HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-12-28, Page 6THE UER,A.. ,D lamed Thursday afterneona from the IHCRALLD PRINTING FF.IG.E frame of subscription $1 per year to advance; $1.50 may be charged not so paid. U. S. eubscrinti- ons $1.50 strictly in advance, No Paper discontinteea until all ar- rears are paid uuless at the option of the publisher. ,The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates- .'Transient ad- vertisements, 10 cents per line for first insertion .and 4 cents per lie for 'each subsequent insertion Small advertisements not to ex- eed one 'inch, such as "Lost," {`Strayed," or 'Stolen," etc., in- aerted bnoe for 25 cents, and each subsequent insertion 10 cents Communication intended for pub- • lieati'on must„ as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. a 1 communications to -sue a re urea iri the Via-. tory Loan campaign show atotal sef 182,714 subeerihers for every ten people in Canada. This establi- ;Ahes a new record ws:th respect to the proportion of the population sof ad country subscribing to its War Lon: tis. The previous rec- ord ways held in ':treat Britain, where one person out. of every twenty-three subscribed to the last War Loan. In the Liberty 'Zeoan .campaign in United States, bonds were sold to one person out of ,eve"v twenty-seven of the pop- ulati ; :. DOMINION i : OING DRY Three ese..itial provisions are es DASRWQQD R,arl Graupner of Toronto;• is speeding the vacation 'at his lioml'e here. Mr. Marry Guenther of Wi;ndsoe is 'visiting l,ie parents over the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. R. Willert of Alba Craig wore visitors in town over the holidaye. Mr. ,Jack Routledge of Aylmer and Miss Maida are visitors, with their parents. er, , Mrs. Fred Diller of Bay Port is at pielentvis-; ing with her parents Mx. • and Mae S. Vincent. Miss F. Lane is spending the va- cation with friends in Chicago. Miss !Ethel Brenner of Strat- ford is visiting with relatives over the holidays. 13LAKE (After Jan. lst, 1918, my •store wall be opera ofnly two nights in the week until further notice, Open Wednesday and . Saturday even- ings. R,. N, Douglas, Blake. Mr. and Mrs, B. Ciellaind of Lis- towel). spent Christnaas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'Stev- ens, Mr Norman Boyes accompanied by her mother of .Egmond a'ille spent Xmas. at the horse of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt, Noyes. Miss Annabel McDonald who is attending the Normal at Stratford is •spendiiag the holidays at her home near Blake. The Misses Stevens are spending Miss Euloeen Guenther of Lond- on the holidays" under the parental on is spending the vacation at her I roof. Mr. Thos Meyers spent Xmaa, home. Miss Laird is visiting in Toronto , under the parental roof, over the holidays. I Mr. Hy. Brenneman, of New. Misses Olive and Hilda Rader of Hamburg is visiting relatives on Detroit epeut the holidays with I the B.nonson this week. their parents. Mr Geo. Sparks spent a dew Mr. Oscar eTraupner visited with days with friends ign Seaforth. STANLEY TOWNSHIP,, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dowson are spending the Xmas. holidays with their daughter, Mrs. Oscar Wright of Ken)nelworth. Miss Dulcie Mannuel of Toronto is the guest of her friend Miss Eliza Robinson for the Xmas. holidays. Mrs. Wes, Cocherlin of Pilot Mound an is ViSi 1.)g at the home of her father, Mr. Ralph Stephen- son. Parr mine.. Miss Annie Armstrong of London is spending the holidays at her home here. Mr and Mrs. Sam. 'Hannah of Milestone Sask., are visiting tbelat ter's brothers Ben and Amos Keys, of Blake. The entertainment and Xmas Tree held in the Goshen School= house last Thursday evening was well attended. An interesting pro ,gram was rendered by the pupils for the success of which much cred it is due to the efforts of the tea- scher Miss Rena McBeth. The pro- ceeds which amounted to $24.00 we - friends inElmira over Christmas..' . A family reunion was held at:the . re given to the Patriot:: So;;sty. Mis sPearl Tiernan of Stratford home of Mr. Robt Allan on Xmas. Mr. J. T. Keys has erected a is spending the vacation with herday. handsome up-to-date residence on parents. I Miss Bessie Tough of Clinton is; this line farm an Babylon Line this Mr. and Mrs. Baumgarten recei- spending the holidays at her home 'summer, it is of red brick, and ved the sad news of the death ofon the Bronson Line. -• • has all the modern conveniences, her daughter in Detroit last week.{ M. Langmaid, a former teacher it is just completed and Mr. Keys Mr. John Oestreicher of Naper- and.,family moved into it Last wee in S. S. No. 9 spent Xmas. With ville is a Christmas visitor at his elc. We hope he may spend many friends in this vicinity. home here. happy years in his new home, and •Miss :Laura Scluoeder of London The School entertainment which enjoy the fruit of his labors. His was held on Friday afternoon was son Clifford , who was recently mar held on Friday afternoon, was • a The children ried moves into the old home. decided success. Mr. Rufus Keys of London, vis - Schatz, and Milford Koch of Strat- took their parts well which refl-+;ted his relatives on the Babylon spent the holiday with her parents here. Missrs. Lloyd Edighoffer, Elgin ford are spending the vacation at ,ects much credit on their teacher, their respective homes. Miss Oestreicher. Chas. Steinhagen and Erviin Mc- ---0- Isaac of •Campbellford are visiting t 'their homes here. a BEAVER MEADOW The Xmas, entertainment held in EXETER the Evangelical church last Fri- - _M 1 day leveling was a most successful performed by Rev. J. E. Jones. The Exeter skating rink has been event-,' he scolars of the S. Seho- The best wishes of their many fri- �ened for the s' anon. of gave a very interesting pro- ,ends we follow them to theiir-new last week. •A quiet wedding took place at tie Methodist parsonage, Varna, on Wednesday Dec. 19th when Mr. Geo. Lil ey was united inti marriage to Miss Maria Dowson of the Goshen Line. The ceremony was Mrs. J. Pedlar was knocked downgram and everybody was much by a cutter the other day and see.- pleased. Much credit is due to erely injured. those who worked so hard to make The Union Evangelistic campa- it' a success. . ign came to a close last week. Miss Beacom, teacher, is spend - I3. C. ,Snell and Ed Snell have. ing the holidays at her home in taken over the repair garage in Goderieh. •on Bronson Line, known as the connection with M. Snell's Ford Miss Laura Krueger left on Wed- Merrier homestead, consisting of garage. nesday .for Kitchener, where she 200 acres. These farms are well Mr. W. J. Murray, of the Mar- intends staying for some time, built, good houses, barns and out ;time provinces, is home ler the Miss Pearl P,.ile is attending the buildings and well drained and in holidays. funeral of a relative in Michigan state of eultivat on, Also lot 16, ;contained in the Order-in-CouncilAndrew Douggi, of the London this week. v"' S. B., Stanley, 100 acres, hay and lwhich will make Canada dry. The Road' while chopping wood in -Mr. and Mrs. H. Selman, o£•,1iit :"grass farm. tl t tl oris*fan of the bush the other day had thc• chener are visiting at the home of ` Cider mill in Zurich with all nec home in Seaforth. FOR SALE The fcllowin•g;- Farm on Bron- son Lune known as the Melick farm; consistiine of 150 acres. Farm. 'fi:#st is is . ie imp misfortune have his leg broke , liquor into Canada is illegal frons the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs., now on ;t be second that alter Ape 'it. by a treelarlimb Felting on S Livingood. it. The had been felled and ril est next that the importation of Iiia was trimming the top when the liquor into a province that has ad- accident happened. -opted any other Province will be R G. Seldon was in Buffalo last ;illegal; and thirdly, that the man -wee on business. ufacture of liquor ins Canada will be stopped as soon as the present ' HENSALL distilleries have had a fai; chance to ,close up their business. These MARRIED Lilley-Dowson-At Varna, on Dec. 19th, by Rev, J. E. Jones, Mr. George Lil'ey to Miss Maria Dawson, both of Stanley Town- ship. provisions will at once make the r Miss Do It Carlin has returned SCHOOL REPORT whole Dominion dry, with the e .-' Breen. a visit to Detroit. Following is the report 01 S. S. lee �tioi; of Quebec, which will let•- Mrs, J. T. Wren, of Winnipeg, is No. 3 Hay for the fall term;- 1 visiting here for a few weeks. iS'r. IV. - Mary Forrest 68% lex probably vote liquor out of its Interesting Xmas. programs Jr. IV. - Grant Love 70%, Eth- area also__--.---- were given by our Sunday Schools el Broderick 60, CROP REPORT Ottawa, November 10th, 1917. The Census a.d Statistics Office is- sued to -day a preliminary estim On Wednesday of last week the ells Jarrott 70, Margery Richard - ate of the total value of the field death took place of Mrs. R. W. son 68, Lennis Siemon 65, Boria :crops of Canada for the year 19171Fulton, who had been s.riously ill -Blackwell 61. as compared with the finally re-' f rr some time. Jr. II. -Glen Love 65%, Flor `riled estimates • of 1916 and 1915 ( W M. ,Harburn, while operating ence Armstrong 64, Greta Black - Mrs (Dr.) Moir is visiting relati- ves in the West. Mrs. Jas. Moore is visiting re- latives in Michigan. Sr.IIT. - Greta Forrest 82/. Ger trude Love 61, Wesley Richardson 59. , Jr. III, — Belle Kyle 80%, Lu - The estimated values for 1917 re- machinery at the planing mill the present ,vie prices received by': • cher day had the misfortune to ;farmers. and are calculated from ' have his hand dreier into the ma- in market quotations; they ( chine and several fingers wens are subject to revision after the ballv .cut and mangled. compilation of retuilos from cor-� Nursing sister, Miss Gertrude itetpondents in December.. Ace'_ P t'ty, daughter of reeve Petty, t;rding to the preliminary es'ir.ate was united in marriage reeve Toronto the total value of all field crops x•t Dec. 14th to Lieut. Donaldson; for 1917 is ;1,089,687,000 as compar- of Brandon ,Man. *d kith $b86 491,903 in L916 and t,tl.l-) 370,600 in • 1!'15. This is the fi ^st ! COUNTY NEWS time that the estimated value of the field crops of Canada has re - The public schools at Clinton and well .61, Roy Kyle 58. Pt. II. - Orland Siemon. Sr. Primer - Bernice Forrest, Stewart Blackwell. Middle P•riini,er - Annie Jarrot, Russell Kyle, Russel Blackwell, Harold Reichert, Arthur Broderick Jr. Primer - Dorothy Kyle, Ross Richardson, Wilfred Mousseau, Margaret Mousseau, Wil ie Armst- rong. • .01ive O'Brien, teacher Many women will vote for the itched one billion dollars, this cl,aforth were closed a week be- first time at the approaching mun- serge figure being due to the high Lore the usual Xmas, holidays on icipal elections, and will be an im y+rices now ruling, The total of account of a scarcity of coal. portent factor in determining mun- 41,089,687,000 is made up of $451, i Surplus shade trees in Seaforth icipal representation. The coin - 874,000 for wheat, as compared with will be cut down and used as fuel. pleteness of their organization for 4344,096,400 in 1916, of $236,1.42,!)00 ' Wm, Jordan, of Hullet, was the Dominion election campaign dor oats, as compared with `12'o,- 1 s.,•nt to the county jail for ten shows what may be expected in 931,500, of 145,361,603 for hay, clay- i days for, assaulting' and wounding the future. Women are not now ver and alfalfa, as compared with .s man named Kulger, eligible for election to the muni - $171,613,900 and of $81,355,000 for ! :Sprig' sittings of the Supreme •cipal councils, but may hold the T,ot.a'.oes, as compared with $€0 9:2,- Court of Ontario are announced as position of schpol trustee, 300. The aggregate value o° follows; Jury, March 11, Mir... ether .grain crops is $134,006,700, 0.5 justice Masten, non -jury, April 22, compared with $81,679,800 and of Mr. Justice Middleton 'other root and fodder crops h40,~ 'qrs. R. Stunt, of Hensall, has re - 4974,700, as compared with $81,1653.- oeived a thrilling account of the 490. The final estimates of value ;,arrow escape of her son, George ter 1917 will be published as usual inthe great Halifax disaster. The in January. : ,Hitt in which he was working was AUCTION .SALES ' wrecked and he was pinned under payyou to advertise your heavy falling timbers and was in It Will 1 a, y great danger first from fire which ttiletion sales in The ITera'd whiebii broke out in the mill and , after- largely circulated throughout the yards from the flood of water 'that countryside. If you have tunytlx- was turned on the flames by the o sell there is no better mod-. !!ite engines. He was e•Ventually'I I.. paper to reach the u il. • (`r+ H+ Agur, Garage, emsa fl ee i The Sun anresc I vorrnisomostootalk VULCANIZING I have instal'e l .a complete Vul- canizieig outfit and can do ail kinds of auto tire repairs. Beth inner and outer casings. I can also repair an1.,lialf sole rubber boots and shoes. NOW IS .THE TII11E TO GET TI.1'IS WORK DONE BEFORE TEE RUSH OF SPRING WORK ;CONKS IN. essary machinery. Also modern dwelling situated in Zurich. All will be sold on easy terms. For particulars apply to J. 3. '•'ilerner, !Zurich. 25-t. if. BRAN AND SHORTS PRICES ARE FIXED The Food !Controi'er announced on Friday that he had fixed the prices for bran and shorts at 21.50 and $29.50 respectively, per ton in bulk, f. o. b. Fort William, effect- ive December 17t1i. The margiin of profit to dealers may also be fixed. Prices of food at Western, points will be the fixed prices, less freight to Fort Willem. At Eas- tern pc Ants the prices will be the fixed prices plus the freight from, Fort William. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY—TRY THIS! Says glass of hot water ' with phosphate before breakfast, washes out poisons. i To see the tinge of healthy bloom in your face, to see your skin get clearer and clearer, to wake up with- out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, in ,fact to feel your best, day in and day out, just try inside -bathing every. morning for one week. 93efore breakfast eacii"'dayrdrink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoon- ful of limestone phosphate in it as a harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible • awaste,' sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening, and purifying the' entire alimentary canal before putting4more food intoethe stomach. , Therection of hot F -water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully In- vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and hives one a splendid appetite for break; fast. A quarter pound of limestone khosl, phate will cost very little at the drug store but is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot water and limestone phos- phate act on the blood and internal or- gans. Those who are subject to con- stipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, ;rheumatic twinges, also those whose skin is sallow 'and complexion pallid, are assured that one week of Inside., Dec.10 F. ,IessBaSon 'account 13.70 bathing will have them both ' ookiiig j Kipper) 'work 1,40 J Lad calm better_ ie a x,7121'46 se !Le Pli y -.. .oe.e#OSAiii000 li 00,ssssll.• oegaiimoosipeee� 11110000111100 0N., r. Ai{e3r..rS eeKie..LT'a�'�.�ay'" t u'k AUTOS OVERHAULED REPAIRED and PAINTED Now is the time to get your auto overhauled and painted for next season. Repairing and •overhauling will be done properly and prompty. Painting will be done at the Zurich Carriage Works. Leave all orders with H. GALLIVIAN, ZURICH GARAGE seces••••s000secai9eee•ecapoef9 GOOCOOSS 0106 0€10W8f8S®IMi SOS .r. —+_+-4— .i• — :._ 4.-4.— i —.} —.1.-4,— 4, NEW HARNESS SHOP I have opened up a new harness shop in Merner's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, and am prepared to do everything in harness repairing, binder canvas repairing, etc. Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited • FRED THIEL 2URICH 4 •.• 4.-• 4 .y.—+...- -—§—i~—t-1——3—d—•:-4—ow——•D—:—:——t—�—D•— INVESTMENT OF YOUR SAVINGS Money lying''at a low rate of interest will earn for you each six months more interest dollars by in- vesting it in a Huron & Erie Debenture, 14••-•' You _receive the unconditional promise of this Half -Century old Corporation that your funds will be repaid at the time promised together with half -yearly interest thereon. t_. For terms of one, two, three, four or five years interest is paid at the rate of 5 per cent per annum Why not ask for further particulars? 6HE raQ,-• MORTGAGE COaPORATION CHARTERED 1264 "Older than the Dominion of Canada' HEAD OFFICE: LONDON, SANT, Applications for Debentures received by ANDREW HESS, Agent ZURICH, ONTARIO .R4 ' n ■.. WNW' t ; ,'• s��ilI 'ems•- Financial Statement of Zurich Village for 1917 as shown in the annual statement of Hay Township. RECEIPTS Balance from 1916 Police Village rate Dog 'tax: Township Grant 110.27 856,00 2.1.00 212.55 $1199.82 PAYMENTS Feb.3F. tHess,,S'r., Elect exp 5.00 Aug.22 $; Howald mak side W 56.55 iW m. 'Thiel teaming 40.50 ,Geld. Thiel 'work 28.50 C. Colosky work 13.72 j 0, iHartleib, cement 41.48 3. Preeter eenient 20.34 28 3. P. Rau haul gravel 15.00 A. Koehler " 21.00 Oet.3F. Kalbfleisch " . 42,00 3. Meidinger gravel 53,70 5 3, Meidinger bal gravel 10.00 Herald letg. station Notices 8.50 R. Geiger, gravel 19„55 O. (Cabineau, tile 13,75• C. Keller, work 1, 75, C. Slartileib, account 60 W.G. Hess attend clock 5.00 Geo. Thiel sprinkl streets 26.00. Williams Bros St. lights 122.00 E. Zimmerman work 1;8.75 0, Colosky work 3.00 J. Albrecht ” 1,00 14 Hydro St. lights J. Preeter, account LA. Morley " J. Deichert " C. Eilber, grading A.F, Hess Inns. do F. hall 15F. Ross Sr., postage etc. M. ,Wsn'ni, work. " E. C. Kalbfleis'ch lumber ;CM/Hess rep . for engine 300.00 6.36 1.00 55 1,25 5.00, 2 25; 3.75; 4.76 75. $903.46 Balance on hand 296.36' , $119948`l.