HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-11-23, Page 4Beast
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The' Mca1Si$0. or< FINA o11 for Public eabscriptlen.
Canada's Victory.. Loan
i ague of
$150,000,0001,x % Gold Bonds
Bearing Interest from December 1st, 1917, and offered in three maturities, the choice' of which is optional with the subscriber, as follows:
5 year Bonds due December let, 1922
10 year Bonds due December 1st, 1927
20 year Bonds due December 1st,.1937
This Loan ie authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
The amount of this issue is $150,000,000, exclusive of the amount' if a y) paid by the surrender of bonds of previous issues.. The Minister. of Finance
however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any part of the amount to in excess of $150,000,000.
• •iv"1tr be' d eat wholly In Canada.
The, Prcoceada of this Loan will be used for War purpoe�e.>?
Principal and Inti
Denomination$ • 551
Subscriptions must be in
Principal payable without charge at the Office of the Minister of
General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto. Winnipeg
Interest payable, without charge, half -yearly, June est and Dece
Bearer or 11
payable in Gold
110, $500 and $1,900
•}of $50 or multiples thereof.
.,ce and Receiver General at Ottawa, .orat the Office of the Assistant Receiver
ina, Calgary and Victoria.
1st, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank.
istered Bonds
or payable to bearer, be ein ac orada 0th heal r choice as to of the applicant al and tforsregistered or bearer bonds, will be issued after
Scrip xchangetfo, non-negotiable,
allotment in exchange for provisional,w en prepay d these scrip certificates
s attached, }$:a to bearer, or registered and as to principal, or foed thereon r tfullye bank
registerreceied bonds whehe n
may^ be exchanged for hon prepared,
ire ough the Chartered Banks.
• 1., $500., and $1,000. and may be registered as to principal only. Pully regls-
2$egue, will be issued in denominations of $1,000., 55,000..or any authorized
,Yfgf fully registered bonds without coupons, will have the right to convert into bonds
apptvill have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denom-
prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application.
Delivery of interim certificates and of definitive bonds will be mad
Bearer bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of $50.,
tered bonds,- the interest on which is paid direct to the owner by Governme
multiple of 35,000.
Subject to the payment of 25 cents for each new bond issued •hold<
of the denomination of 81,000 with coupons, and holdersof bonds with coul
!nations without coupons, at any time, on application to the Minister of lie oka..e.
Surrendci of Bonds
/folders of Dominion of Canada Debenture Stock, due October 1st,''919, and bonds of the three preceding Dominion of Canada War Loan Issues,
have the privilege of surrendering their bonds in part payment for subscriptii<Aie' to bonds of this issue, under the following conditions:-
Debenture Stock, due October I41e1919, at Par and Accrued Interest.
War Loan Bonds, due December ll),1, 925, at 97% and Accrued Interest.
(The above will be accepted in part payment f • 1 ends of any of the three maturities of this Issue)
War Loan Bonds, due October is'0 i1, at 97).5 and Accrued Interest.
War Loan Bonds, due March 1 SW, at 90 and Accrued Interest.
(These will be accepted in part payment for s of the 1937 maturity ONLY of this Issue.)
Bonds of the tad at pararious tundes of accrued interest, as in theequivalentthe
f 1utf tissueshof like
purpmaturity. of subscription or longer,
nger,to made
deh ythe Government, other than issues
trade abroad, be accepted
Issue Price Par
Fre. from taxes- acludtng any income tax -imposed in purer Ace of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada.
Payment to be made as follows:
10% on December 1st, 191 .7 20% on March.lst, 1918
10% on January 2nd. 1918 20% on April 1st, 1918
20% on February lst, 1918 20% ca May 1st, 1918
A full half year's intere$t will be paid on let June, 1918.
The Bonds therefore give a net interest yieU to the investor of abouts
5.61 % oln'the 2O year Bonds
5.68% on the 10 year Bonds
5.81% on the
he .�...
ji5 year Bonds
Alt Dae onfo are to be h to la Chartered
cancellation. the Subscriedit ption ,e compainster re 2.1 by a deposit i ure ofto 10% of tanhen amount subscribed, must be ft when due will renderorwarded
payments theable to forfeiturh, and the nllot
through medium of a Chartered Bank. Any branch in Canada of any-Ch��rtcred Bar.': will forward subscriptions and issue provisional receipts.
In case of partial allotments the surplus depoJit will be applied toward payment of the amount dueonthe January instalment.
a;. Subscriptions may be paid in full on January 2nd, 1915, or on any instalment due date thereafter under discount at the rate of 554% per annum. Under
as provision payments of the balance of subscriptions may be made as fceloat
If paid on January 2nd, 1918 at 'she rate of 89.1079.1 per $100.
If paid on February lst, 1918,..:.'rhe rate of 79.40959 par 5100.
If paid on March 1st, 191 y e rYate of 89 09059 per $1 0.
If paid on April 1st, i�x 1 ,
p•lIcation may be obtained from any -branch .in Gan �77�,•1 1 Chartered Bank, or from any Victory Loan Committee, oz, ire
the Lean- will be kept at the Departmet't of Finance t 6S.�ea.
•is will be. made in due course for the listing of this isstfe oxl the Montreal and• Toronto Stock Exchanges.
A c Subscription Lilts will close on or before December 1st, 1917.
Lieut. E. Torrance of Clinton vise
'Vied friends here for a few days
last week.
E. Sanders purchased the re-
'nidence at the public auction be-
lloilging to the Mary Sanders es-
tate for $1150. •
to test witlh a noel <i.. attachment
if or the Tin Lizzies lwa�lmade at
'Toronto this week.
*made 82.5 miles on a gallon of
' 'cheapest kerosene, while a l-
Obher did 35.3 1njlles. A similar
lser with gasoline did only 19.4
1armless to flash Kidneys and neutral
aze irritating acids -Splendid
for system.
OTTAwt, November 12th, 1917.
The proceleds of •the. Red .Cross,
concert amounted , to $75.00.
Mrs. S. Brown and family, of i
Kitchener, visited relatives here
last week.
.Geo. Clark purchased the real -1
dence of the late John F. Wilber-
iiber1at the auction sale for $501
Mrs. Win. Smith is visiting rel-
atives in Pigeon, Mich.
Quite a number here are attend- l
.k public investigation into the!
recent dire at the Goderich Man-
u;facturin•g 'Co's factory will be
opened at the court house oin Wed-
nesday, November 21st. .
At the assizes at Goderich, on,
Tuesday of last week, the case
of James iVLeCMdck•en, the young
Morris township farmer, who is
accused of murdering his wife on
the 22nd of July last, came up
tfor trial. The jury disagreed,
Notice to Creditors
Of Mary ,Howald late of the Vil-
lage of �Lurieh, in the County, of
Huron, widow, deceased.
S'ursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter
121 of the Revised Statutes of Ont
,ario 1914,` notice is hereby given,
that all creditors and others hav-
ing claims against the estate of
Mary Howard, late of the village
of Zurich, in the County of Huron
'Widow, deceased; who died on or
about the ninth day of June, A. D'.
Interesting Facts
A13Ci�CJT 'Td3L+' Etr.Cla.GlP STAIR-
ME TT Oi♦ '1i 1 MOLSONS `1i
A eomperison of the present!An-
emial. Statement, . jest ptTb.ished,
shows the Molsones Bank to be ill.
a.••very strong positio°.nr;•ii►lantiaily.
In 416, the total -dePosits amo-
unted `to $45,744,423.00,' and, f,or•
the year just closed, they amglint
to $48,417,912.41, showing an incre-
ase of $2,673,549.'41, from which it
is very evident that there 41, still:
a fair, amount of money in the
leoun tmy. .
Another algin which indicates the,
Bank's strong position is the de-
crease in cat Loans; an item which
should be closely watched when)
prices of stocks are down atnd the
stock musket is showing sigtn`s of'
depression. At this • time, last
year, the stock market was near-
ing the end of a boom( period and
prices for stocks were high. At
that time the banks were loa8 ing
freely, with the negult that the
Call Loans outstanding in 1916 am-
ounted to $4347,028.53. The pres-
ent statement shows these Call
Loans rieduleed •to $311822,,985.70, or
decrease, for the pals•t year, !of
over, half. a million dollars, on
to be exactly correct, $521,012.83.°
;Congratulations are in order
both to the Directors and the Of-
Ifioers of the Bank for the care -t
fulu and, efficient manner in whichl.
they have safeguarded the inter,
est of the stockholders and the Ian-
stitutuio)'s business.
Last year, as in years past, merle
every Clergyman and School Teacher
in Ontario helped to spread the Gospel
of Good Health. on'Tuberculosis Sun-
day and Tuberculosis Day in the
This year, under the auspices of the
National Sanitarium Association, en-
dorsed by• the leading Clergymen of
all Denolnmations and by the Depart-
ment of Education, Sunday, November -
25th, and Monday, November 26the.
have been appointed for the annual.
observance of these days..
At no time in the history of the
world has the necessity for physical
fitness been so great as it is to -day.,
One has but to scan the reports of re-
jections for active service, abroad to-.
note the many that are unfit. "You
- have`tuberculosisl" has been the: pro-
/ . nouncement to thousands of young .
hien in Canada and the United SStates.
during the past few months.'
A thorough physical examination a
year ago might have exposed the
weakness and prevented the develop-
ment of this dread disease; and yet,.
in spite of such a warning, thousands.
of men and women will continue to
disregard the danger until they too
have become victims of Consumption....
If you would avoid this disease,.
watch your health, avoid needless wore.
ry and over -work; see that your food
is nourishing and that it is served at
regular intervals. Above all—get out
in ,the sunshine every minute you can
spare; see that the windows in your
place of business and in your home are
open so that day and night you .may
be adsured of a plentiful supply of
pure, fresh air.
The fol owing announcement hall;
been made from Ottawa;- Thep
Finance of Canada has isused a
new instruction in connection with
the Victory Bonds, which will ibe
of much benifit and importance toe
many small iinvetoss. ,[ie has de-
cided to -grant the privilege of
the registration of all bonds, that,
is to say, that . bonds of all " de -r•
nominations, including the $E0 bond. I
may be registered as to principal
and as to principal, and interest.
In previous loans the privilege:,
of •registration was necessarily con
lined to bonds of the larger dem.
nomination,swch es $1,000 bonds or;
more. . Bonds of lower denomiin-
ations were issued as *bearer bonds,
with coupons attached, and while
carrying equal benifits as to prin
cipal and interest were liable to
being lost by the owners. •find
the privilege now given b
Finance Minister, the buy
bond; whatever the den
may have it regeste
case the interest wi
cheque, and the b
be replaced ante
has been shown
It is believed
will be
• In my opinion the threshing ma-
chine is responsible for the spread
ing of wild oats to a very great
.extent. , I remember a fe•w years
ago the weed screen en the, separ-
ator was nearly worn out, and the
thresher was obliged to take out
the screen to tack on a new one.
This screen contained at the
very least one galldn of wild oats,;
1 which of course,- was taken to 'an
ing the evengelistie meetings he- enclosed Sripped off.
ing held at" Exeter. I nine jurymen erstandingo for eon- ;1917 are,on or before the Pirsl I think it is up to the i1armlers to
--- N ---- i viction of murder two for m,ainsl fl , � •
—HENSALL aughter and one for acquittal, dee day of Decemiber, A. D. 1917, to , petition the Legislature to make
Wes. Caldwell, who has ter four hours' deliberation. Judge send by post, pre -paid, to Isaac; 1 it obligatory for every thresher-
. �4 e . R. 'Carling of the Village of Ex- man to thoroughly clean out his
bs serve of therwar. Since the 1 er the evidencerlend offered to butgthove'
ieber in the County of Huron, •Sol, i malchine in each barn before mov-
of the is report Sergt. .lir _ the opinion
nt atii ici`tor for the .A.d!m(inistrators of ing outside of, doors. I have neve
ed as gassedoeandwounded. App e n arluay expressedofno e, and - theyy the whole of the said deceased ler heard of a separator being
H, Johnston and Pte. App! $ton ar^,i would be on use, and the• y
their `christian manes and surnames fumigated to destroy smut spores,
addresses axil descriptions, the,, but am quite positl'7ve they are
full particulars of their claims, al carried about in thils manner.
statement of their accounts and Huron Co. • OSCAR KLOPP
the nature of the securities (if atny)
held by 'them, and' that after the!
Ad -
last aforesaid the said d_
also reported as wounded..
The shoe store formerly occup-
ied by M. R. Berauie has been re-
iidney and Bladder weakness result nted by the Rennie Seed Co. o,f
from uric acid, nye a noted authority. Toronto for storing onions.
nine kidneye filter this acid from the
`{Blood and pass it on to the bladder, where
$t often remains to irritate aid enflame,
Causing a burning, scalding sensation, or
setting up an irritation at the neck of
the bladder, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during the night.
"rho autferer is in constant dread, the
water passes, sometimes with a scalding
kensation and is very profuse; again,
there is difficulty in avoiding
Illadder weakness, most folks call it,
'because they can't control urination.
While it is extremely .annoying and some-
times very painful, this is really one of
the most simple ailments to overcame.
feet about four ounces of Jad Salts
from your pharmacist and take a table-
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast, continue this for two or three
etleys. This will neutralize the .acids in
the urine so it to longer is a source of
irritation to the bladder and urinary or -
eons which then act normally •gain.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless,
and is made from the at, id of grapes! raid
lemon juice, combined with lithia, and
le used by thousands of folks 'who are
.$object to urinary disorders caused by
who 1VIr, and Mrs, Pollock,
ently retunned •from, the west, have
moved into the residence they pur
,chased from the Bush estate.
Mrs. T. W. Panner has recover-
ecover-ed from her reeent illness.
Jas. W. Johnston, who. has
spent several months out west,
has returned..
'Cleve Joynt made a large ship--
m,ent of t11i`.nilps from, this stat-'
ion last week.
This story is told 'by a anan who
has an old negro working around
his place on Lang Island. On the
day after the UnitedStates de -i
Blared war Uncle Ben came brie
ght and early to do his chores.
"Well, Mistah John," he said, "1
hope youse gwine ter be i t,ttd to.
pore old Germany now."
"Why, Uncle Ben, ;what aro you
talking above Don't you knot~;' we
were discharged. The case is
laid over until next March.
,Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens'
So Naturally that No.
body can Tell. - -•
-In the Country Gentleman.
the` ro-
' r u
The new
junior 1 g
ininistrators will proceed to di -s oats,' Mr. N. Lewis; was slvoi+n
tribute the assets of the said de- I in at Goderich on Tuesday of last
Everything keeps getting dearer
except our sweethearts and wives,
who +couldn't possibly be ;any
` • and the said Achninistrators will dearer than they are now.
es in the Visited
hair beau -r as ets or Retell food pile
You can, turn gray, faded {nota be able the said I s
Wilily dark and lustrous almost over 1ersons States have decreased an aver>:ge
night !!'you'll get a bottle of � Beth's ony part thereof, to any p
etage and Sul hur Compound at any ; of whose claim or claims notice often per cent from the iii
,ceased 'among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to •
such claims of which notice shall
have been given as above required,
water mark reached in May ,nal
June, it was officially announced
on Saturday.
King ,George has issued a Pro-
clamation calling for Sunday, Jan;
uary 6th, as a day of prayer throe
sight .the Empire. It almost looks
as if weneed it mote than anyl
drug store. inions of bottles of this
old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved
by the addition of other ingredtes,
are sold annually, says a well-known
druggist here, because it darkens the
hair so naturally and evenly that no
one can tell it has been applied.
Those whose Bair is turning gray or
becoming faded have a surprise await-
ing them, because after one or two
applications the gray hair vanishes
and your locks become luxuriantly
dark and beautiful,
Thiel is the t age of youth. Gray-
haired, unattractive folks aren't
wanted around, so get busy with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur ,Compound
to -night and you'll bdj delighted with
aeric acid irritation. Jed Salts is splen• are at war with Gerina,ny?" your dark, handsome hair and your
acid for kidneys and causes lie bad"1 know it 1 Milo A., it," tele youthful appearance Within a few
effects whatever.days.
Here you have a pleasant, effervescent , old fellow persisted, shaking his 'this preparation is a toilet requisite
«iidela-water drink, w iia 11107,4007011 , head, "Bilt s«.1ttinly dat country -11' and istion noot intended
nter dednort the c re, tniti-
4i1o?:dtx •trouble 1 gleed a trice now,
;snail not have beet) received by
them at the time of such diatribe
'cation. • 1
Dated at • Exeter Ont. this '8th
day oif November, A, D. 1917.
Ontario, Solicitor for Administrate
Wednesday last at 11' o'clock at
the Ontario, St. Parsonage, ,Cling
ton, Rev. J, A. Agnew tied the
eaatl'imonIal ll:alot between Mr!.
William Bohn Snyder, of Colbor-
ne Township, and son of Mr. Levi
Snyder, and Miss Ida May True -
meter, of Hensall, daughter of Mr.
V4 illia.m Tr. 1lemner. formerly, of
other time since the, war started.
Rev. E. G. Powell, who has been
one of the field secretaries fort
!Committee olf One lHulndred,
resigned owing to -111 Health.
Powell's 2reeent auto exper'ie
near Listowel, bringing hirci
the decision that his ,health
be looked after, for phe ti