and adopted. Officers re-elected f o r 1960 were: 3. B. Rathwell, president; Donald McKenzie, vice-president, E. A. Westlake, secretary -treasur- er. Members of the board are: Rus- sell Heard, Alfred I-Iudie, Elgin Porter, Wilmer Reid, Lloyd Scot- chmer, Leslie Elliott. R. Roy Fitzsimons and Leslie Elliott were appointed as auditors and. George Little re -appointed sexton for 1960. The charge for opening a grave was raised from $15.00 to $18.00. A vote of thanks to E. A. West- lake for the use of his home was tendered by Alfred Hudie and Donald McKenzie. Valentine Dance The Bayfield Agricultural Soc- iety are planning a Valentine Eu- chre and. Dance, to be held in the town hall, Bayfield, on February 12. Music will be provided by Carruther's Orchestra, and there will be a door prize. ister, "We had our entire freedom like the rest of the free world un- til that time. In four days we lost everything." Rev. DeVires told of how the German army came into the country and started persecu- ting the Jews, many of whom were their best friends. Relating how he joined the un- derground in an attempt to do as much damage to •.•,the.. invaders as possible, the speaker told of how they drowned many of the enemy. "However," he went on to say, "for every enemy we killed they would retaliate by taking the lives of the most prominent citizens we had." Rev. DeVries also told of how the Jews were forced to wear a yellow star of David, when they were seen in in public. Finally, in 1943 things were so bad that every male between the ages of 18 and 45 was forced to leave the coun- try. "In spite of all these obstac- les," he added, "we kept the un- derground operating, and sent messages to England. We even went so far as to organize under- ground papers, to combat the am- ount of propaganda being spread by the Germans." In warning the members of the Club that Canadians do not take their freedom seriously enough, the speaker said that people should re- think their entire outlook on life. "Our dependence is on God," he added, and we should spend more time reading God's word than we do." Rev. DeVries closed his inspiring message with the words, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty." The speaker who is the pastor at Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church, Exeter, was introduced by Lion Alvin Walper and thanked by Lion Jake Haberer. Guests at the meeting were four members of the Parkhill Lions Club and five members of the Ex- eter Lions Club. One of the Park- hill members, Jack Levy, favoured the group with several fine solos. Mrs. Ted Steinbach, Mrs. William Davidson, Mrs. Arnold Merner, Mrs. Herb Klopp, Carl Willert and Milfred Sohillbe. Auditors for the comiing year• will be Jake Haberer and George Deichert. V. L. Becker was nam- ed as delegate to attend the an- nual convention in Toronto this winter. Agr. Rep. Present A highlight of the annual meet- ing was the presence of Agricul- tural Representative for Huron County, Douglas Miles, who spoke briefly on promoting 4-H Club work. Mr. Miles said the Zurich Club this year had received more attention from his department than any other group in the county. The guest went on to say that staging these agricultural fairs is getting to be a bigger problem each year, and if it were not for the government grants, it would be impossible to carry on. In commending Bert Klapp for the fine work he has done with the 4-H Club this past year, Mr. Miles said he hoped there would be at least 20 to 25 members this year in the Zurich district. 4 -II Leaders Bert Klopp, Zurich, Harry Hoff- man, Dashwood, and Carl Willert, Zurich, were appointed as 4-H Club leaders for the yaer 1960, with an eye to early organization. Any children who are interested in becoming a member of a 4-H Club are urged to contact any one of the. three leaders as soon as pos- sible. Discussion also centred around the possibility of organizing a 4-H Homemaking Club for girls this year.. More . information on the project is forthcoming from the County Home Economist. Prize Money Up The amount of prize money paid out for the Fall Fair in 1959 was up considerably from other years. Total receipts were around $3,663, while the expenses were close to $3,607, amount paid out for the horse show was $973.50 for the cattle classes $350, and for the schools, $118.30. Total prize mon- ey paid out this year was well over the $2,000 mark. In a report of various commit- tees the general feeling was that the 1959 Fair was all around bet- ter than the year before. There were many more inside exhibits, more domestic science classes and more interest shown in the cattle classes. A date for the 1960 Zurich Fall Fair was not set at the meeting, but will be done at a later date. The board plans on having meet- ings every month to try and arran- ge a still better show for 1960. 0 R.Middleton Withdraws As Clerk -Treasurer (By our Hensall correspondent) Hensall. Council, meeting in ses- sion Monday night, accepted R. H. Middleton's withdrawal as clerk - treasurer, tax collector and asses- sor for the village.. He had been appointed to the position on Jan- uary 13. Council will consider ap- plications for this position at a special meeting on February 10. Lorne E. Hay and the clerk - treasurer were appointed repres- entatives to t:he annual conven- tion of the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities on. February 15-16, at Toronto. By request of the Kinsmen Club of Hensall, Council declared the period from February 14 to 20, ns National Kin week in Hensall. P. L. McNaughton, tax collector reported as arrears of taxes being $1,691.03 or 2.96 percent. 0 Triplets Born To. Geiger Relation In Lucknow Triplets born last Wednesday to Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Geiger, of Lucknow, may bold a weight re- cord -21. pounds—officials at the Mount Hamilton Hospital said. Rev.' Geiger is related to a number of people in this vicinity. The three boys weighed: five pounds, 15 ounces; seven pounds, six ounces; and seven pounds, 11. ounces. The father of the infants and three other children said: "They're a gift from God. I'm still a little stunned. The only thing I am concerned about now is the cost of rearing them." The other Geiger children are: Roy, seven; Anne, five; and Joan, two. The parents have not deer ded what they will call the babies. Mrs. Geiger bad been in the hoepi tal since Boxing Day, for obser- vation. bservation. "We knew two months before the we were going to have trip- lets," Mr. Geiger said. "When we found out, we decided the best of care would .be essential." "Allthough the salary of a min- ister is adequate, he said "it falls a little short when you have thin, thing fall upon you." The triplets are not in incuba- tors, hospital authorities reported. Rev. Geiger is a son of the late Rev, Roy Geiger, a rrath a r•f this, district.