HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-11-30, Page 7ILECTRICITY
O -!`'I, f BE •EAT H
Ilave -harnessed Steam Power of Ilot
Springs To Transmit Electric .
From historic times the hot springs
of Volterra, near Florence, have been
famous both as a cure place and as
the scene of one of the most perfectly
preserved of the old Roman mountain
In the November issue of The
World's Work (which has been paying
a great deal of attention 'to Italian
war inventiveness), there is a remark-
able article telling ,how the Italians
have harnessed the steam power of
these wells to transmit electrical
forces for hundreds of miles.
The• source—the reservoir, so to
speak ----of the steam was under an im-
pervious stratum of hard rock from
throe' to five hundred feet beneath the
surface, and the plan decided upon
was to drive large bores down to this
level and conduet the steam to the sur-
face in iron pipes.
The temperature of the steam is-
suing from these bores varied from
150 to 190 degrees, Centigrade, or
from fifty to ninety per cent. hotter
than' the usual boiling paint of wa-
ter, 212 degrees, Fahrenheit. The
question was now as to whether or not
this entirely satisfactory heat and
pressure could be expected to be main-
tained, and to . this end experiments
extending over several years were con-
Prof. Luigi's SuccaSs.
You Can De Your Bit
in preventing waste by de-
manding the whole wheat in
breakfast foods and bread.
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
is 100 per cent. whole wheat
grain prepared in a digestible
form—contains more real nu-
triment than meat or eggs or
potatoes and costs much less.
Serve with mills;_ or cream,
sliced peaches, bananas or
other fruits.
Made in Canada.
Marriage and Talk.
It is only when people are different 1
that they have -a great deal to say,i
When they are alike they are satin -
fieri just to be in each other's company.
As married folk gradually exchange
ideas and reconcile their differences
their conversation is apt to give way
to a contented and sparing use of ver-
bal shorthand. A marriage of long
standing that is still noisy with con-
stant talk is not one to be envied. It
{ argues an irrepressible conflict.
At the encl of this time it was ap-
parent that none of these bores was
likely to show any diminution in capa-
city provided °.ply that no new hples
were put down within fifty feet of it.
After an exhaustive series of ex-
periments, this difficulty was finally
overcome by (to use Professor Luigi's
words) "applying the superheated
steam, not directly to the engine, but i
to a boiler; that is, by applying it in-;
stead of fuel to an ordinary multitu-1
bular boiler, in which steam was pro -1
duced at a pressure of two atmos -1
pheres, then passed through a super-
heater, and afterwards used for driv-
ing a 300 -horse -power condensing
steam turbine, directly connected with
a tri -phase electric generator."
The latter provided enough power
for lighting the works and the vile
lages around Larde;�•e��llo. It had been
in operation success -Fully for several.,
months when Italy entered the
war, and it was the tremendous in-!
crease in the price of coal and oil,
neither of which that country pro-
duces in more than practically negli-
gible quantities, which gave impetus
to the project of increasing the in-
stallation to a size sufficient to allow
of the production of power for trans-
mission to Leghorn, Pisa, Florence,
and other not ,far distant industrial
Perhaps the most astonishing fact
in connection with what followed is
that, although the system was hardly
out of its experimental stages, an
installation capable of generating 15,-
000 horsepower of electrical energy
was designed, completed and put into
operation at a less cost, and in less
time, than a similar installation run
by water power could have been built.
Of Incalculable Benefit.
One of the coming events which all
live stock Hien and farmers should not
miss is the Toronto Fat Stock Show,
to be held at the' Union Stock Yards,
on Friday and Saturday, December 7th
and Sth. The Auction Sale always
brings record prices, and it is well
worth your time to see the competi-
tion among packers and butchers for
the prize winners. Entries for this
year's show are larger than ever.
Careful experiments have shown
that each of the bores put down in this
region can be depended upon to pro-
duce steam of a temperature of from
150 to 200 degrees, Centigrade. At the
average rate of 15,000 to 25,000 kilo-
grams per hour, this gives a theoret-
ical horse -power of from 1,000 to 2,000
for the same period.
On the basis of these figures, Prof.
Luigi estimates that hundreds of thou-
sands of horsepower can be produced
in the Larderello region, as the Sof-
floni area covers niany square miles.
As neither of these regions is of
anything approaching the extent of
the geyser countries of the Yellow-
stone Park or of New Zealand—or,
indeed, many other hot springs areas
which are known to exist in both of
the. Americas es well. as Asia and
Africa—the vi: > f possibilities open-
ed up by this Ir ' the great scien-
tific problems 1. a.; have solved for
the benefit of the world fairly stag-
gers the imagination.
Preserving Overshoes.
Cutting a heel -shape piece out of an
old overshoe and pasting iie in the heel
of new overshoes prevents the heel
wearing out while the rest of the over-
shoe is comparatively new.
Fish Omelet. -2 heaped tablespoons
,cooked fish, 1 tablespoon grated
cheese, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon butter,
pinch of cayenne and salt. Beat the
add the
yolk of the ilre•
g, a
and" seasonings. Fold in the white of
the eggs, whipped to a stiff froth,
and put the mixture quickly into a
frying pan of omeletpan an in which e
butter has been melted. - When the
egg begins to set, stir in the fish, and
cook until the omelet is done, Serve
New Designs You
Wiii Like •
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen,—Last winter I received
great benefit from the use of MIN
ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack
of LaGrippe, and I have frequently
proved it to be very effective in cases
of Inflammation.
. Yours,
tit ifI C.trr.
The small las will enjoy wearing
this good-looking little suit. McCall
Pattern No. 8080, Boy's Silt. Pat-
tern in. 3 eizes; 2 to 6 years. Price,
15 cents.
Characteristic Suggestions.
A gentleman who had a good collec-
tion of china, deploring to his friends
the carelessness of a manservant
whose fingers, as the Scotch would
say, "were all thumbs," said he did
not know what to do with him.
"Why not dismiss him?" said the
practical Englishman.
"But he is a good servant," said his
"Stop it out of his wages," said the
Scotsman, with the excellent caution
of his race.
"But," said the master, "he breaks
more than his wages would pay for."
"Why not raise his wages?" asked
the Irishman.
Mivarct's Liniment Cures Colds, &o.
Frocks of a delicate color always
look better if washed in bran water,
no soap being used.
Potato Chowder. -14 lb. salt pork,
6-10 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon
chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon flour, 1
tablespoon dripping, 1 pint milk, 1
teaspoon salt, ?/s teaspoon pepper,
Cut pork and potatoes into cubes and
cook with the seasonings, and -suffici-
ent water to cover until done. Make
th6"white sauce of the fat, flour and
milk. Drain off the surplus water
when the potatoes are cooked, add the
white sauce and reheat.
ow to Purity
the Blood
"Fifteen to thirty drops of
Extract of Roots, commonly
called Mother Seigel's Curative
Syrup, y
may w
bo taken1 in
Y p
with meals and at bedthne, for
the cure of indigestion, consti-
pation and bad blood. Persist-
ence In this treatment will effect
a cure in nearly every case.»
Get the genuine at druggists.
fly .�
ED.7. ISSVE 48—'17.
se) eroceee
Aid • in Mannfacture of Splints For
Wounded Soldiers.
Several prominent British sculptors
are ;among the voluntary workers at a
new war factory just opened in Lon-
don to provide special splints and
similar devices for injured soldiers,
The splints are made chiefly of wa-
terpi?oofefl papier mache from plaster
casts taken fr'ozn the patients them-
selvee and are light as air and perfect
fitting as compared with the old wood
and leather splints.-
In the surgical boot department vol-
untary women workers under the
guidance of professional boot makers
will tarn out leather and metal re -en-
forced boots for convalescents.
Many a serious illness has been
avoided by the prompt use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. These pills actually
enrich and purify the blood, and in
this way build up the system, tone and
strengthen the nerves and invigorate
the vital organs.
Serious. diseases . generally Colne
franc some simple disorder that has
been neglected. Therefore any thin-
ning of the blood should be looked up-
on as a warning sign, and more
serious illness should be avoided by
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
In the case of young girls and women
the blood is peculiarly liable to get
out of order—to become thin and
watery—and to iead to a general
breakdown in health. This can be
avoided by the occasional use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, which are suit-
able for the most delicate constitu-
tion, These pills will give you a new
appetite, improve your digestion, tone
and strengthen weakened nerves, ban-
ish depression and lack of energy,
clear the complexion of pimples and
blotches, cure pain in the back and
general weakness, cause the disap-
pearance of headaches, dizziness and
heart 'fluttering. Give these pills a
fair trial' and you will soon note a won-
derful change in your condition. Your
spirits will brighten, good health and
strength will return, and you will feel
like a new person. You can confirm
these statements by enquiring among
your friends almost anywhere, as
thousands and thousands of hopeless
sufferers have been restored to new
health and energy by using Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills.
You can get -these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for 42,50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
rockville, Ont.
New designs are
always apprecia ood
looking as this o e: _c 'attern
Na. 8069. Ladies' House Dress. Pat-
tern in 7 sizes; 34 to_46 bust. Price,
20 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or from
the LIeCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,
Dept, W.
Mrs, H. Blanche, St. Pamphile, Que.,
writes:—"I have obtained great re-
sults from the use of I3aby's Own
Tablets. They are the only Medicine
I know of that one can depend upon
to promptly cure bowel and stomach
troubles" The Tablets never fail to
relieve the little one and besides the
t11lf fi GDN1P»flpfli�
{I�,,sosoNTO,Q onTRL• A,,
o-ias been Canada's favorite yeast for over a
quarter of a Century. Bread barked with Royal
Yeast will keep fresh and moist longer than that
arcade with any other, so that a fon WOWS supply
can easily bo made at ono haking, and the last
loaf will be just as good as the first.
WWNrinme TORONTO, ONT. zaorrrratiu.
• A. Cameo.
The wise forget, dear heart;
They leave the past
And play the hero's part,
Brave to the last.
They weep not nor regret,
Calm are their eyes.
Dear heart, the wise forgct•-
I am nut wise! ---
-Jeannette Bliss Gille
rdiinar d's I;dnianent Cures Distemper.
There ought to he >nany time.' when
we get de,wn on our knees, but we
never opght to fail to do this when we
see that little heap of sawdust at the
foot of- a fruit tree. Save the tree
from the borers by getting right after
them with a °.;harp narrow -bladed
knife. Kill them or they. tit ill hill your
Spy Minard's Tin rater t Ceres ertr ••et in Cows
-� `--SETS' L:1i1:, 111tiS. POULTRY, 11:5 1•'I.AS,
1 14v;31:::hr,n, moons ti me 1 High-
est urir t t er1t rn J. Ii 1r. rnautt, 1105
What He Needs.
"Papa," said Tcmmy, "little brother ..:
is a.. month old -to-morrow, isn't he?" >sr-wr.uxzazwicrztr a
"Yes." 6 4' LAN. 'E:: 1.: f> 1I , L•"---tiweden-
`:Let's you and me rive him a birth- JI i borg':l great toil. on a real
" world beyond uu t the life atter death a
day present.".400 pages ; only , Droit \V
postpaid. .
" \eery well. \a.hat shall it be?" H. Law, 9501) Euclid lirl A venue. Toronto.
`Let's buy him a wig. Ile needs d{y A I:Elft Ti.rMORs. Lvmtt's nuc..
liti intprnat and external. cured with -
that mare'ri anything:'
out pain by our home treatment. Write
wn.bTrimtted, rnttinewo t 1tOn maa Modica'
When ordering goods by mail, send _
---•—.- -- �-`'�"`� .tri w
a Dorniiiidn Express Money Order.
Of linSal Interest t+ Syrup r�r? ^ 1
i9a¢rle .,
Those Last Dear Moments.
St e ti, a Yin o East 3lontt
Each at her post we women stand;
Mine is the safer, easier part—
And yet there is an iron band
Of envy round my heart
For her, the weary nurse who spent .
Those last dear moments at his side,
The woman who in pity hent
And kissed him when he died.
—Amelia Josephine Burr.
A Strange Sight on the Sandy Plains
of Southern Africa.
One of the oddest sights on the
sandy stretches of plain in southern
Africa is a party of waltzing ostriches.
A writer on the subject thus de-
scribes their queer antics: "When
there are a number of then they will
start off, and, running a few hundred
yards, will stop and, with raised wings,
will whirl rapidly round till they are
stupefied, or perhaps break a leg.
"The males pose also before fight-
ing, They kneel on their ankles,
opening their wings, and balancing
themselves alternately forward and
backward, on to one side or the other,
while the neck is stretched on a level
with the back and the head strikes
the sides, now on the right, now on the
mother has the guarantee of a govern- i left, while the feathers are bristling.
went analyst that they are absolutely
!The bird appears at this time so ab -
safe. They are sold` by medicine deal- ' sorbed in its occupation as to forget
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
How Physician Saved a Life a Thou-
sand Miles Distant.
The captain of a tramp steamer in
the Gulf of Mexico was lately taken
ill with ptomaine poisoning. With Prussian eagle,
all that is going on around him, and
can be approached and caught.
"The male utters a cry, which
sounds much like an effort to speak
with the mouth shut tight."
The war colleetion of the Royal Li-
brary of Berlin now numbers 50,000
volumes, and they are bound in spe-
cial covers of gray, stamped with the
death staring him in the face, on ac-
count of inadequate medical aid, he de-
cided to call, by wireless, for assist-
anceefrom the physicians at a naval
station a hundred miles away.
In. the event the message was pick-
ed up by a liner seven hundred miles
away, and the ship's surgeon made all
haste to reply to this strange "S.0.5."
with a full and detailed prescription,
which was without much difficulty
made up from the tramp steamer's
medicine -chest, and the captain's life
was saved.
A fireman on a Canadian Pacific
liner which carries no surgeon was
attacked in mid -ocean with internal
hemorrhage. Wireless communication
was secured with an Allan liner, and
details of the symptoms transmitted
across a thousand miles of ocean, A
prescription was not only received,
but daily consultations took place for
some time, and the medicine was
"changed" several times. •
For emergencies a wooden auto-
mobile tire, made in sections to be
bolted to a wheel, has been'invented.
VI sn*S0411.1
mtainsvrtt's S,inianeait Mires Diphtheria,
p srtarelt izd . yelidsy
Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by
-.Ina, Dust and Wind quickly
relieved by Murine. Try it in
r your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes.
OU t n rloSmartiag,3ustEye Comfort
figurine Eye Re edynngivUnlreelno
Eya Salve, in Tubes 25e. ro, Ficoihj as S/el — Free, '
Ark /Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicaane' a
Make Bees Work Overtime
Plans are being worked out in
California whereby at the end of thee
honey -gathering season bees will be
transported to a new region where
flowers are blooming to see if they
will continue their work and thereby
increase the output.
Agents Wan ed
In all towns where we are not re-
presented to sell our phonographs to
their friends at factory prices. Every
machine guaranteed made in Canada
and we guarantee satisfaction. Write
at once for particulars.
The World Phonoll'raph Co., Dept. W.
739 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont.
9•.. . os.Via
When braying your . Piano
insist on having an
o—o_'_o--.._oo.._o-a-o�.o__-u _o—.o—O ---
How to make a creamy beauty lotion I DOESN'T HURT A BIT l
for a few cents. II 4
---- b No foolishness! Lift your corns
'rhe .juice of two fresh lemons
strained into a battle containing three
aunees of orchard white makes a
whole quarter pint of the most re-
markable lemon skin beautifier at
about the cost one must pay for a
small jar of the ordinary cold creams.
Care should be taken to strain the
lemon juice through a fine cloth so
no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion
will keep fresh for months. Every
woman knows that lemon juice is used
to bleach and removd such blemishes
as freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
Inst try it! Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the grocer and make
up a quarter pint of
this sweetly
lemon lotion and massage it
daily into the face, neck, arms and
and calluses off with fingers
—It's like magic 1
Wide awake Maple :';'rut, '.lftl:ers
will consult their beet lab rests by
ordering their su1:r ;es new in-
stead of delaying mill Iiiarc;li, our
busiest time. write for our free
booklet telling al:0m our "Cham-
pion" Evaporator, l:iido in 22 s:les
suitable for latae or s ..,a:: geaves.
58 Wellington St., Mo mtt oa , Que.
BOO Sa3avira x'33' horoughphi
but you can clean them off promptly with
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or
any kind of a corn, eau harmlessly be
lifted right out with the fingers i1' you
apply upon the corn a few drops of
fraezone, says a Cincinnati authority.
E'or little cost one can get a small
bottle of freezone at any drug Store,
which will positively rid one's feet
of every corn or callus without pain.
This simple drug dries the moment
it is applied and does not even irri-
tate the surrounding skin while ap-
plying it or afterwards,
This announcement will interest
many of our readers. If your drug -
!gist hasn't any freezone, tell him to
surely get a emelt bottle for you from
1 his wholesale drug house,
and you work the horse same time.
Does not blister or remove the
hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered.
Will tell you more if you write.
Book 4 M free. ABSORBINE,
the antiseptieliniment for mankind,
reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured
Muscles or Ligaments, Enlarged Glands. Wens.
Cysts. Allays pain quickly. Prirc fl and $:
battle at dreagi,te or delivered.
W F \''3U118, P. 0. F., 510 Lymans 6idg., i,:ontrial, Can.
•Grbsarbtue and Ab,oralcn, Jr.. are made is Canada.,
u;;' ii
That Burned arid Pained
Four Years. Hair Came
Out Loss of Sleep.'
"My scalp was red and very itchy,
and a tine rash developed which burned
and pained incessantly. This seemed to
destroy the hair roots, causing my hair
to come out, which disfigured the top of
my Tread. It also caused loss of sleep.
"The trouble lasted four years. Then
I sent fora free sample of Cuticura San
and Ointment which encouraged me 50
I bought more, and I had "ne c.;ke of
Cuticura Soap and one box , tf Ofn' ni'nt
and I was healed." (Signed) ji,l t ::an-
ninglram, Church St., Antigonikh N.S.,
April 4, 1917.
Why not make Cuticura
u ~
dav toilet soap and preventskin trr,ui;es?
Absolutely nothintr better.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. .A,
Boston, U. S. A." tit,id ,,verv.e!', e.
Outdoor Workers
are subject to exposure to all kinds
of weather. and strenuous outdoor
work brings the rheumatic achcs.You
can't afford to be laid up, so heed that
first twinge of rheumatism. Use
Sloan's Liniment. Clean and con-
venient, no need to rub, no stains.
no clumsy plasters and your pain
Sprains, .trains, neuralgia aches and stiff,
sore reveries a,. all relieved by the appll-
c.rtion of Sloan's Liniment.
Generous size bottles at all druggists;
50c.. $+