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Zurich Herald, 1917-11-02, Page 5
The Chucrhes EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES l untIay, Geri an 9.15 a. m, " Sunday School 11.00 a. m. " )Service English ...7.:30 •p:n, "i'ueeday Jr. Y. P, A. 7.80 p.m Tuesday, Y. P. A. ... 8.15 p. m. 'Tlaursdae Prayer Meeting 7.30 p.m. Friday, Choir Practise ... 8 30p, in Ladies' Aid, first ,Wednesday ev- ening ,of each month S:p;m,. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School .....l .....J 9 a. m;. German Seevi^_es, Sunday 30 30a.m, English Service, !Suinday 1.30 pant. Luther League, Friday 8. p. m.. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month at •2.30 la, m. LEGAL. CARDS. I,'ROUDFOOT, KILLORA i`T, & COOKE. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Haaniiton St, Goderieh. Private funds to loan at do vest rates W.. PROODFOOT,. K. C. J. L. KILLORAN. H. J. 1). Coorcr. Mr. Cooke will be in Hensel' ou Friday and Saturday of each week. Dr. E. S. Hardie D ENTIST :At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY )ASHWM©OD EVERY 'THIIESD.1&Y VAIN OFP CE — MEN-SALL. Gr Hess SI COs JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS Re.tairi7zg a Sy5eczatty THE CELEBRATED DIELEWARE AND HUDSON 'CO'S. 0 THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE D A. Cantelon Hensall Phone, Offiee. 10; ^House, st0, Br Zurich MARKET Fresh arid Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASII FOR SKINS & HIDES 7',n,gbii t & Deihia Theo nne insuarnce Co. P Td -up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders n9,536477.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $ 100 for 8 years, and your house for 80 cents per $100 for 8 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. G. HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich Dealer in Lightning Rods Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC SLAC I will have large shipments of D,asie Slag in for fall use. Part - les mantling any should notify me at .an eiarly date, Ask your neighbor about ee- sults from using tthe Basic Slag, PRICES MUCH LOWER THAN ORDINARY FERTILIZER •Ontario Fertilizer also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made by one of the larg- est Canadian Companies. Agency fpr' 00.trtmercial Fertilizers for *Very purpose JOSEPH RAS! R:Zurich. LOCAL NEWS Mr, Herb. Wurm, of the west, is, visiting at 1313 homle here. 1Ir. 0. Fritz was the host on Wed nesday evening at a wild duck anti goose supper. .dbortt eight stanneb friends sat around the banquet table ana done ample justice to the goou eatables set betc,re thea. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered 111v anct Mrs Fritz atthe close of the supper followed by"Charlkys' a Jolly Good Fellow." FUEL ,S13ORT.ACLl` Many residents of Zurich 'and \Lenity are experiencing a seri- ous fuel shortage. Coal was ex- petted to arrive in sufficient quan- tities but very little has come to Hensel]. station., Wood is also very scarce and as high as $12 a dou.bitcord is asked. If some res lief cannot befound within the next few weeks maarny will. have, 7o suffer •during the coming win- ter. CANTELON-11APTL' E1.11 The naaatriage took place on Mond ter the 29th iust, in Weeenorehand Ave, Methodist church, Toronto, of Elea- nor, daughter of 11Ir. and Airs. Chas. Hartleib,Lurich, to .1ohu 11 Centelon of T'otonto, son of Mr. and Mrs Peter Cantelon, Clinton. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. Dr- Speer in the presence of a few relatives and friends. The bride a as unattended and wore a bine serge I ravelling suit, with fux far.:,.F:encb hat and corsage botuletof sweetheart roses. After the wedding breakfast the bride and groom left for western points. On their return Mr. and Mts. Cantelon will reside at the EIlauiount apartments, Ronoesoalles Avenue,--Cllobe, Oct 81. PARCELS FOR CAN ADIAN OVERSEAS Parcels addressed to members of, the • Canadian Expeditionary For- ces Overseas should bear the name' and address of a second address to \\horn the parcel may be deliv- ered or forwarded if it should pro- ve impossible to deliver to the first, The original address should be written on the ifrorit of the par- cel whereethe postage stamps are affixed., a%d• the second address should be written on the back of the "parcel 'Parcels cientaiiming • articles of a personal nature or of special. value will' be returned, if a request for their return in. 'Case of. non-delivery lis made by the sender, su^h request to be wri- tten on the cover of the parcel. Misses. Alvedct and ,Selma Wes- eloh are visiting-frinds and re- latives in Detroit. STRAYED Unto guy premises. C7nshen Lire, FT. ay, a brood sow. ()wnor can have same by proving property and peeling expenses. 3. Hey, Jr. PA.RTIES WANTIN(•, WOOD OOD PUMPS CALL ON MR, E. BOSSENBERRY ZURICH, AGENT FOR THE ONT- ARIO WOOD PUMP CO. If MAIR 13 TURNING CRAY, USE SAGE TER Here's Grandmother's Recipe to Darken and Beautify Faded Hair. That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brewing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Your. hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face, When it fades, turns gray or streaked. just an application or .two of Sage and Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mixture; you can get this /anions old recipe im- peeved by the addition of other ingredi- ents for 50 cents a large bottle, all ready for use. It is called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound. 'l: his can always be depended tipon to bring bath the natural dolor and lustre of your hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it dark- ens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply' dampen a sponge or soft brush with :it and draw this tlrrongh the hair, taking one small strand at at time; by morning the gray hair has disappeared, and after another application it becomes beauti- fully dark and appears glosay and lus- trous. This readeato-use preparation is a delightful toilet requiste for those who dej4re dark their and a youthful appear. ance. It it; not Intended for the cora, mitigation or ,prevantioa sf disease, FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 120 acres, being lot 21 and part lot 22, eon. 7, Hay Good buildings and late l is all go- od, and well .cultisated. Plenty) of good water. Convenient to market, church and school, This is a desirable farm being situated on the Zurich Road. For 'articuli ars apply to Solonton Schroeder, R. R. No. I, Zurich, 16fit. HOUSE FOR SALE Situate in Vil'age of Dashwood, A neat comfortable dwelling with, all kinds of fruit trees, ate., For pauticulars apply to G. H, Pfile, Dashwood, Ont. 15-e, • .GRASS FARM FOR SALE :Splendid 100 -acre grass farm for sale, in Sta'ax'ey'Iownship. Plera ty of water. Will be sold at lose figure. 'For particulars apply, to Andrew. F. Hess, Zurich. FARM -FOR SALE, For Sale, lot 22, S. B., Stanley,' containing 101 acres, On the prem ises is a good frame house, a large barn with two driving sheds and other, out builditngsWell fenced and drained and' plenty of good water. The farm: is in a 1 first class state of cultivatior.For full particulars apply to .11. C, Zapfe, . Blake, tint. L. 0 0 K! Why not use the best coal? SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. C. E CASE & SON MOH 83 HENSALL ,A Full Supply Stovepipes and on hand. look over X'Sk7!ae for everyday A large will stand LOUIS- Drysdale Elbows All sizes. 'Come and our line of. ' ti wear. stock of the kind th.t the hardest wear, BRISSON LOCAL AGENT WANTED —for— . ZURICH and district —to sell for— "THE OLD RELIABLE FONT - HILL NURSERIES" Splendid {list of Stock For Fall planting, 1917 and Spring ,planting 1918 Including many new varieties; which we alone control. Send for new illustrated cat- alogue, also Agent's Proposition; Handsome free outfit; Exclusive Territory Liberal Commissions. Stone & Wellington:.. The Fonthilt Nuseries (Established 1837) T I-) R 0 N T C 1911 - CLUBBING LIST Herald and Daily Globe ..... ....$4 75 " "' Weekly Globe 1 7a Daily Mail and Em- pire 4 75 Weekly Mail and Empire 175 Toronto Daily Star 8 25 " Daily News '8 25 " Weekly Star1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition3 60 Evening Edition8 60 Weekly Edition, 1 85 London Advertiser Morning Edition 3 60. Evening Edition3 60 Weekly Edition.,1 75 Farm & Dairy 1 75 Weekly San 1.80 Farmers Advocate2 40 Montreal Fan -lily Herald and Weekly "Stat'. 2 10 Weekly Montreal Witness 2 25 " Canadian Country- man 1 50 .ca it 4' it it li ai 1t 1t sa it {, W AR••TIME W0N011'l;Y For years and centuries Prove icteu e has favored ored teed sanr.od orf •W!e lens{w (oo., wl:at ;food econ- omy ..meant. We ate .alnd drank as we pleased. To -day we have MI 02 the most moltentou3 quest- ions Seeing us, that .ever fae d ar nation, that of ';War ;T irne Econ- olny." This is a sulap:a which contains s'o touch that one couuld easily' write a bctik, on it. Very often we allow ourselves to believe that the wealthier elan- ses 'are (the ones that could and should economize btu, .we all have realized how even those in the; humbler walks of life can aid in this great war question, if each does his or her part, no "natter how small it is. It is out o1 small deeds that the larger grow. 0 Much has been written and said regarding economizing along the domestic line, in order that . our gallant boys and men, Who are fighting our battles will ootknow need. Certainly Much can bel saved in the house. Mulch can be, done to lighten the existing trou- bies. First no waste or extrav- agance of. any sortshould b: in- dulged in oe allowed. Then in the use of whole wheat great wis- dom can be shown. Not one mor- sel should be wasted; furthermore much can be saved by using sub- stitutes such as; rye or graham, flour, bran, cornmeal and oatmeal. These. can be mixed. with the white' flour in order to lessen the am - punt .used. .Another way of helping its by saving all the fat cuttings from meats and extra ting the fat. It is wonderful how 'much scan be collected in Chid way. Still another way is to can or dry all the fruit and vegetables which you cannot use for present use so that the demand on the can-. ned goods put up bly the ntanuf-' acturers will not be too great. This will 'leave the canned goods for overseas shipment, Fletcher claimsevery person cats :oo much, that if people ate only Calf and mlasticated it thoroughly ve would be a better and stranger are. We could do well. to fol - ow /his teachings, Don't forget that an ounce of and or an ounce of anything sav- ad in every 'household retakes oatrels of 'food for the heroes at .he front.. Child eel) should ;not b;e served, rn, .overportioln which very often s°` Wasted. A : family .house -wife should study her 'family's needs Fell enough, to know just how iauch to cook. a rE'leo'nbmy should be used by Measure seekers to a great ex - What is a Huron & Brie Debenture? It is tide promise of the Director" 10 pay a definite sura upon a definite date, with half yearly interest meanwhile at a stated rate.' Behind this promise to pay stand the total assets of('orpozation amounting to over msv-eriteen "millions of dollars; .inti Fest is computed from the day the investment is made. The yield rate is 5 per cent per annum for any term of one. two, three, four or five years. Why not ask for farther partionla h MORTGAGE C R: �'OF, 'ION CH,i TERED 18.1 " Dildo than. ths Dominion of'<'`;..7:.ada 10 HEAD OFFICE : LONDON, ONT. Applications for Debentures recei:A. by ANDREW REW HESS,X+ ri 'int ZURICH, ONTA J grow L1 . tent in the way of car riding o1 era going and so -forth. Cars should not be used except on .business. You can also practise economy in the use of coal. Fires shoulC not be started uol.es3 it is ab::o:ui- ely necessary so as to help to les- sen the dean ad. In the 1'ne of Cress we could ec- onomiar an:1 make our old ore3 do a little longer. From these strong po ats we conclude that "War Time Econ- omy" is necessary to prevent fam- ine so that our soldiers do not have to starve, for Napoleon said that no soldier who lives en too little or poor food can fight well to uphold the honour of his coun try. —A Fifth -Form Pupil of Z. P. S Ole omargine has been legalized for use in Canada. The Govern- ment has taken off the ban which had existed for years against the manufacture and sale of oleomar- garine. Its importation also is permitted. This is welcome news especially, to the poor man, who has been mulched to the tune of from 40 to 45c a lb for butter, when it is real'•y',not worth it. BORN 1. Mcisaac— At Dashwood, on Oct. 29th to Mr. end Mts. Ylilfred Mc - Isaac, a daughter. U 1111) Wil'ert— Near Dashwood, on Friday, Oct 26 h, Lou'su. Wil'ert- of flay Township aged 35 years. and 11 tnonths. Armstrong— At Stanley, on Odt., 29th, George Loyd Armstrong, aged 28 years and 4 months. HEAD STUFFED UFFED FROM T LIA1 OR A COLD :i r Says C:r ca:a leeelied in Nostrils :z. Opens Air I'<. •es Right Up. ._+ a }4+ Instant r r'tr ;—r.o waiting. • Your; clogged n.:,str•;ib open right up; the, air; passages of you head clear and you can: breathe freely. :No more hawking, sniff= fling, blowing, ]teadael:c, arrness. Na struggling for breath at night; your sold or catarrh disappears. • Gel a small bottle• of Ely's Cream: �nlm from your druggist now. Apply; a .Tittle of • '?:his fragrant, antiseptic, healing erearn in. your nostrils. It pen- etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous mombrane and relief comes in- stantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed -up with a cold or nasty catarrh.. % las nd 137 ane Provide Thus,. 0j°, It will be greatly to the advantage of Canada if the entire quota of 100,000 men to be raised under the Military Service Act can be secured from the first class •; that is, from the men between the ages of 20 and 34 who were unmarried or widowers without children on July 6th, 1917. This is almost self-evident for the following reasons: it is admitted that, between the ages of 20 and 34, the average man is at the height of his physical strength and is most adaptable to the change of conditions from civilian life; the military service of unmarried men and widowers without children would occasion less distress than that of most others, since they are largely without dependents. Also, it would entail less financial burden for Canada, through separation allowances, etc. Authorities estimate that, after all proper exemptions have been allowed, Canada should be able to produce from the first class 100,000 men fit for service, so the drain upon the duan power of the country will not be severe. Members of Class One will be well advised to present themselves for examination immediately to the Medical Board in their district. Upon examination as to their physical fitness, they will be placed in one of the following categories: Category A—if fit for service in overseas fighting units. Category B—if fit for service overseas in Army Medical Corps, Forestry Battalion, etc. Category C—if fit for service in Canada only. Category E—if unfit for military service of any nature. If not placed in Category A, the applicant will know that he is not liable for immediate service, but will go to the Post Office and send in a claim for exemption with his Medical Certificate attached, when he will re- ceive in due course a certificate of exemption until those in his medical category are summoned for service. Where a man, who is placed in category A, feels that exemption should be allowed, an application form can be secured from the postmaster. This form, when filled in, will be forwarded by the postmaster to the registrar of the district, and the applicant will be informed by mail as to the time and place for the consideration of his application by the Exemption Board. Issued by The Military Service Council.