HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-11-16, Page 4lASUWO
Nor. Ale . Neeb hada very, sue.
,el4041.1 ba`rn'.rais-vug on 'Monday,
$Mrs. E. A, Broughton of Whitby
ts at Present visiting with her par -
le its, Mr. and Mrs, J. Kellerrnian.
"Mr:' and Mrs. Hernaeln Eidt of
Eorest'epent Sunday. with relatie
iteeS here, 1
Mrs;' D,' Norm;yl of Kalamazoo,
Mich., is spending a few weeks
;with her parents, Mr. aind Mrs. G.
Miss Liela Guenther spelnt the,
Week -end in Stratford.
Mrs. Ed. Willert: and daughters.
Misses Ella and Isabel Cameron,
are at present visiting With relati-
r res in Pittsburgh.
Mrs. J. Kellerman spent a few
slays in London last week on
xhusiness. - '
Mrs, A. J. Brunner of Chicago is
$visiting with her parents, Mr. and
airs. ix. .Oestreicher,
1Mr, and Mrs. ,Jaek. Eidt and,
;family left for Ailsa, Craig Wed-
nesday, where they will reside for
the winter.
(Mrs. Case, of the London road
south, was buried last. week. She
was highly respected and had res
ached the age of 94 years.
Mr. Wm. Buchanan hes returned
$from an extended trip through the
-western provinces.
Mrs, G. E. McIntyre of De-
troit is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Jas. Sparks.
John Seruton, butcher, of Clin-
ton, and brother of the late Alf.
3eruton of this village, passed sud-
denly away on Wednesday of last
week of heart failure.
On Novemiber 7th, the wedding
took place' at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Wilson, of theiir dau-
ghter, Miss Cora E. and Mr.:Herb-,
cert A. Chamberlain, of Niagara!
Falls, Ont. Rev. J. Knight per-
liformed the ceremony. They will
reside in Niagara Falls.
as:; BLAKE
• Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Douglas, of
-.Hyde Park spent the past week
with friends in this vi anity.
Mrs. Edighoffer spent several
Clays with friends on the Sauble,
Mrs. Jake Kennel and children
are at present ;isiti;ng friends at
New, Hamburg.
Mc and Mrs. Jack Nichol,.
• ,`"PeWlessitiall, ac ompanied by IMi Ey,
•telson, caller -'.an friends in this
vicinity recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Green, and family
+tif Grand Bend, spent Sunday - at.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
1 apfe.
Mss Lillie Meyers is visiting un-
der the parental rodf.
The regular meeting df the,
Blake Women's Institute was held
at the hone of ,Mrs. Sam Hey on
November 6th, There was a good
attendance. The president open-
ed the meeting in the usual mane,
ler, and all necessary business was{
attended too. 'Several Christmas
boxes were packed for our boys
wvho went overseas; after which'
Very interesting papers were giv-
en by Mrs. D. Tough and Mrs. Wm.
Finlay, which were much enjoyed.
The meeting was •tllhen closed by'
hinging the National Anthem. The
next regular meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Wm. Douglas'
all ladies are welcome.
The M els:att Oe Finance per for Public Subecriptian
Canada's , Victory Loan
$ 5O.000,O®O 51% Gold Bonds
Bearing Interest from Describer let, 1017, and offered In three maturities, the choice of which is optional with the aabscefber, so fallow":
$ rear Bonds due December 1st, 1952
10 year Sonde due December 1st, 1027
20 yerr''Bonde,duit December 1st, 193?
This Loan is authorised under Act of the Parliament of Cenada;ra,d both principal and interest area charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
The amount of this issue is $150,000,000, exdasive of the amount. (If an) paid by the surrender of bonds of previous Issues. The Minister of Iwinance
however, reserves, the right to allot the whole or any part of thy, amount subscribed in excess of $150,000,000.
The Proceeds' of this Loan will be used tog War purposernenl,>r••nd will be spent wholly is Canada.
Principal -and, Intermit Parabtg,1n_.GoW
tpsnominetlonit $S$, $1$0,_a50t, and $1,910
SU,scriptfons must be in sums of $50 or multiples thereof.
Principal pa able without charge at the °nice of the Minister of Finance and_Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the Office of *the Assistant Iiecenier
General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Monti'saL Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina. Calgary, and Victoria.
Interest payable, without charge, half -yearly, June 1st and December ist, at any branch in Canada .pf any Chartered Bank.
Bearer or l eiisotered . Bond's
,Bonds, iaybe • registered at to principal or as to principal and interest,.
Scrip certificates: non-negotiable, or payable to bearer, In. accordancq_with the choice of the applicant for registered or bearer bait' de. Will' be iraued after
allotment in e,iehaageatornprovisional receipts. was* theae.scrip•certtfkatee•.ltave been.pald,in.full..assn inennw0.ondorsed tnereon.bY-tkebank recetvinctite money
they, may be enchanted for bonds, .when prepared, with: coupon"si: attachests payable to bearer, or redratered ast to principal, or for fully- nesietered''bondi• wl'ien
prepared, wltiwut coupe ar..hc, accordance, with the-aultllcatto x . •-.. .. ,..
Deltverr of Weal= certidCniteir:antt' o tinfrriitiembond.-:will, t(eamcdt,througki:thee•hartesernR*tt*in •
Wearer botannwithneoupottiwhk'he leaned fretlfenominatron'smtBrni': 210Ce1. 00 and 2it(100•,;:and•seaty.,be rearsfered-.aerate.-princide,k.oaly..- regia
terefthendsa.ehe:tntereet on -wiles henna& direct to sGe.ausaet:bx-Geverau,ene;,,chetue, will lie iasuid is denominations et,- *1•,0611:. $rs,000. or- any-antitorireed
multiple of $5,000.
Subject to the payment of 25 cents for each • new bond - issued, hrs+of fully registered bonds without coupons, will have the right to convert into bonds
of the denomination of 21,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of aathorirect denom.
laatiens without coupons, at any time, on application to the Minister of Finance.
Surrender of Bonds
Holders of Dominion of Canada Debenture Stock. due October 1st, 1019, and bonds of the three preceding Dominion. of Canada War Loan Isaues,
leave tbs proffers of surrendering their bonds In part payment for subscriptions to bonds of this issue, under the following conditions:—
Debenture Stock, due October 1st, 1919, at Par and Accrued Interest.
War Loan Bonds, due December 1st, 1925, at 97 )4 and Accrued Interest.
(The above will be accepted in part payment for bonds of any of the three maturities of thle Issue)
War Loan Bonds. due October let, 1931, at 97!.5 and Accrued Interest.
War Loan Bonds. due March lit; 1937, at 96 and 'Accrued Interest.
(These will be accepted in part payment for bonds of the 1937 maturity'ONLY of -this Issue.)
Bonds of the various metudtles of this Issue will, In the event, of future issues of like maturity, or longer, made by the Government, other then issue's
tSade abroad, be accepted at par and accrued' interest, as the equivalent +t eash for the purpose of subscription to such issues.
Issue 'Price Par
Fres from taxes—including any Income tax—imposed in purruincs of legislation
Payment to'cite made as follows:
10% on December 1st, 1617
10°,,, ou January 2nd, 1918
20% on February 1st, 1918
enacted by the Parliament of Canada.
20,'/,g on hfarch 1st, 1918
on April 1st, 1918
20% c,n May 1st. 1918
A full half year'a interest will he paid on 1st June, 1918.
The Bonds therefore she a net interest yield to the investor of aborti
5.61% on the 20 year Bonds.
5.08% on the. 10 year Bonds
5.81% on the 5 year Bonds
All payments are to be made to a,Chartered Bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous
payments liable to forfeiture, and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions accompanied by a deposit of 10% of the amount subscribed, must he forwarded
through the medium of a Chartered Bank, Any branch in Canada of any Chartered Ban:: will forward subscriptions and issue provisional receipts.
In case of partial allotments the surplus- deposit will be applied toward payment of the amount due on the January. Instalment.
Sttbscriptiona may be paid in full on January 2nd, 1918,or on any instalment due date thereafter under discount at the rate of 5.',% per annum.
this provision payments of the balance of subscriptions may be made as follows:
If paid on January' 2nd, 191(8,• at the rate of 89.10795 per $100.
If paid on February: fat so. -tit the. rate of 79.46959 per 8100.
;If paid on: nlarch,;let, she rate of 59.722I4 per $100.
If paid cm April lit the rate of.3n,909$9 Per $100.
o -o ember thereo ,.
Bank,or,from any
Loan Committet, r n(
.-Forms of application'.ha3y hes obtained,-from:any branch ,n `w ac'irtc oFi•any. Chartered,Y
The hooks of the Loan will be kept at; the Department of Finance, Ottawa.'
Applications will be madein due tourse,.for the hati`tg of 'this issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges.
Subscription, Lists will, close` on or before Docenaber let, 1415.
OTTAWA. November 12th, 1917.
(The following is the report oi,
V, S. S. No. 5, Hay and Stanley,
*for the month of September and
October. ;Pupils are required to
;obtain 60% of total to pass, Lew,
marks due to irregular attendance
-• !Ruth Schrag 71%, John
oesch 69, Anna P. Douglas 63, El-
-tenor Meyers 63,
Jr,JII1;. - MargaretiMey ers 72%,
!Elias Steckle 65, Edna Gingerich
65, Allan Douglas 45, Gordon Raui
iSr. II. - Sim.c n Gingerich 52%,
flieta McBride 45. ,
Jr. II.- Laura ,Gagoho 58, Mil-'
ton Oesch 51, Ruth Schenck 43,
Fred Quackenbush 11.
Pt. IL- Mary Ann Schwartzen-
truber, Emma Schenck, Margaret
Douglas, Myrel .Gelinas, Arleen
'Schenck, Myrtle McC'linchey, Mad-
eeline Gelijna .s
Sr. Primer -. Walter McBride,
Margaret Douglas, Willie Schrag,
Leonard Zink, ' Alice Meyers.
Jr. Primer - Austin Zapfe, • Ed-
7ilif4 Boyes, Willie Oeseli, Arena
Gingerich, Ainna `Gingerich, Mer -
idly Rau, Rau, Albert McClinchey, Dor-
othea Schenck. "?, .
Number enrolled 52.
'A.verage attendance 31.
Parents should see that =their
$children attend snore regularly.
Matilda Oestreichcr, Teacher.
Start Tomorrow
and Keep It Up
Every Morning
Get In the habit def"tl"y, a
glass of 'hot water before
esWe're not her long, so let's make
our stay agreeable. Let us live well,
eat well, digest well, work well, sleep
well, and look well. what a glorious
condition to attain, and yet, how very
easy it' is if one will only adopt the
morning inside bath.
Folks who aro accustomed to feel
dull and heavy when they arise, split-
ting headache, stuffy' from a Cold, foul
tongue, nasty breath, acid 'stomach,
can, instead, feel as fresh as a delay
by opening the sluices of the system
each morning and flushing out the
Whole of the internal poisonous stag-
nant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
Well, shottld, each morning, before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
Water vrith a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in it to wash from the ;cheque, and the bond, if lost, may,
Btomach, liver and bowels the previous be replaced after proper evidence such claims of which notice shall
day's indigestible waste, sour Isle has been shown. have been given as above required,
I. and poisonous toxins; thus cteansinc
sweetening and purifying the ends is believed that this privilege and the said Administrators will
alimentary canal before putting mor will bew greatly appreciated by not be able for the said assets or
l food into the stomach. The action o. many thousainds of small • invest- any part thereof, to any persons
hot water and limestone phosphate on • ors, who will th^tu be assured of ,of whose claim or claims notice
an -empty stomach is wonderfully in the absolute s'afety of their invest- shall not have been received by
them at the time of such distrib-
Dated at Exeter Ont. this .8th,
day of Novetnber, A. D. 1917.
Ontario, Solicitor for.. Administrat-
ors. y
The following announcement has
been made from Ottawa!;- Tho
Finance of Canada has isused a.
new instruction in connection with
the Victory Bonds, which will be
of much .benifit and importance to
many small invetoss. He has 6,
to grant the privilege of
the registration of all bonds, that
Notice to •CrecJitors
Of Mary HowaJd late of the Vil-
lage of Zurich, in the County, of
Huron, widow, deceased,
Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter
121 of the Revised Statutes of Ont-
ario 1914, notice is hereby given,
tthat all creditors and others hav-
ing claims against the estate of
Mary Howalld, laite of the village
of Zurich, in the County of Huron
is to say, that bonds of all (de- Widow, deceased, who died on or
nominations, including the $E0 bond, about the ninth day of June, A. D.
may be registered as to principal' 1917, are, on or before. the First)
and as to principal and interests day of December, A. D. 1917, to
In previous loans the ,privileges send by post, pre -paid, to Isaacs
of registration was necessarily con R. •Carling of the Village of Ex -
fined to 'bands of the larger dee Teter in the County of Huron, Sol-,
nomination,such as $1,000 bonds or 'ici'tor •for the Ad!nl,'inistrators o f
more. Bonds of lower denomiin- the whole of the said deceased
ations were issued as bearer bonds their Christian naives and surnames
with .coupons attached, and while, addresses and descriptions, the
carrying. equal benifits as to prin- full particulars of their claims, a
cipal and interest were liable to statement of their accounts and
being lost by the owners. 'Under the nature of the securities if ainy)
the privilege now given by they held by them, and that after they
Finance Minister, the buyer of any, day last ,aforesaid the said Ad -
bond; whatever the denomination; ministrators will proceed to di -s
may have it regestered, in which tribute the assets of the said de -
,case the interest will be paid by, $ceased among the parties entitled
;thereto, having regard only to
N W ADS ;-- Victory Loan, Ford
1Cotor Coe Notice olo Creditors.
vigorating. It cleans out all the sour
'fermentations, gases, waste and
acidity and gives one a splendid
appetite for breakfast. While you are
enjoying your breakfast the water
and phosphate is quietly extracting
a lalrge volulne of water from the
blood and getting ready for a
thorough flushing of all the inside
• Tile millions of people who tare
bothered with constipation, bilious
Spells , stomach trouble; others who
bare sallow skfns, blood, disorders and
sickly complexions are urged to get a
quarter pound of limestone phosphate
(from the drug store. This will cost
very little, bat is sufficient to make
subject of intaide•bathing beflorebreak,
•went even against fire or care-
lessness or ainy other accidental
cause of loss. This improvement
in the issue will involve extra work
upon the Department of Finance„
;bt t Sir Thomas White considers
that its benifits wilt more than off
set the labor involved.
Of Farm and Implements. Mr.
E Bossenberry has been distruste
led to sell by public auction on
Lot 22, S. B., Stanley, %mile east 1 4
of Blake, on Tuesday,':November
20th, at one o'clock, the following , x
HORSES -One agricultural mare,
110 yrs. old; i agricultural mare, :
4 yrs. old ; 1 driving horse, g
yrs. old, good sin'gie'or double; '
1 hackney fillyej. kyr, old; 1 backs
ney gelding, 1 year old 1 geld. - ,
ing, • 1 year old, sired by Colonel
Graham. CATTLE- 1 cow due
to calve in 'Jalnuaryl; 1 heifer; 8
yrs, old, due in April; 2 cows due
in May; 2 ,farrow cows; 0 steers
2 yrs. old; 4 steers, 1 yr, old; 4
heifers, 1 yr, old; 3 calves ; l reg-
istered Shorthorn bull, 11 months
old.HOGS, ,ETCH,-- Sixstore
pigs. About 103 hens. IMPLEM-
ENTS -7 M assey-Harris binder,
Massey -Harris mower, Sharpe rake
Massey -Harris fertilizer drill, Mas-
sey -Harris cultivator, land roller,
4 section diamond harrows, Imper-
ial gang plow, Wilkinson walking-
alking_.p1.ow, Verity walking, plow; /um-
ber wagon,. truck,' wagon, eombin-
�edt hay., and -straw rack', ,: top. '5ug-- ..,,
gy, cutter, light wagon,. bobslei-
ghs, graver box, stone boat, Clin-
ton fanning mill, 1000 1b. weigh
scales, scuffles, National cream sep
arator, Chatham incubator, root
pulper, cutting box, new, 2 grind
stones, wheel barrow, hay fork and
slings, 2 sets double haliness, 2 sets
single hal'ness, horse :collars, sap,
pan and buckets, 20 -ft. (ladder,
whiffietrees, neckyokes, forks,
chains, sil',veri. nsersr kettles and
numerous other articles. Some..
cedar posts and rails. Also al
quantity of lumber. HOUSEHO-
LD FURNITURE - Bedstead,
sideboard, a numiber of kitchen
chairs, cook stove, heating stove,
2 hanging lamps, 2 bed room lamps.•
about 30 yards rag carpet, 1 churn,
TBRMIS ;- All sums of $110,00
and under, cash. Over that amou
nt 12 months ,credit will be given
on furnishing approved joint not-
es. iA discount of 5 per cent off
for cash on credit amounts.
E. Bossenberry, A. T. Douglas
Auctioneer. proprietor.
A Victory Loan bond of only $50
will be a good investment. you
you take a dozen or more of them
so much the better.
The registration in compliance
,with the Military • Service Act
now in force in Canada states at
Ottawa on November 13th that
338,524 claims for exemption have
been filed and 23,168 have report-
ed for service.
A school house in
caught fire and was saved by the
eiffortts of the boys attending it.
The strange action of the lads is
probably accounted for by the
fact that the turnip pulling. seas-
on is on in full blast.
The boys are fighting for yota
Huron County PoultryFlandersnders and 1Franee -- make,
show will your ,money fight for them thea -
be held in ,Goderieh on ,iatitiary ugh a Victory Bond.
14-16 1 lC tO'A Ie '
The Iiettelton farm near Kippers "And speaking of coal," said
consisting of 55 acres was sold by, The Wise 'Mr. Hines,
mortgage sale to; Mr, Datweiler fort '',,A ton in the ,seller's
$4800. t 1 Worth ten in. the mines."
We Want Now
A reliable Agent in Huron Coun-
ty to sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit
and Ornamental trees 'during' Fall
and: Winter mionths. Good pay,.
exclusive territory,. : free selling,
eq"ddipnlent. •=
Of the choicest Nursery stock in—
cluding, NEW varieties controlled
by us. Handsome up-to-date sena-
ling equipment and a splendid Cala,
adian grown stock to offer cus-
tomers. We are not jobbers.
Write now for agency terms to.
N. B. Catalogue sent on re-
quest to applicants for agencies or-
purchasers of Nursery stock.
tPtes. W. Brown and Gerald Fit-
ton were home on their last leave
They exp ®t to go overseas short
R. Gower and family have num-•
ed to Embro.
The late George Hammond o£
Buffalo was buried in rStaffa cern-
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Madge, .of'
Milk River, Alta., are visiting re- .
latives here.
E3E.3s111M IZPiNCIPENDErClIt03Ftl21123lE.A3saart70eCaltli •t
4 Cream, Eggs and Fowi 0;
0 Willpay highest cash price for Cream
1 Fowl and Eggs delivered at my residence,
Zurich, at any time during the week.
SIMM E N:118Clttell8E iC11E3E 3E3E31F# IC391 3>: f3> ti iE3feE#
--2.-4-4-3--+--+-..+-4---4---0.-+ -÷-4.-+-4.-+-+-+-+-1----1.--4
{,. E S1 SHOP f i r HARNESS
1 have opened up a new harness shop in .1
4. Merner's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, 1
4. and am prepared to do everything in harness f
I , ' repairing, binder canvas repairing, etc. i
Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc 1
I1 olicited
4. A Tela v
4,I gi
+-iii- 4--.4,-41,--44-1.--4-4,--40-4.- +-4-,4.,_4.,4 g. _.,1- ....,b --.+--*'--