HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-12-28, Page 2TEUTONS ATTACK FRENCH
Eneany Sustained Severe Losses and Failed to Gain Territory in
Either Lorraine or in Upper Alsace.
A despatch from London says: -
The long -expected attacks by the Ger-
mans against the French lines in
Alsace-Lorraine were delivered on;
Thursday. Although they did not
reach the dimensions of a general of-
fensive, the French War Office de-
scribes them as `serious" and "p'ow-
erful." 'In the Lorraine attack, which
was directed against elle trenches -
north of Hellholes, and which co'ne-
pietely failed, the Germans left num. -
erous dead on the ground. In Upper
'Alsace positions south-west of Alt--
kirch were attacked, but met with no
Toren 0. tee. 24—.111 anitoba ttheat
No. 1 lei, tae. n $2.231: No. 2 do $ 2.203;
No. 3. do, $2.1, . No. 4 wheat, $2.103,
in store Fort William. including 23e
.\ anitobn Dot:`; No. t-'.\\• title; No.
3 C.\\.. ,o,'c. No. 1 extra feed, 763c: No.
I teed. +^y,. in store Fort William.
American '•ora ---No. 3 yellow, nominal.
011U10 Mitt ---No, 2, white. 77 to 755,
bombed: No. 3. do., 713 to 77,'. notnilial,
a51•,?rding to freights outside, ide, 1
Ontario wheat—New, No. 2 Winter,'
$2.22: basis,
in stere Montreal.
Peas----No.2.33.70 to 33.S0, accuraing
to freights o;itside.
Earley—Malting, 31.2ft to 31.30. ae-
conning to tial hts outside
Buckwheat$1.311 to $1.55, according
to freights outside.
itye--No. 31.7S. a+'a•ording to freights
1ltanit.-ba dour --First patents. in jute
11 tl;.s, 311.50: 211,1, do., $11: strong bak-
ers. . dti , $10.00. Toronto.
Ontario dour—V, inter. at c 01(
sample, 39.118. in bags Montreal; $5.76,
Toronto 39.7x) bulk, seaboard, prompt
Milifeed—Cor lots. delltcerecl Montreal
t'reiglits, bags included—}ran, Per ton.
335: shorts, do., 340: middlings, do..
$45 to $46: good teed flour, per hag,
liay 'Vo. 1, new, per ton, $17.511 to
316.50, mixed, do.. 313 to 315, track
Straw—Car lots, per tool. $J to $9.50.
Country Produce—Wholesale
Putter—Creamery. solids. per lb., 423
to 435 pt nts, per lb., 43 to 433c; dairy',
per lb. 4 to 36c.
1 -gs 1', ash gathered eggs, 45 to 50c.
'1' Dull - •Tnrl:cys, dressed lb.. 25 to
3a, • e 1rt-d, lb 19 to 211'
Famous Treasure of the Church
of the Holy Sepulchre Stolen.
A despatch from Washington, D.C.,
says: An official despatch received
here from France says that the Turks
before surrendering 'Jerusalem to the
British brutally mistreated Christian
priests, carried off the famous treas-
ure of the Church of the holy Sepul-
chre, valued at millions of dollars, and
sent to Berlin the church's celebrated
ostensory of brilliants.
Monsignor Camassei, the
of Jerusalem, is .said to have been de-
posed from his office, and Father Pic-
cardo, an Italian priest, to have died
from the effects of Turkish brutalities.
(- The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
had remained unmolested heretofore
1 during all the centuries of Moslem
occupation of Jerusalem.
! The same despatch told of indigna-
tion among 11Tussulmans of Asia
Minor over the action of a German'
general in establishing staff head- � —
' quarters in the great mosque ` of the '7-'-'
City of Aleppo, near the Syrian Succeed in Taking Advance Post.Famous French Aviator' Per• -
border. East of llMessines. • ; fecting Plans for Content-
Sent by Canada Overseaas---Reforest,• -
at:ion Atter the War;
Four forestry battalions have been .
raised in Canada and have proceeded
overseas, in addition to one battalion
converted on arrival in England, :and
about 4,600 men supplied from drafts
'from various parts 'of Canada. All•
told, the number of .men in Canadian
forestry battalions totals More than
10,000, besides a large number' of men
already' overseas who. were formed.
into forestry companies. .All the for;-.
estry battalions have been combined. .
into a corps, into which reinforce=
ments are drafted from the medically'
unfit infantry.
While exploitation and not. conserv-
ation was the object of these organ-
izations, it is interesting to note that
a number of Canadian foresters em-
ployed their technical knowledge, in
Great Britain at least, in construct-
ing volume tables, estimating and
appraising timber, measuring mater-
ials and even making forest deerip-
tions and growth studies.
In the United States, a forestry
regiinent has been organised as a re-
sult of co-operation between the For
est Service and the War Department.
About one-half of the officers are tech-
nically -trained foresters, of whom a
very large proportion are present or
former oflicial of the Forest Service.
This regiment has now proceeded to
France, for service behind the British
lines in supplying the necessary tim'-
Incident in the Halifax Tragedy. bers for military purposes. Other
g bodies, th e one on the left looking for the remains of his wife and two children which
similar regiments are being raised,
Two sailors diggiu., for b and will be officered by foresters and
Plans are already being laid, it is
said, for a very extensive campaign
of forest planting on non-agricultural
lands in the British Isles .after the
\Sar. Unquestionably, a very .erten-
sive programme of reforestation will
also be necessary in France.
Remedy Lies in Legislation Attacking
he finally found.
GERMANS Ab�S _' 9 5
Potatoes \'ho? mors are paying
$50 000 Ir
growers .end eouutty shippers 31.4a fur
first-t'l t s c stock, f.o.b.. outside points.
Wholesalers are selling to the retail
trade at the following prices:—
c.•hee s ,k. \ew large. 23 to 2 3att; twins,
234 to 4:1c; early cheese. 25a to 26c;
Dominion Government' Appro-
priation For Sufferers.
plated Flight. From Explosion.
OR HALIFAX A despatch from London says: Problem at its Source.
SENT BYThe official report from field-1tilarslial> 1 h OttawaThe
Haig's headquarters Thursday Melt,!p decided d to vote he Fire
HONG KONG. Ades.atch from London says: The A despatch from says:
• � � 1 •e losses in Canada are ,chiefly.
•reads: Daily Sketch of Pairs says that Jean i Govetlnment has act e ' due to (a) individual carelessness, (b).
A despatch from Ottawa says: Fur -'he enem raidedone of our posts i Navarre, the famous French airman, 000,000 for relief of the Halifax suf- poor structural conditions, and (c) .are
large twin. 26 to 24Sie. then evidences of practical sympathy earl Thursday morning, •north-east • !now out of the army; xs busy perfect_ s fevers. This includes the approplla son. At least r0 per cent. of all hies
i;utter---r r5sh hairy, choice. tin to tile; ti\ ith the Halifax sufferers are to hand. y y fin_ laps for a f light across the At tioal of $1,000,000 already made. An- ,
erlin 44 of Hargicourt and Thurstla after- g p ' h Government's are believed to originate from one or
461•. a 'o noon under cover of fog succeeded in
Inr�arine--•,,_,' rom a ei -
ea r cry prints. 45 to 46c: solids. s, Th Governor-General has received a '
to 'antic. The announcement is made noullcement of the
overnmen s m- other of the multitudinous forms of
"2 ib cablegramf W It Long,Secre ' that Navarre will most probably set tention was contained In a statement
Eggs—New laid, in cartons, Gtr to bot ,ca uxmg one of our advanced posts carelessness and neglect.
\c t storage 43 to 441 • select storage, tart' for the Colonies, stating that east of Messines Other hostile rani- out to conquer the ocean next sum- issued by Sir Robert Borden on Thugs- Fire losses can be materially re -
No. d
nc - t:
ready e woprla appropriated . f immediate ai from fires M foreign countries and her
es to-tYiose'who have suffered. from the trial in=
to 47 to 4Sc. Hong Kong had given ten thousand mer, day night, which
lea s,
Dressed pottitry•-5l)rin! r.hic :'nc, 27 "with expressions of deep sym- ducecl by attacking the problem at its
22 to milk -fed chickens, Ped., td `owl, pounds \v lines during the da pori' east . of All the preliminary arrangements c`T lading tire, xiillion dollars al source. This is proved by th freedom
�^ o ''': suuabs, per dor., $4 to Y4.8D; colon- in the terrible des- g y ,for the flight have been completed. t 1f d
fire. Navarre w the experience of the Mill Mu
Road, bent were driven off by 'our We captalied a fe\v prisoners and a which � ' surarice companies in Canada and the
d k t United States. By enforcing proper
fire protection , and protection meas -
the enemy in the course of patrol en-, conditions arising out of the war, it Ares in properties, these companies
meas -
counters Wednesday night .�v�..,=_-��'-- ee y have been enabled to reduce the loss
of Cambrai. Our own and the enemy's ALLIES TO TAKE SURPLUS is felt that a special- duty rests upon ratio from 0 Z5 to $0,03, per $100 of
artillery was active on Thursday. CANADIAN FLOUR AND MEAL. the Government to affoasure immediatethe sum insured,
"A raid attempted by the enemy �� s r
ing parties attempted to app}oach otu'
t et athy of the s lenin
2 n
p 1
a Haut
o .K
Armentieres and h
turkeys, 36c; ducks, Spring, ..a to 27c, ,a Arment2
., � aster which has befallen them.
Leese. -4C. -
Liee poultry—Turkeys, 25c; spring The Governor-General has also re
chlekens. lb. -lc, hens. 16 to 205,
ducks, Spring,. 20 to 22e; geese, 1St:.
TI,;net Comb Ilxtra fine, 16 oz.,
$3.50; 12 oz., 33 No. 2, $2.49 -•to $2.60.
Strained—Tins. 21's and 5'a, 19 to 193c
per lb 10's 133 to 19c; 60's, 15 to 123c.
i,teans—Canadian, hand-picked, bush.,
35 to S1; imported hand -Picked, $6.-a0 to cablegram adds: "The people of Brit -
37: Limas. 1 t to 173c. ish Guiana have heard with greatest
provisions- W11o1eaale concern of disaster which has be-
,nnite•a meats—Hams, medium. 30 to
111 fallen Halifax and desire to convey
315: clo heal) 25 to 27c; Cooked. 41 to 'their sympathy."
42e: lolls, 27 to '3c•; breakfast bacon. A despatch from Kingston Jamaica,
3S to 42c; backs. plain, 40 to 41c; bone- Kingston,
lei`itre2ito 44.5. I.e,ng .:near bacon, 273 says: The Island Council has voted
to 2St lb: clear ht lit 263 to 270.
£19 000 for the relief of the sufferers
Lard—Pure lard, Hereto:. 2$1 to 2,9c•; from the recent hurricane M Jamaica
tus, 2s4 to 291e; pails, 29 to '2;+$e:
compound, tierces. 24 to 26c; tubs, eee and 1,000Xfor that of the survivors
of the Halifax disaster,
Their Excellencies the Duke and
Duchess of ,Devonshire have left on a
special train for Halifax, where they
will visit the hospitals and take steps
to help the sufferers in the city of the
great disaster.
ill use one of the machin
the American expert, Glenn recent appalling disaster at Halifax,
calved a cablegram from the Governor
machine gun. A few prisoners ware Curtiss, has been working on for some the Government inters to make a t o
of British Guiana that the thousandned taken and man casualties inflicted ole j time• Navarre says he will succeed or tal contribution of five million dollars.
court there has voted five t ey • +lone his life in the attempt As the calamity was the result of
dollars in aid of the sufferers. The
to 25i': Parte. 25 to 2a35.
Montreal Markets
11+!ntreat, 1)ee 24—Oats—Canadian
Western, No. 3 side: extra No. 1 feed,
51',,.1'; No. 2 local White 84c; No. 3, do..
835. Flour—Manitoba Spring wheat
patents. fi)St: 51.1 t;si Second.', $11.10;
strt•ng bakers 31890 straight rollers,
- . a.10 to S'5 •, +3• Ro11ed oats—Bag
- aid in this large measure• A property owners are not suffi-
last night south-east. of Laveatie A despatch from Calgary says: it ciently influenced by their own inter -
(north of Arras) was .repulsed by is learned that the purchasing repre- r~tl S gists to use effective means to Check
Portuguese troops. Except for' hos- sentatives of the allied Governments tt�
tile artillery activity in the neighbor- have arranged to take all the surplus
hood of Paaschen.daele, there is noth- flour and oatmeal manufactured by GREAT BRITAIN
ing further to report." • the mills of Canada, and that already
every mill in the Dominion is work -
the fire waste, legislation should be
enacted and enforced with a view to
controlling the physical and moral
hazards which primarily cause fires.
The necessity for compulsory meas -
To Wooten. Mg, to capacity and will continue to do Both Bich and. Poor Obliged to ures is- shown by the futility of the
I wish I could say something to you so until the war is over.
to make you realize your worth, and The Calgary mills are grinding
the high price you ought to set on
yourself: Do you know you are the
one thing in the world the man wants
night and day, and the surplus above
Canada's requirements apportioned to
those plants is being turned over to
most of all? He may give his.time the purchasing agents for the allied
shorts, u � t•'THE SEA WORM O
of " and labor and money for other things, Governments by the managements in
tbs. $5.20. \Jillteed—Bran, $35;
$ +) 1i t middlings, » TtdlingS 348 to SILT it
$ , niouil11'. $56 to 1. ,;s. Nay—o, 2,, ° w
but for you he ill give his soul the East.
per ten ear lots. $1. 5++. Cheese—Finest -
ttcs•:er t 2i,tit,. easterns, eiie. ISpise •a Thietd To Fasten Itself Toa - - - - _.._ _.
Butter--•C'ltolosst ?, creamery, 4'to 43e; '
st.cotir1 413 to 42e. Eggs—Fresh. 64 to Rock.
55c; selected. 4-5c No. 1 stock, 410; No.
2, d+,., 37 to 351.. Potatoes—Thu; i hag. car : Plenty of worms live in the sea, and
lots, .11.1" to 3::. _ some of them are very beautiful
Winnipeg Graincreatures. Which latter fact ought to
- \" 0,nip;rr. Dec, `2,4 --:'ash ,luntal'011.s-�- • be consoling to ourselves, inasmuch as
Oat.`e.:: C W.. sore No• 3 0-W., 76140; there are naturalists who contend that
extra No. 1 feed 76x0: No. I feed. 733c;
No. the earliest ancestor of file Human
0h Barley ---Nn 3 r \�
t andmarina 1 re c .tel t was a mai
el a: N. 4 c t\ $1 a race
fed $1,15, Flax—'No. 1 N_ti\' 1 $ 1111.; But the so-called "silkworm of the
No, - 4.7.W,. $3 uta, No 3 C.W., $2.s.3
— • sea" -the designation being purely
tTnitec? States markets figurative and poetical -is•'• a bivalve
• Viii r ,polis. pee- 24 •-et n h,r,. 3 mollusk properly known as the "pin -
yet cow
y tFuP to $11.6 Clap- No, 3
white, ,6'i5 to -Glee Flour un,l.ang='d. iia" and native to the Mediterranean.
siren ...lo to 3' 0.50, 1 It spins a silk so beautiful that in an -
Live Stock Marketscient days the fibre was reserved ex-
Tur•.,utn, Dec. 24--.-.t:xt.r,t, ehei55 beget' elusively for the weaving of royal gar -
.St, 1= $11.25 to 312; do.. good heavy, meats, -
3neee to $11 butt,hel tattle, c'hoice' This silk is spun by the mollusk to
310.50 to $10.75; dn., gond $, bo in $10;
d ,.. medium, 39 to 311 is do common, 'furnish an anchor -line, by which it
0.25 to $5.80 buteltera bulls. •choit.e, pasters itself to a convenient 10{'1{.
to sin;„ • noel hulls, $s to $9.26;
do., medium Lolls, $7,10 in 37,35; do., It is extremely fine and very strong.
trough bulls, tit, to \ , 'i; butchers' Cl
reaned, dried and passed through
cows, choke, e ie to $itr; do., good