HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-12-07, Page 5AI& • The Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES Suuday, German me --- 9.45 a. m, Sunday School 11.00 a, m. " Service English ... 7.30 p.m, Tuesday Jr, Y. "0. A, 7.30 p.m, Tueeday, Y. P. A. — --- 8,15 p. m, Thursday Prayer Meeting 7.30 p.m. Friday, Choir Practice 8 30p. m. Ladies' Aid-, first (Wednesday ev- ening of each month 8.p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School ... ... 9 a, un,, Germain Services, Sunday 10 30a,m, English Service, Sunday IRO p.m. Luther League, Friday 8. p, n. Ladies' Aid :meets first Tuesday of each month at 2,30 re. me LEGAL. CARDS. PROUDFOOTeKILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Ptliee ec. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from. Hamilton St, Godericb. Private funds to loan at lo vest rates W. Paouneeor, K. C. J. L Krucalea, H. J. D. Come Mr. Cooke will be in Efensall on Friday and Saturday of each week, Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTIST ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE — HENSALL. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS ROairmcg- a Speczalty War THE CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. LACKA THE .STANDARD ANTHRACITE 1).A. Ca telon Hensail Phone, Office 10; 'Houee, M, B. Zuriah Meet ARKET Fresh ancl Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Mew. illighest Cash Price for Wool OASEI 'FOR SKINS* HIDES 7-mgbliat t35 Delohnt The !ome insuarnce Co. Paid-up Capit.01 $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177,25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 4Q cents per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guarantnea, .5',,,,.4 -,,.. „, - 4 Si Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods 1911,111Gr=r- ASEVIE.M. Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC' SLAG 'Shipment of Basic Slag will be in in, D.eceneber. As I will &e. unable to get this fertilizer in the, spring, you should order require.- iments at once. Ask .your neighbor about re. - milts from using tthe Basic Slag. PRICES MUCH LO:WER THAN ORDINARY FERTILIZER Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made by one Of the larg- est Canadian Corapaniee. Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for ievery purpose JOSEPH LO ft. N). 2, 'Zurich. I ,i ILOCAL NEW 1! 11 Miss Salina Beaver, .of Hansen, visited friends here on Tuesday, Mr. W., O'Brien, and family Vis- ited relatives in Hensel'. on Sun- day. Isike and Mrs. Tiles, Murdoch, of Hensall, visited relatives is town on Sunday. • FOR SALE;— Pair ladies skates and shoes, new, size 4. Apply at Herald Office. Mr. F. W. Gladman, barrister, of Exeter, „was a business N'isitor in Zurich 'on Wednesday. Mr. W. FL Nita and H, Truember are attending the Fat Stock Show. being held at Guelph this week. Mr. Bowers, of pear Stratford, is visiting at the. home. of her nephew, Mr. W. O'Brien, at pres- ent. The Ladies' Aid of the Evangel- ical church held their annual el- Oa-el:monster ba e gone to the freezing eetion of officers oa Tuesday aft- ernoon in the basement of the chur 'mut audnearly enough snow ht eh, which resulted as follows; Pres. folien to make good sleighing.. Mrs. C, L. m ., L. Faust; Treas., Mrs. 0, Fritz; wagon, ont he Zurich roa,d, east Result of Exemption Claims •STOP CATARRH! OPEN CLAIMS ALLOWED ; NOSTRILS AND HEAD Ed, Kallefielsele Robt. B. Arra, Says Cream Applied in Nostrils . strong, Russel .0aynhani, Edman t Relieves I -fend -Colds at Ozice. Zimmerman, Ferd Schroeder, Eine' anuel Koehler, Ueo. E, Webb, Wk I If your nostrils are clogged and Your head is stuffed and you eun't breathe freely because of a cold or cataerli, jut get a. small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug etore. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptie cream info your nostrils o,ral let it penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and dealing tho inflamed, swol- len 'raucous' membrane and you get in- ptant relief. how good it feels. Your nos- trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely'e Cream Balm. is Just H. Green, Leslie J, Goetz, Lyal Davison, Clifford Sherritt, LOL i3 Zi'er, Wm, Armstrong, John Zte- tel, Wm, Koehler, Chas, P. Tippett, Arthur Chapman, Chas W, Rath - well, earn Gausden, Herbert Plat - ten, Robt. A. McGee, Jas. R. Camp- bell, oNrman S. Campbell. CLAIMS DISMISSED Herbert C. Kraft, Daniel A,, Vincent, Ruskfi G. Keys, EmersOn Heard, Geo. Cassell. what, sufferers from head colds and ea- tarrhineed. It's a delight, • Mr. IL H. Neeb is attending the •session of th? Huron County Coun- cil at Godelich this week. • Rev, Renibe, of Hamilton; visit ANIMMOINIONNIMIliedm. LOST—.A. silver. necklace, Flinti- er return to this office, ed at the Lutheran parsenage fur a , Highets cash prices paid , Cor few days thie week. Hides and Raw Fars. Dan Winter is here in earnest. 'The Koehler, opposite carriage shop, Zurich. Lost --A purse,between Hensel], you should not miss have on hand the following which were bought before the_big advance in price. Buy now and save money. • ON PETER HAMILTON ,CULTIVATORS I can save you $19 each. These cultivators are second to none and are giving the best of satis faction, ON LOW -DOW N IVIANURE SPREADERS I can save you $26 each. Only two left. On 'WAGONS, I can save you $ 20, - On BUGGIES $25. Op HAY RAKES $3. Only one left. Also one LITTER CARRIER OUTFIT on which I can save you $20. One price to all, these are no consignment goods. The above facts and prices speak for themselves, at once if you need any of these as I have no time to canvass. A new line ©f Cutters. DeLaval Cream. Separator Agency We handle Ramps, ete Call R e a and Zinieh, containing about $V7,S0' VULCANIZING S e .es Miss I LOST— springseat for Suitable reward if returned t 1 • Herald Office, Zurich. I I have instal'ed a complete Vul-1 &ace Mrs. W. Callfas; organist, of the •vilia.ge. Finder please re- canizthg outfit am d can Jo Mrs. W. 'Hoffman ; rec.-sec., Mrs. turn to owuer, Geo, Thiel, Zarieh. LOST—In the westerly portion o'; kinds of auto tire repairs. Both W. L. Siebert. Stanley toWnship, a purse of mon- Inner and out': casinge. I can NOMINATION IS LATE The municipal nominati)n this year will be h&c!. on I'donday, the Consisting of lot 14, con. . 13, 3 day o ee - • , eclion one week. latee, Monday, Jan ely situated, has good buildinga, 7th. 'This. is the letest •possible, plenty of .good water, well cult - date the nomination can be held, iveted, and convenient to school but it is fortunate it is ,easay and market. Pot, particulars are - l ' this year as all the sore, spots from ply to Alex Ousseau, R. R. No. 3, the Dominick.' elJctioe should be: Zurich •sOiamonioncoallageramearasomas ENUMERATORS APPOINTED FARM FOR SALE The .foilowing is • the list of en -1 umerators appointed to make up I Consisting.of 130 acres, being let the voters' list for -the corning el- 21 and part lot 22, con. 7, Hay setion. for Hay and Snaley Town-' Good buildings and land is all -go - ships ; od, and well cultieated. Plenty Stanley—No Fenwick SteWeet,1 of good water. Convenient to No, 2: Alex M?Berh; No. 3. Robe market, church and school. Thisis ,ert Richardson; No. 4, James a desirable farm being situated on 1Stephenson; No, 5, W, H. Talbot. the Zurich Road. For particule (Hay—No. 1, Milton Russel; No. ars apply to Solomon Schroeder, 2, Robt. Brownlee; No. 3, Hy. How- R. R. No. 1, Zurich. 16-4t. ald; No. 4, 'A. G. Ehnes; No. 5, W. H. Pfile; No. 6, Edmond Wil ler11; No. 7, R. J. Green; No. FARM FOF.SALE lstd f D ember and the el- Hay, 80 acres. This farm ;silk-, healed over by that time, Robert leurnbull. • A subscriber has sent us a for -1 mala for the -manurmeture of fuel .out of old newspapers, which it is. .claimed has been used most succ- essfully, • If such is the caae. • it will prove -a .. great boon, to .thel citizerts, especial y le this year of setarce and dear coil. and it is well wortih giving a trial. The; loge wilt burn from an hour to an hour and a hall' in any fireplwee or stove. The fol owing is the form -.1 • ula ; "Spiead five sheets of IlOWS- papars folded onee, an a table with folded end toward vou and been to mil in a fah•ly 11 ,ht ro!l. Bafare the first 8,120,011 is rolled completely. insert a secc,nd sec- tion, add newspape;• untia r.ell 'two or 'thi•ee inehes in Glia ei"ter made. Before finishing the last section, of the roll fold bank a II the sheets except the outside one, so that only o•n• sheet 3.c.rnains,, Paste ibis around ril, it in threes inch !lengths, saturate with ker.-, Oslene ol oil; fa- of merneint. One or two will meek a go id fire. FARM FOR SALE For Sele, lot 22, S. B,, Stanley, containing 10) eters On preir isee is 'a good frame louse, large barn with two driving eller& and other out buildings. Well fenced and drained and plenty of good 'water. The farm. is -in a first class slate of cultivation.For full particulars apply to H. C. Zapfe, Blake, Ont. LO K! JIM'S OF SALTS IF YOUR KIDNEYS FIIJR Kat less meat if you feel 3ackaohy or have Bladder trouble—Salts fine for Kidneys. Meat forms uric acid which excite -5 and overworks the kidneys in their efforte to filter it from the system. Regular eat- ers of meat must Rush the kidneys occa- sionally. You must relieve thorn like yoU relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feol dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, diz- ziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and wheie the weather is bad. you have rheumatic 'twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times durir/g the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table- spoonful in a glass of water before break- fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorders dis- appear. This famous salts is made from tbe aeid of grapes and lemon juice, cam- bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate slug- gish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jed Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful effervescent lithia- water drink which millions of men and women take vow and tlien, thug avoiding 00110110 hallieY and bleeder ceases, Why. not use tbe best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. G. F. CASE & SON PHONE`al Ei\ISALL A FuP Supply Heavy and Light All sizes and prices. See our all -white heavy rubber .for men. Guaranteed in every way . Live fowl taken every Thursday forenoon. LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale LOCAL AGENT WANTED —for— ZURICH and district —to sell for— "THE OLD RELIABLE FONT - HILL NURSKRIES" Splendid 'list o,f Stock For Fall planting, 1917 apld Springa,nntieg 1918 Including many new varieties which we alone control. Send for new illustrated eat- alogue, also Agent's Proposition. Handsome free outfit; Exclusive Territory. Liberal Commissions. Stone L Wellington The Fonthill Nnseries (Established 1837) TORONTO ey, papers, eta., Finder will be also repair and haif ? returning same to owner, Mr. boots and shoes. Thos. ErOwnett, Varna, P. 0. NOW IS THE TIME TO • THIS WORK DONE BEFORE' Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETO. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE ASS INSUR ANC AuroetoBax FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR HuR.0:,„; ERI.;', LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANOE Herald Office Zurich 4,a THE RUSH OP SPRING WORK COMES IN. T. H. Agur, Garage, Hensall Air, Allot) Foster has moved to Ilene:all to reside. New Ads— E. Appel, R. N. Doug- las, Union Government., FOR SALE — White Leghorn cockerel, Youngs and Wychaff's strain. Also Barred. „Roele cock- erels, $LIM each. Wm. Leibold, Babylon Line, Hay. Get your fall printing done at The Herald Offiee. We have on hand envelopes, ietttr heads, note' heads, bill heads and statements of superior quality, at right pri- Vie Want Now A reliable Agant i.i Hueon Coun- ty to sell Pelham's Peeress Fruit and Ornamental tram during Fall and Wiriter months rood pay, exclusive territory, free: selling equipment. OVER 600 ACRES Of the choicest Nutsery stock in- cluding NEW' vali-Ces controlled by us. Handsome up-to;itaitde,Csealn- ' equipm?n: and a sp, ad.= grown stock to offer cos- : tomers. We are not jobbers. Write now' for agency terms to PELHAM NURSERY Co. Toronto N. B. •Catalogue sent on re- quest to applicants for agencies or purchasers of Nursery stoek. For Sale—Sows in pig, land a cow due to calve at .New Year's. Apply to Joseph Rau. Drysdale. We are always p`t•ased to publi- sh school. reports. Out of town teachers can sand reports by mail, enelosing in envelope and placing one cent peetage on same ces. leaving it tijnsea'ed. Callials=9.31.assrS=.10.1sT.C.-- sn====r... - eee' a tee A..) tee • r". r 7 iS 1.4.0 . „.. . _ ., „ • • • _ CI.-- a -- ',AVl. Ceee'l •,,,,e.:7:1-7.1,_itig7.11 `1 0 • 1-•1; . • • ' 9 • t, A 'leer et -e etaeee?'7''$ '7111 e7Z".-f-;° -;•f c-...# te...! '"e7 ee...se:4e .'? OURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford owner you can get it. You are always "among friends". There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- out Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners —for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or motor adjustments. The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only $5.40. Just compare this with the eost of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. teta7teerMiSgogPr ,,reors'c'77 Runabout - - S475 Touring - $495 THE UNIVERSAL CAR F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. 1 COOK ROS., De4lers, 4111.01.11MM.1.1110M4{.61.1i1."141.1029.11111., t114M21.0111.161.4..01.12M.68.0fili ne, /1.1,1,4,4,771. 24,71 -IF • TS kLL