HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-12-14, Page 7The Chucrhea EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES s u77.t ay, German :.• --• ... 9.45 a. m, )' Sunday School 11.00 a. m, " .Serviee F,rrglish ...7,30 p.m. Tuesday Jr. Y. t.. A. --- 7,$0 p.m. Tuesday, Y. P. A, --- 8,16 p. m, Thursday Prayer Meeting 7,30 p,tn. Friday, Choir Practice --• 8 30p. m, ''ladies' Aid, first (Wednesday ev- ening of each month 8,p,tn, LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School ..a ..i 9 a. m,, German Services, Sunday 10 30a,ae. English Service, Sunday 7.30 p.m. Larther League, Friday 8. p, gym, Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p,• m. LEGAL. (CARDS. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers, Solicitors, • Notaries &o, Ogioe, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderich. Private funds bo loan at lowest rates W. PROUri 'OOT, K. a. J. L. KXLLORAN, H. J. D. doom/. Mr. Cooke will be in Hensel. on Friday and Saturday of each week. Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTIST tAt °ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE — HENSALL. Gr R. Hess & Co. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS Reftair ng a Sj5eczalty • THE CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. 'lACKAWANA CSA: THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE D .A. Cantelon Uensall Phone, Office 10; i$ouse, MARich KET Meat R K E T Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES 7uugbiut & Beichert The Home Insuarnee Co. Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra sssessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods Cross Fertilizer Co. -. BASIC. SLAC Shipment of Basic Slag will be in in December. As will Yee, unable to get this fertilizer in the spring, you should order require- ments at once. Ask your neighbor about re- sults :from using tthe Basic Slag. PRICES ;'MUCH LOWER THAN ORDINARY FERTILIZER Ontario Perlilrzer I also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made by one of the larg- est Canadian Companies. Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for fiteery purpose JOSEPH RAO it, 'R, No. 2 •Zurich.1 L II gay rowinship and the village R of 4L.,enstill suba�exibed fox .aver , 1 SAD O+C A L E o-�ai,uotl ��-oxr:th oa Cha Yietol boxsds I `I'h stores in 'Zurich will be open j��g� qt••• I J.... every evening until Ch:t istxn,aa, to i h T �j� �l ^� acc:omotlate the holiday shoppers. FOR SALE;— .Pair ladies skates Shop •early and avoid the• rush, I o and shoes, new, size 4. Apply at Saturday Dec, 11,eli, IS., the last FOR LIFE Herald Office. day to pay taxes, The ' collector , RY We are always Ai:eased to publi wilt be at the Town Hall an that. As teachers can send. reports :. by nearly $24,000of the, tex.sa are still sh school reports, Out of town day 'from 10 &clock, a,• m.' mail, .enclosing in en vetoes, and placing 011e cent postage on sem leaving it unsealed. Da your Uhri:stenee sboppileg .ear, Thai is a Wise motto and much xt'iu be sallied In following it. The ea, ieLies to eh")u.e from ate mote xi LUDO oas and you will get better ste yio Vein it you 'Nal until the t g lee!, i on, Mr, Herman Well, who has bee takingt reatment at a hospital a London dor some weeks return` to his home here on Saturday. Hi many friends will be pleased t hear that he is on the road to re icovery. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, St Joseph, ,entertaitned a number the boys from Zurich with a fow sipper on Tuesday evening. N ecless to say everything was the tease and' the buys showed their, appreciation by the way they ate it up, Local Exemption Tribunals are permanent courts, when their res- ent work is over they stand act - owned sine die. There are sure 0o be occasional) cases, perhaps none for many tribunals and a eve for others and the sittings in uch cases will likely be held in he private office of one. of the members. The "Union'' Government is com- osed of two m.l lonaire manufact- r�ers, one trust company manager, ne professional po i.ican, fourteen awyers, one railway mean, one merchant, one physician, one fruit rower, and a manager of a rain -growers' exchange. It is ell described as a "union" of illionairs and ,corporation low- ers. Goder:ch Signal. On Saturday a real old fashion - d blizzard set in and it lasted un - 1, Monday afternoon. The wea- ther was extremely .cold and much snow Ciiell. The moods "are badly drifted 'and the wheels have to 1kie used to drive through the co- untry districts. The stage did not make the attempt, to reach Hen'-; Sall on . Mo'nday afternoon, but the trains have bene running reg- ularly, although behind schedule time. The enormous supplies required to feed an army in the field are indicated by a few figures on the requirements of the British armies in France. Nearly 2,000,000 lbs. of pe jam are sent across the Channel each week. It is now put in pap- ier ma chit.. jars. The demandifor tin became. too heavy. One jam, firm alone requires five tan's of tin plate a day for jam cans. The army ,consumption of cheese is about three ounces to a man ,per ,day, and so far 167,003,099 lbs. of ichieese has been purchaser d for the; British armies. More than 500,- 000 pounds of tea are sent toFran- cle for the British soldiers each week and the Government buyus ib direct from the plan`. rs in India nd eeylon. '• unpaid you should go early and a - e void the rush.. 'gr. H. H. Little, of llens1tl1, a 3' former resident of Zurich undc:,1•- e went a successful operation 011 r• Monday- at ;;t. ' Joseph's -Hospital d Lonon, for stone in the' kfltneys. e His many friends here will, be plea - seed to hear that he is pre,gressin,g t d 0 of 1. S u 0 g' g y •ti R!N. MORE WATER F ItEYS BOTHER Eat less meat and take Salts for Back- ache or Bladder trouble— Neutralizes acids. Vrie aid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irri- tated, and you may be obliged to seek re- lief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At 'first you feel a dull misery in the kid- ney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheu- metie twinges when the weather is bad. 3iat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad. Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, for a few clays and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys• and stimulate then' to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids in 'urine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in - Are; makes a delightful effervescent litiia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble I whale it as only trGuble ENLISR AS 'SHE IS 'WIT Card on restaurant-,Snail;steak, 20 'cents, Extra 'steak, 25 cents. Sign in bakery window—llTome- xnade pize.t nela,,:i.ru from country papers;— Airs. Jones, ore Sactus Creek let a can opener slip last week and cut he;:s.lint h.i pantry. A mischiev- ous lad of Piketown threw- a .stone. and struck Mr. Pike in the . alley, last Tuesda, John .Doe, climbed on the roof of hishouse lastweek looking for a leak and ,fell strik- ing himseUU on ,the back porde 1 Harold arold Green •was escorting; Miss Violet 'Visa from the church; social last 'Saturday night a sav- age (clog ati'ceeked them • and.. bit Mr. Green several pixies on the; public square. Isaiah. Trimmeroft Running •Creek, was playing with i a cat Friday when. it scratched him; on the veranda. Mr. Fong while' harnessing a 'broncho, last ,Satur- day was kicked just south of his corn patch, FARM !FOE SALE 'Consisting of lot 14, con. 13, Hay, 80 acres: This farm is.ntc- ely situated, has good buildings, plenty of good Water, well cult- iveted, and convenient to school and market. For particulars, ap- ply to Alex Mousseau, R. R. No.3, Zurich. 'FARM FOR SALE For Sale, lot 22, S. B., .Stanley, containing 10) acres,. On the prem. isee. is. a _ good frame•'house -- t' a;• large barn with two driving sheds and other out buildiings. Well fenced and drained and plenty of good water., The farm• is in a first class state of cu:tivaton.For: full particulars apply to H. C. Zapfe, Blake, Ont. LOOK! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL. Chestnut, Furnace, ' Black- smith and soft coal. C. F. CASE & SON PONE 35 HENSALL A Full Supply Heavy and�p tight RU All sizes and prices. See our all -white .heavy rubber for men. Guaranteed in every way Live fowl taken every Thursday forenoon. LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale LOCAL AGENT WANTED .• —for— ZURICH and •district —to sell for— "THE OLD RELIABLE FONT - HILL NURSERIES" Splendid 'list of Stock For Fall planting, 1917 and Spring p.lantieg 1018 Including many new varieties which we alone control, ' Send foe new illustrated cat- alogue, also Agent's Proposition; Handsome free outfit; Exclusive Territory Liberal Commissions. Sto.tne Wellington The Fonthill Miseries (Established 1887) TORONTO is frequently revealed it these war times even in this well-to-do Province: Hard enough to be poor—still worse to be sick and poor. The lot of the consumptive lea spe- cially trying one. Only recently a family was discovered living he two small rooms over a store. At one time they had occupied a comfortable home but the father took sick and had to give up work. With the savings all gone, they were forced to sell the fur- niture to buy food. When the man was found to bo a consumptive, this was the opportunity of the Muskoka Free Hospital to bring relief so that not only would the stricken husband A have a winning chance for life, but more desirable still, the wife and chil- drn should er ofecontract ng the disease. skil- fulnderanemoved from' guidance the home was cleaned up and the family temporarily provided for. It is now ported that the patient is doing well, with every chance of recovery. This is the eat work carried on the Muskoka Free Hospital which is now appealing for help. Contributions may be sent to W. J. Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, or Geo. A. Reid, Secretary - Treasurer, 223 College St.. Toronto. oPFo you should not miss I have on hand the following which were bought before the beg advance •in price. Buy now and save money,re ON PETER HAMILTON CULTIVATORS I can save you $16 each, These cultivators are second to none and are giving b 5 the }.,est of saris faction, ON LOW -D01 -y N MANURE SPREADER I can save you $200 each. On ly two left, On WAGONS, I can save you $20. On BUGGIES $25. On HAY RAKES $3. Only one left. Also one LITTER CARRIER OUTFIT on which I can save you $20, One price to all, these are nb consignment goods. The above facts and prices speak for themselves, Call at once; if you ;need any of these as I have no time to canvass, new line of Cutters. Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC, FIRE INSURANCE PLATE G2•ASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN' AGENT FOR PatRON t� ERIE Lo :ex 00. ACOOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich NO NEED TO CALL THE SECOND CLASS The 100,000 ni,en required for re- inelorcemients will be obtained i Clads. 1 without making a dreet on Class 2, the married men bee. DeLaval Cream Separatcr Agency We handle pumps, piping, L. PRA ZURICH ,t• I I FRED THIEL NEW HARNESS SHOP I have opened up a new harness shop in. Merner's .Block, opposite the Conlmerc14I Hutel, and am prepared to do everything in harness repairing, binder canvas repairing, et ;. Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited ZURICH t M—d. ,+—•i•—•i•--i--o'�—•i•—�•— •—dr— r—b—: — e — $ —d — tween 20 and 35, declared Col. J. Moss, chairman of the military ser- vice council, ton Monday. "hTe total reported for service in Class 1 up to December 1 was 403,50.4," he said. "Of these 211,565 have been medically examined and 117,873 placed in Class A and 123,- 692 in the lower classes." There remains 162,039 to be examined and al the sante ratio will furnish a- bout 75,000 more Class A- men to a,ddl to the 117,873. PAT'S INVESTMENT Pat bought a pig in the fall, paying $7.50 for it. During the winter he bought $10.50 worth of feed for it and in the spring sold the pig far $17.50. A neighbor asked him how much he got for it, and when Pat told him he said;. ,"Well, you didn't make much on it, did you?" 4.T.A" said Pat, "but, you see, I had the use of the pig all winter." sU G Liberals and Conservatives are United The 'People Must Unite to A Laurier-Bourassa Victory means deserting our boys in the trenches for over a year, throwing up our hands and quitting! Don't shout "Kamerad" under the Referendum proposal. Come out and fight for Union Government. IF LAtJRIER WINS: (1) Canada will send no more reinforcements to the front, which practically means quitting the war and placing the country in the same class es Russia. (2) The French-Canadians who have shirked their duty in this war will be the dominating force in the Govern- ment of the country. ARE THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING PEOPLE PREPARED TO STAND FOR THAT ? It is because the French-Canadians have not done their duty that Conscription had to be resorted to. The French-Canadians have made it perfectly clear that they do not like the war and are against Canada participating in it further. Some of them even go to the length of saying that the soldiers should be brought back from the front. The Nationalists are demanding that the men who have been enrolled under the Military Service Act be disbanded and sent back to their homes. To secure the Nationalist support Laurier -Liberal candidates in Quebec have signed the following pledge:— "I, the undersigned, candidate in the Federal Elections, undertake by these presents) if I am elected, to demand the immediate suspension of the Military Service Act, 1917, and of all its effects until Canadian electors have pronounced by way of plebiscite; and should the majority of the electors condemn it, that it be considered as null from its origin and that in consequence all conscripts be disbanded," I also undertake to vote against any Government which should refuse to adopt the above enunciated policy.'" sutert- 13 7`liis Advertisement is inserted by The Unionist Party Pablici•ty Committee