HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-12-21, Page 84. 4. 4 4. 4 4. 4. 4* 4. . 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4 Oranges, Etc. shelled walnuts s dates, peels, New raisins, currants, ts, fig c•ar- • and aAlso peanuts. Walnuts, alassortmelmonds t of 1mBrazils sande filberts. '1' amels. Also • THE REAL '`MERRY CHRI 70U SECURE SOME SUIT B )NES AND FRIENDS. EAC %IISTMAS GIVING IS MORE ;OM1VION-SENSE THINGS, S3 ' W DISPLAY OF USEFUL UL ES STI4IAS' REQUIR LE GIFTS FOR YOUR LOti 3 i a H YEAR THE TREND OF TOWARDS THE USEFUL, 0 WE HAVE ARRANGED A GIFTS SUITABLE FOR E o'- YBODY For La;, , les We h'aev muffs and stoles, :gloves, sweater coats, scarfs, linen towels, embroidered pillow cases, cushion tops, h€a.ncl. ;bags,' brush and comb, lsetts, ni v anicu lines re sets silk ell theenev.rest in ltaney china, cut g For Men andy A fine range of sweater coats, caps, toques, ties bm.....,..,. arae bands, scarfs of every description, purses, shaving mir- rors, socks, gloves, etc. For the Little Folks We have a complete line of toys, dolls of every ka;xi, trge and small, mechanical toys, celluloid floating to;,•'' games, blocks, story books, etc. New Caruiies, 4. 4. Roe sure itr4� • IoLt 4 4. 4. 4.T ti 4. 4 fir• 4 4. 4. m 4. 4. 4. 4 .t. }. 4 4. ave us u call. and. L our stock of Y. GOODS ,1, wantsgg j Lard, a Dressed Poultry Butter, r' for which we pay. rket �9 rices. Hughes "� �.4 I. + '.rrri.,er, dies: . esmeseate. vizi, our !Millinery the greatly red .aced prices we Headwear, Hats Trimmed and a.lt,o Trimmings,WVeih etc., at Par are Ung.. Very Prices idefla Er KIkkte LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter .42 Eggs 42 Dried Apples 005 1 , Potatoes 210 100 Wheat70 Oats 1 70 Barley 1 10 Buckwheat Flour 5 75 6 25 Bran $88 00 Shorts 44.00 Low Grade ".bag 13 75 Live .Flogs fob 4. .1. k 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .�J3'Gtcin ^4 sr 'Y s' Hensall Local News ZL ch I rushed immediatt'ely i the place, the fire barred the en .raince and, they could not rese.. the aged, occupant. He could not be heard; and •not!hing was k• •'+vn of his location that would : ,.^,emit of an attempted rescue. La • er his corpse almost incinerated, a.ith his head buruned from his boly, was found i:n the ruins. Z. P. S REPORT. Report for room. IV. Sr. and Jr`. V. Drawing History. v ,111,01,1 e give cod t to ew Years to Pro 00 Pay Customers. ers. mood. eon nnouncement The business conducted for many years under the name of C. Hartleib will henceforth be known as Hartleib & Faust. Mr. S. E. Faust has taken a half share in the business dating from August 21st. The firm will be better prepared than ever to sup- ply your needs in Hardware, Paints, Furniture, etc., at the lowest prices. Special attention paid to Furnace Work, Eave- troughing, etc.. NOMINA. "' )N PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv- en cthat a meeting o: the Electors of the Municipality o': the Town- ship of Hay will be held in the TOWNSH_P HALL VILLAGE OF Z tTRICH MONDAY, DEC. 31st. 11917, at the hour fro:na one to two) ,o'elock, P. M., for the purpose of nominating icandidated fpr Reeve and Councillors for tee Township of Hay for Che year 1918, and in case a poll is demanded, polls.wili be opened on MONDAY-, JAN. 7th. 11918, in the several! poising sub- divisions of the Towlnseip, as fol- lows; Poll No. 1. Polling Place, Scho- ol house No. 2; D. R. 0., Milton Geography and Oral Composition. Russel; Clem{k, Ceril Rowe. Sr. V. - Wil`i9am Mansoln 66%; No. 2. Polling place, School hou Jean ;Campbell 62; Mar gaxetHess see, No. 14, D. R.'O., D. Burns; Clerk ,e++4 -1.++++++++++++++++++++.14++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;..g.+4 -1.+++++++++3 ++++++++,y+.14.YacF'.iii1F'+ig.'Y1ii1Fi +++++++++ di00•0•0••••••060044410•06 W®•®••••N••••••••••••••• • • 1Vlassey lIarrls Implements • • • • • • • 51; Graham Merner, absent. ,Jr. V. - Jacob Habiever 64%, Leonard Hudson 63' William Black well 59.5; Olive Zette 158.5; Mildred fllolffman 57 ; Meda Surerus 54; Freddy Weselaji 51 • Frank. Siebert 45: Russell Pr,eei+er 43.5; Ruth Hartleib. 40.5; ,Sr. IV. Drawing, History and Geography. Ward Fittz 00.5%; Edna Zettel 58: Bert Siebert 51; Theodore Wag- ner 53: Ivan Kalbifleiseh 47; Lil lien Weseloh 44,5; Dorothy Cam- pbell 44,5; Ivan Kallefleisch 11; Lee O'Brien 36.5. N. E. Dah'ms, Prinloipal. to the above •• • • • We have been re• -appointed Agents for • name 1 Implements and are prepared tc take ordrs of all• • kinds of Massey -Harris machines for next season.• • • • • WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY • • • • O • HARRIS MACHINE • AND PLOW REPAIRS. 0 • a We still sell 'Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and 6 Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods. 0 0 • • • • Square Deal Our Prices are always right H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman F. Hess & Son The Old Stand W. D. Thompson. No. 3. Polling place, Town Hall,; D. R. 0., A. F. Hess; Clerk, `m. O'Brien. tPolling place, Bess' shop; D. R. 0., W. •Clerk, Daniel Oswald. No. 5. Polling place, house No. 12; D. R. 0., B. Clerk, ,Hy, Krueger. No. 6. Pohang place, Hartleiibs Hall'; D.,R. 0., J. K. Goetz; Clerk, D. Tiernan. No. 7. Polling place, School hous'e,No. 3; D. R. 0., R. J. Troyer; Clerk, Wm. 1Consitt. No. 8. .Polling place, Bissonet- te's Block; D. R. 0., Fred Dueller - me; :Clerk, Marcil Cerriveau. Said polls will be kept open from 9 o'clock a. me until 5 o'clock, p. sir. and no longer. FRED. HESS, Sr., 1 Returning 01 finer. Da!befd at .Zuruic'h, this 15th clay, of December, 1917. I4artleib & :Faust Hardware and Furniture Zurich HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE THE E•LEOTION3 Tha Union Government willhavel a majority of about 40 in the next, parliament. The soldier's vote, may change some of the constit- uencies but no great change is ,expected of the standing of the parties when the result is received, Thirty-eight of the Union govern- ment supporters are of Liberal per- suasion and this may cause the government some trouble when matters outside of war legislation Of Household Effects, is' considered. The result in South on Thursday, Dec. 27,th, at 2 p, Huron was a surprise to many,1 m„ E. Bossenberry, auctioneer. Mr. McMillan put up a splendid! Ed. Seim, proprietor. ;fight and received large majorit- ies in many polls. The result by majorities Ifollows. W. G. G. Hess ; School- Surerus; 4. 4. 4. 3n 4,4 ++++4. i«++4.+4.++4.4 +++++++++++++++++++++++ If you intend to build a garage we have material of allikinds for same on hand. Everything in Lumber and Building Material • 4 Combination storm and screen doors made to order. 4 dE Custom Planing our Specialty F. C. KAL PHONE in to 1 FILE'S 4. + ZURICH HEADQUARTERS AUCTION SALE at Zurich 1 • • • • • • •.•••••••••••••1'.•••011000•1••••••••••••••••••3•••••• ; 3 MICE 10 3t E c eKrtEst. 4533010191113i fAMSIOA •Seaforyh .Clin to'n Exeter Tuckersmith ;Stanley Usborn.e Hay McKillop Hensall" Stephen Goderi•eh Tp. Hullett 0 Cream, Eggs and Fowl ti WANTED § fi Will pay highest cash price for Cream til Fowl and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week, '3, HUDSON Phone 5, ZURICH_ was as McMillan Merneil 45 233 198 182 Here's Grandmother's Recipe to 1681 ' Faded Hair. For Christmas Goods BE sure and see our display of Xmas Toys, Books, Games, etc. Bring your children with you; it will be a delight to them to see the bright attractive toys and games with which our store is filled. MANICURE SETTS, in ivory and ebony. A. mice acceptable gift for Xmas. iF HAIRISTURMNG CRAY, USE SAGE TEA 42' Here's and Beautify a , 373 f 72 That beautiful, even shade of dark, A 1 glossy hair can only be had by brew - 142 1 ing a. mixture of Sage Tea and Sul- 208 phur. Your hair is your charm. It 89makes or mars the face. When it 1 fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an ---- . application or two of Sage and Sul - 858 809' phur enhances its appearance a hun- 41 , dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix - i ture; you can get this famous old RECLUSE IS BURNED TO DEATFI+ oteegeiedtthe addition iYriimproved dnts aasma cost, a When his hermit borne in • the I ready for use. • It is caned Wyeth's Township of Tuck.ersmith, two ` Sage and. Sulphur Compound. This can always be depended. upon to bring miles from Hensall, took Hire oim back the natural color and lustre of Monday `night, John Wilson, a yo l' Everybody uses "�iyeth's" Sage and man of 85 years, was burned to; Sulphur CompouT'1* now because it death, T ' darkens canso neurit naturally snde evenly pth t For some time Mr. WI:son, who I nobody oItoo y n dampen a spongeeenpr soft was a widower and who insisi:ect brush with it and draw this through on't keeping his own home, had '10- the hair, taking one small strand at a und it difficult to obtain fuel I time; by morning and tt r the gray with which to heat his house. Con -1 disapca,tlon it becomes beautafu11Y dark and li- sequuently he depended largely on I appears glossy and lustrous. Thar§ the use of quantities of kerosene' ready -to -use 1equtsiterforon is athose wh S Tuesdayht- moiimmng; air and a rent_ u a P and o'clock, neighbors sale the.' mance. It is not n enc e place in •£lanirs, aril though they! mitigation or prevention of disease. Majority for Merner delight - ;On between SHAVING SETTS Sron1I$2,00 up TOILET SETTS consisting of comb mirror and brush. $1.75 to $6.50. BEAUTIFUL HAND BAGS Ladies' beautiful hand bags £o>u Xmas. gifts, 75, to $5.00. BRUSH AND MIRROR. $12.50 and up PICTURE FRAMES and aIANKERCHIEF BOXES A rice assortment of Hand Painter Nippon China, and Cut Glass. Do not wait too long to purchased these goods as they are selliizge 1- very quickly, DRESDEN RIBBON for fancy hand bags, all shades. LADIES' NATURAL WOLFE SETTS; LADIES' LYNX SETTS;, MANITOBA FOX SETTS; All these setts make nice Xmas gifts. LADIES' PLUSH COATS, only a few morel eft. m i l Eire dark h hf l p eeF hh tt i t 3 lifer the curer Visit our Gents' Furnishing Dept. DO NOT PASS OUR GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, - WB HAVE A NICE LINE OF THE FOLLOWING - MEN'S GLOV- ES, JAPAN CREPE SHIRTS, NECK TIES, ARROW COLLARS Il'3! ALL TUB LEADING STYLES, H ATS, CAPS, ETC, Our 1918 Colanders are now out Do not 'forget to ask for one.. A good supply of fresh Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Peels, Raisins,. Currants, Cakes, ete. Our. Values and Varieties cannot be surpassed hone.j T. 1. WURMNEWIDEA P T 1 Frie' N