Zurich Herald, 1917-12-14, Page 9DOMESTIC SCIENCE AT TIOME
Twenty -Second Lesson --Canning Fruits,
rti lid :fruits •.formed an important a wire basket or colander and pour
pltrt of primitive man's diet, The ova it gently plenty of cold water to
fruits were easily obtainable then, but remove the sand, •
civilization has destroyed many of Drain well and thee pack -in jars,
these wild fruits, eeMept in the forest shaking the jar aso that you can fill in
and mountain regions, so that at pre- as, many berries as' possible without
sent' the only .fruits known to us are crushing. Fill the jar with hot
all cultivated with the exception of syrup, put on the rubber and lid, tight -
ho el: leberries, en partly then put in hot water bath
Of late years modern methods have and process for eighteen minutes after
eliminated from the house much of the boiling has started. Remove and
dteuuaery aucl work that were formerly tighten the lids as tight as possible.
considered most necessary for the sus- Invert and permit the jar to cool. Be
ccs of the home. Men, quick to know sure there are no leaks, and then store
the value of canning, preserving, "in a dark, cool place.
pickling and jellymaking, have absoisb-; To Make the Syrup
ed this work and made it into a mas-4 One cupful of sugar to every two
sive business. They handle the foods
directly from the farms so that the and one-half cupfuls of water. Put
housewife has gradually Flet this most in saueepan and stir until dissolved,
important art slip from her. ; Then bring to boil and cools for five
The constant advancer , prices of minutes. If the sugar is pure you
food supplies have caused the prudent will have no brown scum to remove.
housewife to view the market with Use as directed.
alarm, She may decrease the expenses I The Water Bath
materially, if she is willing to take the I A boiler for this purpose can be.
time and trouble of canning her fruits purchased which hue a removable tray.
and vegetables. 1 This boiler will last many years if it is
Economy and thrift are not merely! used carefully and kept for this Pur-
a matter of money, but rather prud- I pose alone. Useionly the best grade
ently conserving materials within our ; of jar rubbers. Do not try to do up
reach. Economy in the home means large lots. You will find that two or
not only carefulness and watchfulness,' three hours' work at one time will be
but also planning and buying; also as much as you 'can successfully, ac -
using labor-saving devices combined' complish. A few jars done carefully
with Skillful handling of foods; using
up-to-date methods and reliable tools
and the judgment to avail one's self
quickly of opaortunities.
Learn New and Better Methods
Gone are the old antiquated methods
of our grandmothers' days. Using
the open kettle is as surely out of date
as would be a car drawn by horses,
Large `proportions of sugar are also
relegated to the past. This method
product 1 an oversweet article, which
destroys, the delicate natural flavor
of the fruits. This is not only un-
necessary, but also it has prevented
two or three times a week will prove a
far greater success than canning a
crate of berries, unless there is plenty
of help. This method will can straw-
berries, raspberries, blackberries,
huckleberries, curants, cherries and
Remember that bacteria and wild
yeast cells exist in the air and soil,
and therefore in all animal and vege-
table substances. The cells are so
small that it is impossible to see them
with the naked eye. They multiply
very' rapidly and thus set up a decom-
position which spoils the article of
many persons from enjoying preserv- food. .
ed. fruit. I To successfully conserve food for
The canners realized this, and have future use it is most necessary to com-
for years met this objection by -sing pletely destroy these germ cells. This
less sugar. Sugar is not necessary can only be done by the application of
for the successful keeping of fruits, heat u1 the form of a water bath or
but it is used to make them palatable. boiling. So.be positive that the water
The intelligent use of sugar adds to is actually boiling before counting the
the appearance and taste of all canned time. When once the boiling starts
fruits: The many grades on the mar- it must be continuous for the length of
ket make it necessary for the house- time given.
wife to be sure to obtain a pure grade Do not plunge the jars into the boil -
of sugar. It is needless to say that it ing water, but rather have the water
must be cane sugar. Beet sugar con.. hot, say at a temperature of 125 or
tains a larger percentage of acid and 140 degrees Fahrenheit, then bring
. does, not give the same perfect results. rapidly to a boil. „ te
It must be remembered that one cup-'
Label and Date
fell of absolutely pure sugar will ac-; For future knowledge label and date
complish the work more successfully your jars and also on each put a num-
than one and a half cupfuls of sugar ber so that you will know just how
of a lower grade. many jars, the amount of fruit and
How to Start Canning
sugar that is in each lot. This will
When planning to can, get the jars also give you a way to figure the cost.
ready and see that the lids are in per- Keep a book to record all your work,
feet condition. By this, I mean that the number of jars, the cost, etc.
they should ' fit securely, attd have; How to Make the Label
everything absolutely clean, Provido•l
plenty of cloths for wiping the jars; 1
a funnel to fill with, and a tray large
enough to hold jars intended to be j
There is an appliance sold in stores'
that costs twenty-five cents, for lifting
jars; and will save fingers from being: To Make a fruit Juice
burnt and many times its cost in pre- To each quart of fruit add one cup -
serving hot jars from slipping or drop- ful of water and one cupful of sugar,
.lig. then put in a kettle and mix well.
Before starting on the fruits or Bring to a toil and cook for ten min -
vegetables have a vessel large enough utes. Mash well and then strain.
to halal ,tars intended to be used. Put When cool fill into sterilized bottles.
the jars and the tops into the recept- Put the bottles in a water bath and
acle and cover with cold water. Bring bring to boil. Process for ten min -
to the boiling point and then remove utes. Remove from bath and cork,
as wanted, dram and fill with the art.• and when cold cover the top by dip-
icle to be canned. 'ping in melted paraffin.
Pour boiling water over the jars . Finally, the success of all canning
rubbers just before using. This not and preserving depends alone upon
only sterilizes them, but also makes absolute. sterilization. Work with
them pliable and easy to slip on the care, doing only what can be done
jars., withoat hurry in a clean and cool
The Actual Method kitchen, with a supply of good ma -
Sort the fruit in separate dishes, terials and utensils. Many jars are
Put all bruised and soft berries in one. lost each year by the false economy
Grade the berries by keeping' all large of using defective jars and lids or old
and small ones in separate dishes, rubbers. Always examine each jar
This is not only necessary for the before starting to store to see that it
sueces of the fruit itelf, but also for is in perfect condition, Fruits can.
the appearance of the fruit. ; ned by this method will cost one-quar-
Small clips can be bought for five ter' of the price of canned goods put... -
mots to hull berries with, saving both chased during the winter.
the appearance of the hands and of • Note—Water in boiler should reach
the berries. Put the hulled fruit in two-thirds of depth of jars.
June 10 No. 4 --Lot 3
Canadian Battalion Built 50 Miles of
Railroad in 75 Day -s,.
Not long ago on the. western front r"h
a Canadian battalion ade a record
for track building under fire, Across
a valley in full view of the German
lines they had to lay a mile and a
half of track and started at (i.30 on a
rainy evening, Within thirty hours
they had laid more than 12,000 feet of
line, being favored fortunately, by a
foggy day, when observation was dif-
ficult t'or the enemy. When the sun
brolee through the fog on the second
morning after work began the aston-
.shed Germans saw the finished track
running up. close to the Allies'
13y observation made by a balloon
they started to shell the new work,
but only succeeded iii beeaking one
rail after firing two hundred shells,
and this damage was repaired in a few
minutes by the alert railroad bat-
talion. This railroad can only be used
let night withotat light or noise, but it
was instrumental in pushinge Ger-
mans back from that sector,
In seventy-five days this battalion
of Canadian railroad men built
twenty-two miles of light railway, fif-
teen miles of standard -gunge railroad,
four railway yards—about three miles
of track in each ---all told a record of
about fifty miles.
Work of the Experimental. Farms.
For the convenience of specialists,
farmers, and others interested in the
different lines of agriculture dealt
with in 'the three -volume annual re-
port of the Dominion Experimental
Farm, the several subjects have been
issued in separate pamphlet form.
These include the reports of the Do-
minion Animal Husbandman, of the
Dominion Cerealist, of the Dominion
Horticulturist, of the Supervisor of Il-
lustration Stations, of the Dominion
Apiarist and of the Dominion Tobacco
Husbandman. Any of these reports
can be had on application to the Pub-
lications Branch, Department of Agri-
eulture at Ottawa.
THEriotisml Never will this be the case r,y� nrr * j @i , �, ] r 1g,'
SPIRIT with me. It will not uphold me in ray Je Po i 11(1 U 311 � UJ L
sorrow. I feel only bitterness toward
HtJ T IF 'y L Ia the land which stole my darling.
Niany aserious illness. has been'
There are still people who think avoided by the prompt use tri' Dr. Wil.
-- we can not sign peacc unless we get liar ae' Pink Pills. These pills actually
Belgium. Of what use would Belgium enrich and purify the blood, and in
be to me and thousands more like me? this way build up the system, tone and ,'
I know what you think about it, but I strengthen the neves and invigorate
know that you share my opinions 1 the vital organs.
Trench Diaries and Horne .Letters
Found on Enemy Prisoners Are.
Full of Revolt.
Will there not soon be enough of i Serious diseases geucrally risme Normally, the bowels should move -
this murdering? Must it go on until from some simple disorder that has atter et.c.h meal, and sometimes just
everything is in ruins and every hu- 1 been neglected. Therefore any thin- after rising. The largest movement
man life is destroyed? • i ming of the blood should be looked up kcnerally occurs :non after breakfatst.
And now children are bring called son as a warning sign, and more serious Many persons suffer from eonstipa-
out. It this not a real mockery? Illness should be avoided by the use ° oion who are not aware of the feet.
., Hardly h theyleft school when of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. in the ' dere bre three forms of constipation:•
The spirit of the battlefield speaks a dly ase _ case of young girls and women the (A) Simple constipation, le al Mb the
in the letters and diaries found in the they are called to fight for the father blood i peculiarly liable to get out of bowels are only somewhat. slug) i:s Gr
possession of German. prisoners or on ,land. Ernest Belieli's brother is to he 1 y
i s of thoseander to bac:nme thizz and watery irregular in action; (B) Cumulative
the bode who will never re- a soldier. He is 17% years old.
and to lead to a general breakdown., constipation. in which the normal
turn to their loved ones. The letters • Is not Germany making herself I
f bitter- ridiculous? I am disgusted with all I In'lzeal.th. This can be avoided by the movement of the bowels is prevented
from hope breathe a spirit o is occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink by accumulation of solid, lay masses
ness; the diaries in the trenclre.s a; this. It was said about another na I Pills, which are suitable for the mast in the rectum orioles -it colon, and (C)
spirit of revolt The correspondent of; tion (Russia) that it accepted bond-
delicate eau titufron These pilin will Latent constipation,. in whirl. the
sends extracts to his aper. Here are they are Free? No, we are treated
pages from the diary. of a cap- worse than slaves, and for such slay-
sometured soldier, whose lack of heroism is ery wee must cheerfully sacrifice our
not so strange when .one rends • of the lives. The man who still risks his life
bombardment of their own trenches for the love of Germany is perfectlly the back and general weakness, cause !highly important ill every case of
by the Germans: • insane. --_M ;�
the disappearance of headaches, rlizzi- r constipation that such an examination
Extracts From a Diary. Hess and heart, tiutteling, Give these i shall be made as will cle*termitic the
;: At last we arrive in the second
THE TOWER OF BABEL. pills a fair trial and you will soon note cause of the constipation. It is only
line. We got onto a dugout that of- rr a wonderful change in your condition. { by the -aid of such examination that it
Description or This D'lost Interestme
fared little cover—two small pieces of Your spirits will brighten, good health becomes posible to make a success -
a tree -trunk and a layer of rails' on of Old -Time Structures. and strength will return, and you will fol application of curative means.
had We got in—itl translation, within feel like a new person. You eau con- Fasting, a scanty diet (less than
the top. Scarcely w The sticeessfu tI la ,
was about i.30 a.m.—when a madden- the last few years, of ancient Assy- firm these statements by enquiring ! 100t) calories), a liquid .diet (milk,
ing drum -fire was opened by the Eng- rian inscriptions (including writings among your friends almost anywlere, I gruels, porridge), a diet chiefly.;con-
lish and kept up until 7 o'clock. An on burnt clay tablets) leas made It as thousands and thousands of hope- I sisting' of such food: as white bread,
airman had observed a movement in
our trench. Our dugout, thank God,
escaped damage.
The first day passed off quietly, all
things considered. At night the ar-
tilleiy-fire became more intense. The feet high, bti t elevated upon . arts- Williams'orst of it was that our own artillery ficial terrace It looked much higher Dr Vi 1• 1ledfctite Co., Brock. !quires aho%it. an ounce of cellulase
persistently fired short. One gun fired
into our trench perpetually. It was a
disgrace to be compelled to sit within
a mile of our own artillery -fire.
The afternoon of the next day the
English began firing mines. Three ii compare M. •
men promptly went•away to the rear;! The first of the "skyscrapers" was n1001' in the friendly Isles.
I tried to follow them, but lost my'; built of sun-dried brick, with only an Ct H. Ila:ieon, first assistant engin-
way, although I had helped carry back 1 outer facing of burned brick. All of eer, and member of the crew of the
a wounded roan only that forenoon.'
the buildings of Babylon, not except- motor schooner S. I, Allard, now of
However, I managed to get out of the , ing the royal palaces, were construct- Honolulu. witnessed the marriage of
mess successfully enough. `ed in this way, for the reason that Princess Charlotte Tobou and Prince
During the night I lay with another {there was no stone in the region, Na -
man in a concrete dugout full of was!• turally, they were impermanent, and
ter in order to be out of the way. It I the best of them tumbled down within
was the first time I had ever shirked{ a century or less.
duty, but it is mere stupidity to be tool The Tower had seven stories, the
conscientious in such matters. In fact; lowest one being 272 feet square. In
one ought to go to the rear or even ! all likelihood. it was crowned by an
allow oneself to be placed under arrest. observatory, for astronomical petr-
rather than remain in ;this miserable ? poses. The priests. of ancient Baby- after toe latest styles. The wedding the other resting on the floor. A
caldron. -" Ionia had quite a smattering of know] -+cake, which was eight feet high and
Outside the shells are •whistling ^and edge of astronomy; but, from their 'is said to have cost more than $•i00. special folding table i made for this
crashing, and the dugout shakes per- point of view, the most important use was baked in Auckland New Zealand. purpo2e.
etuall of the company have of the science was for the prediction' ' 1 Treatments which especially help
p Y• Many p y prediction About twenty-five white people at- bowel action are the morning cold
cleared out or have never come into of future events. They were astrolo- tended the reception, others present bode. massage oof the abdomen, and in
line at all. Only a sergeant is Left in gists, and such alleged information as being chiefs officials and natives : ,,.
the company. Everybody does his ut- they could obtain from the heavens ' g special cases applications of electricity
from the surrounding .,lands• to the abdominal muscles, the rectum
• At the wedding breakfast the table `. and the pelvi colon.
extended from inside the palaet°, Drugs of all sorts and laxative min -
the royal party was seated, enol waters must be avoided. The;
out lineups one of the doors for '3 �t) de not titre, an,l do mites hai•nt when
feet. The guests were seated oil long used.
the Chicago tribune at the front age. Can the Garman. people now say iv' you a nett' appetite, improve your bowels move daily, ut without coin-
. g
digestion, tone and strengthen weak- plete evacuation of the lower colon.
ened nerves, baalsh depression and Not infrequently -the synrptonl: pecul-
lack of energy.. clear the complexion I iar to latent and cumulative coustipa-
of pimples and blotches, cure pain in !Von are found present together. It is
possible to give a fair description of lese sufferers have been restored to =rice, meat, eggs, tea, coffee and condi-
that most interesting of all the strue- nett health and energy by tieing lir. ? ments are highly constipating.
tures of antiquity, the Tower of Ba- Wfliiams' Pink Pills, Cellulose (the indigestible woody
bet You can get these pills through any apart of vegetable foods) is the only
The Tower was a temple, only 140 medicine dealer or by mail at -a0 cents ; element which can increase the bulk
a box or six boxes for $2.oO from The : of the feces. The average person re -
than it was because the city of Baby- "ins Ont. 1 daily.
Ion (of which it was a principal arch.- — --- '" .II Garden vegetables (excepting the
tectur•ai ornament) was built in the A SOUTH SEA MARRIAGE. i potato) contain much cellulose, es -
midst of a great plain, so that there ' pedally the beet root, turnip, parsnip,
was nothing more lofty with which tosailor Describes Recent. Royal ('ere- spinach, cabbage, brussels sprouts and
lettuce. Most fruits, especially figs,
apples, huckleberries and prunes are
also laxative.
Meals must be regular in time and
the amount of food taken, Food is
the physiologic laxative.
Exercise promotes bowel action, es -
William Tungi at Nokaalofa Friendly es-
pecially walking, horseback riding,
Irl Ilam T September al gymnasium exercises and such exer-
The Government band- played all eines as final: bending and deep
the ceremonial music, and other mus.- breathing.
cal organizations assisted it through- The beat iou'all leg-raisingexea. -nrelied
out the day, he says. The wedding of cons movements
are tici ahe
similar mavernents practiced with the
dress worn by the Princess was made head low, using an inclined table or an.
ill Sydney, Australia, and fashioned ironing board with one enc] on a chair,
most to get out of the way, and quite; was.utilizable in their business.
right, too. Life is precious. i The Tower was filled with golden
To -night I shall have to go forward tstetues and other treasures. It was
again as I have my rifle -belt and kit in a religious museum. So marvelous it
the trench. If only I conte through was that the tongues of men were con -
this tour without mishap! My rations'fused in trying to deseribe it. either side. Tatpa—a material made
will last until to -morrow morning, l The Babylon of those days was than from the beaten bark of the Mulberry : 1 -LINGERIE ('I lI'I',1.M,,t;'.
Food and coffee can not, of course, be' most populous city in the world; it had tree—covered the engtli - of the table.
warmed up in the midst of all this are 2,000;000 inhabitants. It: covered an Friday was the i1; clay for all the (bat ale re T t oldiers W°11' on Yi'o-
tillery. When there is nothing left to ai°ea twice that of London to -day --the islanders '1110 happened to he in the
eat I shallgo back on my own respell- Euphrates runnin • through its mid- , , mainly C �artmlits.
p 1 g neighborhood of ?tiokcY�slofa. S;.tieral
sibility—that's final, dle—and was surrounded by at wall thousand gathered in the palace fbs° bored civilian trht, gaze.; al the
A Disobedient Soldier.
The report of a platoon commander
to his commanding officer tells of a
man who refused to go into the first
trenches, preferring • arrest. The re- Used Instead of Glass in Bumble roast pigs among his subjects, many Tucked tend.:; the sheer, with the
} , of the large otkess having.mailer hoe • u1 ed on their kn=e.: they are
pori reads: Philippine Dwellings p _. ^ p' 11•
fifty-five utiles in length, i grounds ami the adjoining sctnau'c in tinselled shop winaov, to -ray and
��— --- the early morning. ! grouches that every Christmas is the
SEASHELLS FOR WINDOWS'. The king personally losperintended ' same, needs to look in on the boys in
the work of distributing hundreds of i the military cant e:ceat hospitals.
Sehule was present here this morn- ogles toed to then] ill a decorative • sewing white Maven;to table dolt es,
One carious thine noted ill the
ing. I again gave hint ample time to Philippines is the use by natives of
think over his behavior. When I ask- seashells in lieu of windowglass.
ed him again in the afternoon what 11e. There is a bivalve mollusk, native
was going to do he said he wasn't go -
to the waters of that part of the world,
ing into the line. Thereupon I put which has a shell seven or eight
inches in diameter, so thin as to be
tsa11s1 nt. It is plentiful and costs
Then here is.a letter front a wife
who cries out against the Izorrors of nothing. Glass is expensive.
the war and those res onsible: Accordingly, the poorer Filipinos
p use the shells for window panes in
Ido not think things are going at
him under arrest and sent hon to the
guard -room
way. It was a holiday for all. ',red silk 1. u. es euehion top, and
- wondering whether tuck• 02• gathers
,meeee,,,,a.„_. _... s,e@ irvoultl be more 1petomiil,} to Arabella..
Far POUL''rlY, GAME,
Please write for particulars.
P. roarneac So 00.,
as 23032a000t ra Market, Montreal
Last year they were ducking Frit%'
shells, and potting the B067474 acro=s
No -men': Land.
Embroidery is receiving a great int-
! petus these days and the vocational
• olio ers who orris, supplies for the o••-
ci rpational work----undci' which h:>ad
crocheting and embroidery cane•—ora
11 tve11 on the U'ttee • front. if their humble dwellings. Windows , . gg:w ,, ag„ - . ;Bazin; with arna:.t:meni at the orders
220 St Paul St. 'W. Montreal,P.O.
only we could have peace and you sol- made of them admit as much light as
diers could be treated as human be- is needed, and if a pane is broken it
ings again! Haven't those on top can be replaced offhand without a
poured forth enough human blood penny's worth of expense.
yet? .When will it. end? One can pease
hardly stand it any longer. Beef scrap causes hens to speed up
DIany parsons in Germany can say, egg production.
"I consider myself just as necessary
to the welfare of the state as Wil-
helm." The war retards the progress
of the nation and further, the Govern-
ment -•--not the people ---gave its as-
sent and started things. Why should
one be eompelied to take a more active
part than rulers, and why should one
stake mare than they?
Love Turned To Hatred.
And now a girl pours out her heart
to her lover at the front, crying out
against "this murdering," and declar-
ing that her love for her country has
turned to hatred. She tells, too, of the
calling of the children to the colors:
Why must I always fear for the
dear life of my sweetheart,? I owe
love to my fatherland, but I roust telt
you that this love has changed into
hatred, as we have learned that we
are only here to be destroyed.
Our dearest are on the front, sacri-
ficed for the profit of the upper ten
thousand. And we must still have pat -
for .material for ladies' nightgowns.
boudoir caps, camisoles. etc.. which
come to them to he filled.
Tommy is• on to all the techn. al
names, and his "lingerie Christmas"
} is going to be made an epoch of note
Reference, t'ntor, Ilk, of Canaria '! in the family annals. There is 110
Coronado Beach, Cm thrnia
Near Sar Diego
I&-Ho/e Coif Course
'Hotel is.equipped throughout with Automatic
Sprinkler System.
JOHN, J. HEENAN, Menages
'ettleaXJ ell e9 ettstaGSC ',ltteetar1Cegers'. Steeiteeeetten,
1 doubt that along with great grand-
mother's "sampler," posterity will find
1 among its heirlooms the boteloii' can
which llnrle John embroidered for
Aunt Maty
when he
ta, a soldier in
the hospital.
"At any rata; the needlework is ir-
reproachable, and even trot=nth they
never sew another stitch, the boys
have proven that they can embroider
as well as they fight," declared the
matron in one of the hospitals who has
directed this occupational work.
in some of the western hospitals
the work has been put in special
stores for Christmas sale :tad others
I are being taken for winter work. Som,,
sten have become so expert as to till
orders for nionogrammng bridal linens
and are malciu;, fitly little incomes.
coat from British waters are green-
ish or brownish alive. Those caught
Further north are of a much darker"