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Zurich Herald, 1917-11-16, Page 8
+ + + olg 4. +Ladies'Coats `j' We have the celebrated Rogers Coats 'again in stock in +. the newest styles and cloths a urch as Plush, Velours, Baby ,"1'g, 4 Lamb Cloth, etc. + We also have Misses and ebildrens' eizes in fashionable col +. .4'ors. Do not fail to see the se should you require a new winter coat. ' ; Goods• •• Gress All wool serges, in black, navy, •green, brown, etc., etc., `i. 34 in. wide at from $1.25 to $2.50 per yd. These were all 4- bought before the advance in prices, and are excellent val ue at our prices. Also a full range of velveteens in aorded and plain finish at from 60e to $1.00 per yard. + Silks $ + + Silks are in good demand for fall wear and we would + ..p, be pleased to show you our various linea in Duchess, J1a +. b'tue, s Poplins Pailettes crepe du chanes, Georgettes,ete. .+1. i + 40 0111M1111*.604•M•61., SPECIAL 100 yds. only, black Duchess, good + t weight, 30 inches wide at $1.50 per yard. + Ladies' and Children's Underwear 4. In Penman's all wool natural or white. These garm- ents are w>11 made of pure wool and give excellent wear We also have flannelette gowns. childrens sleepers, sweater coats, hosiery in cashmere, all woll, and fleeced lined. + + + 4. 1... I J. & Son Gascho NW!•!NN'!N!N!!!••!!•0 !•0000!••0!N • 0 Men's Wear Ken's and Boy's fine suits, overcoats, raincoats, swea ters, a complete range of underwear, hats, caps, mid ;gloves, socks, ties and mufflers. +' COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK OF •SEASONABLE 'GOODS, AND GET OUR PRICES. WE FEEL SATISFI- ED THAT WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR WINT- ER NEEDS. LIVE POULTRY, LARGE ONIONS, DUTCH BETTS. ,AND ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED. + + + + + + + + + + + 4. 4- 4- 4. 4o 4. 1 • • • • • t • • 0 • 1 • • • • 0 MasseyllarriS Implements - have been re -appointed Agents for the above �e• � named Implements and. are prepared to take orders of ' .1l a kinds of Massey -Harris machines for .next season. WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS"OF MASS'EY HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the smote class of goods. Square Deal Our,, jPrices are always right • • • 0 • • • M Iliner*.(C eing OUR many. friends and ,:rcustomers are invited; V to view -bur charming display of ;;Autumn - Hats, , on Wednesday and Thursday Sept. 19th &. 2Otb - Y and days.. following. Everything New and Up-to-date Idella E. Kline - Zurich LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat 2.10 2.1Q Oats 53 55 Barley 1 00 Buckwheat 1 25 Flour 5 75 6 25 Bran $38 00 Shorts 44 00 Low Grade.- ...... . .. bag 8.09 Live flogs fob Hens/ill. 16 00 .42. 42 05 100 it 1 i 3 i • 1 0 H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman 1 0 F. Hess & S©n s The Old Stand Local News LATE MATTT•HIAS WURM On Friday last there passed a- way at his hom,e here Matthias.: Wurrn, aged 85 years. The de- ceased was one ski the early set- tlers of this section and helped to. hew down the virgin :breath where 'Zurich now stands. A man of upright and sterling qualities, he made a host of friends and w:as well known throughout this sect- ion. He was i11 for only a short time. He leaves to mourn his doss his aged widow, :and two sons, Martin and; Louis, both , of Zurri-Ch. The funeral was held or: Monylay.,interment•. taking place s the Lutheran cemetery. $ NN•••NM•• M!0••!!!0•ANlMN!••••190 M•M•N••••• Let us have your order for Special Made -to -Order Men's Suits and Overcoats Prices Right and Fit Guaranteed SWEATER COATS In all colors and sizes, with or without collars. FUSS A. big range of Ladies Furs, Plush Coats, etc. Special heavy coating $2.50 per yd. TEDDY BEAR BLANKETS AND QUILTS At $1.00 and $1,75. COCOCA RUGS $1,00 to $L75. 'They can be wash ed. MEN'S TIES The very latest, 25e to $1.00. NEW +SHIRTS Beautiful line of new shirts just arrived, $1.00 to $2.00. WARM CAPS A full line of Man's and Boy's caps 50e to $2,00 RAINCOATS. We carry a big stock in this line A coat dor rainy weather or a areas coat. $5.00 to $16 FREE! FREE!. New Idea Fashion Sheets are now out for November. Come and procure one. Wrapperettes,.. Flannellettes, and Eiderdowns all bought before the bit advance in price WANTED Dutch Setts, Live Poultry, Large Onions of Farm Produce. HAY COUNCIL jDr. and Mrs. Guinn of Clinton;' who spent two years .doing niilit- •nry work in the hospitals in Eng- land have returned home. Michael Hogan, a Biddulph township farmer and cattle buy- er, pleaded guilty in London to forging twelve motes amounting to; 5.1800 and was sentenced to jail for three months. 1r� The regular meeting.of Hay .Co- uncil was held on November 3rd. The following orders were pas- sed; .Can. bnd. Tel. Co. supplies; $1944;. Bell Tel., Co. L. D. T., August: 20th to Sept 20, $70.90; ditto Sept. 20 to Oct. 20, $57.32; G. Ocstreicher, sheep killed by doge, $10.00; S. Deitriclh• overcharge on telephone, '.r2; ditto one dog, $1.00; Len Wurm+ bal .for work Mousseau Award, $13.00; J. Lawson ball on con:tract of St. Joseph bridge, $164.00; Northern Electric Co., London, supp. $123.00;. ditto, Toronto, suppFes, $2.48; Her- ald Printing Co., $18.00; .T. McMal- hon, fence at bridge con 2, $35.00; John Denommie Inspecting . St. Joseph bridge, $35.00; Albert Zet- tel part payment making cern. tile $50,00; A. Rose rep cut con. 14, $2; J. Hey, Sr., comm. work C. R. $97.00. The council will meat again on' :Saturday the 1st day of Decent,_ bar at 10 o',clock a. m„ . F. Hess, Sr. CLARK. and . all kinds L. WURM Phone 2 HEW 40E* PATTERNS COMB SAGE TEA IN 4: ADED OR GRAY NAR If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. Grandmother kept her hair 'beauti- fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hairr took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this ■lite' ple mixture was applied with wontlera.' fu1 effect. By asking at any drug store for "wyeth'e Sage and Sulphur Compound,' you will get a large both tie of this old-time recipe, improved by the addition of other tngrecgents. all ready to use, at very 'little 'coag ' Thtn. simple mixture can be depended upbfi to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. !L well-known" downtown drriggillt says everybody uses Wyeth's Sege arid Sulphur Compound now because •.lt darkens so naturally and evenly that nobodyCan tell it has been applt.d;-- 1•t's so easy to use, too, You limply dampen a comb or ?deft brush and draw tt through your hair, taking one; strand . dt , s • ttme. By mornieg • "that•, gray hair, disappears; after 'another application or ttvo, it is•restored W ite natural color and looker 'gloNy, eott and beautiful. Thio preparation 10,4" delightful toilet, requisite; It le not lb - tended for the cure, mitigation or pre- vention of -disease. r -� We . give crethl to New Years to Prompt P4 Customers. nnouncement The business conducted formany. years under the name of C. Hartleib "will .henceforth'be known as Hartleib ifiL,Foust::~' 1VIl'.' S E. '.aust.hastaken a half share in the business dating from August 221st. The firm will be better prepared than ever to sup- ply oy ur needs in Hardware, Paints, Furniture, etc:, at the lowest prices. Special attention paid to Furnace Work, Eave- treughing, etc. Hartleib & Faust Hardware and Furniture Zurich HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE What Will Canada's Answer Be? OVER in the sodden trenches amid the bursting land the roar of artillery s where Canada's boys are fighting and dying. -they are waiting for Canada's answer when the sale of Victory Bonds begins. ( A1`TA DA'S soldiers expect that we at homewill put up the Mil- lions they need to keep on fighting, -the millions they must have to`win Victory for freedom, -home and Canada. What answer willCanada make? -- -What answer will you make? Shall it be said that Canada spares' not her sons from the sacri- fice of battle, yet withholds her dollars to give them victory? Rather will it be said that Can- ada once more, for the fourth time , in three years, cheerfully puts up her millidns upon millions for the cause of freedom, right- eousness and justice. Canada's answer must be, that the 'Canadian hand to the " plow of Victory . holds stea4' fast and firm. ' -that Canada is in deadly earnest when she says the. "last .man and the last dollar." That is the answer Canada will give to our boys in the trenches, our kinsmen in Britian, and our Allies everywhere. That is the answer we will give to the Huns who thought and said that Canada would desert the Empire before she would fight or pay. Every bond you buy is an answer. Let the millions of an- swers from Canada's loyal mein and women make a chorus of Victory to ring around the world. Canada's Victory Loan Campaign opens on Monday, November 12 "Canada's Victory Loan All About It" 1 Is the title of a pamphlet that should be in the hands of every man and 1 sr'bmant in the reentry. Street or It.R....., Mail thi8 coupon at P•o I ; once*and get your copy ProvNO *is 4.0,0 sal Chairman, Provincial Committee, Canada's Victory Loan, Toronto. Kindly send me a copy of pamphlet entitled_a� . "Canada's Victory Loan, All About It;.`' Name 6.. W ' 6666611.• ..MO 46666166.666-65664 61166,406616 4 \` .. ...a.6ihns;16 mo..6.6666m6666.6morese 66,66666.0661,060666161;6016161,166111.16,616, • Is'eled qan by Canada's Victory' n Geed dttIR � 9'1 With Oke Minister at pitssa>lrok, tbf he Oofdtoio• o Caned,. i