HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-11-23, Page 10.;oats again it .stock in -as Plush, 'Velours, •Baby dans' sizes in fashionable col `•hould you require anew tn er Oods lm" green, brown, ete., etc„ p per yd. These were all caprices, and are excellent val iafull range of velveteens in of m 60e to $1,00 per yard, nc.S ire h} fall wear and we would eetious lines in Duchess, Ha it du chenes, Georgettes,ete. rrblack Duchess, good at $1.50 per yard. 'en's Underwear ural or white. These garm- t wool and, give excellent wear ins, childrens sleepers, sweater all wolf, and fleeced limed. s Wear suits, overcoats, raincoats, swea- f underwear, hats, caps, mitts mufflers, CT OUR STOCK OF SEASONABLE UR PRICES, WE FEEL SATISFI- AVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR WINT- LARGE ONIONS, DUTCH SETTS FARM PRODUCE WANTED. who & Son WOOS* •••••••••••••••••••••O••s; • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •. to • • • • • b • • • • • • • • • H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman • • • • • • • • 0 • i••••o•lss••••ssssess•••s•••••••s* ve your order for ade-tou Order im.Ghebaad Overcoats arris Implements tIrc •eria„ ped x above ou li tli;, all NDS OF MASSEX ?LOW REPAIRS. carriages, Buggies, Sleighs mad same class of goods. Prices are always right F. Hess & Son The Old Stand Fit Guaranteed SWEATER COATS:, In all colors aind sizes, with or without collars. FURS A big range of 'lush Coats, etc, pecial heavy coating $2.50 per yd. TEDDY BEAR BLANKETS LAND QUILTS At $1.00 and $1,75. COCOCA RUGS 1.,00 to $1.75. . They can be was?: Ladies Ladies: 46. Visit.' our Millinery Parlors and see the greatly reduced prices we are offering it H:adwear, Hats Trimmed and Untrimmed also Trimmings, Veilings, etc., at Very Low Prices 1a E. N Furs. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thur's'day. Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat 1 20 Flour 5 75 6 Bran $ 38 Shorts 44 Low Grade bag 3. HensalI,..,. 16 `0 Zurich Result of Exemption Claims Tribunal No. 431, which is sitting 7' in Zurich, has been working in- dustriously since Nov. 10th. Fol- lowing is the result ,of the exem- ption ,claim, up, to and including Tuesday. Nov. 20th. 100 2.10 2,15 ..53 .55 1 '''06 Live Hogs fob FA EXEMPTION CLAIMS ALLOWED Emery ,Stebbins, David J. Fuss, Frank IkIagen, Herbert C. Bender, Peter Duenarme, Alfred Sreenan, Jno. L. Rau, Edward Brisson,A1- bert A. Gaiser, J. T. Pennale, C, A. Beierling, A. A. Beier.iing, Noah Gratton, Louis Farrell, Albert �Sur- 'erus, Wm. H. di dighoffer, Ferd, F. Miner Theo. C. B.aberer, Geo. B. Johnston, Alvin McBride, Wilfred 5 Laporte, L. A, Keys, Moses Bae,ch ler, Elmer Pickering, Merviln Pic- kering, S. V. Ratz, R. E. Ratz B. B. Walker, W, H. Miller, Geo. W. Link, Jmo. 'Cx, ,Stire, 'Thos, Dins-+ more, Jeremie Denomme, Julius Challet, R. N. Taylor, Aaron E. Oestreieher, Sam. Brenner, Maxim* Peanso, W. N. Hickey, Dan Den- omme, Emerson Snider, Jerry Mero, Albert Keys, G. E. Troyer, Local News BROTFIER FALLS Mr. Wfrn. O'Brien, of towM has. received the sad news of the death of his brother, Pte. Roger O'Brien, who vas killed in action in France, Milne Rader, Elmore Datars, Or - He enlisted lin Brandon, Man:, ville Taylor, Fuss enry, Harry and was lin the trenches for only. Lochner, W. F. BiHer�ing, L. Fink- s few days when he was moil' beiner, Fred Regier, P. Sullivan,•l ally �vonciecl ; u . lbert Regier Chas. Regier, [E,,, N'OMIN ATIONHutchinson: Alb. Smith, Alex. Me - The nomination for South Hui_ Eachen, Alb. Alderson, John Den - on for Dominion purposes . was omy, Bernard. 'Hartman, W. C. held at Clinton on Monday. •Mr?i• Miller, Philip J. Denomme, Nlch .J. J. Merner, M. P., of Zurieh,was Kennel, Amos Gascho, Melvin C. nominated as , a supporter of the, 'Brown, Garfield Brown, B. William. Union Government and Mr. Thos. son, Jas. E. Lindsay, E. P. Weston, McMillan, of . Huliett Townsl,;.C•, Hanley, E. E. Krueger, H. ! I. was nominated as a J'.auriei•-Liber Kruegler, J. W. Mawhinney, O. S. at. After the nomination was r,IeKay, C. W. Dilling, P. A. Me over a public meeting was . held Kensie, F. Pearison, Elmer Oesch, which was addressed by the. can,- C. Pope, F. T. Weiberg, G. Callfas, didates, and Senatoe Bennett ori J A, Wilhelm, D. E. McKenzie, A. behalf of Mr. Merner, and Mr, SIX,: Vincent, Lloyd Taylor, F. Desjar- G. Cameron, of Goderieh, on be- dine, H. Desjardine, N. Heard, H. half of Mr. McMillan. °Keys, E. J. Howald, M. Deitz, P. -SOLUTION FOR QUESTION IN Gingerich, Theo Schroeder, W.. 'i ARITHMETIC 1 Davidson, Jr., Hy Bender, W. C. What has happened to the Regier, H. W. Truemner, Hy. Alt - teachers? Three solutions of the, kens, P. Neuschwanger, A, H. True question and a number of claims inner, 0. D. Trueminer, Hugh Thiel' were forwarded. One correct sol- T, H. Meyers, Wm. Garrick, Alex. ution though different from tate Meidinger, Geo, Deichert, W. G. above was given. ,Orr, Theo. Bedard, Alphon Masse, When agent sells $100 worth a R. Alderson, B. Price, S. J. Miller, wheat. 'Commission deducted is E.',Sararas, S. Oestreieher, O. 2% of 5100-$2.00. And net pro. -i' Turnbull, A. Gabel, A. F. Howald, :caeds are $100-$2, -1,$0.00 I H. Gagstetter, Thos. Bergh, E. With $98.00 he must pay 111'041 Tetreau, W. Deichert, J. G-uinan, freight, sugar, and coumtmissio'n onl T. GlaVin, E. J. ISteffter, J. B. sugar bought, at 4 lac a Ib. Fi ei-, Querin, Louis JKralft. ght is 25e per cwt. Buying eom;i mission 1.;1%:' Fon $100 Worth ,;r ` sugar he must pay $100x$1,601/ 1100 'e1 100,00-:-4%-202850/19 centre: er, Clarence Daters, Ed. Corriveau. Therefore with 202850/19e you cane Cornelius Poster,, Isidore Denorny, buy $100..00 worth, and with $98.00 Jos. Corriveau, .Gilbert Jeffrey, R, proceeds you can buy 19/202850: R. McDool, J. B. Moore, W. • J. 100.00x98.00 5901 643/4057 cents 11IcDoo1, R. Spackman, Edwin Hart - worth. Buying commissioi't •as man, 'Ater/lei- Either. 1.1.1g'of 5901 643/4057e-558600140i7G.f �, And total commission is 52.00x55>q'a-( hlr. C. 5. ,Schwartzentruber, Sr,, 00/4057- 1370000/4057 cents. But t of the Bronson Line, is serioa; ly ill at present. ;His many friends) hope for a speedy recovery" ; 64 �c worth is Doug m . s ' Do nob forget the concert in the 1370000/4057e is commission/05Irl :ins Town Hall Zurich, on Tuesday night 5901 643,•1057-:-1370000/4057x700'. to ' 190277, 52/37e worth' is bought Wirhe Dec -4th at 8p m. Patterson's Jubilee 4% cents 1 Ib of sugar caln lin Singers lteve been engaged for the bought. With 190277 51./137c he oeea•sron. Adinission-Reserved seats :can buffy 190277 51/137 :-l�f,-400%, ,35'c, Adults 25e, Children 15c. Plan 54/1371bs. ans. • • e of gull at' Herald Office, .,ret. .-. FREE! now out for November. are one. es, and Eiderdowns advance in price ED. Onions and all kinds bice. DISMISSED Jacob Deichert, ,Earl Weido, Jos. E. Rau, T. L. LaFond, John Bak- Ve give rt to New :Years o Prompt Pay Customers.. renouncement The business conducted for many years'lander the name of C. Hartleib will henceforth' be known as Hartleib & Faust. Mr, S. E. Faust has taken a half share in the business dating from August 21st. The firm will be better prepared than ever to sup- ply your needs in Hardware, Paints, Furniture, etc., at the lowest prices. �� Special attention paid to Furnace Work,. Eave-+ troughing, etc. Phone 28, SS9A15 fel commission is $70.00 1370004/ 4057e is commission when 5901 4 1.405^ l' i t $7.10! Hartleib & Iaust. Hardware and Furniture Zurich HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATION STORE ++++++++++,+++++++++++++++V+++++++++++++++-2-144+++++444 it If you intend to build a garage we have material of alllkinds . for same on hand. Everything in Lumber and Building Material 4. 4. 4, 4• 4. 4. 3• ▪ Combination storm and screen doors made to order. 4, 4. 4. F ▪ F. C. KAL, YLE{ISC .p. • PHONE 19 ZURICH f+++++Y : +++44++4++++++++++++ 4.++++++4++3+4.+ P++++++++4.'e Custom Planing our Specialty 1 4i*4. e 30100101181 3 3f3C003 1,3f 4a2es;gR*Zirtfig3> 0 0 Cream, Eggs and Fowl 7�nv� ' ANTED cash price for Cream Fowl delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. L HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH WMP¢3r 3 3E38M 3 3031111 81=1 3+ 9E3£ nk3FiE30138 9HE31k 1 Canada,& < Vi tory Loan You will possibly never again: have such an investment o portunity as is offered you. in'the Canada Victory Loan. The security, interest return and the certaintyof apprec- iation when peace comes, makes it an ideal investment. You owe it to your patriotism and your -rocket -book to buy as much as you can, be it a'$50.00 bond or $5000.00 one. Any of the canvassers or the Molsons Bank will be pleased .. to give you full particular,: Lists close on Dec. lst. A. F, Hess and C. Fritz, and G. Petty and F. W. Glad- i tan, canvassers for Hay Township and Hensall. �. NEW HARK ESS SHOP 1. 4. 1 1 have opened up a new harness shop in j 1 Merner's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, '� and am prepared to do everything in harness + l i repairing, binder canvas repairing, etc. ,f. .� Full line of Whips, Sweat_Pads, Curry Combs, etc I t. 1 A Trial Solicited - . t FRED' TI-9EL ZURICH - •--4,--+-+•- -+-+-+-+- +- +-+-+-4-+b•-+-+-+-+-•1F-+--- f INVESTMENT OF YOUR SAVINGS Money lying at a low rate of interest will earn for you each six months more interest dollars by in- vesting it in a Hmon & Erie Debenture. You receive the unconditional promise of this Half Century old Corporation that your funds will be repairs at the time promised together with half -yearly interest thereon. For terms of one, two, three, four or five years interest is pail at the rate of per cent per annum Why not ask for further particulars? ITHE MORTGAce chug' " Older ihxan tt' HEAD .0Fr,,, �� Applications ANJ./R n,a on all the w .gyred gu