HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-12-21, Page 1UR1 Vol, XVI I I ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1917. NEW FALL HORSE GOODS Our stock of fall horse goods has arrived and the cal supply your needs a little eheaper than you can buy them el- sewhere. We have a full line of HORSE BLANKETS, SASKATCHEWAN ROBES, RUGS, DASH APRONS, MITTS AND GLOVES, HALTERS, HARNESS, ETC. We have a few fur robes to ,clear below present cost. We have ruygs, either for buggy or car, from $3.00 to 16,00 Come and see our .Stock. R. F. STAD E ra ZURICH i000000000d000000000000000 0000040NO40040N00000000000. Boys' Clothing We still have a number of Boys Suits and Overcoats left. Al goods, ' Could not be bought at present for double the price which we offer them for. Come at once if you -want value for your money, Hats, Caps, Ties, Etc. • a4T 'GREATLY REDUCED PRICE S. VERY SLITABLt FOR CHRI- STMAS GIFTS, All our Boy's Suits and Overcoats; are going under cost . d APPEL Z I,J ROJJ WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN 00990004p0®®0000000®000®000 0041.41110111011111111111110110111111009014090 Number of fresh mach cows Q sale. IP. Lamont, Zurich. Mr. Alex Foster, of Kitchener, was a visitor here over Sunday. The Exeter Times issued a handsome Christmas supplement. last week. . Mr. John Groff and Miss Mabel ,Groff of St. Joseph are spending some time with friends at Baden, Mr. E, J. Hess and Miss irlora Hess, students at Toronto Univ- ersity, are spending the holidays at their home here. The annual meeting of the rate- paylers of iZuurieh school section will be held in the school houuse next Wednesday forenoon. Jerusalem, after 1200 years in the hands of the Turks, has been captured by the British. The, city was not damaged to any great extent. Mr. Ed, Seim is having an suet;' ion sale of his household furntt `i ure next Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Seim; intend moving to New Ham- burg in a few weeks. The last meeting for this yeah of Hay council was held last Saturday when the business of the, present year was wound up. The- annual ifinaneial statement of the township is now in the hands ,l. the printers and will show in cey tail the work done during the year. �A •.;rat[,lt a ta, entitled, "T$e Chakd• will he givrd 4ii: thfe Evangelical church, ;Zurich, on Tuesday evening, Dec., 25th, by the members of the choir and Sun- day S'chooI. The Christmas pro- ,graim in the Evangelical church, 14th con., will be given this Fri- day ,evening. a Mr. Jerry Kaercher, of Michigan is .visiting relatives here at pres- ent. !School closes toe -day for the 'Christmas and New Year's holi- days. Will ;not take any more live poultry this season. J. Preeter, Zurich. Rev, J. Litt, P. E., conducted communion services in the Evan- gelical church on Sunday evening, A fairly well attended meeting was held in the Town Hall here on; Wednesday alfterrlpon, in the in- ter esits of greater hog product- ion. Many useful suggestions we .1e made. LD NQ 24 i101M f 1lt1lri41# *444.10+4011Yw.11401Nwv914 .110 0. fes" • NEW FALL SHOES AND RUBBERS Our stock was never so large. ' We can fit. you See our lines before sending your, money to the city catalogue houses. w Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. Christmas shoppers are crowd- 0 FRITZ ng the stores of Zurich this week ri. and atefinding that they can purchase as cheaply and have as t The Home of Good Shoes wide a choice as in the cities stor- es. The stores have been taste- fully decorated and brightly col- ored toys, ,games, books, etc„ add a pleasing effect to their appear- ance. • Incorporated The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE 1855 *,.s,,.1i*1►:irlrSIf empo4.i4M441i■1110111 #fi1wM011141 i* !Ii.' a a +.'!a allklllll11111111111111i11111111111IIIIIIIIIlll11111I ' t'd1P1111, i§ulllillNllllll!Illllllilllllililllllillilill"' �Ii l!UIIIIiIIlillllllllillllllllllllllllllllilillllllllliillllllllll!IIIIIIIIII111lIIiNIHGHUBI sus $8,800,000 98 Branches in Ca .ada ,4 General Bantunj Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT SAND M0N.E ORDER Savings Bank Dapartment Interest at highest) current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Suitable Gifts We have just opened up a large shipment of holiday goods suitable for gifts. Do your shopping early and do it at this store. Now is the time to buy your winter supply of Underwear Flannellettes Wrapperettes Dress Goods Men's and Boys' Wool Socks and Stockings Wool and Flannellette Blankets Men's heavy top shirts woollen and leather mitts and gloves, etc. Highest Prices for Fare Prodne R. a DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE f++++++++++++++++++++1,44,4,40,+++.14+++++++.14+++.3.+++++++4+ +++F + +++bo'++ ++;»+l•++II+++ ++++1,4+A4,+f+.:++1..1:.11.+1.+1.+ ++k.+ .1 +i+ +.3.+ ++++ ++ 4+ ii.+F.+i,+g..14.14++++F.+g.+g+I,+I.+II+ 3.1.+44+II++>»+++A+F++ ++i++ ++g,.g+.€++E+++II+1 14++l..T..r+t,+II +4.4. a l t, l i o 3"l +p l i"1 g 1 g g +l g"1 >i g F 4'i +'l i; 1 1 aL,g 1 1 +1 1 1 1 k '1 p II'1 g +l++g, l,+l .l d,'1'+ + 4-7:4+74+4++1' d+�++l+++ +:++F+��+1++1++E+•I+++,l..gi"" 4. ° • -4., S op 4. .;.. .,. T 9 ..:, ::::,...÷...,.s.„.....:(;:.p........4,, 4. 4. 4▪ . 4. 4. ..„,. ....., 4. .. Early4. i' a�3�..h. f E 1 Early ....4.„ "�' 4-3.1..1„4. •:.+4-1-•i + f++ �L3�oL+r •4�4�£•'l+�i++•i'•1, •i- 4. °t+ ..+++++++++++++4-4-44++++++++.1. 4 iia L!.iIIilHili;il!I'tll�fII;BIN?afli1111!!916`!:'.•O',11i" Iii,, 1111111111,}1111111111'„l;i'1'f! , illlii!11$1IIlii111111J1111111111111i111i111111111111111IIIIIIIEIIlNn11m +x. 4. 4. 4. 4. ?3+ 31. ..�. .4. ..,4. .4. ri 4. 4. PREETER 444,41444441.44.44444.144.444044.444.4-4.4444 USEFUL :;IFTS in the Hardware Section ,Cutlery of all kinds Pyrex Transparent Ovenware Aluminum Cooking Utensils Graniteware of all kinds Electric sad irons, toa&tors, grills, etc. Silverware, Carpet Sweepers Washing Machines and Wringers Skates and Sleds, Rocking Horses Toy Carts and W beelbarows Stoves and Heaters, etc., etc. Ready for Xmas Onr store is filled with Xmas Gifts. Buy useful presents this year. Articles for wear and every day use are most appreciated. We can give yo extra value for your money. HANKERCaHIEFS For amen, women and children. One of the most popular gifts. ,Our assortment has never been so large -silks, Irish linen, embrci3- ered, scalloped or hemstitched ed- ged. WOMEN'S NECKWEAR A most fascinating col ectio 1 of ladies' fancy lace collars and tm- broidery collars and cuff. setts. HAND BAGS There is noothing newer made than the ones we are showing. A 'useful present that is sure to please TOWELS Wae have the largest rano of towels never shown, from the schea- Vest to the best. 15c to $t eaehL Highest Price for Produce. TABLE LINENS by the tard. One of the best in,- ve stments, as linens to -clay have ndvancod. We are selling them e,t' the c:id price. TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS AND SETTS All linen numbers, hemstitched. Just t!h thing for an ideal gift. MEN'S TIES. In newest st?rl•es and colors. CHINA DISTISS In endless variety, Makes one o::t he best gifts, XMAS RI}3BONS Sot tying Xmas. pau',eels. Xmas. Xsr-,nls, etc. A (fresh stock of candies, nuts, w (fruits, clic. Phone 9 ZU'!: ICH :+•i+4,44' 444 +++et I.+ l.++++ ��M��������M���� F 4. 4. 4 4. . 1++t++4 4'++44 1.++++.14444444444 +444. 444.