HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-11-09, Page 8i,.E •}• �,`+4-+ 1••i.4•49+ §0++++•I +4,.•i. ++,r•1"++°i••ir+4..14!i"+++i++•F• ieCoats We have the celebrated Rogers Coats again in stock in • the newest styles and cloths such as Plush, 'Velours, Baby • parnb Cloth, etc. ;We also have Misses and childrena' sizes in fashionable col ors. Do notfail to see the se should you require a new winter eoat, • Dress Goods .�• . 144 4. 4. 4. .4 4' 4. 4. ;4' 4. 4. 4. 4' 4. F • 4. .+y. 4. 4. 4. 4. + •'r .€• 7 -1+ SII+ ' 4-1-1,44.++++++++++++++++++++.1++++++++++++++34+++++++++++ 10000000000000000000.06000 00000000000000O.000.000000 • • •A•• • • Massey.11arrisTYY�®fi®Y+O • • O • • • • • • 0 • WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY • 0 i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • All wool serges, in black, navy, green, brown, etc., etc., 54 in, wide at from $1;25 to $ 2,50 per yd. These were all bought before the advance in prices, and are excellent val ue at our prices. Also a full range of velveteens in ,corded and plain ,finish at from 60c to $1.00 per yard. Silks ~Silks are in good demand for fall wear and we would be pleased to show you our various lines in Duchess, Ha bitues, Poplins, Pailettes„ crepe du chenes, .Georgettes,etc. SPECIAL 100 yds. only, black Duchess, good *eight, 30 inches ° wide at $1.50 per yard. Ladies' and Children's Underwear In Penman's all wool natural or white. These garm- ents are zw41 made of pure wool arid give excellent wear We also have flannelette gowns, childr'e,ns sleepers, sweater (coats, hosiery in cashmere, all wall, and fleeced lined. Men's Wear Mien's and Boy'sfine suits, overcoats, raincoats, swea- ters, a complete ranger of underwear, hats, caps, mitts ,gloves, socks, ties and mufflers. COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, AND GET OUR PRICES. WE FEEL SATISFI- ED THAT WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR WINT- ER NEEDS. LIVE POULTRY, LARGE ONIONS, DLTTC1H ;SE;TTS. AND ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED. J. Casa() & Son 4. • anitiMmieSIMMit We have been re -appointed Agents for the above awed Implements and are prepared tc take orders of all kinds of Massey-Harrismaehines• for next season. HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods. Square Deal Our Prices are always right • a • • 1 • • 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • H. DAMS, Travelling Salesman • • • • • • • • The old Stand = • F. Hess & Son i N0000000000000HM000••1100 A00000000•000000000001110000 4.44÷4444++++4.4.+++++++++++44,++++++++++++++++++444-14441-14 If you intend to build a garage we have 4. PiCNE Ig 4....its.... material of alllkinds for same on hand. Everything in Lumber and Building Material Combination storm and screen doors made to order. Custom Planing our Specialty F. Ce XL ro r' FLEISC ZURICH • +l+444++4+++++4&++.++.++++++4++++a +++++.144.44++++++ X4+5 ,+_+1+-�i.-m 4.1 NEW HARNESS SHOP 1 have opened up a new harness shop in •9r 4+ 1 4. Merner's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, •� .!. and am prepared to do everything in harness repairing, binder canvas repairing, etc. 4. 4.t Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc, l p A I vial Solicited '14. FRED T#IEL.. ZURICH `' .,.:...w- "..w. ..... 4.-4} e Openfing r"stUR many friends and customers are invited to view our charming display of Autumn Hats, on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 10th & 20tb and days following. Everything New and Up-to-date Idella E. Kline . • Zurich LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter .38 Eggs 42 Dried Apples ........... :....... . 05 Potatoes 1.00 Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran Shorts Lo w Grade bag Live Hogs fob Hensel] 2.1.0 '2.10 53 •55 1 00 1 25 575625 $38 00 44:00 3.00 10 00 Local News +JOHNSTON-KGFHLER A quiet wedding took place at the Evangelical parsonage on Mon day.evening when Rev. F. B. Mey- er united hi marriage, Miss Mel - Irina Koehler, daughter of Mr. Hy. Koehler and Mr. Wellington John- ston, of (Zurich.. Mr. and Mrs. 'Johnston will move to Kitchener where they will reside. We 'join. in extending best wishes. AWARDED MILITARY MEDAL Marshall Zeller, of Elm. avenue, Windsor, +formerly of 'Zurich, who joined the Canadian overseas ;f+orees as aprivate in !the spring 'of 1916, and wh,o ,has been onac- five service in the machine u , section of thy Canadian`as invalided to a hospital Ian'' ragld'. several months ago, was recently?' }decorated with the military medal by General Turner, V. C. Mr. •Zel- ler was recomended dor the med- al early in the sumhner for bravery in the field. }, He is ;now taking •a +course of instruction with the Royal naval sir service which he+ will ;complete in a month or six Weeks. 1 THE CASUALTY LIST• Lieut. Chas. Macpherson, of Clinton, an officer of the 161st Bat, is reported killed in action. Pte. Jos. Hudson, pf Hensall, is reported wounded. +Pte. Ernie Meyers, son of Mri and Mrs. Chas -Meyers, Blake, la also reported as wounded. Pte, Thos. Davidson is also re- ported as wounded. A QUESTION IN ARITHMETIC Who of the Zurich readers of the Herald can solve this question? An agent 'received a consign- ment of wheat, which he sold, Charging 2% commission. ,With the net proceeds, after deducting his .commission at 1%%, and prepay- ing freight at 25 scents per cwt. he bought sugiar at 4N cents a pound. The agent's total commis- sion was $70. Find the number of pounds of sugar bought. The above is a question ia ar- ithmetic for fifth classes. Would those interested try to solve this question and leave the solution at the Herald office? A -detailed sol- ution of this question will be pub- lished in two weeks, HARTMANHDENOMY The marriage took place on Tues day Oct, 30th, in St. Peter's church Drysdaye, of Lucy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. De+nomy and Edwin Hartmaln, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. John Hartman, Goshen+Line, Hay. The bride was attended by her sister, Emma, and the groom • by Mr; Paul Bedard. After. the F em,ony they . motored to the. hoes of the groom's parents where :;a dainty 'dinner was partaken o2. The evening was ~pleasantly spent at the home of the bride's parents, The bride ;vol..: a satin dresstrim.- meed with white beading and ear- ried a bouquet of white earnat- ions. Next March they will move unto their new home near Blake where the goad wishes of many friends follow, them. EXEMPTION TRIBUNALS MILITARY SERVICE ACT 1917 For the Attention of Class One Men The location of The Exemption Tribunals in this district is as follows: - Tribunal Ont. No. 431 -Zurich Ont. No. 134 -Clinton Ont. No. 132 -Exeter These Tribunals will commence to deal with claims for exemption on November 8th. . All claims for exemption must be spade not later than November 10th. Those who make or have made their claim for exemp- tion in writing through the Post Office will receive notice by registered letter of date on which their claim; will be dealt with. Those who neglect to make use Of the Post Office must present themselves in person at a Tribunal on Novernber 8th, gtii or 10th, and they will theft be informed as to when their claims will be dealt with. I eports for service must be made on or before November 10th through the Post Office. Severe penalties are provided by law for failure to repast for service or claim; exemption as above. Issued bar y Theli filit y SS:;d'ice fwot nei.� We give credit to New Years to Prompt ` Pay Customers. nnouncement The business conducted for many years under the name of C. Hartleib will henceforth be known as Hartleib & Faust. Mr. S. E. Faust has taken a half share in the business dating from August 21st. The firm will be better prepared than ever to sup- ply your needs in Hardware, Paints, Furniture, etc., at the lowest prices. Special attention paid to Furnace Work, •Save- troughing, etc. IIartleib & Faust Hardware and Furniture 0 Zurich HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE »>:> 3 insezP Cream, Eggs and Fowl WANTED Willa highest p y hishest cash price for Cream Fowl and Eggs delivered at my residence, Zurich, at any time during the week. I, HUDSON, Phone 5, ZURICH. IVH Id imam 013811:3*438C210E3912313CKIS:38C3010E X38aZZONC318CIMICIft Let us have your order for Special -Made-to-Order Men's Suitsand Overcoafs Prices Right and Fit Guaranteed . MEN'S TIES The veti latest, 25e to $1.00, NEW SHIRTS Beautiful line of new shirts just arrived, 911,00 to $2.00, WARM CAPS 'A fuln line of Men's and Boy's caps 50c to $2.00 RAINCOATS. 'We carry a big stock in this line A coat for rainy weather or a' dress coat. $5.00 to $16 • t FREE! SWEATER ,COATS In all ':colors atn-d sizes, with :or, without collars. pun sA big range of Ladies Pura, 'Plush Coats, etc. Special heavy coating 82.50 per.yti, TEDDY BEAR BLANKETS LAND QUILTS 'Alt $1.00 and $1,75,,. COCOCA RUGS $1.00 to $1.75. They can be wash ed, FREE! New Idea Fashion Sheets are -now out for November, Come and procure one. Wrapperettes, Flannellettes, and Eiderdowns all bought before the big advance in price WANTED Dutch Setts, Live Poultry, Large Onions and all /cinch . of Farm Produce. T. L. WORM Phone 28 NEW IDEA PATTERNS AN ()PP RTITITITY you should not miss I have on hand the following which were bought befox the big advance in price. Buy now and save money, ON PETER HAMILTON CULTIVATORS I can save you $16 each. The se cultivators are second to non and are giving the best of satin faction. ON LOW -DOW N MANURE SPREADERS I can save you $26 each. On ly two left. On WAGONS, I can save you $20. On BUCxGIS+aS $25. Oip+ HAY RAKES 88. Only one left, Also one LITTER CARRIBU OUTFIT on which 1 can save you $20. One. price to all, these are ,no consignment goods. The above facts and prices speak for themselves, Ca11C• at once if you need any of these as I have no time to canvass. A new line of Cutters. Delaval Cream Separator Agency We handle pumps, piping, etc.. � j /''"'� Qom, i.PPAGy ~�