HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-12-14, Page 3__.,,,• , -.„.� __ __.. • 1 EA'CIN(a NU l'.1 RILLS x ANIMAL: , ICKING .00D FOR PRS. you want real food that ' Fed to of Livestoctagek-I; Fodder, eel ec:atiee Udine;Because of the .short« 3e of fodder " �� FR i contains they greatest ONE HUNDRED PER II alus�l'sl+, UM. lEII1 CENT. PERFECT, In Order to Meet the Constat Demands Made Upon Airplanes. mat eria of be 't'� The in holland farrnels buys whole wheat a � � erct,ntat;e hreade Bisc ~SI$ and the health(loi a large percentage i.; the w na�tterial at lows COSI' t their live stock with nuts, and as a raxra is all food, result many OE the cattle have died "Wheat .a rl hole wheat in a ; has. been affected seriously, United States The n sub- stitutes le form. Two S i sterdam writes that all kinds of . digestib i been fed to ;cat y ' three of these little loaves of ;n`itr`es far i'oaYler have ani - baked whole wheat with milk i aniinsa'has been frequent and he death of s -is d1 attri- >e a,'nour- ent an I d ;Mitt e fruit ~irisin. bl; ted to spoiled of otherwise Consul at Am - To be trustworthy an•airplane pro= peller must be one of the strongest things in the world. Not only are they subjected to gunfire but their normal action makes heavy demands on their strength. The very speed of their • revolutions tends o disrupt them. In a test run with propellers made of wood which had been dried to the lowest possible moisture content, or bone-dry, as they say at the Forest Products laboratory, the enols of the blades actually exuded sap which Was I Made in �axiada- forced out by centrifugal action. Some air machine engines run at 700 revolutions a minute, and can be I r__ ala . unwhole- an some food. In many .such cases the z<Sh1x�> strengthening meal.reel animals have been freely acorns, g chestnuts and beechnuts, unshelled and uncooked, All of these nuts, it i.s averred, in their natural state have poisonous elements, especially in the shells. It is said that horses have died within two hours after eating raw and unshelled beechnuts in con- siderable quantities, the stomach and intestines being fatally disordered. Experts advise that nuts be fed to stock in limited quantities, not more than a kilogramme (2.2 pounds) the utmost daily, and then only after they have been shelled and boiled, cre being taken to throw away the boil- ing water. It is remarked, however, that nuts can be fed more freely to pigs than to other animals, and that, besides, they. are very fattening. LEMON JUICE iS FRECKLE REMOVER Make this cheap beauty lotion clear and whiten your skin., geared up to 2,000. An engine of this power would use a nine foot six inch propeller, and the speed of the blade ends would be in the neighborhood of 600 miles an hour. A good thousands of pounds of pressure per square inch are generat- ed by this action alone, says the American.' Forestry Magazine at `I Washington, and propellers have been known to split at the centre and fly apart. Even the smallest lack of bal- ance between the two blades is very serious, since the pull of one must counterbalance that of the other. In addition there is the gyroscopic force wlri'h tends to keep the blades rotating in the !gime plane. At high speed this force is hard to overcome, and the cross strains it introduces . when there is a change of direction, either up, down or sidewise, are enor- . • mous. Wood Must Be Perfect. Yet under conditions of ' modern warf<re, when an aviator has to "loop the loop" or plunge, or ascend sharply in mancenvring to bring down or es- cape from an enemy, the machine has to meat ..and withstand these unusual • to Wood for airplane manufacture must be 1.001 per 'cent. perfect. In other articles there may be a slight margin of imperfection, and this is recogniz- ed in lumber grading rules. In air- planes, however, the safety of aviator and army demands entire freedom from flaws. Even with Sitka spruce, the favorite wood for airplane construction, there The double collar and the wide is Jiffies?t • are unusually attractive { difficulty in obtaining the very high -girdle or sash est grades. The United States forest' features of this simple pleated tunic service estimates that .only 18 per dress. McCall Pattern No. 8064, cent approximately, is available for Misses' Dress, Pattern in 4 .sizes, 14 Frocks for 5 Tater° YES! LIFT A CORN O F F WITHOUT PAIN Cincinnati man tells how to dry up a corn or callus so it lifts off with fingers. 0 -.,,,o.•.. -q..--, U^-^ q.-,�k....,e..-.-.p,_..q_..p......o-..-p--o You corn -pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, c,incinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be lifted off, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will posi- tively: take off .every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not to irri- tate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It is fine stuff ed acts like magic every time. Fats in The Diet, There is no fat in potatoes. Lard is nearly 00 per cent. fat. Butter is the best form of fat for children. The fat of plants is contained in the seeds, At least .a third of the body's food should be fat. Cocoa is the only popular beverages which has "fat," rester T.he .colder the climate the g the craving for fat. Body fat is of three kinds---stearine, palmitin and oleine. Oats are the "fattest" and most "heating" of the cereals. A loin of mutton has more fat nu- trient than any other joint. Fats yield glycerine, an essential `11 component of high explosives. %Athletic training does not rid. of "fat," but of the excess water in the i tissues of the body. A famine in fat (as in Germany) is more terrible than a famine in i bread. work re A man doing sedentary' 'oily int e-; Girls! to Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freekle and tan lotion, and complexion beauti- fier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lesions and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly 1.14HESTliEWHITEstt.16' England's Self -Confidence. Baron Plener, a German, speaking before the Upper House of the Reichs- tat, said he was sceptical regarding the peaee feeling in enemy countries. "England," he declared, "will not be ripe for peace for a long time yet. Hex military self-confidence has been so enormously increased through the creation of a great army in such a short period that one cannot imagine anything diverting British public opinion from its war policy." IlLisrara.'s Liniment Cures Diphtheria, To cut hot, fresad heat the knife well: and the bread will cut smoothly and evenly. GavaulateE Sore Eves, Eyes Inflamed by ;'1un, Arra` and Wand quickly "'relieved by Murine. Try it in Yourl3Yesand inl3abY s Dyes. a C ior9 FORn ®,ti ar or. fragrant 14i3on into the face, neck, � �� ,rytt*a_.inb, arms and hands each day and see how nt v tr nrtr vias g orb9 'E,P'e y -'',t n,,t"3r L tie F1 trno freckles and blemishes disappear and { how clear, soft and white the skin be- >ticy> et Qa�r •> comes. Yes! It is harmless. Tommy's Watch. A Tommy on furlough.,. entered a jeweler's shop- and, placing a much - 'bettered gold wat - on the counter, said: "I want,. this 'ere tmended." After a careful survey atch- maker said: "I'm afraid, sir, the cost of repairing will be double what you gave for it " 1, { h bre quires three ounces of fa_ some form. Linseed oil is the most important vegetable oil in the production of i glycerine for explosives. ) to °s^2e ' •' a p,.r Gee Salve. in Tubes 2-e, uu^•�r i„ mf. of the r,, u reg. Ask P tselm e C n '' tC:e +it;::._..Sa d C3id's Machine Gun. An amorous British youth was be- ing taken to task for his flirtations. "Engaged to four girls at once!" ex- claimed his horrified uncle. "How do you explain such sham eld ss conduct?" "I don't know,,, celess nephew.. "Cupid must have shot me with a machine gun." plane construction. A member of the Curtiss firm is reported to have said that only i o lanes from each board feet, on an aver- age, goes000 board feet. The quantity of wood needed for each plane varies, of course, with the size a c ala, f the machine; few of the pre - to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. _ American meat is the richest in fat; sent -day types contain less than 250 British home-grown as quire 'vymet is seaefullcwa- feet, and it '"may take 2,000 feet in the rough to furnish this 1 tering; not enough or too much water amount. One lumberman is making l causes the buds to drop. When buds sure of getting only the straightest of drop withhold manure water. The it ' time to feed is when the flowers have straight -grained stuff by splitting out of the log instead of sawing it. I3e faded and when the new shoot is the s are gets quality at the expense of con- 1 growing. Forty- five to fifty-five siderable waste in ring out choice 1 right temperature. white oak cooperage stock or hickory for spokes. But the resultant product is sere to have straightness of grain. For propeller blades ash and white oak are used in considerable quanti- ties, aremade of m.aho g - while some any, alternate layers of mahogany and spruce or mahogany and ash, Black walnut has been used in place of ma- hogany, because this wood does not splinter when hit by a /projectile. Maple, birch and cherry have found some place in propeller manufacture, Douglas fir has been used in making fr emeS. "I don't mind that," said the soldier. "Will you mend it?" "Yes," said the jeweler, "at the price." "Well," remarked Tommy, smiling, "I gave a German a punch on the nose for it,. and I'm quite ready to give you two if you'll mend it." ,, FTEIt,THE-WAR PROBLEMS. M. t1 C. Ist Solving Soldiers' Also Solves Canada's.Piablelu "We are already hearing of prepar- • edness for 'war after war: Land set- tlement, tuberculosis and industrial and vocational education are all national problems only made more apparent through their being forcibly brought to our attention by the urgency of the disabled soldier problem," declared Mr. T. B. Kidner, Secretary of the Vocational Training Branch of the Military Hospitals Commission in drawing attention to „aphe importance of vocational training to the country as well as to the indi- vidual soldier. "In providing for the rehabilitation of our soldiers we are providing for • the future of Canada." A good selection of hardy climbers planted about the house will take the bareness from the dwelling and ma- terially improve the appearance of the place, 12 10 7 511x 1 11 2 3 4 Iw rte InC t;,i'N Here's a new one— a most delicious desert that can made in a hurry. To. one and one-half cups of milk add one cup of ' Grape -Tsetse, and one level table- spoonful of sugar, boil sial: minutes, cool and serve with milk or cream. Add re,i. sins if desired. Get a package' of Grape. Nuts from your grocer and try this pleasing recipe. I1111tp4lftl "",U1111}u nmtuiliiinini uitnii Noma thin •, 11„t a'nh' ACue tor Btaa Nadi ;it "Bad breath is a sign ods decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean_ 211 bowel.” if your teeth aro good, • - nt MONEY ORDERS Dominion Express Foreign Cheques are accepted by Field Cashiers and Paymasters in France for their full face value. There is no better way to send money to tjie boys in. the trenches. • r d t e 0, 0 t druggists. Ia to 30 drops Ayrshrres, Jerseys and Guernseys FM AM w'`mre ria E,W.GELLET oRO1M AO. NY LIMITED MONT,„AL WINNIPEO Which? Teacher—Name the chief exports of Canada Prompt Pupil—Soldiers! Sr;i» Second Pupil (indignantly)— diers are not exports; they are trans - 1 ports. ILIRinard's T+iniment Clues Coids, Sec. look to you igr's ry , , .. -' c es 14 u.dte Syrup I .n onto. Get ,.e'g - I was cured of painful .Goitre by MINARD'S LIENT. B ARD McMIJLIN. Chatham, Ont. I was cured of Inflammation by MIATARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. A. JOHNSON. Walsh„ Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. H, BAILEY. Cow's milk contains from 3112 to 4 per cent. of fat. Whales' milk con- tains 43 per cent. �tr Minara's I+ini1zlent Cures target in Cows What Interested Her. The director of the British Museum, Sir Frederick Kenyon, has had many amusing experiences with visitors. Once, he was showing a distinguish- ed lady some of the priceless trea- sures of which he is the custodian, but for a long time nothing seemed to in- terest den terest her very much. Then n sud he noticed a change. Her face lighted up and she leaned forward. "What is it, madam?" asked Sir Frederick, gratified at this tardy sign of awakening. appreciation. "Pray do not hesitate to ask if there is any- thing you would like to know." "So good of you!" said the lady. "I wish you would tell me what brand of black lead you use on those iron ventilators that are let into the floor. We have the same sort of things at my house, but my maids never get them to shine half so brilliantly." I � NEW EGGS, Tick- •., l t ricer en J 1). A mm a v your food q. af.er mean , glean e:: Y 0 are the hest miles cows. riassaGe and stop t?:.� bad �ra� tai �„— ,.--------__�_..._.__ Dear. oc. and $1.00 oti c �PCD3ai7C5r th not buy substitutes.PEAS. .1S. the genuine. 6 1 ( L . 11) iPOULTRY, , beans. hohcy, onions wanted. 1tI i1r5 r4 isle iip p,. Spread Covering Body, A,,,°sr tai Disfigurement, Itched and Burned, Had to Scratch "liver baby was troubled with eczema Co t' Limited' c`olllnawood On which began on her face and spread all n;;✓. over her body. It was in 1 a rash and was very sore and inflamed, causing aw- ftd distigurement. The rash itched and burned making her scratch tcrri- blyand she was cross. 'Then I. used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Baby was Healed with six cakes of Cuticura Soap and three Luxes of Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Henry Richard, Murray Harbor, P. E. I. April 2, 1917. You may rely on Cuticura to care for your skin, scalp, hair and hands. For Free Sample Eah by Mail ad- dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. • µ S; 1' s Monttr a1. St, C`atharina East, ..., (-�j tut l t.l l .il'l rtir•�Iti tl�l^FFUL Farm nl x1717 s, l l i, i tunifies awaiting, hurt,', l t s; ii a, Buffalo t3'^ ithttu tit 2 Farm 1 lob `s. e } t i bane buitrltri�, l i ,,fi tea -vv \'‘.1 ' e g F.A. r N ANI) FLI;LLl'—Sr edeu- b„rt s ri t vnrk on a real world l)Cy0id and � 111, rt' e ` ,ftir `pai death n IT LaM r•F,11_„ r r 1';ur li,l 1 e ,nt''•• Toronto. tNCER: TUMORS, LUMPS. TETC- internal and externa} titre¢ with - cut pain bYr our home Dr. I3eilttt' n Medical "Fishy” dishes and utensils natural- ly retain their odor, but you can re- move this by soaking the dish.' in tea leaves and leave soild tear leaves ile before washing. and a little water in the frying pan that, too, will loose the repugnant odor. New Air Raid Alarm. The London authorities have begun using sound bombs, or rockets,asf . means of warning the populace ap- proaching aim raiders. These bombs consist of cylinders about eight inches long, weighing one pound each, whh are fixed fosmall attached tooSabf tat pull- ing a lanyard the nose. They rise some 300 feet in the air. More than 200 of them were sent up from seventy-nine fire sta- tions the first time they were used and the result was pronounced very satisfactory. The public was inform. ed about the rockets in advance so that the significance edof ctthe under- stood. lpeculiar sound which they p'lfe stood. 1teinartl'0 I,finb11011t 0n1"es Diose Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles, Lytnplaa; gitis, Poll Evil, Tistulc; Boils, Swellings; Stops Lartieness and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Boot CN gen. It is n SAFE AliT!SEPTfO til GE P7IC Be Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can he vi7orked. Pleasantto use. 12.00 a ;.ottle delivered. Describe your case For special instructions and Book 5 M free. (,asoRBIN E. JR., antiseptic liniment for mankin-1. re. duce` Strains. Painful. Knotted, Swollen Vein. ' inresuPr}e- trated--en:Y a few drops require,'a^.can arri piper bottle at dealers or delivered. Vi, F YOUNG, P. O; F., 513 Lymaas C,dg., hepatica}, San. Absorbing and Absorbing, Jr. an, alma 10 Cao:tail. Exposure Aclaos Cold rain. winds, and dampness bring out the rheumatic aches. An application of Sloan's Linirr.=at will soon have the blood circulating and the pain will disappear. For neu- ralgia, lame back, stiff neck., sprains, strains, and all muscle 'soreness, Sloanslypenet flies aad aei'ewe k rubbing; Na h. uttui ter it yP Better >i n of the pores. out stain to cep ointments. S than plasters -or an of Sloan , t intent• haven Generous an application 25cc50cu$18'CiOd bottles. at all duz3tsts. The k , an Valley In Southeastern Oregon is a beautiful, fertile district that you ought to in- vestigate. Many shrewd ,armors are buying there, 'amuse their keen busi- ness foresight tuns them that Invest• mont will pay big returns from the natural Increase In the value of the land aione, to say nothing of tete bIs crops that they end produce. Prises IOW; tarots anaY. Ask mo for authentic. information. absolutely free. You oro cordially invited to coil at Room lit, ]inlet} Pnolne Building, to see our excellent and extanelvc exhibit of products grown In the Union Pnoifle Country. 11. A. SM1TII, Colonization &Industrial AEir-•- nta.Pacif}cSlot em • Room 1346 5, P.IIidJ , Omaha. Neb. When ianing si tbion ving ana>ao OTTO HCL" PIANO Ar4TION 64 ED. ntrnrvim7. ISSUE 5d•-'17. 1 1 h16'r/ o✓ aC ' RC ' G [.� {P �, ,,,11:1717:72,0 ,x'!1 tidLa1-�'1L �lt.��'�7 DICTI ,NA,MES are in use by business r:ten, engineers, bankers, i uct -=• archi- tects, physicians, fanners, teachers, u:rcceas; aI li- brarians, clergymen, V,,T men and warner; t he rooriW' over. ARE Y01T rQ,UIPP1i!1 TO WIN? The New International is an s11 ::dosis€ teacher, a uni°. crsal question a r -.severer. 400.005 Nona yniary 7er.cs. 2700 Peges. 6000 Illustrations, adored F1:les, 3C,'.130 u a;r0ph 2.553 Bien:gut Engles. Ica] Suttlents, 1' 'r Regular arid Ind: F^aper Editions. '6 o rite far Spec- imen Pages, Il- Inetrations, etc. I� Fr t+, a set of • a . c .'t ]daps 11 you. :targe this agar. f,vSi ATA Springfield, Maas. 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 1.89;02. New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust piping, flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,200 cash for immediate sale. 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 1.16.120 Volts D.C. "Will accept $425 cash for Immediate sale. 1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. Double, Endless. 24 inch x 70 ft. Will accept $300 for immediate sale, although belt is in excellent cors dltlon and new ono would cost about $600. PULLEYS, Large size. 26x66—$30 ; 12x60—$20 ; 12li2x43—$12 ; 12x36--$3. BLOWERS OR other1 4NinS, HBuffalo c f ��o iske. each. One 10 inch, REAL ESTATES CORDO ]EATIONt�d. epi, Toronto