HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-11-23, Page 1Vol, XV i i I NEW FALL MORSE GOODS Our stock of fall horse goods has arrived ,and we tax supply your nie.eds a little eheaiper than you can bit'y them el- sewhere. We have a lull line of ;HORSE BLANKETS,, SASKATCHEWAN ROBES, ,RUGS, „DASH APRONS, MITTS AND GLOVES,' HALTERS, HARNESS, ETC. We have a few fur robes to pclear' below present cost. We have rungs, either for :buggy or scar, from $3,00 to 16,00 Come and see outr Stock. P. R. F. STAD A :ZURICH URICU-i, FRIDAY MORNING!, NOVEMBER23 aeemoseoos000eee•soeeoeoeoesesoseseeoseeseeeseeeee •Satisfe.d Hundreds 1 Can Satisfy You Orli , WE HAVE BEEN MAKING AND SELLING SUITS FOR MANY YEARS AND HAVE SATISFIED HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS. ''./DUR EXPERIENCE GIVES YOU T HE SATISFACTION THAT THE 'WORK WE TURN OUT WILL BE SATISFACTORY IN EVERY PAR TICULAR • Get your clothe,s made by one who understands the measuring and fitting, ' 'We will make you your suit or, if pref erred, will have it city- mad.e. Hundreds of samples to choose from. All our Boy's Suits and Overcoats are going under cost WHERE QUALITY coITN` 8. '`' ,i; WIN 1111411841414/414141141004040306 064141414004141 sNoeeaeeeeoeaeees11e*e*eo9e 1917. a. E. Axt, of London, is .vis-.,' "'t tirsasiitt rM1tl tt #t0 100 ltis•.hoge here. .. . rs. Geo, Brock, of H'ensall, is ting relatives here this week, _ 9; number from here attended the: I suppler at Varna on Monday ht. Mr. Alf Moretz and fa.niily, o Guelph, visited relatives here ove Sunday. The open season fordeer, quai wild turkey, black and grey equir refs closes to -day Nov. 15th. Mr. F, Hefts, Sr., visited relatia ,ves at Saltford Heights over t iSunday, .,-• Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskoppf.: visited relatives at Sebringsville, over Sunday. . 1V Ir. and Mrs. Henry Truett -0e*,, returned Tuesday from Toronto, '• where they visited their son and daughter. Mrs. B, Stacey and Miss F, Pre p 4hips eontests in Huron county Teter, of Stratford spent a few.'!•• days at the z ome .cif Mr, and 11li•stl 1' have been announced and . Miss - d, Preeter lis week. T'' ora I. Hess, of -the G. C. L, dau. Mi: and rs. H. Schnarr, of Kit hter of Mr. and Mgrs. P. Hess, _ i. of ilZurich wins the third chener, are: visiting at the home oil ' '- Edna, - the lather's parents, Mr. and M scholarship; Miss' James of S. Livingood; 14th cob. `'Hon; S. J. Latta, mtinister o highways in the' Martiw Governm- ent, of Saskatchewan has - been el..,, • of valines $100, $60, .$40 for first, eicted by acclamation a,t Last Mo-_ L. O. Umbach, of the Waterloo: Co., Waterloo, was a busi- visitor in town on Tuesday. large number from the village, vicinity attended. the nomin- en held at Cli+nton.,oil Monday; ev. and Mrs. F. Meyer, of Dash- od, visited with friends in town few days this Week. Mr. Mey- , also assisted with the evening ... ,services held here .. in •the Evan.' + g plical church. 1 The Canadian banks are •arrang- to make advances to small- in- { t stars in Victory Loan bonds up 90 per cent. of their subea i -t on, at the same rate of iinter• - s th b d themselvesp bear. 4'i•+Ot*#$fti'4t0'` NEW FA AN � R Our stock was never so 1 See' our lines before sen city catalo Repairing Neatly an.. Butter and eggs taken in C. FRITZ The Home of G The result of the Carter scolar-� IIi1Ii1ili•11E11II!l 1111IIPPilI1 I' "i'�i�,i";111111111111 11111111111111IIIIIli1111:41,1 .L,:,� ,IiGi1111111111it as a on Your Winter rs' Wingham High School', the first _ Now is the scholarship, and Miss Katherine McGregor, of Clinton Collegiate, the second The scholarships are untaiht second and third. respectively/. TheoIs' Bak Also all th As all line ... Underwear Flannellettes Wrapperettes Dress Goods Men's and Boys time to recommend- their f ,ins to invest in - arta d i and are ready to receive subscriptions. The Bank will undertake to hold Bonds -fog' safe -keep- ing without charge for a. year, whether the subscription was placed through the Bank or not. Apply to the Bank Manager for information.. 073' f- ;p R. N. PHONE 11 on 82] • BLAKE S 891NIliili Iniii11111111111!IN.12$1111i51fi1iIIIIIIIIIII1511MINI1111IlillllM1+!Gllil!tllllllliliul511111111115111111111111 MINIIII111111111111111111IIIIII111111IIIII11111I111111Ui1[it .V • + 8-+€• z 4. +4-4.4- 4,4 4- :++3+'1'.+4.++,€ €++4-lt ' 4, 4, Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns, high 4, neck and long sleeves • tucked yoke, white ore4 4 4. 4 4. 4.4 4. 4. :1. 4.4 44 F�••i•d+++++•€••D�•€ •€• ••�3••€•�II••€•+�•�i••i•�F444, ++++++++++++444.14444444444 �t• �f•�F�i+44+4 44-14•i���E 44+44+4444444 s«b�2••?•�e•^i••€•�F•�F••€•€••H•t•i••�•��€••�•b•��•�•4444.44.44 :••i 3•€••€�•€••i••�•fl^•i••€•�••§••�•F•3 't§ PoL� •€ € .€ § F € •b •�•II �••€ •€ a� 3•.g •€..€•� •€ •�•E� ;*meq+ 1�+ Air 1. 41. 41. .4 -414 4. 4 are 4 •�€+ !€+4,-f,+F••1.3 +++++dr+•i••1•+++•1•.i+.+4.1..g•+41:ff. +F+ +4.44+444.4.44.4444+44444+44441 .*'' C'hildlen'e Cashmere Huse • in black, fan, red and white, per pair, 30c to 75e, Men's Heavy Gray Wool Socks 40c and 75c REETER'S =)--.)-COOL WEATHER SUGGESTION Boy -'s heavy ribbe:i hose in all sizes and prices. Ladies' wool mitts. in . Navy, red, white and black at 35e. Children's plain wool mitts in navy, red and black, all sizes 35e. pr. 1 - FLANNELETTES. Striped flannelette, striped in blue, gray a and Pink. .8 yards for $1.00. FLANNELETTE SHIRTINGS, in dark stripes or checks at 15e and 20e. x yard, NEW FALL WRAPPERETTES in light and clerk colors, 27 in- cites wide att 15c to 18c yd. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS in white or giay,; blue and pink . borders sizes 1.1.1 and 12% W1HITE WOOL BLANKETS, plain white with blue or pink bord- ers, Froin $4.50 up. ;COMFORTERS, well' quilted and' cotton filled in one size only, at $2.50 each. LADIES' 'WINTER COATING O A complete showing or all the latest weaves and 'shades for winter coats at $2.00 to $3.75. ICHILDRENSz COATS. Corduroy velvet :coats ..and plain cloth -; in blue and' brown, lined throughout, ages .2 to 10 years, at a low 'vice: ,CORDUROY VELVETS. splendid display of corduroy ve- in. all (colors -at 60 and 75c i:yd+ to and -beautify veer homes by fitting up:the rooms 4. c fixtures. We have a' nice assortment suitable for bed s parlor, dining rooms and etc., at reasonable prices. Hot Point Electric toasters, Irons Grills, call and v , a full stock of Tungsten and Nitrogen and ware always on hand and, prices little lover than you get elswhere, F Specials Ready -.Made Clothing If you are in need of an over- coat or suit it will pay you to buy now at old prices, ,while our pres- ent stock last. Net gobds will be away up in prices. Snap in Caps A job lot of men's and boys caps ranging from 50a to .75c. To clear at 25c each. . Towels _4. nice range of° Turkish Bath Towels in stripes a1ncreolored gro- unds at 25e 'and 50e. 1,.Also plain with pink and bhie borders with space for initials. at 60e and $1.00. These are special values. PilIow Cases Embroidered and Hemstitched at 90c to $1.25. +F• €' +++++++++++4+4.44+++++++++. • Men's and Boys' Underwear All sizes of men's ht;,I.vy ribbed woul underwear at last year's prices. Also men's and boys fleece lined, and Penman's Under- wear for men and boys. , LADISE' VESTS and DRAWERS, Splendid winter garments high neck, long s':eeve et -stn. and ankle lengths drawers. All sizes and prices. Infants Vests, button front, 1 to 12 years. Special .at 30e and 35e each. i A full range of children's black drawers in sizes 2 to 16 years. Prices according to age. Also 1 adios sizes at 90c and $1.00 each. VIMY COLLARS- The new linen Cellar for men. Just in at 20e each or 3 far 50c. Dutch Setts and Large Onions Wanted Live Fowl taken every Friday forenoon RANGES and RENTERS The season is coming when you will need a 12anga or Heater and you naturally will want the best and we �votitd invite you to see .our stock before you rake your purchases, we still handle the eel- nbrated Peninsular Liu' in ‘all the different makes high oven. -Peerless Gilt Edge, Also many; other makes. And we guarantee any stoev vve turn out to give entire satis- faction, or your money' back. Furnace work and plumbing a specialty. Clover :and Timothy Seed, Dutch Setts and live poultry, all kin- ds of Farm Produce bought either for cash'or in exchange goods. 4.44+444..• Highest Price for Produce. 414 11 4.4444444.44444444-444.0, Phone 9 ZURICH 4. 4- 44,444.44i4.44444 /I +44+4444+++++444+44+44+++4 44+44 14 4;4+4 +t r 444444 ,1� 1 4 4 'I 1 A