HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-11-02, Page 8_ . _.i........ . a,`: 9 Co + we have the celebrated Ro gers Coats again in stock in the newest styles and cloths s ueh as Plush, Velours, ,Baldy i• Lamb Cloth, etc, .4 No also have Xisst:s and childrens' sizes in fashionable col ele ors: Do not fail to see the se should y.ou require a new winter coat, rGoods • A11 wool serges, in black, navy, green, brown, etc., etc., Y. 64 in. wide at from $1.,25 to $ 2,50 per yd. These were all 4 bought before the advance in prices, and are excellent val. 'i: • tie at our prices. Also a full range of velveteens. in • corded and plain finish at from 60e to '$1,00 per yard. +++++++.1°++ +..1......++++++4•44+++++++++++++++++++++4+++++.14 Silks • ,Silks are in good demand for fall wear and we would + 'be pleased to show you our various lines in Duchess, Ha '• bibles, Poplins, Pailettes„ crepe du chenes, Georgettes,etc. SPECIAL 100 yds. only, black Duchess, good weight, 30 inches wide at $1.50 per yard. :4 1. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4- 4. 4. 4. -IIS .g. ,GOODS, AND GES. �• 'i' ED THAT WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR WINT- ER NEEDS. LIVE POULTRY, LARGE ONIONS, DUTCH sE'TTS. 4- ;AND ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED. �, sic on, A Ladies' and Children's Underwear. In Penman's all wool natural or white. These garm- ents are w$1 made of pure wool and give :excellent wear We also have flannelette gowns, childrens sleepers, sweater :coats, hosiery in cashmere, aI1• woll, and fleeced ILned• Men's Wear (Men's and Boy'.s fine suits, overcoats, raincoats, swea-, ters, a complete range of underwear, hats, caps, mitts ,gloves, socks, ties and snufflers. COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK OF ,SEASONABLE PRICES. WE FEEL SATISFI- 4. 4.',':•++++++++++++++++++++++++44++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,¢..1 •+•i.oa+ fi••g..;•.II••:••§ ;.•i.+•g•.i.• +•i•+ i,•N++++•i•+•i•+++++ ++ s• .: •F•+•i•+•1•++ 44440•9608406)•«„4100200QleaDt•@®4.8 W!!!!••®•®!!0®!!!C11600l6l4111: • 0 • 0 •• • • • • 0 • • • T1 .1. T. 4. 4. 4. , 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. .p. 3 4, 4 4, 4. s Masseyflafl'iS Implements • • • We have been re -appointed Agents for the above Gamed Implements and are prepared tc take orders of all • kinds of Massey-Harrismaehines for next season; ! • 0 • WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF MASS EY 8 HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW REPAIRS. O Buggies, ! We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Bugg'ea, Sleighs • Cutters, and We repair the'same class of goods. 0 • • • • 0• • • • 0 • • • • • • • • M • �• g r, } ; 1 ; .i s 3 l 3 i l l.q•d.; 3 § �� t :a 4. -÷+4 -1 -÷÷÷÷÷.1.4 -143 -i --1-÷7.-÷i÷3.++44 •i••E••E- F•fi•.g••4•.y <••g••g••:,•p•i •i d -d• :d-:.r•3.•;••II.•p1 4• Combination storm and screen doors made to order. Customs Planing our Specialty Square Deal iiiiine,ry 1 UR many frienda 'and customers are invited to view our .charming display of Autumn Hats, onWednesday and Thulrsday, Sept. 1 th & 20th and days following. Everything New and Up-to-date -. !della E. Kline LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter Eggs Dried Apples Potatoes Wheat 2.10 2.10 Oats 5$ 55 Barley 1 00 Buckwheat 1 25 Flour 5 75 6 25 Bran $38 00 Shorts Low Grade .bag 3.00 Live Hogs fob Hensall.,.,.. 15 60 - Zurich 1 DBAT:U OF G. LOYDE ARMSTRONG On Mojnday, October 29th there passed away at his home on the Goshen Line, Stanley, George Loyd Armstrong, son of Nr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong, at the ages .38 of 28 years and 4 months. The 42 deceased had beena sufferer from! 05 diabetes for about a year, and al - 1 00 though everything possible was. done for him; it, was of no avail. the disease ending fatally on Mon- day. Mr. Armstrong was; a young, man of sterling' qualities and his early demise has not only sad - deed his home but has cant the 4100 whole community into deepest gloom. He is 'a•urvrved by his; sarrowving wiidow, his father and mother,one brother and two sis- ters;. The funeral was held on Wednesday, internment taking:plaree, in' the Bayfield +cemetery, Local News ONION MARKET The sett onion 2narket opened on Monday and the merchants of tow' are b .usy taking in tons of the arorn.atie "tidbits." The price be- ing paid is 8 cents per pound and as some growers . have produeed, tons the returins run into hundreds. of dollars for them, LL, P.S. REPORT. and I • • • • • • 0 0 • • • A • ! • 0 • 0 0 • • Our Prices are always right H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman F. Hess & Son The Old Stand • aille6011001111101111110V40091766.900 011100000901119111111110110411110.4111 + 4. t 4.4444444.401•44+.44+444,44+++++++++++++++++++4. t44-++++34.1.44 1 NEW HARNESS SHOP 4. arness shoe in 4. Y have opened up a ueW ha p �, .a, Merlaer's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, • i • and am prepared to do everything in harness 4. re airing binder canvas repairing, etc. p s Sweat Pads,Curry Combs, etc 1 I Pull line of Whips,i If you intend to build a garage we have material of alllkinds for same on hand. Everything in Lumber and Building Material Report for October of Room 4. Percentages are gi'vefn in order for the tests in the following,sub- jects; 'Arithmetic, Spoiling and. Composition/1 • " �Sr. V,- !Jean 'Campbell, 72., 100 88.; Graham Mernpr, 73., 96., 78.; Margaret Hess, 64., 98., 83s; Wil- liam Mattison, 58.,' 76:, 69. iJr. V.- Miildred Hoffman, 94., 98., 66.; Olive Zettel, .i 2., 80., 11,; Freddy Weseloh, 48., 88., 66.; Ruth ,Hartleib, 36., 86., 78 ; Jacob Hab- erer, 68., 54., 77.; Leo Coi iveau, 60., 80., 54.; 'Meta Surerus, 34., 70., 68, • William Blackwell, 44., 76., 51.; Russe] Preeter, 37., 52., 67.; Frank Siebert, 39., 40., 67.; Leonard Hud- son, *, 80., 58. Sr. III.- Dorothy Campbell, 55. 88. 81; Lillian Weseloh, 45, 96,82; Edna Zettel, 44, 100, 53; Iva Kalb- fieisch. 35, 64, 78; Ivan Kalbfleisch, 60, $2, 44; Bert Siebert, 30, 64, 52; Teddy Wagner, 40, 76, *; Ward Fritz, 44, 5$, *; Lee O'Brien, 35, 614, * i KAI lioNE ZURicH * abs,ent for test. Mr. N. Dahms, Principal. IIID!!!'!IIIA!I11111111111i 1111111111IIIIIIIIIIII11111!111111IIIIII1011111111III!!!III11111IIII iiiiliiiiiiii11iill'ilr'!!!I III11111111!NIIIIIN(IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiUllIIIII!IIIIIIIIIillllllllllilllIltllllllllllllllllllllll!'III DRUGS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEVS, USE SALTS If. your Back is aalaio.g or Bladder bothers, d: ink lois of water and eat less meat We gi redit to New Years to Priloopt. Pay r stom rs. nnounce.ment The business conducted for many years, under the name of C. Hartleib will henceforth be known. as. Ilartleib► Faust. Mr, S. E. Faust has:takem a. half share. in. the business dating from August 21st. - The firm. will be better prepared. thanever to sup. ply your needs in Hardware,, Paints, Furniture,, etc., at the lowest prices. ' Special attention paid to Furnace Work,, Eaves troughing, etc.. When your kidneys hurt and your baolc feels sore, don't get seared and proceed to load your stomach with •a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys cl an like you keep your bowels clean, n, •flushing them with a mild, harmless gh. removes the body's urinous waste and stimulates them, to their nor- mal activity. The function of the kid- neys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they' strain frons it .600 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vital importance of keeping the kid- neys active. Drink lots of water -you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about` four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This;, famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Lithia, and has been used for genera. tions to clean and stimulate clogged kid- neys; also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer is a source of irri- ta,tion,'thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in- jure; makes a delightful effervescent Lithia -water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kid- neys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache. I-Iartleib & Faust Hardware and Furniture Zurich HURON'S LARGEST COMBINAToOiN STORE at:384a6:3✓ 3 3 3r £ 51CZROF.t s xe rx 7E113 EM:X 4tortsicsa 0 WANTED Will pay highest cash price for Cream § Fowl and Eggs delivered at my r esid enoe,. 0 Cream, Eggs and Pawl Zurich, at any time during the week. Phone 5, ZURICH. ozztrotztEOZ:38E341 A Trial Solicited 1 • FRED THIEL ZURICH GOO AS THE HEAT. Let us have your order for Special " rF :, ad. Men's Suilstan tK' fi Mrder Overcoats Prices ,Right and' FiV:,Guaranteed "Good as the Wheat" is an old motto, about as much the last word in nieaninig as "Safe as the Bank of England." A bag of No. 1 Northern, cleann as a whistle of cockle: and doxtail, was a symbol of sure value long before gold wasknowln in the world. Wheat has been 1ou'nfd in the Pyramids. TheEgyptians just about worshipped wheat, The Bible ,calls it corn ; so do the English. But when we say "good as wheat" we refer to the bushel of brown, hard kernels worth by •Government fixture this year, $2,20, In the memory of living pian when did "good as the wheat" mean more thain it does now? Never. A bag of wheat weighing twobushels and a peek tots up in 1917 to just about the value of a five -dollar glold piece. But of 'course aio anon wants gold. for his wheat. All he gets is a, (check made out in, his favor On some bank and signed by the man- ager of some elevator company or milling ,concern,,,; The check is converted into bills or goes on deposit. Good wheat; good paper; nobody asks any questions. Because theecolnipany is 0. K. and the bank is so&nd, If any wheat -seller had any doubt of either he would at once demand something else. • "I sold good wheat," he would say. - "I. want ,something as good. in exchange." ,What made the wheat good? The good 1ar(m+er behind it. A poor farmer can make good seed into, poor wheat. What makes the paper money good? The security of the cor- . potation whose name it bears. The sounder the •,eorporatioin, the, nearer the paper comes to being as good as the wheat. But even, a big ,eoenpany may go "broke." Tack of the corporation is a can - cern whose guaralntep on a piece of paper is better than either. The pledge of the Dominion of Canada to pay any mien money for value, i eceivecl is as good as the wheat and as safe as the Bank of, Englund) The best pledge of the Dominion of 'Canada to pay is a Canadian 'Victory Bond; 'better than checks or bills -AS GOOD AS WH1;AT1 Suppose you !change that twenty'hags of wheat on your wagon, not into a !cheek or notes or even gold: but into Ca(na,dian Viletory Bonds of $50 each, beaxi1rt,g iintaijest at dive and one'half per cent. per annum, aukt as negotiable on the market as the best„ check ot', the b^st load of wheat you ever Baty? • It's worth rouskiar'ng. MEN'S TIET The very latest, 25e to $1.00. NEW SHIRTS Beautiful line of new shirts just arrived, $1.00 to $2.00. WARM CAPS A full line of Men's and Boy's caps 50e to $2.00 RAINCOATS. We carry -a big stock in this line A coat for rainy weather or a dress coat. $5,00 to $16 FREE! New Idea Fashion Sheets Come and SWEATER .COATS In all .colors and sizes, with ter' without collars. FURS A big range of Ladies Furs, Plush Coats, etc. Special heavy coating $2.50 per yd, TEDDY BEAR BLANKETS !AND QUILTS ..qt• $1.00 arid. $1.75. :COCOCA RUGS • $1,00 to $1.75. They can be waeba ed. IFREE! a. are now out for November, procure one. Wrapperettes, Flannellettes, and Eiderdowns all bought before the big advance in price WANTED Dutch Setts, Live Poultry, Large Onions and all kinE& of Farm Produce. T L. WURM Phone 28 NEW !DEA PATTERNS AN OPPORTIJRITY you should not Miss I have on hand the following which were bought befori the big advance in price. Buy now and save money, ON PETER HAMILTON CULTIVATORS I can save you $16 each. The se cultivators are second to non% and are giving the best of satin faction. 1 ON LOW -DOW N MANURE SPREADERS 1 can save you $26 each. On ly two left. On WAGONS, I can save you $,20. On BUGGIES $25, Onk HAY RAKES $8. Only one left, Also one LITTER CARRXFR OUTFIT on whiich I cam save y ou $20. One price to all, these are no consignment goods. The above tact% and prices speak for themscives, Clef at once if y,ou !need any of these as I have no tine to oainvass. A new line of Cutters. DeLaval Cream Separator Agency We handle pumps, piping, etc, PR NG URIC Fit