HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-12-07, Page 8' r" „' ,Y.i1'4+ler' ++',4+++.k ",§'" i y4r'" "++++' + i.+++ 4. 4 4. F +t+ 4 ti. 4 + -t+ 4. 4 +t+ s .l. +d+ 4- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - +, ++++++++II++++++i«;..;.+.,.., +-F+•' + ,s..g++++4-do+-:•.r+ +'1+3++i;••F•+++,i+'h Ladies' af s 'i'V•e have the .celebrated .Rogers Coats again in stock in the newest styles and e`oths s ueh as Plush, Velours, Baby Lamb Cloth, etc. We also have Misse:4 and childrens' sizes in fasliio.tab'e col ors. Do not Tail to see the se should you require a new winter coat. 1 rens Goods - All. wool serve, in black, navy, green, brown, etc., etc., 51 in. wide at from $1.25 to $2.50 per yd. These were all bought before the advance in prices, and are excellent val ue at our prices. Also a full range of velveteens in corded and plain finish at from 60e to $L00 per yard.. milks Silks are in good demand for fall wear and we would be pleased to show you our various lines in Duchess, Ha bitues, Poplins, Pailettes„ crepe du chenes, Georgettes,etc. SPECIAL 100 yds. only, black Duchess, good weight, 30 inches wide at $1.50 per yard. Ladies' and Children's Underwear In Penman's all wool natural or white. These garm- ents are w made of pure wool and give excellent wear We also have flannelette gowns. childrens s'eepers, sweater coats, hosiery in cashmere, all woll, and fleeced lined. Peleres ear Men's and Boy's fine suits, overcoats, raincoats, swea- ters, a complete range of underwear, hats, caps, mitts ;gloves, socks, ties and mufflers. COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, AND GET OUR PRICES. WE FEEL SATISFI- ED THAT WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR -WINT- ER NEEDS. LIVE POULTRY, LARGE ONIONS, DUTCH SETTS AND ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED. Jo o on •000000000000•000000000 00 006600.06••Ci•A••0•000661seeo ri fi We have been re -appointed Agents for the above • Anne 1 Implements and are prepared to take orders of all a kinds of Massey -Harris nz.achines for next season, c9 • • ea 2 MasseyJiarris Implements MOO WNW) (000110064fie s0 0 0 0 • 0 WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY II ARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods, Square Deal Our Prices are always right H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman gess & So The Old Stand e+r it 0 • 0 ©®030®042 0 0 0 •+ etc• re0-00000, a16+1;3?eaaaem1 00®00•06t010000eee0eilitaa0 COOS peel 1 `F:1 w1 - r order for d ver ts Prices Right and Fit Guaranteed SWEATER COATS In all colors and sizes, with or without collars. FURS A big range of Ladies Furs, Plush Coats, etc. Special heavy coating $2.50 per yd. TEDDY BEAR BLANKETS AND QUILTS LAt $1,00 and $1.76+ COCOCA RUGS $1.00 to $1.75, They can be wash E $5.00 to $16 ed„ FRE New Idea Fashion ,S'ieets are now out for Novemter. Copt and procure one. r �i+rapperettes, sannellettes, and Eiderdowns all bought bei ore the big advance in price ANTE Dutch Setts, Live Peniltry, Large Onicnns and all hinds ;in Farin Produce. MEN'S TIES The very latest, tic to $1.00. NEW .SHIRTS Beautiful line of new shirts just arrived, $1.00 to $2.00. WARM CAPS A full line of Men's ani Boy's cape 50c to $2.00 RAINCOATS. We carry a 'big stock in this 'ine A coat for rainy weather or a dress coat. T. L. E4" Phone 28 NE W n J\ PA TFRS dee Visit our Millinery see, the gr'e atiy reduced prier we lE eadwea , 1 -fats' Trimmed and also Trimming's, Veilings, etc,, at 'r.y Low f OdellKline A'L lz,irlors and are offering Untrimmed, no LOCAL MARKETS DIVISION COURT A sitting of the Tenth Division Court was held here on Wednes- day of this week. A few minor cases were disposed of, His Hon- or, Junior Judge, E. N. Lewis ;42 presided, 42 2H0S4 ENTITLED TO VOTE Ali male Britian subjects by birth who get on the voter's lists. Ali male natuea,i.zed British sub - j 2a Who get on the voter's lists and who are no;. Austrians, Ger- mans, Bulgarians or Turks natur- alized, since 1902. Emery orale •of any nation who gets on the vo_er's lists, who has a son, grandson or brother in any armies or navies lighting on our side Corrected every T bairsday, Butter, Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Uats. Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran Shorts Low Grade Live Hogs fob LI rich 05 100 2.10 2.10 53 s5 1 00 1 25 6 75.625 $38 00 44.00 bag 13.00 17 00 Local News ---w FARMS SOLD Mr. Geo. Gabel ha3 sold his 33- aere farm on the Bronson Line, Hay, to his son, Arthur, who gets immediate possession. Miss Jemima Johnston has sold her 75 acre farm on the. South Boundary, •Stanley, near Drysdale, .411 Syrian a.nd Armenian Christ- ians who get tee the.voter's lists. All discharged soldiers or sai:ors may vote in the polling division in; which they live on polling day. All the w'ii'e3, widows, mothers, sisters, and daughters of Canadian soldiers or nurses who are serv- ing or who have served outside of Canada, whether now living or dead, and who get their names on the voter's lists. All the wives. Vidotvs, mothers, ser- vo Mr. FrankCorriveau: of •Stacri-. sisters. and daughters of men ley, who will get possessrorr o+n ting or 'Who have served anywhere April 1st, 1918 -., in the Canadian or British navy, Z. 3. REPORT, whb get on 'the voter's lists. 1,tepurt of Roomi for mouth' of But you roust get on, the list 'hist if you want to vote. The wonia'.n kin of nurses serving out- side of Canada can get on. No etem.ber ; Sr. Pt. II. --A. Hely- 81, -T. Thiel 76, A. Keller U3, h'. Dietrich. 59, E. Leiboia 52, Jr. Pt- II; — M. i eidernan 85; L. Reitch)art 83, 71. Geiger, 81, E. Du,eharme, 80, L. Prang. 78, A. Dietz 76, B. Werner 75, DH. Ded- are? 72, A. Die tr,te1i 58, L. F oste3 48; absent, Sr. Primer; — V, Deichert 88, M. Schwalm 81, R. 'Thiel 18, .B.• Koehler 71, R. • Alorecht 70, W. Neeb. 68, D. Z,ettei tit. Jr. Primer — A. Mi;411elhoitz 21, G, Callfas 80, E. Brenner 80, k+. Uttley 78, R. Durharme 71, E Thiel 67, W. Leiboid 61, M. Zette 60, M. Foster 51, absent. Report oe Renee). 11. for the month of Novemlie. ; Jr. Ili. — Maciciena 141•eidengc,i 273, Gerald Bedard 272, Frances. Itlitteliro.tz -251; :1-r::t:i illerner 226 Ruih Brenner 21u • Edmund Bed arca 197, EIda Calif -as, 192; Austin Schwalm 190, Ethel Hess 161. Sr. II. — Ivan Yungblut 387, Ray mond Fischer 37;, Agnes Zettel 356 John Kocharns 344, May Sch.walna 336, Melia Hots aid 328, Kathleen Salmon 301, Irene Dezher 288, Lizzie Leibold 243, . Vernon David- son, 233; Fred. Daeidso.n 131, Fred Quackenbush. J':;. II. 13. — Dorothy Brenner 340, .Anna Mittelnoltz 525, Claude Meidinger :.93, Leonard Wagner 365 Freda .Howes. .Jr. II. —.Garnet Wolper 630, Lawrence Reichert 450, Wcs1<y -Callfas, 403, Alvin Gascho 305, Ken- neth Koehler 300. P. Kalbf:eiseir, Teacher M. A. Lamont, teacher; 'The 'following is the report for Room II1,, based oo attendance, general work and cot,duct foe the month of November; Jr. IV, -- Whitney Trueinner,553 ; Gordon Wall:er+, f48; Hilda Neusch- wanger 5E9, Dorothy Fritz 510; Len lis O'Brien 428 Euloine i1:iler383; 'Pin= Nauru+ ,22; Gordon !tel 204. Sr. 3.— Evelyn Howard Eva Fee 487, Mary Mittelholtz 412 Veola Prang 460., Muriel Howald 113, Mabel Preeter 380, Ethel Die- trich, 371 ; Pearl Leibold 217, Clair Merner 252, Theodore Deichcrt-194, Ervin Fischer 178. Jr. M. — Eleanor Dueharme X01 Luella Deeher 497, Pearl Gellman 480, Milton Hey 381, 14Iar'egnerite Prang 367, Newell. Ci'igen C2I, Lulu Albrecht 322, Frieda Deichert 283, Minnie Uttley 235, Gordon Sch- walm 212, Gilbert Dueharme 108, Lloyd Hey 47. Irene- Douglas, 'reviler.. 1 WHISKEY IN COLD STOR AGM For'the information of persons interested we are as.ced to announ- cre an the authority of the Huron County Temperance association that the 1:2 barrels of liquor seiz- ed in. a house in S•ec oth, is sail in the cold Storage plant of In- spector Torrance, in Clinton. There have been rumors around that the liquor was returned to Seaforth but this is not torr. ct. The case has been appealed to several courts but the Judges have held that there was no appeal from the Police Magistrate's decisi en and the appeals were in each _ease dismissed with costs. ,As a last resourse the defend - ant liars through the solicitors, es - led the Hon. C. J. Doherty, Min- istter of Justice at Ottawa to deal with the .case, but as yet the inin- isterhas not given his decision. •Campbell— In Stanley, on D•oc tad. to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Campbell, a daughter. COMB SAGE T t IN HAM 10 DAffl(EN If It's Grandmother's Recipe to keep her Locks mark, Glossy, Beautiful, The old -tune mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grand- mother's recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even colorwhich is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youth- ful appearance is of the greatest ad- vantage. Nowadays, though, •we don't have the troublesome task cif the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready -to -use product, improved by the addition of ether ingredients, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." It is very popular because nobody can discover it has been applied. Simply moisten your Comb ora soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a. time; by morning the gray hair disappears, but what de- lights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, is that, be- sidep beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also pro- duces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive. This ;ready -to -use preparation is a de- lightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance, It IS not intended for the cure, raitiga- tion or ,prevention of disease, ,• We give credit to New Years to Prompt Pay Customers. WV if • i a ent The business conducted for many years under the name of C, Hartleib will henceforth be known as Hartleib Faust, Mr. S. E. Faust has taken a half share in the business dating from August 21st, The firm will be better prepared than ever to sup- ply your needs in ,Hardware, Paints, Furniture, etc., at the lowest prices. Special attention paid to Furnace Work, EaveTM. troughing, etc. ilarfiei Faust hardware and Furniture Zurich HURON'S LARCEST COM'!INATW STORE 4. 4. 4. ..e++++++++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++++++++++++++++0 'pFif you intend to build a garage we have material_ of allfkinds for same on hand. Everything in Lumber and Building in ter;sal Combination storm and screen doors made to order.- ,, rder°.,, Custom Planing our Specialty 4. mfr:Azure. ++ 4+++++++Tr+4' .+++.+++++44.++.4. ++++++++++++++44++++++++++e 19 f ('EISO L Z J RICH 4. 4. z s4MF':: a E : �� a `.% 32E-TaE3q itE24229 Cream, Eggs and Fowl WANTED Km!. Will pay highest cash ; price for Cream Fowl and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. • HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH fir! „ �,—+t — _.J,+—+ ---•i — i--_,+,,—+— l.—.y '_ , —_,'"—i"- f —,i'� �,._.�.—J.—.�+— e_,.,,�n NEMHARNESSS ' 1 have opened up a new- harness shop in I Merner's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel j and am prepared to do everything in harness ,I. repairing, binder canvas repairing, etc. Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited I FRED THIEL Z i 1 RICH i+— '+—+—+--+—+—+--+—+-. €+— 1.....4-M,4.703,0541.4....-, -•--- , IA2 VIAN INVESTMENT OF YOUR SAVINGS lfoney lying at a lots rate of interest will earn for you each six months more interest dollars by in- vesting it in a Huron & Erie Debenture. ' You receive the unconditional promise of this Mit Century o ..t l.ioreatiotr that your funds will be repai,1 at the Li ,:++ promised together with half -yearly interest the+ei.w, .L'1or terms of line, two, three, four or fiye years interest is paint . rate of 5 �.�..:'�' e..erit per annum Whir not ask for further particulars?' THE MO fir 'CORPORATION rTEa6 1514 Jlu+. . +, 'DonironofCanada' LONDON, ONT. Appli,` :.i5,- ,. s:eberitureS received Fay u� HES, Agent • 44,1 it ONTARIO tet.; Y� 4:277" inept,.. 14,114. n.+F ti F Zr