HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1917-10-26, Page 5The Chucrhea EVANGELICAL CHURCH SERVICES �Iu ... uc},�y, German, ,.,r .. 9.45 a. m. ' .Sunday School 1,1,00 a, in. "' .Service English ...7.30 p.m, Tuesday Jr, 'Y: P. A. ... 7,80 p.m' Tuesday, Y. F. A, ... .. 8.15 p. m. Thursday Prayer Meeting 7,30 p.m, Pariday, Choir Practice -..- 8 30p. m Ladies' Md, first (Wednesday ev- ening of each snot th 8.p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School ...' ...1 .....J 9 a, m. Gelman Services, Sunday 10 30a.m. English Seavice; Sunday 17.30p.m, Luther League, Friday 8. p. gym. Ladies' Aid meets first Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. nx, goommonommtomm LEGAL QARDS.`• PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & GOOLE. • Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public ex. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton S4., Goderich. Private funds to loan at lo •vest rates W. PRAUDJFOOT, K. C. J. L. J ILLORAN. H. J. D. Comae 147x. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE - HENSALL. Gr. R. Hess & Co JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS Reftairing a Sj5eczalhy THE CELEBRATED DELBWARE AND HUDSON CO'S. L ACR(AYJAFI A �a STANDARD ANTHRACITE A. Cantelon Hensall D•ffice 10•; `Hoose,, t10, B. iirich Meet MARKET •ta-Vresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES u , hlut & Deic cert The Home Insuar ee Co Paid-up Capital $6,000,000 Surplus to Policyholders $19,5363.77.25 Insures your barn against damage by winder tornado for 40 eents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 3 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaranteed. C. HOLTZMAN Agent - Zurich 11 .oCAL STEW►, Dealer in Lightning Rods Cross Fertilizer Co. BASIC' SLAG 1 will have large shipments of Basic Slag in ,for f•all use. Part- ies wanting any should notify me n,t an early date. Ask y itr neighbor about re - suits from using tthe Basic Slag, 'PRICESMTTCH LOWER 'THAN ORDINARY FERTILIZER Ontario Fertilizer Potatoes ' ea iced ---T, L. Warm. Mr. 1•I. Well is on the sick list. Rein. F, 13 Meyer is spending the week at Port 'Elgin. Capt. Ferguson of Bayfield was in town on Wednesday.. Mr. John pumart of Kitchener calsect on friends an town on Tues- day. A despatchfrom Ottawa states that wholesale dealers in potatoes must have a 'license. Miss. Marjorile Fritz, of London, is viisiting her cousin, Miss Dor- othy Fritz, this week. Limited number ofthe celebr-, ated Young's strain . of White Leg- horn cockerels for sale.' Pricer $1.00. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. Mr, F. C. Kaibfleiheh's new! FARM 1'OR SALE 1Consisting of 130 acres, being lot ,••a 31 and part. lot 32,�•�eon..7, H y. Good 'buildings, and :lan;'1 is all ge- ode and;. well ,cultivated. . Plenty) Of good water. 'Conveinlent to market, church and school. This ls, a, desirable farm being situated on the Zurich Road. For particule ars apply to +Soloraon )Sehrgeder; R. R. No. 1, Zuri,ch, 16-4t, HOUSE. FOR SALE ..: Situate in Village of Dashwood. A neatcomfortable dwelling with; all kinds of fruit trees, etc., For particulars apply to G. H. Pfile, Dashwood, Ont. 15-4. GRASS FARM FOR SALE Splendid 100 -acre' grass .:farm for sale, in iSta'n'ey Township. Plan ty of water. Will be sold at low, figure. For particulars apply to. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich: . . ,G...regular meeting t1e 73 a:ti l bnanoh or the Wo.aele's Institutq oras held at the home of Mrs,Wrn. nt October d iG r e on 2 Th., meet ing was opened in 'the usual way atter which a good deal of bus- mess was transacted. It was de-. leided at this meeting to send a Xmas.' box to each of the ,boys sfroiu th is vicinity, who are .serv- ing King ,and <Country. Any one wishing to donate home-made candy, fruit cake, or anything suit- able may bring or send to the next ..meeting, when the boxes will be packed, The meeting will be held at the •home of Mrs. Sam Hey on November .6th. All lad- ies are welcomle. The following is the monthly ,shipment of Red Cross work of the Women's Institute; 19 pair socks, 32 towiels, 3 suits pyjamas, 11.• rgait e.k itrtay, uc nmear dine, who has been v'iisi.ing her brother, MA. Went,. Finlay, has left for Centralia where she will Visi.i, her brother, Rev:. W. A. Finlay. She was aeoompanie:l by her ,niece Miss Alberta Finlay*,,: " At the Canadian Public Health Congress in Ottawa Iast week, the speakers, mostly an.adical men and women from all parts of Canada, told of the spread of venereal dis- ease during the past last few years and some of them said that this ease was without exception the greatest menace in the ciivilized world to -day. STORING CELERY Celery should be stored in a cool place where the temperature does not gb•above 40. If it gets much above that the celery will Mr. N. Kennel spent the past rot. In digging the celery, leave. ' 1 ` th f 'i d ' i • a d nea two or three inches of the .root FARM FOR SALE Baden. on, and set in earth directly in the lot22,S. B. Stanley, tivg Lang Foster bad a •bee cut- cellar or in boxes. The atmos - Foe Sale, txn,g corn on Monday afternoon. phere should also be fairly moist. containing 10) acres. On the prem; Silo filling is the order of the The celery is really transplanted house is nearing completion. rhe‘' ises is a good frame house, ' a . Ray, as after it has been lin the cellar first coat of plaster has been put large barn with two driving sheds Quite a number from this vicin- two or three weeks it starts a on and the carpenters will soon and other out buildings. Well. Ity be busy with the inside woodwork fenced and drained, and plenty of •attended the fowl supper at slow growth, Forming new stocks When •completed it will be One of Zurich, Monday night. • ; at the heart at the expense of good water. The farm{ is in" a Mr. Bech'er, Sr., is visiting at thw the older leaves. This keeps up the finest homes in Zurich. first class state of cultivation.For ome of Mr. John Bechler, up till some dime in January. Mr. and Mrs. •Clayton Smith of full particulars apply to H. C. .- Mrs. Desch returned home last St. Joseph, were visitors at Bad- Zapfe, Blake, Ont. Week after an extended visit SUGAR SHORTAGE en and New Hamburg, over Sun- with friends in the west. IIS k'A11/L[NE. day. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilhelm; Miss Oestreicher spent the week-, Food Control'•er Hoover announ- who had been spending several encl at her home near Crediton. I ces that the sugar famine in the weeks with them accompanied LO K Why not use the best coal? Mr. John Dinsmore of Vonguard • United States is at hand, and that them to their Home in Baden. Sask., arrived home in time to at- i rigid selfdenial on the part of ' necessity. Not long ago it was confidently said that he would set! the price of sugar at a reasonable, 1 level—with the usual result. What is need••^ - din the United States aa' Iwell as Canada appears -a Food • Controller. The anomaly appea- rs to be true that no co•ntrol'er at would be be The world's barley crop is 464,- 289,000 bushels, an increase of 2,4 per cent; the rye crop, 89,950;000 bushels, an increase of 10.7 per cent the oat crop, 1,995,504,000 bushels, an increase of 19.9 per cent, and the corn crop, 3 273,993,000 bushels, an increase of 25,3 per cent. Algeria, the latest country to. report, shows wheat production of 29,715,000 bushels, an increase of 1.9 per cent over last year. Her oats crop is 18,046,000 bushels, an increase of 44.2 per cent, and her barley crop 33,208,000 bushels, a decrease of 7.7 per cent. The fall assizes for the county of Huron will open Monday, Novem- ber .5th, before Mr. Justice Suth- erland,. The case of James 111.cCi acken, of Morris township, ,charged with the murder of his Wife on July 22nd last, is to come up lot trial. Mr. T. R. Ferguson, K C . of Toronto, 'will . be the Crown proseutor. '. A Missouri farmer; aiecorlling to the St. Louis Lumberman, -w nt to, the "general store" keeper; an old-time friend, to buy a buggy. It was priced at $90, and thefar- mer said his father, twenty years ago, bought one just like it for $60. The merchant looked up the record of sale and found that the father had turned in .00 bushels of corn for that buggy. He toad the son to' deliver to him 300 bushels of corn, and he would give him A $90 buggy, $73 wagon, $23 suit of clothes, $20 dress, $5 baby dress $5 crib, $3 worth of candy', $10 worth of sugar, $10 worth of tea, $100 worth of gasolene, $15 worth of lubricating oil. The total fi,;- ures, $353, is the present value of 300 bushels of corn.. The farmer concluded 1':•o pay cash for the. buggy. T also sell the above brand of Fertilizer made by one of the larg- est Canadian Companies. Agency for Commercial Fertilizers for ovary purpose JOSEPH RAH go Nil) 2. Zalrich- FAi LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Take a glass of Salts before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers you. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with nrio acid which the kidneys strive to filter, out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the eliminative, tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine ie cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, get from your phar- macist about four ounoes of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneye will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Mills, and has been'used for generation to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the 'urineso it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in- jure, snakes a delightful effervescent lithia-water beverage, and belongs is every home, because nobody can maker a mistake by haying a gaud kianez flush- ing any, time, SCRANTON COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. P11 C. F VASE & SON ONE 35 HENSAL.L .A Full, Supply Stovepipes and Elbows on hand, All sizes. Come look over our line of. and for everyday wear. A largestock of the :Bind that will stand the har'dest wear. LOUIS BR SS Drysdale tend his father's funeral which sad izens of that country is a prime i event accused lase week. Among others who attended the Yfuneral •from a distance were; Mrs. Smi- thers and Mr. and Mrs. John Pierci of Toronto, and Mrs. Col- lins of Lc nylon•. • Miss M.,, e Ferrell has returned to her home in Kiencardise, after spending a month with her cous- in, Mrs. W+.. Finlay. Ts LOCAL AGENT WANTED —for— ZURICH and district —to sell .for— "THlr OLD RELIABLE FONT HILL NURSERIES" Splendid ilist of Stock For Fall planting, 1917 and Spring plantii.g 1918 Including many new varieties • which we alone control. Send for new illustrated cat- alogue, also Agent's Proposition. Handsome free outfit; Exclusive Territory. Liberal Commissions. Stone a, WellingtolJ The Foothill Nuseries (Established 1837) - oER O TC 1991 CLUBBING LOST Herald and Daily Globe $1 75 Weekly Globe -1 75 Daily Mail and Em- pire 4 75 Weekly Mail and Empire 1 75 " Toronto Daily Star 8 25 Daily News 8 25 '4 I1 41 '4 I[ I, 14 Weekly Star.. 1 75 London Free Press Morning Edition..., 8 60 Evening Edition.... 3 GO Weekly 'Edition 1 85 " London Advertiser Mornipg Edition 8 80 Evening Edition3' 60 Weekly Edition..,1 75 " " Farm & Dairy 1 75 " -Weekly Sun 1.80 Farmers Advocate2 40 " Montreal Family Herald and Weekly 2 10 Weekly Mon breal Witness 2 25 Canadian Country- man 1 50 all .ces best, if the food pri- are to controlled. It -you " e e going to have your hense painted this year, I cep sa ve you money, ON 1T13E J1oB3 1stinnates cheerfully given on n•w, work. nl. NEW WORK A SPECIALTY HLITTLE Henan PAINTING, GRAINING, PAPER. ' HANGING i Also carry a full line of up -to date wall 'papers. proisammovemoomassumetumuustesuenozamanteca Jr Andrew F. Hess CONVEYANCING, ETC. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AGENT FOR GREAT WEST PERMANENT -LOAN CO. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ACCIDENT INSURANCE Herald Office Zurich The Globe makes the apt and timely observation that people who have never known luxury will not have to be taught how to avoid waste of food stuffs. There is altogether too mush preaching to. the common people these days. If the wealthy people in the cities would dispense with some of their luxuries the country would have saving that would be worth while. Th:e money that is spent in expen- sive yachts, automobi'es, summer outings and needless luxuries at home would soon make a respect- able war fund. 7 kV -7.--'!1.`?':` \ Irpp _8441 y3„ COOK BROS., cessary Far Equipment ORE and more the Ford car is looked upon by progressive farmers as neces- sary farm equipment, the same as the plow, the hay -rake, the drill, the mower, the harrow and other labor and time -saving machinery. • A farmer with a Ford car can dispense with one or two of his horses and make the trips to town, railway station, creamery, or to the neigh- bours in one-third the time. In fact there is no farm machine made that will save the busy farmer and his busy wife so much valuable time as a Ford. And it's'so easy to take care of—far easier than a horse. No bed to make, or hay and oats to get, no harnessing and unharnessing, and no stables to clean. The Ford practically takes • care of itself. Ask any farmer who owns a Ford if he would ever again try to get along without it. His answer will hasten your decision to own one. THE UNIVERSAL CAE Touring - s $49S ,e Runabout - • $475 21a:, F. 0. B. FORA ONT. DEALERS, cti•,�1. ENSALL 1