HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-10-26, Page 8+++++ + 4 i ;oft We have the celebrated Ro gers •Coats again in stock in the 'newest styles : and cloths s uch as Plush, Velours, ;Baby Lamb Cloth, ;et:0.' Ne also have Misses and ch ildrens' sizes in •fashionable col ors. Do not fail to see the se should you require a new ,winter coat. Dress Goods +++ ++++++++++++T++++++++++++ ±•,II++i+++++y++{..k,+ i+.F+.g; •*17 4. h++ Ladie ..oats 4. • 0 • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • ' All wool Berges, in 'black, navy, greeln, brown, etc„ eta., b4 in, wide at ;from $1.25 to $ 2,50 per yd, These were all. bought before the advance in prices, and are excellent val 'ue at our prices. Also a Mull range of -velveteens in. ,corded and plain finish at from. 80e to $1.00 per yard, Silks Silks are in good demand for fall, wear and we would be pleased to show you our various lines in Duchess, Ha ibitues, Poplins, Pailettes„ crepe du chenes, Georgettes,etc. SPECIAL 1001y4 only, black Duchess, good weight, 30 inches wide at $1.50 per yard. Ladies' and Children's Underwear In Penman's all wool natural or white. These germ, lents are .w>.A made of pure wool and give .excelleFnt wear We also have flannelette gowns, ehildrens sleepers, sweater icoats, hosiery in cashmere, all Toll, and fleeced lined. e 's Wear Ken's . and Boy's fine suits, overcoats, raincoats, swea- ters, a complete range of underwear, hats, Baps, mitts ,gloves, soaks, ties ' and mufflers, COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, AND GET OUR PRICES. WE FEEL SATISFI- ED THAT WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR WINT- ER NEEDS. LIVE POULTRY, LARGE ONIONS, DUTCIH ;SETTS AND ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED. J. G o &Son 44 .t 4. 9 4. a 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++3+•i•++++++++4++4..444+44++++4+€+ 5:‘,/lassey.liarris Implements We have been re -appointed Agents for the above ;red Implements and' are prepared to take orders of all rids of Massey -Harris machines for next season. • WE ALSO KEEP IN S NOCK ALL KINDS OF MASSEY HARRIS MACHINE AND PLOW _ REPAIRS, We still sell Wagons. Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, and We repair the same class of goods. Square Deal Our Prices are always right H. DATARS, Travelling Salesman F. Hess & Son The Old Stand 000000000000000+'1000000000050000000000000$0*SS•000000 ++.++343+3+•1444+++4.+++++44' ++++++.1-144-:•++++++++++++÷÷44 + • � If you intend to build a garage we have 4. material of a1likinds for game on hand. 4. .II. Everything in 4' Lumber and Building Material 4. Combination storm and screen doors made to order.' Custom Planing our Specialty C. KAL' rLBISOJ1 PIIQNE 19 •++ 44.1-1444+4-1,44++++++++++++++++4+6++++++++++++++++++++...1.4 9 + 4 4 + +-+ .4; 1' + + + + + +3+ .+4• 9 + 9-4.-9 r ._ ZURICH +3+ +r 4 NEW HARNESS SHOP I have opened up a new harness shop hi; 'j Merner's Block, opposite the Commercial Hotel, 44 and am prepared to do everything in harness repairing, binder canvas repairing, etc �. Pull line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Cul r Combs, ateT 1 A Trial Solicited FRED THIEL ZURICH ,f„'. * -+1+ d+^.;+1+....+1. ..E.-- „1 -+€+-- -+i+ ^^�i�..•-�+-�,1.-+g.:. +1+ . .:.... 1 We give credit to New Years iiihliery opening to Prompt Pay Customers. OUR many frienda and customers are invited to view our charming display of Autumn Hats, on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 1 eb & 20th Idella E. Kine - LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday. Butter Eggs......... ... ,... .......... ..... Dried App1ee Potatoes Wheat Oats Barley ..•..,"., Buckwheat Flour • 5 Bran Shorts Low Grade Live Hogs fob g• - srich and days following. Everything New and Up-to-date Publicity` $conisfings Support .3$. NEW METHOD OiF APPLYING 42 THE LAW IS FOLLOWED t 05 100 2.10 2,10 Ottawa, Oct. lith;- Legislators 53 55 are foLowing With ucausual attent- 1 00 ion the work of the !Watery 'Ser- vice Council, a non-partisan body, in explaining to the Canadian peo- ple the provisiions and o peration #d oo of the Military ,Service Act. This 3.00 is the first time in .Calnadian hist 16 co,ory that such a method of plac- ing a law in operation has been adopted6 with every newspaper al and magazine in the country car- rying the message to the citiz- ens. 1 ; The advantage of publicity i9, now apparent to all, since with the dissemination of the facts re- .garding the Military Service Act public appreciation of its fairness and justice has grown by leaps and bounds in every section of Canada. ,WITH CLOSE INTEREST BY LEGISLATORS , bag 1 2fi 75 025 $38 00 Local News BAGGED 33 WILD DUCKS• • So far this season Mr. C. Fritz has bagged thirty-three wild ducks in one of his recent hunts ;this,' week he returned with nine of them. Mr. Fritz is widely known' for his hunting ability and the, ducks have very slim chances to get away when he is around with his "pumper." RATES REDUCED The rates on money orders to the United States have just been reduced by the postoffice depart- ment at Ottawa. They are now the saane as those for Canada.. These new regulations also cover. ;Cuba, Guam, Hawaii, Panama Cam al Ooze, Philippine Islandsf ,Portio Riico, the dependences'oil the United States. AUTO UPSET •1 While turning the korner at the 14th eon., and ;Zurich road, the Ford auto driven by Mr, Warren ISehilbe, ran into the ditch and upset. iHe lost ,control of the machine wheln he struck some new gravel on the road. His sister, Miss Emma, had her collar bon broken, the other occupants es- caping with some bruises. Th car was badly damaged. NOT MUCH NEWS A newspaper man could go sev- en days in a week, seven time a day and ask different persons fo the news and each time to be tol there is absolutely noticing goin on in this locality. When these people get the paper they some- times say;-- "H- there's not much news this week," and then, recall an item or two and . wonder why ¶:h.ey were omitted. When you know of anything of import- ance it hat has trainspired tell us every time. That's what we ar in the business for, To publish th el e 8 r d g news, 400th ANNIVERSARY The 400th anniversary of the Re- formation was fittingly observed in the Lutheran ;church last Sun- day. In the forenoon, Rev. H Reibe, Sr., of Hamilton, preach- ed a powerful sermon to a wel filled church. The evening ser- vices were also well attended and the pastor of the church deliver - .ed an interesting and instructive sermon. On Monday evening, a chicken supper was given in tha Town Miall alnd this was a great success, The proceeds amounted to nearly $200. A musical Pro- gram 'was given during the sup- per and the evening was fittingly, closed by, an illustrated lecture o' Luther and the beginning of Prot- estantism, givein by Rev. Mr Klehn, of Stratford. The pictures shown were very berautiful and the lecture was educating and up.ifting CARD OF PIf,ANK;S Mrs. G. Pollock wishes to thank, ,tire many ikilnd d'riends for thein assistance and sympathy during Distribution of Seed Grain and Potatoes fron,j jtfhe DOMINION EXPERIMENTAL FARM. 1917-1918. , y} RI instructions of the Hon. Min- ;iter •;of.Agriculture a free ' distri- bution ..._of .superior sorts of grain and potatoes will be .rade during the corning winter and spring to Canadian farmers. The samples of grain for distri- bution will consist of spring wheat about 5 lbs;; white oats, about 4 lbs.; barley, about 5 lbs.; ands field peas, about 5 lbs.; These will be sent out from the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, by the ;Dominion Cerealist, who will furnish the (necessary application forms. A distribution of potatoes in samples of about 3 lbs. will be caaried on from, most of the Ex- perimental Farms, the Central. Farm supplying the pro' iince of Ontario. All samples will be sent free by mail Only One sample of grain and one of potatoes, can be sent advised to apply very early, J. ,H. ,Grisdale, Director, Dominion Experiment- s al Farms. e ♦ Dutch Setts, Live Poultry, Large Onions and all kinds •of Farm Produce, to each applicant. As the sup? ply of seed is limited, farmers are rinouncement The business conducted for many years under the name of C. Hartleib will henceforth be known as Hartleib & Faust. . Mr. S. E. Faust has taken a half share in the business dating from August 2lst. The firm will be better prepared than ever to sup- ply your needs in Hardware, Paints, Furniture, etc., at the lowest prices. Special attention paid to Furnace Work, Eave. troughing, etc. Ilartlejb & Faust Hardware and Furniture Zurich +M33 HURON'S LARGEST COFIABINATION STORE 3E7S23E3i3E EiCtieE3i$E 81,3*# 311MR3+Eiarip8rE3E3E21* maR ligzgy 1 Cream, Eggs and Fowl i WANTED i Will pay ' highest cash price for Cream 0 Fowl and Eggs delivered at my residence, 0 Zurich, at any time during the week. lif m I, HUDSON, Phone 5, zuRIC3 • £3E3F 3r<3f 33084E30 0018 3F 34:318C3EyE11( ;1Let us haveyour order for St-l-iiiiadematoim... fader. Men's Suits and Overcoat PricesyRight ancl;,Fiti Guaranteed MEN'S TIES The very latest, 25n to $1.00, )NEW ARTS Beautiful line of new shirts just arrived, $1.00 to $2.00. WARM CAPS 1A full line of Men's and Boy's caps 50e to $2+00 c RAINCOATS. We carry a big stock in this line coat for rainy weather or a dress coat, 55.00 to $16 SWEATER COATS In all .colors and sizes, with without collars. 1F URS A big range of Ladies Furs= Plush Coats, eta. Specialheavy coating $2.50 peryd* TEDDY BEAR BLANKETS LAND QUILTS At' $1.00 and $1.75, COCOCA RUGS $1.00 to $1+75. They can be wash ed. FREES t:FRE ! New Idea Fashion Sheets are now out for November. Come and procure one. Wrapperettes, Flannellettes, and Eiderdowns.'. all bought before' the big advance in price WANTED SAGE TEA DARKENS HAIR TO ANY SHADI I Don't stay Gray! Here's an Old-time Recipe that Any- body can Apply. recent sad bereave,tnernt. NOTICE` Persons who were awarded priz- es for their exhibits at the Zurich Full fair can obtain the prize motley thn s.101+"t%try, A. F. Ilcsg,'oa z o..d3•, i Yw!...,.+ tri " M' The use of Sage and Sulphur for re- storing faded, gray hair to its natural color dates back to grandmother's time. She used it to keep her hair beautifuliy dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. tut brewing at ]come is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at ,any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of " Wyeth's Sege and Sulphur Compound," you will get thin famous old 'preparation, improved by t +e addition of other in- gredients, whir,. ran be depended upon to restore natural +o1or and beauty to the' hair. ,;. A we]I+i:iion ; owntown druggist says ft darkens 011e• lair so naturally and evenly that ate': ;ly can tell it has been applied. You ' tuply dampen a sponge or soft brush ; ith it and draw this through your ta•, taking one strand at a time. lly n , ruing f lcc gray hair dis- appears, and a ' i• another application or two, i4 beeom 3 beautifully dark and glossy. •Wyeth's . n' .• arid Sulphur Compound is a delightful .ri]c t requisite for those who dash., n 1,•,• }outhfnl altpe rahce, 7t la not 'a tp• x ,y, .f,.• !+` it 7, m :`orttkko T. L. WURM Phone 28 NEW IDEA PATTERNS OPPORTURITY you should not miss I have on hand the following which were bought before the big advance in price. Buy now and save money.. ON .PETER HAMILTON CULTIVATORS I can save you $16 each. The se •cultivators are second to noins Ahad are giving the best of satin faction. , ON LdW-DOW N MANURE SPREADERS I can save you $26 each. •0•n ly two left. On WA.GONSI, :I can save you $,20. On BUGGIES, $25, Oa HAY RRAKES: $8, Only one left. Also one ;LITTER CARRIER OUTFIT on rVhicli I can save 3rou $20+ One prince to a11, these are no consignment goods. ''''"*".".4"."-"" The above fact. and ]>rices; speak for themselves, Cay• at once it you need any ofthese as I have no time to ,cainvase, A new line of Cutters. DeLaval Cream Separator Agency We handlep -u: p5, piping, etc. •