HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-11-30, Page 5e • d. .r • a LFLr • Le. tie tp ce ie,. The Chucrhes pv11.1COMICAL CHURCH SERVICES sumclay, Geriiian '044 •-• 9.45 a. in. „ Sunday SehOol 11.00 a Da. •A n sosige ..).1)01113 e7'7/1.;!?,i. Tuesday Jr. Y. P. A. '7.80 p.m; Tuesday, Y. P. A. — — 8.15 p. en. Thursday Prayer Meeting 7.30 pen. Friday, Choir Practice — 8 30p, m. LadiesAid, first 'Wednesday ev- ening of each month 8.pan, LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Schaal — 9 a. •Tn. Germ= Services, Sunday 10 30a,,m, English Service, Suinclay 7.30 pan, ther League, Friday 8. p, •.t L.00AL NEWS. Dr. B. A. Cainpbell paid 'a bus - I. iness visit tQ TOranto on Monday, ld Oeseh who spent. the ,„ Summer months out west, return- ed home st week. '. ._ leer. ,J J. Merrier, M. P., waS -• - Toron$ for 'a fent days this week, on businese, The C.11.ristmas tree. .exercises in the Lutheran .church will be held on the evening Of 1Vionday., Dee, 24th, ! . The Annual Chtistmas ,entertaio- usent of the .F,valegelical church will be. held on .Claristmas evening, C. 23th, • , • 16einerle slater veallete! ; I • . a PulleIrsapNEARREI TOIVP b16 g e Nod- trilS and End Head-Colda, Yee% feel fine in'a, few rnonieuts, You THE GleNTLE REBUKII man Who was 'passages of your head. will clear an4 ,Your clogged nostrils will open. rhe When •a wealthy you can breathe freely. No more dull seoppiug . at a keloricia, hotel UB -1 ghected to included the hotel vacs, Twos, headache; no hawking, snuffling the proprietor took advanthge mucous discharges or dryne_ese; nceetrug e. mg for breath at right.' ti guestls\ IT 11 d • t t- 11 the oversight and at Tell your ruggis you Wall small departure presented ain exorbit- bottle of Ely's Cream, 13alm. Apply a cold in head or eatarrli will be gone and., bill. 't little of thie fragrant, antiseptic cream The guest, 1),ovever, paid with in your noattils,:let penetrate through out a murmur. Trien ha shid, as every air passage of the heade, soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and catarrh kdr, and Mrs, Ed, Seim attended! he folded up eihe receipt in his 1 Ladies' Aid caeets first Tuesday of thee ifunera o :h• ?Rat month lat. 2.30 p. ra. 'Miss Alena Seim, held ea,t New,: "By the way, have Yolli13.11,7 13v - rufdreizseera%. 131,4y stay stated,un 1 izzat„,„„,„„e".e,,e,:.e.aelegeeakeeeel 'Hamburg, this vree.k.. icerit sift/nips?" - ". welL"Wiro is unclergo'Ing trc;atraent "How many would you 1 - - 4'z'. one al, the Landon, haspitisits, "%Nell," answered the guest. tau- LOST—A silver necklace. Piincl- "' much, are they a- et, LEGAL. CARDS. fag: many( Irie4laki. of Mr, LEL, "Yes sliv," said the propfte 4 • ik e 1 • that he is tiously, aow PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, COOK. Barristers Solicitors, Notaries PuC szc. 'Office, on the Square, 2nd door from* Hamilton St. Goderich. Private funds bo loan at lo vest rates W. PROM/NOT, K. C. J. L. KILLORAN H. J. D. Comm Mr. Cooke will be in Hensel,. on Friday and Saturday of each week, Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THT3RSDAY MAIN OFFICE RENSALL. Vilirlyanolloommowsgoramowinnialrommm......no Cr. R. Hess & Co. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS 1?efiazrzng a Spczalty to protect man's foed supply from .Consisting of 130 acres, being lot wiai be pleased to lea:. return to this office. on the road to recovery. For Sale—Sows in pig, Bind a, . piece?" I 1 eow dve to calve at New Year's. i 1VIEETING OF :HURON COUNTY Apply to : Joseph Rau, Drysdale. COUNCIL Th, Council of the corparatiOn Hides and Raw Furs. Dan- ________„,._, _____....,...„_.-..___ of the .County of Huroln will meat, Koehler, apposite carriage shop, 'minds in tit:. head ,and face. ill '02 council chaanlber, in the Zueich. N OPPO you should not miss have on hand the following which were bought before the.big advance in price. Buy now and save money. *1. ON PETER HAMILTON CULTIVATORS I can save you $16 each, These cultivators are second to none and are giving the best of satis faction. ON LOW -DOW N MANURE SPREADERS I can save you $26 each. On ly two left. On WAGONS, I can saveyou $20. On BUGGIES $23, On HAY RAKES $8. Only one left, Alsa one LITTER CARRIER OUTFIT on which I can save y ou $20. One price to all, these are no consignment goods. The above facts and prices speak for themselves, Call at once if you 'need any of these as I have no time to canvass. A new line of Cutters. DeLaval Cream Separator Agency We handle pumps, piping, etc Word was recently received by Mr'. anti Mra. Johne.oa near illake, tea: t eeie sae, Pte. Norman, was woundred in one of tee. recent betties with gunsho: Mr, Highets •cash prices paid :.or L. P , ,,==uflicH ' I VULCANIZING . We Wait Now A relialie Agent 1,1 Ku -on Coun- ty to • sell Peiliam's Peeress Fruit and Ornamental trees duting Fall and Winter months. rood pay, exclusive ter:A:ory, free selling equipment. OVER 600 ACRES Of the choicest Nursery stockin- eluding NEW va/Ltles controlled by us. Handsome up-to-date sel- ling equipment and a splendid Can adian grown stock to offer cus- tomers. We are not jobbers. Write now for agency terms to PELHAM NURSERY Co. Toronto N. B. 'Catalogue sent on re- quest to applicants for agencies or purchasers of Nursery, stock. 4:rs A Victory Loan bond of only $50 will be a good investm.ent. If you take a dozen or more of them. so much the better. It begins to look as if any man who wants to keep out of the war may have to go to the North Pole to be r ly see. — jacksonville Times -Union. A 1 x rrieasurins• ove: li.ve feet TOW') of Goderich, on Tuesday, a ost—A purse between Hensel , in length and weighing . forty; the 4th day of December next, a anu Zurich, containing about $27.10 pounds, was shot De. ,ex -Warden the hour of 3 o'cilo•ck. I have Y. LahleCierk.,. ,sSuitable reward if returned to • Verguson, in the elbwnship of 1 Herald Of lice, Zurich. canizeng Young and Es ...oet, near Brockvile. Dated Nov. 2)th, 1917. kinds of LOST—In the westerly portion of instal:el a complete 7.1.1 - outfit and can :do ,a1.1 auto tire repairs. Both intlew and outer.casings. I can FARM 1FOF SALE also repair and half sole rubber Once the animal jumped from Stanley towinship, a purse of mon- Consisting of lot 14, con. 13, . tree anci attacked Ferguson, but his dog 'beat ot off long enough. to give the hunter an opportunity. ciisposing en: it with. ins shot- Hay, 80 acres. gun. ely situated, has good buildings, The little -22 rifle in the hands of plenty af .good water, well cult - the boy is a serious menace to iveted, and convenient to scheol, bird li.e. Give a 'young lad one and market. For particulars apt - of these miniature rifles, and he ia ply to Alex Mhusseau, R. No.3, at once; ambitious to test it ,out Zurich 18-4t,.; ou killing SO.1112 If scho 31 iboys were taught tapir ,depencia11 FARM FOR SALE ce upon the work the birds dol ey, papews, eta., Finder will be returning same to owner, Mr. boots and shoes. Thos. Biownett, Varela, P. 0. NOW 15 ISWTO,FIR.EK TIDMABTO ,BEE(.01-REE1' FOR SALE — White Leghorn -, codkerels, Youngs and Wychoff's. strain. Also Barred Rock cock- erels, $1.00 each. Wm. Leibold, Babylon Line, Hay. This learn is WO H OF SARIN -1- destructive insects, .they would 21 and part lot 22, can. 7, lay place a much greate 'upon Good buildings •and land is all.ge- THE CELEBRATED DELEWARE their feathered friend • I od, and well cultivated. Fleet tee register, and wheln tie ret, church and school. Thisie to account for it, he prou. ble farm being situated' on if amily Bible, which showe age to be 33. The matter L. not and there, however, .ior t oflieer went a little further a discovered frem :the same famil; THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE a sister Who was !only three Ithe older than he \ems. If you lensall want to change the family ;rec- AND HUDSON CO'S, A Kansas young ma good water. Convenient to LACKAWAN 00 tFor . articule to •Solomou Schroeder, 1, Zurich.. 16-4t• D.A. Cantelon eleeord that the young man haa Phone, I THE RUS COMES IN. T. H. Agur, Garage, Hensall tal es': ,chimney in the world, according to popular Mechanics, has recently been completed in, Sagonoseki Japan. As described it is, "of reinforced concrete and stands 570 feet higher 'on a. hill 430 feet higher than the copper smelter with‘which it is connectad, so that it disi.harges its poiaanoue fumes 1,03a feet above theQQ plant The chimney is 42 feet in Ciimeter at the base and its inside ci ini- a'er at the top N 2rei feet. Thc foundation is 93 feet in eilm?.ter and contains 2.700 cubic yards of PARTIES WANTING WOOD PUMP CALL ON MR, E. BOSSENBERRY ZURICH, AGENT FOR THE ONT- 1 ARIO WOOD PUMP CO. Get your ----a---- fall printing done at The Herald Office. We have on !hand envelopes, letter heads, note heads, hill heads and statements of -superior quality, at right pri- ces. concrete. FOR SALE of 22, S. B., Stanley, acres. On the prem d frame house, a '-'11 two driving shecle tdilngs. 'Well 1 and plenteRlif— fOtli e 10; 'House, .1 10 )3, :ord., it is necessary to go through is E - lar anf and 113,1:YaN' the whole family 1 Zurich - eat IC T Fresh and Salt Meats Bologua. Sausages, etc grosmaaamausweamspanconnereremamm*age......1 Highest Catla Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES E2411111Vb & It Deich,ezt ..‘siven1goemmlemovps.,11•••••epoobtlit•TO.1101.MIL.1.1161.00% The Horne insuarnce Co. Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,172,25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 4.0 cents per $100 for 8 years, and your house for 80 mats per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assbssraeut guaranteed. G. HOLTIM' Agent - Zurich mot ch. • Dealer in Lightning Rods IMPORTANT DECISION Those districts in Ontaile, where the Canada Tetri,pel•ance Act is in effect are not subject to the muele more stringent regulations of the lOntario Temperance Act. In con- sequence guests at a standard hot. tel may bave in their i•ooms, or in their possession liquor intended for their own .consumption and may, ;without :eer of penalty, give liq- uor to another persan. So long as they do not trai'fie tn alcoholic beverages they do not break the Mr. Justice Mastmi, in a decis- ion which hee handed down ,:lastl week at Osgood? Hall, Toronto,. made a ruling to this effect. :Perth and Huron -liountie 3 are the 'only two distrhts in Western: Ontario that will be affected by, Mr. Justice Master's decision. ....smosasiesomvsennsweiteam.mmoorte:secreteeserageogemearoarczmcs Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC' SLAC Shipment of Basic Slag will be in in December. As 11 will be Unable to get this fertilizer in the, apring, Yon should order require- ments at once. Ask your neighbor about re- sults from Using tthe Basic Slag. PRICES MITCH LOWER THAN ORDINARY FERTILIZER Ontario Ferlilizer I also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made by one of the larg- est Canadian Companiea, Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for le. eVOry nurposo or. JOSEPHIlik0 1/49 Re N. 2, Zurich. HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS isst less meat if you feel Backachy or have bladder trouble—Take glass of Salts. good water. Ths farm, is in a first class state of cultivation.For full particulars apply to IL -C. Zapfe. Blake, Ont. . . No man or W0111911 who eat e meat regu- larly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which excites the kidneys, they become over- worked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in that kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi- ment, irregular of passage or attended by a taensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad, Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a. glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is.reade from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids itt urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. *Jad Salta is inexpensive and esunot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should tate now and then to keep the kidneys clean and taive and the blood pure, thereby, wading amigo kidney noraplicatiouSi LOOK! Why not use the hest coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. C. F. CASE & SON PHONE 3B HENSALL A Fut', Sujiply Heavy and Light .••• U Cp. .,!r• All sizes and pric:m. See our all -white heavy rubber for men. Guaranteed in every way Live fowl taken evevy Thursday forenoon, LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale ises•nemrmaoalwar*ssmassemome• 3.1=5:4•5,ckm."Ran ,mante 'v* !-i • II - 3) a es 3er v;ec A,=•377rr. rf-1,"4 ^An. ••,7 OrY 7 Lee 1111-mr14-71;4:1:TIzT7',-11•1 - - • '?••••••••.••••• LOCAL AGENr WANTED —for— ZTIRIC and district —to sell fJr— "THE OLD RELIABLE FONT - HILL NURSERIES" Splendid ilist of Stock For Fall planting, 1017 anil Spring planting 1918 Including many new varieties which we /done control. Send for new illustrated cat- alogue, also Agent's Propositio,n, Handsome tree outfit; Exclusive Territory Liberal Commissions, Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nuseries (Established 1837) TORONTO OURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may Ctravel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford owner you can get it. You are always "among niends". There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- out Canada, These are always within easy reach of Ford owners —for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or motor adjustments. The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only $5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other cars and you will, realize the advantage of owning a Ford. Runabout — $475 Touring - - $495 THE UNIVERSAL CAR F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. 1 COOK BROS., Dealers, HENSALL