HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-01-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT • ZURICH CITIZENS NEVV'8 DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Mrs. George Little, Gananoque, Ontario, is spending some time with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs, Claire Irwin. Ladies' Aid Meeting The Ladies' Aid of Zion Luther- an Church held their L.W.M. Lea- gue meeting on Wednesday even-, ing, with 28 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Milfred Merner led in the opening devotions. Mrs. V. Weido read a short meditation. Pastor Zorn took the topic "A Rose Blos- soms in England." By means of films he stressed the need for religion in England and showed the growth of "Elce" (Evangelical Lutheran Church in England). A donation was made to Cancer. An Epiphany family night will be held on February 7. Group 4 was in charge and for closing devotions showed a film "The glad and sad church." The meeting closed with the L.W.M.L. pledge and the group served lunch. Annual Meeting of Evangelical U.B. Church The annual meeting of the EUB church was held Monday evening, with the pastor, Rev. J. W. Gil- lings, conducting a short devotion- al period. At a previous meeting of the administration council, it was decided to close the church year with the calendar year in- stead of March, so all reports were for the past nine months. Reports were heard from the Sunday School, WSWS, Ladies' Aid, EYF, Boys and Girls Fellow- ship, Men's Chapter, and the choir. The pastor also submitted a brief report. The general church treasurer, missionary treasurer, and improve - fund treasurer reported apportion- ments met. A. V. Tiernan report- ed for the trustees and T. H. Hoffman for the cemetery board. Gordon Bender was elected trus- tee for a period of three years. Milton Haugh was re -appointed to the cemetery •board for a three- year term. The following treasurers were appointed: current fund, Miss Pearl Kraft; assistant, Mrs. Ste- wart Wolfe; missions, Arthur Haugh; improvement fund, Miss Beatrice Graybiel. Auditors for 1960 are A. V. Tiernan and J. M. Tiernan. Head ushers are Jack ST. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE •LAI.. FRED DUCHARME. Correspondent . Marie Annette Masse Our deepest sympathy goes to Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Bob) Masse, whose 11 -year-old daughter, Mar- ie Annette, was instantly killed in a car accident. Besides her parents, she leaves brothers, Robert, Patrick and Michael, sisters Barbara Ann and Martha Jean, all at home, and grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jam- es Masse, The family has the sympathy of a large circle of friends. John C. Geoffrey We regret to report of the death of a lifetime resident of this district, John Goeffrey, 81, on Tuesday, in Woodstock Hospital. O'Brien's Plumbing Heating and Tinsmithing Phone 156 — Zurich Surviving are: sons, Felix, Tor- onto; Fergus, London; Clarence, Zurich; Ted, home place; daugh- ters, Mrs. (Nora) Bondy, Mrs. (Lillie) Patrick, Mrs. (Ann) Att- ridge, Mrs. (Florence) Sharette, Mrs. (Marie) Rau, all of Detroit; Mrs, (Geraldine) Grove, Wood- stock; Mrs. (Doris) Regier, of the Bronson Line; brothers, George, Stanley Township; Peter, North Dakota; sisters, Mrs. G. Plante, Goderich; Mrs. R. Denomme, Lon - on, Mrs. D. Ducharme, Zurich; 31 grandchildren and 13 great grand- children. Requiem High Mass was last Friday morning from ; the heme place, to St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph, Bruial in the church cem- etery. We are pleased to report that Alfred Ducharme, Peter Duchar- me and Mrs. John Paul Rau are as well as can be expected, after all under going major operations at St. Joseph's Hosiptal, London. Saturday and Sunday visitors with their father at St. Joseph's Hospital, were: Tyrus Stansbury, Detroit; Braise Ducharme, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Ducharme, Maryann, Joe Masse, Jane, Hubert Duchar- me, all of Windsor. Mr. Duchar- me is improving steadily and is expected to be home soon. Napolean Ducharme and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Masse, were Sunday visitors with their moth- er, Mrs. Josephine. Ducharme and Isidore. WEEKEND SPECIALS NATIONAL TEA BAGS --50's cello 39c GRAULATED SUGAR --10 ib. bag 79c FIVE ROSES FLOUR -7 Ib. bag . 55c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP -5 Ib. pail 69c CALIFORNIA GRAPES 2 lbs. 25c Clarence Gascho - Lucky Dollar Market .r DON'T GET CAUGHT SHORT OF COAL! There are plenty of cold days ahead - -- Make sure you have an ample supply. 3 Carloads of Coal Expected Soon PICK UP YOUR PHONE AND CALL FOR PROMPT DELIVERY! We Like To Make Warm Friends! Stade & Weida Hardware "Plumbing ---- Heating ' Tinsmithing" PHONE 72 * ZURICH Grey County OFU Director Outlines Group Policies At Stanley Local Mel Tebbutt, Grey County dir- ector, and executive member of Ontario Farmers Union, who has been conducting a series of meet- ings and canvasses in Huron County, was present at Stanley Township Local meeting on Fri - Pepper and Milton Haugh, Mrs• Ross Guenther will serve as com- munion steward. Following the meeting the past- or showed a short film and lunch° was served. Mrs. Ervin Rader and Shara;- accompanied Mr. end Mrs. Garnet: Patterson to London on Thursday` and visited with Mr, and Mrs, Robert Knight and Robert and Miss Mae Patterson, Newmarke who is recuperating there follow': ing surgery at St, Joseph's Hospi til. Five Dashwood Men Attend Planning. Meeting Leonard Restemayer, Charles Martene, Edward Gackstetter, A1- bert Miller and Pastor K. L. Zorn,' all of Zion Lutheran Church, at tended a planning meeting in Mitchell for the special "Sharing Christ Week" which will be held in the Lutheran Churches on April' 24 to 28. The week will begin with a large rally in the Shakespearean Festival Building at Stratford. It will continue with informal seri vices each evening in each local; congregation. The Rev. Walter Schoedel, Fort Wayne, Ind., will .be guest speaker here. Seven Lutheran congrega- tions are participating in the Stratford -Dashwood area. Miss Brenda Welton, Thedford, spent the weekend with Miss Val- erie Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. George Gossman, Drurnbo, spent the weekend at their home here. Mrs. George Gossman and Mrs.; Leo Gibson, attended the Barnes Ferrari wedding at Port Huron on Saturday. Mrs. Ervin Latta and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weiberg, Water- loo, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weiberg. Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Baptism Eleanor Winnifred, in f an t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Salmon, was baptized in Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday, by Rev.: K. L. Zorn. Misses Marie and Ruth Salmon were sponsors. .tom day, January 14. Mr, Tebbutt outlined the forma- tion of Farm Union Policy. Reso- lutions are sent in from Locals to head office, where they are distri- buted to all locals and then voted on at the annual convention. The resolutions passed are incorpora- ted into Farm Union Policy. Mr. Tebbutt told of his recent work throughout the province and said that farmers contacted were ready and willing to join OFU, They ,are beginning to accept the fact that they can no longer sit idly by; they must do something. Mr. Tebbutt gave a detailed ex- planation of deficiency payments. He said the Farm Union supports the principle of deficiency pay- ments. He continued, "The Farm Union will never be satisfied with 'anything less than parity and will continue to strive for parity pric- e's on all produce consumed in Canada—but not on surplus pro- ducts," Mr. Tebbutt strongly condemn- ed the publicity that exists, where- by the consurner is educated to ex- pect cheap food. He said, "The wage earner today can buy more food with his hourly wage than ever before. How can farmers .produce cheap food with continu- ing rising costs? Why should pri- ces be set by what the consumer ,feels like paying? Parity prices need not raise the price of food beyond the consumer's reach. A parity price for hogs would be '$30-$32 cwt," Mr. Tebbutt spoke briefly on the coming hog vote' and was questioned extensively on this subject during the discussion. He said that the old vote was declar- ed invalid because of "irregular- ities" and there is no way of being sure this can't happen again. He said all farmers seem to want producer - controlled marketing boards. He felt that one of the inadequacies of the present plan was the :fact that the same 11 man board runs, (1) The Hog Producers Association, (2) The Hog Producer's Marketing Board, (3) The Hog Producers Co- operative. This does not allow for change in thought, and results in these same men work- ing for each other. This powerful Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rader at- tended a Philco demonstration in London last Wednesday after- noon. In the evening they attend- ed a Glidden paint demostration in Clinton. WEDNESDAY,. SANVAR'Y 20, 1960 board is made up of Zone direc- tors, and unfortunately once sev- en men are' elected they may'ap- point the other four. Mr. Tebbutt said the OFU would like to see this change and would be in fav- our of a National Meat Marketing Plan, including all red meats. OFU president G. L. Hill spoke of the serious decision facing far- mers, regarding the new hog vote. He said, "I am greatly disturbed that a deliberate attempt will be made to sidestep the real issues of the vote, and confuse the voters by leading them to believe that the future of all marketing plans depends on the approval of the present Hog Marketing Board, The only issues that must be con- sidered are those concerning the present Hog Marketing Board." Mr, Hill continued, "Should the present plan fail to be approved by a majority vote, the Hog Pro- ducers Association would still be retained, and it would not neces- sarily mean that we would return to the practice of dumping hogs in the packers' yards. The pres- ent plan would continue in opera- tion until dissolved by "Order in Council." This would provide an opportunity for either the present board or another organization to come up with an alternate plan. It would also be possible for the Farm Products Marketing Board to take over the present plan, ef- fect some changes and operate it on a trial basis in an effort to come up with a satisfactory hog plan." Plans were made for a canvass in the immediate area for the next week, It was decided the next meeting would be held in Varna School, January 25. This meeting will start at 9 o'clock sharp. Ernest Talbot thanked the speakers and the ladies served lunch. ROCK of AGES AND EVENTIDE MEMORIALS INQUIRIES ARE INVITED T. PRYDE and SON EXETER Clinton Phone 41 HU 2-6606 Seaforth $11 00. GIVEN AWAY LAST WEEK. WHY DON'T YOU SAVE 5100 TRADE NOW• During Pearson's' Big Bonus SALE Clip This Coupon, Bring it with you, we will allow yaw 5100. OFF INITIAL PRICE ON AW CAR ADVERTISED HERE i $100. VALUE Negotiable Only On I Initial Price Of Any Advertised Car. Good only until Feb. 13 65 USED CARS PLUS MOST NEW MODELS NOW IN STOCK 59 CHEV; BISCAYNE, finish- ed in gleaming black, cus- tom radio $2195 58 MERCURY Monterey Sedan power steering, power brakes Only $1,995 58 CHEV. Biscayne Sedan Black, with radio $1,795 58 VAUXHALL Station Wagotr+ 573 only 4,000 miles J Mr. Merchant: THEY ALWAYS DO THEIR SHOPPING FIRST in THE ADVERTISING COLUMNS OF THIS NEWSPAPER Most shopping expeditions hereabouts begin in'}the advertising columns of this newspaper. mart shoppers like to save time, steps ... and oney. Before they ever set foof out of the house, they sit down with their newspaper and scan the ads carefully, to see who's got what for sale .. . add for how much. These are the vital 'moments of decision' when many an important sale is made. This is the time and place for you to have your 'say' . to trigger the buying action that will pay off handsomely on your cash register. Do your selling where your customers start their shopping ... in the pages of this newspaper. If . you have the will, we have the way to start extra business coming to you FAST. SHOPPING STARTS IN THE PAGES OF THIS NEWSPAPER ZURICH Citizens NEWS Printing 0 Publishing 0 Office Supplies 57 PLYMOUTH 2 -door, 2 tone, heater, whitewalls, sharp $1,195 57 PONTIAC Pathfinder De - Luxe — custom radio, only- 23,000 miles. 57 BUICK Special Sedan black, with whitewalls $1,875 56 METEOR Niagara Sedan-- 8 edan---8 cylinder, radio, automat- ic drive $1,095. 56 CHEVROLET 2—Door—pick of the crop! — Only $995'. 56 BUICK Special Sedan owned by member of clerg $1,395 55 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan custom radio $895 55 NASH Ambassador complete with bed & motor $795 54 CHEVROLET 2 -Door Hard. top — powerglide, custom, radio, a sharpie! Onl $675' 54 METEOR Rideau 2-Door— custom radio, new motor; Tike new. 54 CHEVROLET 210 Sedan... low mileage, windshield washers. DOZENS OF OLDER MODELS, 7 USED PICKUPS From $195 up WHY WAIT? WHEN YOU CAN SAVE $100 NOW Pearson Motors LTD. Pontiac, Buick, Vauxhall, GMC HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST CAR DEALER" Zurich — Exeter