Zurich Herald, 1917-11-30, Page 1ZURIC Vol. XV 111 VIIMONNOMOOMMatigagaaggisaliaalmagagallaINISOININIMINEIm NEW FALL MORSE GOODS Our -stock of fall horse goods has arrived and tem el - cant supplyy your needs alittle cheaper than you can buy sewhere. We have a full line of HORSE BLAN ETS, SASKATCHEWAN ROBES, RUGS, DASH APRONS, MITTS ;have a AND GLOVES, HALTERS, HARNESS, E. We few fur robes to clear below present r ear, from $3.00 to 16.00 We have rugs, either !for buggy o Come and see our Stock. ! F STADE ZURICH i 000000M00N00000YN000N COOOOOOOOOOONNOOOOOOOOOi I have Satisfed Hundreds I Can Satisfy You ZU,R1CH, FRIDAY NINQ, NOVEMBER 30, t917x H C ! t Council will meet "}�14.1$1I!.4.11Y11140.} }f ALD non oun y „t Goderieh on Tuesday of ,next I I week, r Mr, Jacob Sureeus, of Mitchell, 1 + visited friends here for a few days this week, WANTED -- 200 Live Pigeons, not later thafn Saturday, Dec. 1st, Highest cash price. Ward Fritz The Jubilee Singers will give a concert in the Town Hall here next Mr, P. Lamont retuzned an TeS� Tuesday night. A rare treat is day from a business visit to Tor- n store for those who attend. onto. ' [ The Victory Bond campaignMiss Celia Hess visited relat - , The Saturday, Dec., 1st. -Hato 'vies a bSa<Ptforo'xd Heights I last l week. IMr. S. T. Smith, of Chatham, wee,� a visitor at the home oaf • Mr. ' t"1, H,ey, Jr.. over Sunday. Mr. Leno Kipper, who has spent, the summer in Saskatchewaln, re- turned to his home last week: He was aeeomipanied by - his son John, of ''Biggar, Sash„ who will visit here fog; some time. 1 Dive carloads oe heaivy lhorsee ww.ere shipped from Seaforth •e� ,cently for the English markets, They were pui:ehaaed by E. ,T, Roberts representing an English firm. There were 84 in the ship- ment valued at $l`21,000. A meeting was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Wednesday even, ing iln !connection with the food production campaign. The quest- ion of profitable hog raising and the necessity o!f everybody keep- ing at least olne hog was discuss WE HAVE BEEN MAKING AND SELLING SUIT••�FOR MANY ,YEARS AND HAVE SATISFIED HUNDREDS OF ,• /CUSTOMERS. OUR EXPERIENCE GIVES YOU THE SATISFACTION THAT THE WORK WE TURN OUT WIL�IBEII SATISFACTORY A,ISFACTORYIN EVERY PAR Get your clothe s made by and who understands a We will make you your suit or, if 'Pref erred, will 1 'Penedo. Hundreds of samples to choose from. you done your "bit? to help o' win the war. You still have time to buy a bond. 1. Mr. and Mrs. John Schnell have .a received word from their son,•El- ton, of Detroit, that he has been drafted into the U. S. army and. has left to join the colors. *' The United 'States military draft shows that the number of those I}}};r1r!4 }} physically del higher, e is from 7 to I .,}0 }fig}} !4}lwM� ,III!,III!!!!!1!IIl!It!h✓I!Ilh!!1!!!II!1i!!RI1111tlll!!!,III!!Il11111111i11lIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIICl10111111111111111IIl�IIIUiul 20 per ;!cent h sties. iln rurall dist-, nlei1Ri11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!1111!JI,!lul.1ul 1, ,!,!11!1111111111111 e tits than in cities. The officials F - All our Boy's Suits and Overcoat are going under cost. E. APPBL ZTJROH ti W HEItE Usti l r . COUNTS WE WIN ". essmOOOOOOeiromooeseese .000000000000000000°9000000 •4 NO2 '1 NEW FALL SHOES AND RUBBERS Our stock was never so large. We can fit you. See our lines before sending your money to the city catalogue houses. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. C. FRITZ. Z�rich 1 The Home of Good Shoes blahi,e this on the lack of medics. insp'e�cti,on in country schools. Ontario has just received, a !cheque for `fr1,366,89.2 fromi s th•^ Canadian Copper Company, be- ing its taxes under the legislation ! of last session on the profits of I = the past two years. If so much be collected from, one industry E.r- ealehuge swn+ should be secured Brom other large corporations by similar taxation. Your Winter Needs e Molsors Bank ,commend their `friends to invest in na':g� Loan rP r' to refpive Subscriptions.. The �xl'zde"►tt•a ^'i. rt ::fir,.saf ce,;la out charge .`for a year, whether the subscription was placed through the Bank or not. Apply to the Bank Manager for information. I _ Now is the time to buy your winter supply of Underwear Wool Socks and Stockings Flannellettes Wool and Flannellette Blankets Wrapperettes Men's heavy top shirts Dress Goods 1 Men's and Boys' woollen .and leather and gloves, etc. Also all the other staple linef at lowest prices, E W 1 lines are advancing in price you should buy 1 A� c,li your needs now. Highest Prices for arm • Produce a ... 6 BLAKE PHONE 11 on 82] ;!!I!!p!fLIIIIII!!IIIA!IIi1111iIIP!I{Plu,llill`Illil'fl"'Ili!, ! �••�'''�i!n`��!iilll{Illill!I'!hP,t;11;IiiIII9UIChl!II!111G!!!'�!10Lh'Illllllllllllllillllliiiillllwlllllllllllllilfllll!ill!IlillilllliiillfllUtlllli!{�t ++++++++++++444r14+++++ +•F• ••s••1••r3++3•+•II••1••F 4r1••i •?•>;+++ 4: ,T 4. 4. k 4' 4 4 4' 4 4' 4' 4. 4. F 4' 4 4- e, 14++++++++++++++++++++. q4++++++++.1•.1•.g•°8.++++'F•+•$++++++4 444•'k+•1••1•+•&i•+++•i••1••}•1••1•dr'k••€rfi••1,.E••i.•1••1.3r.1•.E••1`.1,•1••'r•1•i••1••€••1••1•+1 ,1..§.+1 Y1. 4. .44+4.4 4.44.4 .4 "p' *$+4 -4 -i -1-F b4 44+.E+,.h`4+4•{.+!•++-i 4.0 h +;,1...,+.r•g .1+i.•i +l+ot•1 + : •1 q.: +1+'1++'1•++1++++`7+'p••g••i++4i T. ti 40c and 75c ���d r g000�1/��� 4- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ at Children's Cashmere Hose in black, tan, red and white, per pair, 30c to 75c. . Boy's heavy ribbed hose in all sizes and prices. Ladies' wool mitts in Navy, -red, white and black at 35c. Children's plain wool mitts in navy, red and black, all sizes .35e. pr. • FLANNELETTES.. flannelette, striped in blue, gray a and pink. 8 yards for $1.00. , FLANNELETTE SHIRTINGS, in dark stripes or checks at see and 20e a ytard. NEW FALL WRAPPERETTES in light and dark colors, 27 in- ches wide at 15e to 18e yd. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS in white or gray, blue and pink borders sizes 1.1.'/ and 12'4 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, plain white with blue or pink bord- ers, from $4.50 up. COMFORTERS, well quilted and cotton filled in one size only, at $2.50 each. LADIES' WINTER COATINGS A complete showing of all the latest weaves and 'shades for winter coats at $2.00 to $3.75. rCHILDRENSz COATS. Corduroy velvet 'coats and plain cloth in blue and brown, lined throughout, ages 2 to 10 years, at a low price. CORDUROY VELVETS. A splendid display of corduroy vel- vets in all !colors at 60 and 75c ayd. , sassamate e Ruminate and beautify yonr homes by fitting up the rooms With electric fixtures. We hove a nice assortment suitable for bed rooms, halls parlor, dining rooms and etc., at reasonable prices. Also • a stock of Hot Point Electric toasters, Irons Grills, call and investigate, we also have a full stock of Tungsten _znd .Nitrogen lamps from 25 to 100 watts. _ A full line of general Hard ware always On 'hand and prices •compared with quality just a little lower than yon Met elswhere. Men's Heavy , Gray Wool Socks J.PREETER E WEAT pe SIJOGESTI Ready -Made Clothing If you are in need of an over- coat or suit it will pay you to buy now at old prices, while our pres- ent stock last. New gobds will be away up in prices. Snap in Caps A job lot of men's and boys caps ranging from 502 to 175e. To clear at 1,5c each. Towels A nice range o,f Turkish Bath Towels in stripes and colored gro- unds at 25e -and b0c. Also plain with pitik and blue borders with space for inii1a'ls at 60c and $1.+00. These are special values. Pillow Cases Embroidered and Hemstitched at 00e to $1,25. Highest Price for Produce. Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns, high neck and long sleeves tucked yoke, white •3 : r }•+;+.p++ 4..l+.j +1++1+3 k , 4 •1.•1.•14++ t l +1e Men's and Buys' Under year 31l sizes of men's l Bevy iiM eel '%ool underwear at last year's d Penman's Under- prices. Also men's and boys ei <•+.ee lined, an weal fog mon and boys. garments LADISE' VESTS .and DRAWS PS. Splendid winter high neck, long sreeve cysts. ase? enl:lr lengths drawers. All sizes and prices. . Infants Ves'.s, butto. front, ;o :i2 years. Special at 30c and ,.., 35e each. A full range of children's se drawers in sizes at sizes s e 2 to 16 each. Prices according to age. VIMY COLLARS- The neva .;ren collar for men. Just in at 20c ea.e •• h o••3 for 50e. Ditch Setts and Large onions Wanted Live Fowl taken every Friday forenoon. RANGES and UE2TERS ill need a Range or Heater and The season is corning when � °.:'� '•; you natural,; will want the beet 4 end we would invite you to see - our stock before you make your eure'•;ases, we still handle the cel- ebrated Peninsular Line inall the h if.f rent v: � ° makes high oven. y Peerless Gilt Edge. Also any steev •x+e 'urn out to give entire satis- faction And �g oe your money back. Furnace work and pium.bing a ri trill y. Seed, Det ch Setts and live poultry, all kin- Cie ver ht either for cash,or in exchange goods. .ds of Farm 1'rodu_o boughtZU ICH Phone 44-+. ..14.1.4 s+, „'4•*444 ...ri .1: ,5 4 4R•• 4. 4. 4. 4. 0 4. ;14 4.