HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-11-02, Page 1Vol. XVII I ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER..2, 1917P AL•D 7 N017 NEW FALL .HORS1E GOODS VA Our stock cif fall horse go ods has arrived and we cay supply your needs a little cheaper than you can buy them el- sewhere, We have a full line of HORSE BLANKETS, SASKATCHEWAN ROBES, RUGS, DASH APRONS, MITTS IAND GLOVES, HALTERS, HARNESS, ETC. We `:,have a few fur robes to ;clear below present cost. We have rings, either dor buggy or ,car, from $3.00 to 16.00 Come and see out Stock. 0 _. Rm F. STAGE ZURICH i S tisfed Hundreds 1 Can Satisfy You WE HAVE BEEN MAKING- A -ND SELLING• SUITS FOR MANY YEARS AND HAVE SATISFIED HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS. 'OUR EXPERIENCE GIVES YOU THE SATISFACTION THAT THE -WORK WE TURN OUT WILL BE SATISFACTORY IN EVERY PAR `ICULAR ' Get your clothe s made by one tvho understands the measuring and fitting. We will make you your suit or, if pref erred, will have it city made. Hundreds of samples to choose from. All our Boy's eats ani Overcoats are going under` cost WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN foossusess0e000s41e0cot ,,I; a asesesomms G90, .,0e Mr. Daniel Smith `visited frien- ds in Arko4,a over Sunday. WANTED- 1 ' carload of Dutch ,Setts at ogee. J •Gascho $z So;n. Mr, Clayton Hoffman of Strat- ford visited his home here, over Sunday, Revival services are being cone ducted in the Evangelical churcth this week. Mr Peter Lamont has returned from Toronto and is much impro- ved in health, MrsJohn Gaseho and daughter, are visiting "relatives in Pigeon, Mich., for a few weeks. New Ads -J. Preeter, R.F. Stade, R. N. Douglas, J. Hey, Jr., Victory Loan, Military Service. Mr. Arthur Truemner, of Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Truernner•, this week. Mrs. F. &less, Sr., is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs: A. Bisset, Goderich, this week. Mr. _Arthur Well, of Detroit, is home at present owing to the ilk mess of his father, Mr. H. Well,. Mr. L. Prang isoffering special inducements to persor:s needing farm implements. It will pay you to look up the prices. React his ad on page; 8 Mrs Mary Stel rk and . dauglrtee, Miss Margaret, who have been tis Wing,relatives at Dauphin, Man.,: returned to thee,." bailee 1•1'..er leveek. Mr. Norman Holtzman returned last week froinl a trip to. Fiske, Sask. He reports that crops in that section were about the aver- age this year. Wheat yielded a- bout 16 bushels to the acre. . .`Dutch Setts wanted, Highest ree 'ket price, T. L. Warm, :J)ui:ch Setts and large onions wtklnted in any quantity. O. Fritz. 'day ,council will meet porn Sat- uiN y for its ,regular monthly ses- sidtzs; Live poultry wanted every Frii- da - forenoon. Highest prices paid. J, Gaseho & ;Son, Mr. Alf Melick and family, Crediton, visited at the home M. I.` Hudson on,Sunday, :A number froru here attended the eulleral of the late L. Willert held at Dashwood on Molnday. of of Pohert Wilson, of Tuckersznith, haft been appointed returning of-- fico for South Huron in the coni- mi4; election. lr. Wm. iStelck, 14th con., had ae very successful sale last Thurs dae. Good prices were obtained, Mi , and Mrs. Stelck will make their >4INO} 4$ t04,a01111•{4 44• 44 4 4a .*,- their home with their sonein-law, ' �o�aratr�o iMwetf 110.11111 1.11111111.#10411111.41046484411.11114 -ft I NEW FALL, SHOES AN D RUBBERS Our stock was never so large, We can fit you. See our lines before sending your money to the city catalogue houses. R.epaiiriiug Neatly and Promptly Done Butter and eggs taken in exchange for shoes. e. FRITZ,; . rich The Home of Good Shoes aim Brown, for the winter, and 1115:!11111111111!III11111111111111i$1'11;a11111011IB1111811111111111'111:;1.11111111$111IIIIII1111111111 11111111llli!111111G1111III111U1111k11;11111!IIIIIIIIIli1111111111111111111111111111111111ii1i! 111111111ii111111111111!IpIIB ne's`t spring will move to Zurich toil reside, - Incorperated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 8 Branches in Ca .ada `. General Bankinget e . Business Trausat, d C! L A.13, LETTER OF CR eIT hK Iv "J1V`LY ORDER Sayings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Your Winter Needs Now is the time to buy your winter supply of Underwear Flannellettes Wrapperettes Dress Goods Wool Socks and Stockings Wool and Flannellette Blankets Men's heavy top shirts, Men's and Boys' woollen and leather mitts and gloves, etc. Also all the other staple linef at lowest prices. As all lines. are advancing in price you should buy :your needs now. A Pr o for• ar nDelude R. N. DOUGLAS BLAKE PHONE 11 on 82] iuumufuGiuuuuuumu�uiumiu „!!!!Illi::;illi'qu;li'i811111IlUlililliilll!I!IIHII": - 'iii!IIIIi:.iiiUil!i1111Gf5Ull!tlllllll ,Illih;t i ii;VIII'{iGd!1!!il91111;!I!:IPIP!IlBili!111911!11IIMIIliilii11111111111111111111111111111111118 me i' II•.h II•'g.y.'k't"gg.,l.•gl"i'•g.+'$,.1, u•,l•,II•+•3••D••'s•4'l.'i+ it"g.'l.'F•+.gg•+'g,.l•'II•.g .l.•l• •+'II• "f"'A ' +•i•44'1F d'A'A'y'l'.lg"g.,ll.'p"g ..1„g .l,.l"g„g t i l+ ,g .l fir' p'i,•; •r$+,lr•i•�••i • °nk k 3°ti 3 r 3r•t••II•�l•�••� o� o' �o �' /f• 1.l •l •„+.3••E••p •F •II •1 •�•��f•:•d••F•�°••i4 Tel e. 4111, :� y 4. ▪ Ladies'Flannelette' ETER'S HER SUGGESTIO Specials Night Gowns, 'high Gray Wool Socks 4 a 4.,T _ dC9g wi r �1 O O 4. `�' *+++++4.+++++...+++++++.z.., •'r ee te te 4 neck and long sleeves • 4.4+++++++++++4,,i -H4+++++4 :k .•i 40c and 75c .7. O•47,,7c 4 Children's Cashmere Hose in black, tan, red and white, ;pair, 30e to 75c. Bo.y's heavy ribbed hose in all sizes and prices. Ladies' wool mitts in Navy, red, white and black at 35c. Children's plain wool mitts in navy, red and black, all sizes .35e, pr, FLANNELETTES. Striped flannelette, striped in blue, gray a .and pink. :8 yards for x;1.00. FLANNELETTE SHIRTINGS, in dark stripes or checks at 15c and 20c, a yard- NEW FALL WRAPPERETTES in light and dark colors, 27 in- ehes wide at 15c to 13c.yd. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS in white or gray, blue and pink tborders 'sizes 11.'A and 121,4 . WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, plain white with blueor pink bord- segs, front $1,50 'up. • COMFORTERS, well quilted and cotton filled in one size only, at $2.50 ea'th. • LADIES' WINTER COATINGS nA. complete showing of all the 'latest weaves and 'shades for winter coats at $2.00 t'o $3,75. (CHILDRENSz COATS. Corduroy arelvet ,coats and plain cloth 3n blue and brown, lined throughout, ages 2 to 10 years, at a low 'price - CORDUROY VELVETS. A splendid display of corduroy vel - :vets in alt 'colors at GO alnd 75c ayyd, per 4. Ruminate acid beautify your homes by fitting up the rooms with electric fixtures. We have a nice assortment suitable for bed rooms, halls parlor, dining rooms and etc., at reasonable prices. Also a stock of Hot Point Electric toasters, Irons Grills, call and investigate, we also have a full stock of Tungsten and ,Nitrogen lamps from 25 to 100 watts. A full line of general Bard ware always on hand and prices compared with quality just a little lower than you get elstvhere. trtiemonesueormisoleimAmommaarimurnal TrZA J. F Ready -Made Clothing If youare in need of an over-. coat or suit it will pay you to buy now at old prices, ,awhile our pres- ent stock last. New gobds will be away up in prices. Snap in Caps A. job lot of men's and boys caps ranging from 50c to175e, Td clear at 25a each. ' Towels A. nice range of Turkish Bath Towels in stripes and coloxedgro- ands at 25e alnd 50c. Also plain with pink and blue borders with: space far initials at ,60c and $1.00. These are special values. Pi i low Cases Embroidered and Hemsttt.ehed at 90e to $1.83. Highest Price for Produce. tucked yoke, white Men's and Boys' Underwear A11 sizes of men's heesti fibbed wool underwear at last year's prices. :Also men's and boys fleece lined, and Penman's Under-, wear for men and boys. LADTSE' VESTS and DRAWERS. Splendid winter garments high neck, long sleeve evsts. and ankle lengths drawers. All sizea and prices. - Infants Vests, button -front, 1 to 12 years. Special at 30c and 35c each, • , ' i • 'or; I- i ' i ` A full range of children's Week drawers in sizes 2 to 16 years. Prices according to age. Aleo ladies sizes at 90e and $1.00 each. ,tiIMY COLLARS- The rew llreln 'collar for men, Just in at 20c each or 3 for 50e. Dutch Setts and Large Onions Wanted Live Fowl taken eery Friday forenoon M. T•'.�'"..' 14 ......V. ... RANGES and HEATERS The season is coming when you will need a Range or Heater and you naturally will avant the best and we would invite you to see our stock before you make your purchases, we still tmandle the cel- ebrated Peninsular Lin^ in 'all the different makes high. oven. Peerless Gilt Edge. Also many other makes. , And we guarantee any stoev we turn out to give entire satis- faction or your money back. Furnace work and plumbing a specialty. - Clover and Timothy Seed, Dutch Setts and live poultry, alikin- de of Farm Produce bottghteither for cash'or in exchange goods. Phone 9 ZURICH 44 4. 4. 4 4. 40. 4