Zurich Herald, 1917-12-14, Page 1• Vol. XV I I I a.. ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER I4, 1917. NEW FALL HORSE GOODS Our stook of fall horse goods has arrived and we cal supply your needs a little cheaper than you can buy them el- sewhere. We have a full line of HORSE BLANKETS,I SASKATCHEWAN ROBES, RUGS, DASH APRONS, S SAND GLOVES, HALTERS, HARNESS, ETC. We have a few fur robes to ,clear below present cost, buggy or ear, from $3.00 to 16.00 We have rugs, either dor Come and see oar Stock. i T j� I�`�,� R. F. STAD E Z V ■,. atamOsli0ee0ef0e1000460.00 SOCO I1000ri000000000m00a to s OyS We still have a number of Boys a !Could not be bought at present Athena for. Come at once if you lothing Suits and Overcoats left. Al goods, for double the price which we of=er want value for your money. Hats, Caps, Ties, Etc Mr. Peter Lamont attended the; Fat Stook Show at Toronto last (week. A meeting in the interests of Thos. McMillan will he held in the Town Hall, Zurich, this Friday: night. ' ' Mr. Wm. Douglas, of near Blake. has purchased Mr. B. ' Higginls 4 farm, adjoining , Brumfield, for $8,000. Mt is a fine place with ex- cellent buildings. A 'T GREATLY REDUCED PRICE S. VERY SUITABLE FOR CHRI- STMAS GIFTS, All our Boy's „Suits and Overcoats'; are going under cost - E. APPEL ZTJRO'II Mr. '.Tos, Campbell of Carlo, Mich is visitnng. at the home of Mr. Wm. La'moxst. 1A number from Zurichattended t1ie McMillan - Aylesworth meet- ing ';held at ,Sea'forth last Friday night Mr. T, L, Wurm has fitted out, the second story of the store ho !occupies as living quarters and. has s moved into them JGtdg,e f:. H. (Dickson, senior jud ge Of th ecounty of Huron, will hear the appeals in Hurroin from, the decisions of the military Ser- vice Triihunals The last meeting of Hay cou.n-, eilr be held on Saturday, Dec. 1.5th, 'The business for the year will.bq wound up at this meeting and all accounts should be prese'nted for. payment. This •i!s also the last day to pay taxes. After Dec. 15th interest will be added an all unpaid Ilexes. rii] RF Q�7ALITY COUNTS 1.06000009660019000696 :egibe 0®000000006000®60®0r's9as00000 Quarterly communion services will be';cunducted on Sunday eve:-!; ningin, .the Evangelical church, 1 and .preparatory services will be, be held on Friday aifternoon. An odder in Council has been passed inereasing the separation al. lowancle to $25 per month from the ++++++ °" lst. Debt a ber to wiives or other `, `¢+•®„�+ +y�rN00i+ ++ r !I LII!,.1161111141-111011flIIIII1111L'iIIllilllllllllGllllil111;Illllpllill!;;!1{!f1111ffEllllilullhsiii6lr. dependeluts of soldiers below the,1 �1Pil!illlllll;i illllllllllll�i "'liriilllilillllllil il;:,1.441i't;-III'lifllliRni!fliill°IIIIIIIIiI�Ililir11111GJ'I" I ' rank ofSergeant in' the Canadian ^ Exlsedilti•3nary. Force. E. .4. N0 23 isot +a+lwa *1 +t ++ +H 4I 44 NEW FALL SHOES AND RUBBERS Our stock was never so large. We can fit you: See our lines before sending your, money to the city catalogue houses. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. e. FRITZ, Zurich The Home of Good Shoes i Necessity tor the practice of the strictest economy iin the use of ,coati in CaInada is emphasized in a communication forwarded to the Dominion FuelController by the Fuel Administratiorn .at Washing- ton. Valliing attention to the fact that the most intensive kind of a coal conservation movements' is under way in the United States, the Fuel Administrator asked Cain- ada to adopt a similar method to; safeguard its supply. Those who put seals of any kind other than postage stamps, an let- ters will do well to r member that, these may be put only on the back, oft he envelope and not on. the, side beaming the address. Post - musters ,have ord*•s to send to the ;Dead Letter., Office 'all letterq.y hailing a seal btn the 'carne side as' the address. Igo if youpost a Letter in thatcondition don't be R. T. DUNLOP, Managersurprised if it never reaches the party to wh.oml it is addressed. neFiNaMoszneas r.. Irian/aerated 1855 The MQLSONS ANK CA]P>, rAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 -98 Blanches in Ca .ada 't General Banking Business Transacted cls .9t:;tAR LETTER OF CREDIT 13'4 1K MONEY ORD ,0 chi Say!. park pepartment •itktf a 1i[E3t: eurrent ±r.teF Zurich Branch Suitable Gifts We have just opened up a large shipment of holiday goods suitable for gifts. Do your shopping early and do it at this store. Now is the time to buy your winter supply of Underwear Wool Socks and Stockings Flannellettes Wool and Flannellette Wrapperettes Blankets Dress Goods Men's heavy top shirts Men's and Boys' woollen and leatherand gloves, etc. Highest Prices for Farm Prothi ee • .. r •. N. LDOUGLAL)- PHONE 11 on 82 BLAKE 1�,,;11LiD,.;i;i;il811p,,11„ 1!:h1U�llu�i:l'=.4' 111111P:..Iil'1�:' .,L...I:�C,: �;;I�Ii1111l:t:111!iih!III:.fli'illllrll�.it;illl�Illliili�illi;,liiilil!IlliiiYliIIIIIIIIIpNlllllllllllliplll1h11l;,� 64-3144.4.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4.044.4. f4+444.$4.44,,+ +++ +++++4.44+44- - 4.44++43 +++r +++44 44+++++++++ ++++++++++++++. arly S..y A..ttdF •t• •,hy GIFSk in the Hardware Sectio ,u : Cutlery of all kinds _ Pyrex Transparent Ovenware Aluminum Cooking Utensils 4raniteware of all kinds Electric sad irons, -toasters, grills, etc. Silverware, Carpet Sweepers Washing Machines and Wringers Skates and Sleds, Rocking Horses Toy Carts and Whcelbarows Stoves and Heaters, etc., etc. PREETER rice for Pro 44.4444,444+14-$ 444+14 • !.+++ *' 4-44+ 444444 HITS + ++++++++++++ +++ +4.+i 4. 'i ti «. 4. a• ++ 4 4-++4ti ± $ •i •H fi..g.++++. 4 4+-H,, maY•% k, op Early y for Xmas Orlr store is filled with Xmas Gifts. Buy useful presents this year. Articles for wear and every day use are most appreciated. We can give yo _i extra value for your money. IIIANKERCHIEFS For- men, women and children. One of the most popular gifts. Our assortment h'as never been so large -silks, Irish linen, embroil- ered, scalloped or hemstitched ed- ged, WOMEN'S NECKWEAR A most ;fascinating col'eetio l of ladies' fancy lace collars and m- :'broidery collars and cuff setts. HAND BAGS , There is noothing never made than the ones we are showing. A !useful present that is sura to please TOWALS we have the largest rang? of towels ever shown, fromthe s;chca- I•.•.st to the 'best. 15c to $1 'each. Phone 9 TABLE LINENS the tard. One of the best in- . +-stments, as linens to -day have advanced. We are sellirng them, at the old price. "ABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS AND SETTS All linen numbers, hemstithhed. Just the thing for an ideal gift, MEirS TIES. In newest styles and colors. OHINA DISHES In endless variety. Makes one :.1 t he best gifts. XMAS RIBBON'S `or tying Xmas. par2els. Xmas_ ?f.seals, etc. A t r -esti stock of candies, nuts, fruits, etc. °•4a w iJRICH 4 44+^+44 4.+++* 1.++++++4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. g 4. 4 4. �1F 41. k 4. 4. 4- 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 s.. 1. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4- 414 4. 4. 4. a.