HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-12-28, Page 1PURI Vol. XVI 1 l ER LD ZURICH, FRLDgY MORNJN , DECEMBER 28, 1917. NEW \FALL NORSE GOODS Our stock of fall horse goods has arrived and we caz supply your needs a little,cheaiper than you can buy them el- sewhere. We have a full line of HORSE BLANKETS, SASKATCHEWAN ROBES, RUGS, DASH APRONS, MITTS AND GLOVES, HALTERS, HARNESS, ETC. We ihave a few fur •robes to {clear below present cost. We have rags, either !for buggy or carr; from $3.00 to 16.00 Come and see ouir ,Stock, 0. R. F. STADE ZURICH somnitOOOOO,s.GOOessss •OOOO.O!'>•OOOONNOONHO®iO0000 Boys' Clothing We still have a number of Boys ' Suits.and Overcoats left. Al goods. Would not be bought at present fos: double the price which we offer them for. Come at once if you want value for your money. Hats, Caps, Ties, Etc. 4T GREATLY REDUCED PRICE S. VERY SUI•TABLE, FOR CHRI- ST NUS GIFTS, All our Boy's Suits and Overcoats: are going under cost E. APPEL ZURfili WHERE QUALITY` COUNTS WE WIN oSSS.SSs11.Ciat:aa11Oesorw00at• 0SS0SOS000SOO00011100 X000000 NO25 Mrs, A. C. Kalbfleiseh, of Detroit is visiting felativea here at present. Mr. Sampson .Coloskey, of Kit- chener, is visi.`ing relatiN es 'here, this week. Mr, Dietrich Scholl, of Stratford visited at the home of his uncle, Mr. Wm. Klopp, this week. Mises I, Kline, who conducted the millinery parlors here, is spending the holidays at her home ' near Mildmay. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bisset of Salt - ford Heights, spent Xmas at the home of the tatter's parents, kir. and Mrs. F.• Mess, Sr. Mrs. Harry Cann, accompanied by her little son, Jacob, of Ville Franche, Sask., arrived last -Friday t+o vi^it her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Howald, of this village. She intends spending a few mon- ths here renewing old acquaintan- ces after an absence of about i11 years. A change in the G. T. R. time° table takes place on Jan. 8th. So- me drastic changes are made in the cancelling of a large number (of trains on the various lines ie Ontaio, and a.mon,g them is the' train, on the London, Huron $&' Bruce which leaves London for. Winglia,m in the morning and re- turns again in• the evening. This; train was cancelled last winter, being put back in May. It cause ed a ,great deal of n conVe:uence to' shippers .and the travelling'pub- lir and a strong effort is being made at present to have the order •changied so that this train will, not be taken the L. H. & B. cin one of the best paying lines in the system and some consideration sho ui.d be shown to the people who are making it so. Messrs, T. L. Williams and H. G. Hess spent the holiday in London. Mr. Howe, of Detroit, visited at the lhorne of Mr. and Mrs. E. Seim, Ifar,.4 few days this week. it00 T --.A Iboy's knittled wool liner mitt, in Zurich, on Monday night, Finder return to this of - ice, Mr. Arnold Wurnn, of Detroit, 4' visited at the home of his paren- ts, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wurnl, this 'Weed;. Ma`4, Ed. Barry of Kitchener and Mr, ;and. Mrs. Herb' Howald of 'St- ratford, were holiday visitors with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Howald, the former having been, here e for about two weeks. The Xmas. program in the Luth- eran church held on Monday even ing was well attended. A pleas- ing program of recitations, dia- logues and songs was rendered by Item/ }0001/11.1.40/01400110f 1004n }. X40100.41► tagwa. rt NEW FALL SHOES AND RUBBERS Our stock was never so large. We can fit you. See our lines before sending your money to the city catalogue houses. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. G. PRITZ, Zurich The Home of Good Shoes the ,children. The church ,was 4.f1"ta"4itame a&8$ ... 1 f *t#Mmar.fi} i;i beautifully decorated and the pro-; 11;1111!11111111111111111111111111101111111111111MIM IM 911!INIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIII!IIIIIIIIII i' !"'' ,i iJl.';111111NIIII11111111111111!IIIIII111H11IIIIIII111111II!IIIIIININNIIIWPINIINNINN19 ceedings were highly enjoyed by those present. lncorperated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 O8 Branches in -Canada General Banking Business Transacted C RLQMAR LETTEROF CREDIT ' BANK MONEY ORDER Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager E4++•1++++++*+++++++.g..pr•;.g.+++++*++++++++ ++++++++++++++tg"p` .'y'.g..g.'i~++•'3' '•.1^.F.4e..II..P•3.3••i••E••i`•1g•'H+++++++++++++++ +++4444++++ 4 4 `Opp • ;4. 4' 4' 4.4 4 4 .3 +4+4,+•*. ;;._ *+ 14++++tea ¢•s H..i•1•r e :' -6141401- 4. ri">S•yi �•itti^•P••F•.l•.i,.g.•ir•II..1.•1.•3.•3.•3.•€.•d•.1.4••t.l,.y�.r •i BUY Y i4: UR CHRISTMAS GIFTS HERE 'ria.i 'i+J '�'•�••1'y74•�•'>i••� + i .1..1.«�..y.++.; .j..p..�. .ty .'+ Shop Early E ER' Seas y n's Greetings To all. We take pleasure in thanking our customers and friends for their generous patron- age during the past year. We extend to all our sincere wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Highest Prices for Farm Pro duce R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE 57. ni i i ' ' e - llllllllll1111:011111111114311III 11111111!Ii1NNii1111111111111111111111N11111111N!l4illi JIIIIIilllll111f1!NL'Illilil1111911N111Nit6, . `.�" ���:JJLi�LIII I,iu'� 11'IIII.IIII;,�. , ,�.i *H-+++++++++++++++.1.+++++++4 +++++++++++H+++++4+++++++ USEFUL GIFTS in. the Hardware Section Cutlery of all kinds Pyrex Transparen Ovenware Aluminum Cooking Utensils Graniteware of all kinds Electric sad iron, toasters, grills, ete. Silverware, Carpet Sweepers Washing Machines and Wringers Skates and Sleds, Rocking Horses Toy Carts and Wheelbarows Stoves and Heaters, etc., etc. •ESTER Shop Early +++++++4.++++++4,++++++++++.0 Perhaps you intend 10 paint your house this year. If you do, remember that Sh'EAW/rv- 8LL6.4MS PAINT s w�, PP'EPARED is the longest wearing and most economical paint you can Use. l> Ire Tell it ihesfi Price for Produce. Phone +±, **Wr rt*ti** *t -.*1+i k ,t"t ti.*** -444 04. 4 4. 4. 4. r� 4- 4. 4- 4. . .3. • ift4. . 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 �y..