HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-12-21, Page 3t I DOMESTIC SCIENCE AT HOME T went y -Third Le011—Cuing Vegetables. IRESTORING HOME F. LAND TO TOE JEW5.. BRITISH • A ItE SW EEPING TURK FROM HOLY LAND. It io nbeelutely necessary that we Blanch and cold dip, include vegetables in our daily diet. Place a silver knii'e in the jar when The purehaeing of cheap or low-grade pouring in the boiling water. canned gocels for home consumption is Be positive that the jar, 'gibbers Poor economy. Aside from the danger and lids are sterilized and in good eon - 01. sielerwee an inferior article. makes .it impoetAle to have good results whop cuoiring. Vegetebles, particularly the suc- Ctilent 000'4, are reasonable priced dur- ing this vvorin weather, and owing to their weilakeown perishable qualities they 0.) not keep for any length of time in their natural etate. tables is tough and filn wee i An oeeortment of home -canned eater, and because of this the vege- the human rare, the venerated home o vegetables will prove a most welcome tables require a long timee-from three the people of Moses and David and additioe to the pantry during the win- to five hours—to be completely Solomon, are upon the point of giving ter season, besides saving many times sterilized. Many successful canners the City of Jerusalem and the terri- Batcsio. cells cover all vegetebles „ . - , is, to heat it to the boiling point and seat I harried and persecuted people may re - tory of Palestine to the Jews so that their origtool cost. use the old sectioned time methodsethat and lenlese they are completely steriliz-I • cook for one hour, then seat . Rel •• , days ' establish the state which they and ' diti.on before using. To successfully can vegetables, and in fact all food products, these foods years old. Never has this ;allele:, All ideal of fl,1l)appreached so neare How the Allies Propose to Give Pales- tine Back To Its Ancient Possessor. On the wings of Britain's advance - up through Palestine rides the hope of' Zion, the long-suffering hope 1,800 must be completely sterilised. accessories, such as jars, lids and rub- ber, must also come under this rule. Vegetable Structure The cellulose structure of vege- ly practicaLfulfillmeot. The chosen kingdom of the chosen people has lain for 1,788 years to all appearances dead beyond recall. Now the allies, winning back the aneient birthright of. ed this begteria will cause fermenting action to tette place in the jar, and then the contents will be a total loss. To Can Asparagus Seleet perfectly fresh and young asparagoa. Wash it carefully to re- move the geed. Peel the stalks care - this process for three et a . This is a troublesome method Whichl their fathers and their forefat ees requires considerable time for handl- !have dreamed and schemed alioat I ing and cooking. Newer and more 1. through the centuries. modem method:, have elim'nated all 1 this. ; - Victorious March of Bi•Itish. The Cold -Pack Method 1 The Turks, who have held the city This method is now in general use in - . ior centuries, are retreating north, 1 cri pithy poetises. Let it lay in cold; I all the large ennneries, and is mu ward, seemingly helpless to iepu folly and trim away ell the hard and water teeth all the asparagus is preferred. becaUse it gives a beautiful the advance of the British and their pre -I appearance to the vegetables. It can bundlee for easy handling whiletbe successfully accomplished with the native allies out of Egypt. Already same results in less time than by other the forces of democracy have won pared. Then tie it in convenient! Blanehing —Have a. large pot of wa- 1 methode In using this method, the vegetables their way up past Gaza, where once blanching and cold dipping. , tee belling, Place the asparagus hie ! are blanched, cold dipped and then ' Samson bore off the town's gates, and s this weter when it starts boiling and1idesed in steedized jars, ,• • 'the past ,Taffa, the seaport. They have boil for ten minutes, Remove and! rubbers flooded past Beersheba and Askaton cold dip by dropping into a pan of adiusted and the lids partially tighten- edand then processed. and Hebron. They have occupied Pack iato -she ars very cold weter. Jerusalem. When they have sent the j as closely As possiththe tip end down, Cold Dip e. Put a ' silver 1 Cold dipping of blanched vegetables last infidel scurrying out of Palestine 'O knife hi the jar to prevent cracking , is necessary to make them firm the Jews,enough a state wherein while Wing with boiling water. Re.! to handle after being partially cooked the alliesunder the protectorate sf allies', will form move ti.:3 kn:fe and put the rubberand,' and also to set the coloring matter so the scattered descendants of Jewry -lid in positon. Partially tighten and; that it will not easily dissolve during an form a peaceful nation. theu proceee in hot-water bath for two I the rest of the process. Perhaps it will be a republic, per - hours tine/. the boiling has started.1 Be positivt. that the water is boil- haps a limited monarchy; the details Remove ad tighten the lid securely as in rapidly after the jars have been are unimportant before the astound- . • possible then invert to cool. When; placed in the water bath before count- I cold, store the jars in a cool dry place.in the time for the process. iing fact that the national aspirations Potste ti remember for successful 1 Remember that no food will spoil; of the Jews are suddenly about to be results• that is absolutely sterilized, that bac- s realized. - „,. • 1-1 The asparag,us must be young ancliteria, spores and germs are exceec i Christianity rejoices at the prospect .fresh. ingly hard to kill and tha•t only long ; . .. , th of evicting the hordes of Ie.ain from Peel and retnove the pithy parts. this. [its religious zeal has not the political I of • e regions the holy sepulchre, but Wash carefully to remove any sand. i and careful cooking will accomplishI .....-------- HOW SHALL 1 ITSE THE LEFT -OVER TURKEY? inor national promptings of the Jet enthusiasm. Jerusalem, in the eyes o -f Turkey Emil:a:R.—One cupful of slices. of toast cut in triangles. Cov-1 Christianity:, is the scene of the Pas- -.' ti toast with a leaf of lettuce, then sion• in --------------- Jews it •is ess 'etc ;All?" a .C1° iota ECAUSE it is a gift that's of real; every -day service: because it adds to his comfort, yet subtracts from his expense and because it looks—and is— the best ©f its kind, the Gillette Safety Razor is the one sure -to - please Chritmas Gift for a man. 292 VrriallairM72airea.""=":‘ WSW& ...43t•fm,043=15=22ESME-1321t1=7.EIT ' - No'- ml'61=g2;ZarallUMMTORSV=W21 the city. But now they were worn out. History of Jerusalem. • Jerusalem was made into a great ! city by King David. His people called the western hill Zion, the name taken The'tode of Health. There is a right way and a wrong • I way of living, just as there is a right 1 and Wrung way of doing everything. 1 The wrong way is to live carelessly, !taking 00 thought for consequences, I eating or drinking whatever faneY I dictates or convenience suggests and following every vagrant impulse. The right way is to study the laws ! l of health as revealed by scientific re- search and to find and follow the biologic or scientific way. After a careful study of the subject for many years the writer has ventur- ed to formulate the following simple 'health axioms as embodying the prin- 1 . tellies essential for a long, vigorous • and efficient life: • Health Axiom No. 1—Live out of 1 doors as much as poesible day and night. Health Axiom No. 2- •-Eat biological- , Ivegthat is, follow the diet 'd the I gorilla and the chimpanzee ai; ; other • animals nearest to ma0 in the'e; struc- ture. Health Axiom No. 3—Evacuete the wastes of the body three times a day. Health Axio.rnm No. 4 ---Walk ten S miles a day or do work equivalent. ! Health Axiom No. 5 --Keep the. chest I [ up in sitthig, standing, walking and 1 working . 1 Health Axiom No. 6 --Sleep eight I hours and recreate sensibly. 1 Heal'h Axiom No. 7----Kcep the skin ' clean and active. Health Axiom No. 8 —Avoid poisons. l Health Axiom No. 9---Avold ides: - 1 !thll-re.a. Ith Axiom No. 11' -Delft worry and keep sweet. Said the old Hebrew prophet, "Cease to do evil and learn to do I well." 1 Daily Toilet Rules. ' Cleanse the mouth and teeth thor- oughly before and after each meal, on 1 rising and oe retiring. A foul tongue and decaying teeth indicate mouth in- fection and inteetimel autointoxication and general low resistance. Bathe daily at night in warm weath- • 1 er. Twice a week in winter take a One -Man "Pontoons." - • _ Building bridge's under fire, the . warm cleansing a . be -fore greatest ordeal that the army engin- Apply white vaseline or lanolin cream. ecrs of other campaigns were subject- after the bath if the skin is dry. ed to, bids fair to go out of fashion. A Take a short cool sponge bath or regiment going across a stream now, 1 shower every morning on rising. This. gravy. Mince the onion and pepper one thin slice of ham or bacon and fWfif the ages when it ''as die-- modern Jews asthatsym- which • ;if the model of the inventor meets green ' pepper,s one-half cupful of lay on two thin slices of turkey, then , their rightful home, filled with the ,des small pieces: of turkey, one onion, one fine, then parboil and add to the mine_ then another leaf of lettuce. Cover scene of their might and power. -bonzes national unity. with governmental approval, wiltI air bath morning and night, rubbish turkey. Moisten with gravy and with a second slice of toast. Garnish ; King Solomon strengthened the 1 merely wade into the stream and drift I the skin with a dry towel. • heat until very hot. Serve on toast. with olive, pickle and then serve with! The Flag of Zion. town and made it a more populous across, menutime utilizingbothhands • td ' The hands, nose and. scalp aisle re- ed.. • one tablespoonful oi' mayonnaise -on That faction of the Jews which • hoboam assumed the power in later and powerful city. When his son Re- to manipulate his rifle. The new in- !quire sanitary attention. vention is a sort of glorified "water Rub the scalp with finger tipe dip- ' ili sold v ter twice a day. For . • • ;ellent tonic. Or take a cool cold turkey, cut in one -inch blocks, To rise the Filling. --Cut the cold : keeps the fires of national unite noSt brightly burning is known as the Zion- years the tribes divided, only those Terkey Terrapin.—One cupful of leaf of le•ttuce. two tabbe.desonfuls of flour, one CUP boiled potatoes in thin slices, use of Judah and Benjamin remaining Nil of neak. Season with one tea, istgroup. Hundreds of thousands of ' about two cupfuls; put in a frying pan within the city. Civil warfare follow- fol of salt, one-half teaspoon - in which four tablespoonfuls of short- of • , s •,', • look . , e, ed, antedating and following the cap- Tewe, however who are not members ful of Woreestershire sauce. Blend has been made very hot. r . this et ganization ever,fen. n ai a ! , : , , , , and 0110- ; to the !restoration of the natonal life !Jure of the city by the Egyptians. the potatoes in anti atm one one- . some time, somewhere. 1 Weakened, the city euccumbed to the five minatee. Add the cold turkey half to tevo cupfuls of turkey filling.: 1 ; attacks of Sennacherib, Ring of . h- arms clear of the surface. In the ex- the floor and milk and then cook for ening - meat. ShnO.e or to' until very hot. Heat thoroughly and add one cupful : In every Zionist home is kept the , • , syria, who devastated it. periments recently conducted a man : Add the yolk of egg and a dash of fag of the ,Iews, a white field bearing I Nehemiah rebuilt the defenses in made :several bill's-eyee on a target evaporates and a brown crust forms.445 B C and for a time the nation 300 yards away -while floating across 1 of gravy or stock; cook until moisture . nutmeg. Serve. !two parallel blue stripes, and between i The old question is here answered Mold into shape by pushing to the ' - ' • ' • • This • ' seemed upon the point of aseuming the stream. them the •hield of David is the I ' ' ' that has not had a country 6 • fee' neletable receipes, gide of pan. Turn out on a hot plat- !flag 1 SOO years and the banner that will : *f°1. 1 something of its old-time might, but ' Alexander the Great took it in 332, ,........--..... ! wiugs" arrangement and is adap et p to the fording of deep streams with- the hands, use a good seat) and rinse out the necessity of bridge building. well with eoft. water. The encircling buoy is blown up by The bowels should move thoroughly the soldier. It holds him upright in three times a day, most naturally soon the water with his shoulders and after each meal. Many persons Tinge • the bowels spun after rising. Train the bowels by trying to 11-10'." them on rising and after menls. Most people whose bowels move only once daily are suffering from in- testinal autointoxication. The bowel 1 movements are belated, being con- ' etantly two or three days 10 arrears. 11. , 0 cu sful of ter, in an omelet shape and then scree. float over Jerusalem when the glad :and no sooner had he departed than 1 urkey I. ritto s.— ne 1 . flour, one-lialf teaspoonful of salt, two Turkey Broth.—Crack the bones ( lay comee. teaspoonfuls of baking powder. one and then cover with cold water. Prominent Jews all over the civil- cupfol of milk, one egg. Mix the dry Cook slowly for one and one-half , ized world have rejoiced at the plan ingrediente together and milk and hours. Strain and rook until reduced ' voiced by leaders of all parties in Eng - beaten egg Mix to a smooth batter to one-half. Blend two talespoonfuls 'land to restore Palestine to the Jews d ti rt fold in one cupful of finely of corn -starch with five cupfuls of the and now apparently on the eve or rot - ie • Chopped eold turkey, one-half tea-. • • Mie well then! prepared broth, then bring to a boil, Add ane teaspoonful of finely chopped 'aliment. Zionist and non -Zionist. alike have been thrilled. Ptolemy of Egypt came crashing down upon it, destroying it in 320 B.C. In 168 Antioehus Epiphanes razed it, but the Jews under Judas Maccabaeis Ivon it back shortly thereafter. Again the Jews began building 0 state, when Pompey of Rome, riding at the head of the marvellous fighting r' j' IGHFST PRICES p For RAV FURS and GINSENG N. SILVER 220 St. Paul St. W. Montreal. P.Q. I:sten:nee, 1.01011 14k. of seled!, Mx= HIGHEST PRICES PAID For POUL1/RY, GAME, EGGS & FEATHERS Please writ for particulars. P. POULIN ltr CO.. 39 Bonsecours Market, Montreal fi•y hot fat and serve with Chilit paiedey and then serve. It there is ; The route has been torturous enough machine evhich the legions formed, o in sauce. not a sumcient amount of broth add to have made any ordinary man de- toreit'clown in 65 B.C. Herod, assign-. Turkey Club Sandwiches. --Use two! Milk. Try this; it is delicious. spair. The powers in the years before ed to govern it by Hanle, had the walls • AIR COWBOYS. The first aerial lineman started on Turk to be despoiled of Jerusaleni. years following the birth of Christ it reets...-ger-_ his unique round of duties more than The division of power was mare im- sank lower and lower in hope until New Lines of Activity for the Skilful Aviator. The airman is constantly finding neve lines of activity for his skill and Cal., to carry expert once a nee. to courage, In South America the air- inspect two divisions of wire litres scientific, legislative, commercial and plane hoe been used with great sue- some sixty-eight miles in length. artistic development of his adopted cess in surveying remote areas, where The wires are strung over several country, but the memory of the dis- •.,. its speed readily outclasses the labor- valltuss, the deltas of the Sacramento pension rankled. and would not down. the great war would -never permit the and houses rebuilt. Throughout the I three years ago. . . n eep ..' . • I • ir- portant than the happiness of the :the dispersion. man, Robert Cl. Fowler, was engaged world's greatest homing race. The Crescent Supplanted. by a power company in Sacramento, In every land and clime the Jew has madehis nal+ contributed to the After that Constantine the Great, the Persians and finally the Moslems took turns in ruling it. From 1 099 meth 1187 the crusaders held it, but -their occupation worked small benefit to the Jews, and there was little poll - tical change for the fugitive race when Evec ib -ire 135 AD., when the last Saladin, the Saracen, took the city Contra Costa range of mouptains, • where their elevation is. at times 2,000 of the jewish rebellions against the back into the fold of Islam. From that feet. A large force of men had previ- Roman persecutors resulted so disas-. day to this the crescent has stood over ously been required to patrol the lines, trously for the patriots, there has been the city, looking for broken insulators, fallen • no nationalism in Jerusalem. On that Some there are who insist still that ious rhainmen. 1 S Toot uin rivers and into the A Tragedy of History. An 'enterprising mining company hi Mexico b.; about to utilize airplanes for earrying ores under unique condi- tions. The ore is mined at an altitude of some 10,000 feet and carried to the valley. below by peek. mules. The. wires; and r dTh otheamages. e 1101 11 date Hathian, Emperor of Rome, for- the 317025 should supplaet. it, but p0)) mules cams only srnall loads, two- was done inueh better by a sing,le bade the Jews, as punishment for have tical justice as well as sentiment seem thirds of which consist of fodder and aerial lineman. It was found that a mg dared ta tight for freedom, to to urge the allies to replace the hated provisions. Several days are requirs broken insulator could be discovered t en er their -city on any pretext what- half moon with the blue and white while flying at an altitude of 1,000 soever. In 70 A.D. his predecessor, flag of Zion. ed to wind down the tortuous path on t in ' sides The airplanes foot e Titus, had ruthlessly crushed 11 rebel - the moun a s coin volplane to the valley in a few minutes, and have no trouble with their loads in reaching the two-mile altitude. The herds of cattle which graze on the great San Cristobal ranch in New Mexico once required the ;attention of 1 50 cowboye. By using automobiles the herding was done as well by seven mem T%iii management is now instal- ' ling aviatore, whose vastly superior speed will "round up" the most 'widely :matte:got herds with great saving of time and money. A great future is prophesied .for the aero-cowpuneher. * Frozen Bot Alive interesting experiments have been made by two Freech scientists, who placed a number of caterpillars in test tubes or metal boxes in a refrigerat- ing mixture of ice and salt at a tem- perature N.arying 1)91\7900 11 and 20 degrees Centigrade. The same cater- pillare were frozen six 1111105 in the space of a mooth, and they alwaye came back to life, but at each new freezing operation their movements and reactions to mechenieal excitation became 'slower. • lion, and had in revenge proceeded to destroy the temple and banish the priests. With the church then gone, the religion mit:lowed,' the Jews in 135 patiently set their faces, thousands and thousands of them, toward other lands. This was the great dispersion, one of the tragedies of world history. Hadrian's act was the final blow. 'The ancient glories were done. The covetousness of strong nations was too much for the Jews. Down the centuries they had geffered, but al- ways in other days they had been able to re-establieh themselves arid rebuild Mrs. Progress and Mrs. Oldways. "How do you manage to keep those old brass candlesticks ao bright ?" asked Mrs. Oldways of her neighbor. , "It's very easy," replied Mre. Pro, gross. "I put the candlesticks and , other small brass objects in a bath! composed of one tablespoonful of alum to a pint of hot water. Allow each , article to remain in this solution for a • 37.0W minutes, then polish with a; Woollen cloth. If badly diseolored -I use a little scouripg powder, but' that is seldom necessary." , I;, t I OUR ADVICE 4 , i' Ship to us at once and Reap Benefits of High Prices Inow prevailing. $ ‘. Pries List; and Shipping Tags FRE A, 4-11 7114 Ilegest sieseest eine' end.41exenderWel.11PEC: , Ult1-04,, • • ; 51 laj 01 111 It ORN LOF F'S GRATITUDE. Russian General Preserves Memory of Private Who Saved His Life. General KornilotT, the Russian gen- eral recently accused of treason, 15 nut without sentiment or gratitude. 1 this was shown by his actione regard- ing a private soldier, elaanak by name, who aided him in hie esecape from the Austrians. The gratitude to Mranak was, shown by Kornilotre order to Company A. First Regiment, Czecho-Slovak bri- gade, It wae Mranak's wish that he eseape from the Germans and join that fighting unit of the. Russian !army. Korniloff in that prison camp ;in Bohemia had promised him that when they reached the hind of the new freedom his wish should come , true. It was not given to Mranak to live until that day, but hie memory and his name sticks in the roster of the company and the regiment. K'or- niloff ordered, and hie order was ful- ! that at roll call Mranak's mune should be called, and when It 15 called. 0 2o1diel* iii ihe milts an - 'Shat by order of a Hungarian Lourt-nthrtial at Pressburg for say - Mg General KorniloiT from death." A Canadian Problem. One of the biggest problems in Can- ada to -day is the disposal of shish and ereeh. Whether the fire could hatli been properly disposed of is an inter- ! r sting (1095601. Nally serious fires have been started by farmers' brush Ores. Permits have relieved this situ- ation very materially. An intelligent farmer is the best safe guard, • A wonmes idea of ecoemey is to bee a Oocent loaf of bread instead of A dollar sack of 'flour. OltelS92191ranCESZINSig=2"Faanaaassehov..-oll FURS Red Fox, Mink, Beavers, Martens, Muskrats are now wanted and are in good demand, Write for our price list, Calendar, and shipping stationery. HOERNER WILLIAMSON 4. Co. 576 St. Paul St. W. '1 MONTREAL ,,,.....,mtrarstaSSOMMIONIMESSISTiVa9r-NArdae