Zurich Herald, 1917-12-14, Page 4THU I ER.AL.,I3
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Lk union service was held in thei
tEvangelical church last Sunday'
]morning. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston
!evangelists of Exeter, had ;barge
Of the .meeting.
Mr. Herb, ,Eilber was v visitor
lin tZuric'h on Saturday.
The Victory Loan subscriptions
taken itn Stephen township amount
to about $52,000. t t
Fred Kerr attended the shooting,
tournament at St. Thomas last
Mrs. C. 1Zwicker and son
!visiting relatives at New
Ram -
The ,fol owing is the report of
S. No. .2 f .r the month;of
Noveni.ber, based on good attend
anc'e, good behaviour and perfect;
Mork. i i. 1 t'
Sr. IV.—Orville Steinbach.
Ur. IV. — Vernon •Schatz, Nel-
eon Jeffrey.
kir.. III. — Theiiesa Meidiinger,
i3'eam :Ie Masse..
Or. II. — •:ertrude Schilbe, Lil-
lian Rose, Elwin Gascho, Lillian
•Rader, Albert Fleischauer.
eta'. II. — Greta Stchilhe, Myrtle
1VIasse, Ervin .Schilbe, Nettie
1Vieidinger, Idella Schoch.
Tie. I. — Beatrice Klopp, Agnes
1f'ieidinger, Gordon 'Miller, Eliza-
beth Badour, Wallace Schoch Ed-
gar Masse. t
Sr. Pr. — Margaret Schilbe, Har-
leld Kopp. Hazel Masse.
Jr. Pr. — Melvin Schoch, Norm -
stn Fleischauer. Leonard Schoch„
Leonard Merner. Elmer Masse.
• S. H. Beacom, Teacher.
lot a Bite of
Breakfasts IJi*!!,
You Drink Water
Says a glass of hot water Curl
phosphate prevents illness
and keeps us fit.
Just as coal, when It burns, leave
behind a certain amount of incom-
bustible material in the form of ashes,
ro the food and drink taken day after
Clay leaves in the alimentary canal a
certain amount of indigestible ma-
terial, which if not completly alimina-
ter from the system each day, be-
comes food for the millions of bacteria
'which infest the bowels. From this
knass of leftover waste, toxins and
ptomain -like poisons are formed and
;sucked iuto the blood.
Men and women who can't get feel-
ing right must begin to take inside
baths. Before eating breakfast each
morning chink a glass of real hot
',nater with a teaspoontul of lime-
ntone phosphate in it to wash out of
the thirty feet of bowels the previous
+day's ..accumulation of poisons and
toxins and to keep the entire allmen-
itary canal clean, pure and fresh. WEiliiam Hill, of Stephen, narrow -
'apse who are subject to sick head- a
s,che, colds, biliousness, constipation, t Iv' 'emailed being crushed to death
1'1r, NVelttee Fasschld spent a few
days in Lo.ci,on l,aet' week,
1VIr, Kenieeth 'Routledge has re-
turned .dwlii'e after spending sev-
.erak months iln Hyde Park.
Mr. II, ;Wilbert is again
ed ,tio this home through illness.'
Me hope tfoe a speedy recovery,
Ir, and Mrs, RotIiaerntal
are this Wet.k visiting relatives itn,
'ierriton, •
Mrs, IT, :airnmer of ,Stratford is
visiting relatives .here at
present, +•
Misses lt'1?rle •and Olive Willert;
of la:eeter, ..bent the week -end at
their horns tiere,
Mrs. Ed. Stelck of the 14th con,
spent a lew days last week with
friends en the village, •
The recent snow storm has made
the roads almost impassable, some
places our local mail courier did-
n't venture oat un Monday and on
ly got part way on Tuesday.
Mr, C. • lchsvartZentruber , Sr.,
continues quite poorly, his many
friends .trope for a speedy re -
co very.
Quite a cumber from this vic-
inity attended the entertainmlent.
in Zurich tat week.
The regular• meeting of the Blake
Womens' £r.stitute was hold at the
home of fI4t Wm. Douglas on
Tuesday alter noon. There was a
good attendance. The meeting
was spent by singing the Institute
Ode after the usual business was
transaetied. The roll call was
responded to by seasonable reoe•i-
pts and hints which reated many
interesting dieecussions. A very i
in:eres.ing paper was given by Mrs
H. C. :Zapee, which will appear hi
next weeks issue, The Institute
donated $10.00 to the Belgain re-
lief fun& The meeting was then
,closed by singing "God Save The
King." &ft•er which the monthly
Red Cross work was packed, con-
sisting of 36 pair sox, 10 towels, 5
suits pyjamas Last month's ship-
ment sconsisted of 18 pair sox and
7 suits pyjamas. The next meet
ing will the held at the home of
Mrs. J. A. Manson, all ladies are
Capt, l8. P. D. Hewitt, who has
•been serving overseas with the
Arley Medical Corps, has arrived
Non*. , '
N. D. :taurdon, who spent the sum
inter at Post Franks, has returned,
and will! spend the winter here.
n The Women of Exeter have or-
gani2ed a Union Association.
3, Dow shipped 28 horses to
MontreatL last week.
The. rera tins of tlhe late Mrs. E.
Andrews arrived here, from the
weft and were inteirred in Ezeter
;David Mill, aged 83 yrs., died,
an Nov. 28th, and was bunted in
Exeter ccenie.ter.
A mteetiug in the interests of T.
p1rteMilian, Liberal candidate was
held here on Monday night. Ad-
dre.sses were given by Mr. Mc-
Millan !and G. Gibbons, Liberal
canid.idatfe at London.
,Division Court was held here
last Thursday. •
fetur.')n County's share of the
Viet :ry Lean is announced as
$2,41rr,t00. This is nearly double
the amount what was ,originally;
asked .for from, the ,county.
;John tCta.ldsvell, Jr„ has bought
the! 1.00 -acre farm of W. J. Ruse
se&, pestenester of Exeter, being
led 4, con., Hay, for $7000. He
will get immediate possession.
.ti.. and Mrs. Ernie Flynn, •litho
have conducted, the Stadia hotel
Lor three years, have moved to
Pi.e. and Mrs, Jas. C. Gardiner
o Kirkton have received offieial
were that their sun, Pte., Ed4
(Fa..t•dtaer, has been killed in action,
This is the sectipn son to make
th,supreme sacrifice.
Me. •Clitfford Hill, ,son of Mr,
,others who wake up with batt taste,
foul breath, backache, rheumatic stiff-
ness or have a sour, gassy stomach
after meals, are urged to get a quarter ,�.Iius attempting to change the
pound of limestone phosphate from I g g
the drug store, and begin practicing, position of the m.aching Mr. Hill
internal sanitation. This will cost 1 eras 'aught between the traction
very little, but is sufficient to make e1i,eine and the separator with the
t+nyone an enthusiast on the subject to null that he was badly crushed
Remember inside bathing is more ti.>s he was rend:red utncounscious
important than outside bathing, be l
cause the skin pores do not absorb i err, twelve hours and it was thou -
purities into the blood, causing poor eiee: his injuries might prove ,fat -
the other day. He was threshing
out Ile premises of Mr. Chas. Kers-
lwk , London Road South, and
ealth while •• the bowel pores do • I Besides the •crushing of the.
Ius't as soap and hot water cleanses, t '
�s*ee •ens
n limestone phosphate f u:�zi,eri, owning to their ha �ing=d
oto water and P p
the skin,so doeeen his legs were considerably
to t and freshens
et on the stomach, liver, kleineys. a d �,.r,me in contact with the Si ehox.
ibowel,5, �..
ii cr
it' t'" I)
�; cle
That man is a slanderer
who says that
he Farmers
of Ontario
will vote with
Bourassa Pro - Germans
Suppressors of Free Speech
They Will Support Union Government
Citizens' Union Committee.
Schwalm. -.At Blind Line, .Hay, on
Dec, llth to Mr. and Mrs, P. Sch-
walnii, a son.
Koehler—At Zurich, on Dec. 8th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Koehler, ,2t.
Oleomargarine has at last been.
placed on the Canadian inaeket,
and was sold at Toronto on 'Mon-
day last. . This :margarine was
made it Canada and sold at the
factory at 32c per ib., and at the
store at 37e.
One direct result of the introd-
uction of the imitation butter was
the sudden drop in dairy butter,
and butter of low quality. If the
butter market is to be unaffected
by the introductioln of this eheap .
er imitation, it will only beg in the
'top grades, with which oleo carr-.
not .compete. It appears as thou-
gh good margarine lis better that
poor butter, though not be compo
aed with good butter, •