HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1960-01-06, Page 8PAGE EMGH1 "Get Big Or Get Out", Is Warning To Farmers Says OFU President (By Gordon L, Anyone who attended the Mar- keting and Co -Operation confer- ence at O.A.C., Guelph, December 28-31, could not help but come a- way convinced that the average farmer of today is doomed. Pap- ers presented by economists, as well as views and opinions expres- sed by delegates from O.F.A. and U.C.O., expounded the theory that farm people in searchof better incomes should look only to great- er efficiency. Learn to produce more, cheaply, buy your neigh- bours farm, add it to your own, operate with your present equip- ment and labour force, cut costs, grow heavier yields, breed better livestock, use improved manage- ment practices, these are the solu- tions offered to the cost price squeeze. These are the things you must accomplish if you hope to continue to own your own farm. In addition, you can expect to de- pend on one of the field comp- anies, U.C.O. included, for a con- tract which will allow you to stay in business. Of course you must work hard- er, for longer. hours and less mon- ey than anyone else or they (the feed company) will set up their own farms and hire the necessary labour to operate them. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS WEDNESDAY, J'ANU•A1tY 6, 1960? Hill, Varna) Canada? Should the people be controlled to suit financial inter- ests? Or should financial interests be controlled to suit the people? The questions posed in these paragraphs are ones you will be called upon to decide in 1960. Your answer will be considered not by what you think or say, but rather what you do. If you are not disturbed by a re- turrn to the feudal system, you may continue to sit by the fire and "let George do it On the other hand should you believe, that people, rather than money should control Canada, if you be- lieve the family type farm is worth saving, if you agree that our agricultural problem is one of poor prices, rather than lack of efficiency, the time has come for you to join the fight. Speak your thoughts, get active in your Farm Union, support your local officials, work in your commodity groups toward a sound program. But most of all it's actions that count remember ."the road to Hades is paved with good intentions." Rather a grim outlook you say, well you haven't heard the worst yet. A large feed company in To- ronto has campletely integrated "broilers". They control the hat- chery, at present„ production is contracted among farmers. (This can be changed if it becomes cheaper to set up their own build- ings and hire labour) and they manufacture feed. Two processing plants in Toronto are under their thumb, their restaurants in both Toronto and Montreal serve only chicken. This writer visited one of the restaurants in Toronto. In addition to a dining room there is home delivery of cooked chicken, seven cars are in continuous de- livery operation. Peak production of 2,000 birds per day is reached only on Friday, Saturday and Sun- day, with a weekly average for this one establishment of 9,000 birds. Continuingdevelopment of this sort of thing leaves the farm- er with absolutely no bargaining power, a serf, dependent entirely on his masters whim and fancy. U.C.O. has recently announced the purchase of a processing plant at Petersburg and intends .to set up their own chicken houses if difficulty is experienced in secur- ing sufficient quantities of birds to keep the new plant operating efficiently. Is this then to be the agricul- ture of to -morrow? Will the farm- ers be happy as a cog in this wheel? Or does it really matter whether he is happy? Perhaps he should be content to fly into or- bit when the master switch is thrown, to produce food to make a profit for someone else. For there will be a profit, you know, at least for those who process the produce of our land. Can you agree that this type of agriculture would be good for Unique Farm Forum Agriculture Dept. Gives Advice ,i On Meat Purchasing Most important of the ,basic ru- les for buying meat is to select cuts suitable to the E•intended cooking method, according ' to specialists with the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. ,,While a prime roast with a fair amount of fat covering it may be ,desirable company fare, a pot roast will be adequate when it is for -apurely family meal. The dry -heat, oven - cooked roast will look attractive to carve at the table but the cheaper pot roast may be even more flavorful. Tenderness is always . hl the back of the meat purchaser's mind. With beef, the most im- portant thing is the government grade standards, which guaran- tee the meat is from a young an- imal. No standards applyto pork or lamb, so it is necessary to rely on the butcher and previous ex- perience at that particular meat market. Many people do not eat fat but it does protect meat during dry - heat cooking. Actually, the color of the meat doensn't affect the quality, either. If you cook meat from the fro- zen state, you avoid drip loss (moisture and juiciness) due to thawing. Cook frozen meat about one-third longer and you should have a very good product. If you buy particular cuts of meat when they are oh. sale, freeze them and cook from the frozen state, you should have, just as good la pro- duct as if you cooked it free. O Members of the Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Geiger on Monday night to discuss the topic, "Ad- justment in the number of farms in Canada" with Clifford Pepper as discussion leader. The topic was thoroughly dis- cussed and the questions were an- swered as follows: (1) Do farmers produce too much or too little? The Forum agreed that the farm- ers are not over -producing or causing surpluses. The business men (or urban farmers and feed companies) are the people caus- ing the over production. (2) Does part-time off -farm em- ployment benefit agriculture? What effects does it have? Mem- bers do not think that part-time off -farm employment benefits ag- riculture. Farms get run down and these workers can sell their products at a loss thereby undermining the price for the full-time farmer. It helps keep down production be- cause these farmers produce very little. These workers take work and money away from fellow workers. (3) Do you favour increasing direction and control of your busi- ness by farm organizations or gov- ernment in order to help plan the agriculture of the future? The Forum favours increasing direc- tion and control of business by farm organizations but govern- ment should never control and plan agriculture. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Geiger, with Leonard Mern- er as chairman, to discuss the top- ic, "Adjustment through price sup- port policies". most reliable machine on the farm PIONEER PIONEER1595a WITH 97 -INCH ATTACHMINTS PloNNEER 600 chain saw •10% DOWN 19850 EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS WITH 96 -INCH ATTAC %M.'' $old By RADER and MITTELROLT Phone 63 - Zirch Winter Advice From Ontario Safety League Pumping gets water from ,wells, information from people, and ex- tra efficiency from brakes. A series of rapid "pumping" appli- cations of the brake, when a sud- den slaw -down is necessary, is far less likely to lead to a skid than hard and steady pressure on the pedal. Especially in winter con- ditions, points out the Ontario Safety League. 0 Have You Renewed, Your Subscription? Now Is The Time To Cheek Quality Of Last Year's,Hay Take a clos elook at your hay the next time you are tossing down bales. "It's a good way to pick upp last year's mistakes," says O.A.C.'s crop extension specialist, Stan Young. The reason for poor woody hay is that it was far too late when it was cut. Another common loss of hay quality is leaf shatter. The biggest single reason for leaf breakage and loss is bad timing of haying operations, or simply baling too dry. Seed on the gras- ses or legumes is another sign that the hay was cut too late. "The right time to cut hay is when the most feed value per acre is obtained," says Young. "And that is when the alfalfa or clover is just beginning to bloom." 0 He sail Council Names Officials At First Meeting (By our Hensan Correspondent) The first meeting of the 1960 council was held on Monday even- ing, with all members present. Councillor Lorne E. Hay was appointed representative to the Ausable River Conservation Auth- ority. A motion was passed to re- new membership in the Mid -West- ern Ontario Development Associa- tion with councillor Mrs. Noakes to be a representative for the council. The following committees were appointed: property, Mrs. Minnie Noakes, Jack Lavender; roads and streets, Lorne Hay, John Baker; library board, Mrs. E. Norminton, three years; parks committee, Wilmer Ferguson,- Bill Mickle, Don Spearman, Bob Baker Jr., George Parker, John Baker, Lorne Hay; recreation, the Rev. Currie Winlaw, G. C. Vaise, Mrs. Harry Horton, James Taylor, George Beer, Mrs. Noakes and Mr. Lav- ender. Stanley Council Holds Inaugural; Appoint Officials Councillors of the Township of Stanley were sworn in at ten o'clock on Monday morning by clerk -treasurer Mrs, Harold El- liott, in the township hall at Var- na. Following the annual dinner at Bailey's in Bayfield, the inaug- ural meeting of the council was presided over by Reeve Harvey Coleman in the township hall that afternoon. Grants of $50 to the Salvation Army and $300 each to the Bruce - field and Bayfield Fire Depart- ments, were authorized, Returns of taxes are better than usual this year, with only about $8,000 of the 1959 levy not yet paid. This does not include Bayfield. All township officers were re - appointed, including Mervin Han- ly, RR 5, Clinton as assessor and" tax collector; George Castle, Hay- field as assessor for the village; Les Elliott, tax: collector for Bay- field and Mrs. Elliott as clerk - treasurer. Deptuy reeve of the township is Alvin Rau; councillors are Ernest Talbot, Melvin Graham, Elmer Hayter. WHY DO ALL THAT WRITING? When A Rubber Stamp will do it faster, easier, and who knows? may- be neater, too. Order one at the Zurich Citizens News Delivery, Within 10 days. EVIMINIERCHEMIATAMIEItiiiiiintiMP Change of Address JOHN LONGSTAFF Optometrist -- Optician of Seafortli Announces a change of office location to Goderich St. W. adjacent Seaforth Clinic. as of January 12, 1960. GROUND FLOOR PARKING FACILITIES Oculists prescriptions filled entitles you to all subsequent adjustments. 1-2-b WEEKEND SPECIALS.. PEANUT BUTTER—I6 oz. jar 29c ORANGE JUICE -48 oz. tin 3 for $1.00` QUAKER OATS 39c. CORN and LIMA BEANS—I5 oz. fin — 2 for 25c STRAWBERRY JAM -24 oz. jar 39c FLORIDA JUICY GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 49c Clarence Gascho _ Lucky Dollar Market WHEN IT'S A MATTER OF FORM SEE US QUALITY PRINTING at REASONABLE PRICES LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH - - - - ✓ LETTERHEADS ✓ INVOICES V POSTERS °•e/ TICKETS V PROGRAMS `/ WEDDING INVITATIONS BUSINESS FORMS CATALOGUES r✓ ✓ V ENVELOPES ✓ STATEMENTS V CHEQUES V CIRCULARS V BROCHURES ✓ PERSONAL STATIONERY ✓ CONTINUOUS FORMS V DODGERS All Printing Available In Colour PROMPT SERVICE Zurich Citizens News ZURICH PHONE 133