Zurich Herald, 1917-11-23, Page 5t. t f e -t. ehl r-• n - rig ae pel aan- the the en- ol trt- ber 3th.. nal. the ical tay.. re to. i'ou nro-- tang..4 Ltes. na the lop- yet, Inds. to too ;ion... ase,. ver-• food d at out can your are may y of i\ C- NDS has Thi° 1 •a with ill !be ice ta.. 3 de- ) of , that bond. Icipal Brest: tilegee ly con r de-.. ids or; bonds; while, prin-. ,1e to [Tod The Chucarhe. EVANGELICAL CHURCH. SERVICES i uday, German n• -.- ,.. 9.45 a, in,. • '► Sunday School 11.00 a. m. P Service E71aglieh -.7.30 p.m, l'uest SLY :Jr. Y. P. A. Tuesday, Y. P. A. .. 8.15 p, m. lTbatirsday Prayer Meeting 7.30 p.m, Friday, Choir Practice -,. 8 30p, M. Ladies' Aid, .first (Wednesday ev- ening of eiaeh month 8.p.rn. LUTHERAN CHURCH • dgundtay Scheel .....a ....1 9; a, en,, Germain Services, Sunday 10'30a.m, English. `Service, Suind'ray 1.319 gn,ann„ Lather League, Friday a p, o Ladies' Aid meets first Tu a ay each month at 1,30 p. . LEGAL OARDS.my' PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public etc. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goderiob. Private funds to loan at le ,vest rates W. PROUDFOOT, K. O. .J. L. Kxa•,x olw'i. H. J. D. COMM Mr. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. ,*. S. Hardie i DENTIST tot ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OliTICE . — HENSALL. Gt R. Hess Co. JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS . eftairi9zg a Speczzlzy THE CELEBRATED DELEWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. LACKAWAN A ,C0AL THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE DA. Cantelon Iiensall "hone, Office 10; Mouse, .0.0, B. Zurich. Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOB, SKINS & HIDES I uugblut & Beichert LOCAL C.L� ppA��L 1 V N F 'M I.O,ST--A silk°e'x necklace. Flinti- er return ind-er:return to this office, Pall and : winter apples for sale. by the peek or •barrel. J. Preeter. Mr. ;Bunion, Geiger, of lVfieh-i awn, visited his lather, Mr. A. _ Geiger, last weelt. , Large size Flash Lights eoanpl- ete with battery, .One Dollar. G, R, Hess & ICo., ,Jewellers... ' .A. Victory Loan bond of only $50 will be a good investment. If you take a dozen or more of them so much the better. The boys; at the 'front go over the topto defeat the kaiser and help you. Let us at home "go to it" also by malting the Victory Lo an a big success. The Home Insuarnce. Co. Paid-up capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177.,25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 fol; 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for S years. No premium note and no extra assessment .guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich ,Have yiou. decid0 to purchase. a Victory Bond? The local ape. pointed representatives, 11 essrv. A. F, a Hess and C Fritz are out daily, ,canvassing and will call on you.: .fret your fall pxinting,+lone st .The Heralcd Office.' Wei have en hawLenvelopes, letter heads, n440 heads, bill ,leads and stailen encs of •,supercar quality, at right' pri- ces. The might before the Victory, Loan Iclose+s, the electric lights 'in the" cities wilt flash all lights four times in succession. These flashes ,ewill risen "Buy. a Victiry Bond." Get your bond now, se that you Irish Cobbler will become the standard- early potato in Ontario with possibly Green Mountain as the standard late 'variety'. These. two varieties met With generadin- dorsatti_on by the conference of growers and experts that met at Parliament buildings Toronto. Should you spoil an ,envelope af- ter putting a stamp. on it, you can have the stamp redeemed by ap- plication to the posto:fice .tlepart- rnent. Or should you have by rea son of warm or damp weather a number of stamps stuck together,. they may be exchanged for new stamps. These regulations are not generally known and their publication may be of some ben- efit. Notices are being distributed drawing the public's attention to the fact that more food economy must be practiced, The notices are being rconspicously placed in every eating house. The order asks all persons in ordering food to consider the !needs of Great Britain and her Allies and their armies for wheat, beef and bac on. Any .pro-}?rietor or manager off a public e.'" .11., place violate ing the rex" ,% subject to, hea O. Dealer in Lightning Rods Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC- SLAG have large shipments of n for fall use. Part- ny 'should notify me ti o .bor about ' re- tie Basic Slag. 'rr'ER THAN ERTILIZER 1 lzer IVI RELY to ;MAN Little Irene, says "Facts, and Fancies,enarehed unto the room !breathless. i CO'h, mother,” she said, ."don't e ecoid me for being late for suppo ; because .I've had such a. disaiiperilt intent. A horse fell,down and they; said they were going to send for a horse doctor, so. I waited and waited, and what do you think? It wasn't a horse doctor at all. It was only a main." MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Cottne:11 of the corporation of the !County of Huroln willeneet in the coufncil chs m(ber, in thee. Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 4th day of - December next, at the hour '01 3 o',d.o.clt. .W.: L4ley,olerkt. Dated Nov. 29th, 1917. F.ARIVI tF.OP SALE Consisting of lot 14, con. 13, Hay, 80 acres. This 1arra is nic- ely situated, has good buildings, plenty • of .good water, well cult iveted, and ,convenient to school and market. For particulars apt- ply to Alex Mbusseau, R. R. No.3, Zurich. 18-4t4 FARM FOR 'SALE Consisting of 130 acres, being lot 21 and part lot 22, con. 7, Hay Good buildings and land is all go od, and well .cultivated. Plerntyi of good water. Convenient to market, church and school. This is a desirable farm being situated on the Zurich Road. For partied -7 ars apply to Solomon Schroeder, R. R. No. 1, Zurich. 1.6-4t. FARM FOR SALE ,For Sale, lot 22, S. B., Stanley, containing 10) acres, On the prem: ises is a good frame house, a.. large barn wit .} 1st - it and other out, buildings. • Well. ed and drained and plenty of h two drivin °Sheds 'BEEN SOT WATER ins e gF YOU DONT FEEL EMT Says glass of hot water with hhesphate before breakfast washes out poisons If you wake up with a bail taste, bad breath and tongue iscoated; it your head is dull or aching; if what you eat sours and forms gas and acid in stom- ach, or you are bilious, constipated, nervous, sallow and can't get feeling right, begin inside bathing. Drinit n' a breakfast, 'a glass,, of real bot •ter>with;a teaspoonful of limestone ,lsPihate in it. ' This will flush the ns and toxins from stomach, liver, reys and bowels and cleanse, efetcn and purify the entire alimen y tract. Do your inside bathing im- liately upon arising in the morning wash out of the system all the pre - e is day's poisonous waste, gases and .r bile before putting more food into stomach. b feel like young folks feel; like '3'Jrr felt before your blood, nerves and les became loadedwith body im ties, get from your pharmacist a . iter pound of limestone phosphate teh is inexpensive and almost taste-, 1 except for a. sourish twinge whichl i of unpleasant. ust as soap and hot water act on -- the skin, cleansing, sweetening and, frirtishening, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver,{ It lneys and bowels. Men and women! w o are usually constipated, bilious,' lie dachy or have any stomach dis- oir r should begin this inside bathing bib re breakfast. They are assured twill become real cranks on the et:feet shortly- MEETING hortly li lk t will .e ny person, firm o, CriPoe a. un to operate with, out a ixhse from the food con- troller -any flour mill in Canada having a daily capacity of 1001 or more barrels. Licenses are op-. tional 'in 1�he case of mins with a lesser daily capacitye than 100 barrels, but may he granted up- on application, in which cases all such milts will be subject to _ the same rules as those mills to -which licensing is compulsory. L1EIG FRACTURED • While playing et :,chool the oth- er day the son of. Wm. Ducharnle of the Sauhle Line, had the, mis- fortune to have his leg fractured. will.,nol need, this reminder. NARROW LS�CAPE While driving into tris lane with a load of corn stalks one ,evening last week Mr. Con, •Siemon, of the Zurich Road, had ,a -narrow es Zcape 'from being c ushed to death The night was very dark and he was walking- beside the load when he was crushed between the rack and a fence post. When released he was uncounseious, but he is now recovering from his rads - hap. FOR SALLA Barred Plymhuth Rock dicker- els,afrom Guild''strain. Prices, ' 1.00 and up. , Also one silver Campine cockerel. L. A. O'Brien, Znrtch. Box 265. i NOSE: CLOGGED FROM I . A COLD OR CATARRH i Apple Cream in Nostrils To Open Up Air Passages. Ah! What relief! Your clogged nos- trils open right up, file air passages of your ]t&td are clear and you can breathe freely, No more hawking, snuffling, anueosas discharge. headache, dryness --no strriggling for breath at night, your cold eel catarrh is goer. Don't stony steffed hitt Geta small ',tittle of Ely's Cream Balm from your e ist norv. `s .Apply :,, little of this nt, antiseptic cream in your nos- let it penetrate thron;h every air ,f the head; ' soothe and -heal inflamed mucous membrane, "` instant; .relief. Ely's Cream It what every cold and ea - r has been socking. lY fent good water. The farm, is in a first class state of cultivation.For full particulars . apply to H. C. Zapfe, Blake, Ont. LO t 'K! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. C. F. CASE & SON HONE 30 HENSALL A Full Supply Heavy and Light UB E 4 All sizes and prices. t you sb 1' have on hand the folio the big advance in pri4 t N PETER, I•IAMIL I, can save you $1.6 each, ' and are giving the best of se. ON LOW -D. I can save you $26 each. On WAGONS, I can save y HAY RAK.>S $S. Only one lei OUTFIT on which I can save One price to all, these are x3 The above fact's and price, at once if you 'need any of the, A new Dine of Cutters. De We handle pu PRANa PARTIES WANTING WOOD PUPS PS CALL ON MR. E. BOSSENBERRY ZURICH, AGENT FOR THE ONT- ARIO WOOD PUMP CO BORN Meyer—At Zurich, on Nov 10th, to Rev and Mrs F B Me, er, a daught- er, (Mary Evelyn.) (t'. a:. aa. ext equx, IN M�EMORI'AM Man:g'nus—Li loving memory of Mrs. G. Mangos who died one year ago No��em'.b'�r 25, 1915. Of ti; We miss thee from our home, dear eludin; Mo`.her, by us, We miss the from thy place, 'ling eq A shadow o'er our life is cast; adian We miss the rnshi'ne of thy face. tom:ers. We miss thy kind and wil Jag hand Write x Thy fond and earnest care, PELHAi Our home is dark without thee N. B. We miss thee everywhere. quest tt Sister, Husband and Lamilgy. purchas EMI See our all -white heavy rubber for men. Guaranteed in every. way•. . Live fowl taken every Thursday 1orenoan. LOUIS BRISSON Drysdale rt LOCAL AGENT WANTED _for— ZURICH and district —to sell for— "THE OLD RELIABLE ° FONT - HILL NURSERIES" Splendid Gust of Stock For Fall planting, 1917 land Spring planting. 1918 Including many new varieties which we !alone cointrol. Send ,for mew illustrated cat- alogue, also Agent's Propositio;i. Handsome free outfit; Exclusive Territory. Liberal Commissions. Stone & Welliln:gtoin' The Fonthill Nuseries (J;+stab11Slied 1837). 7C Sr 10 N T 0 Necessar3 Equi. CO ORE and more the upon by progressiv, sary farm equipmei plow, the hay -rake, the dr: harrow and other labor, machinery. A farmer with a Ford c2 one or two of his horses town, railway station, hours in one-third the farm machine made farmer and his busy w as a Ford. And it's s easier than a horse. r oats to get, no harness no stables to clean. care of itself. Ask any farmer w ever again try to g answer will hasten THE U Touring - Runabout . - F, O. BROS., Dealers